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13845388 No.13845388 [Reply] [Original]

Do Christians hate him because he told them the truth?

>> No.13845393

Well duh.
Hate isn’t a strong enough word

>> No.13845399

He is rich in dopamine, and was killed by a psycholath

>> No.13845403

I hate him cause his moustache is wack

>> No.13845407

>Do Christians hate him

>> No.13845413

he is much more powerful to use against any group that is not orthodox Christian, because its show them where their logical ideological end is, in nothing.

>> No.13845415

Believe it or not, but Christians still believe in Divine hierarchy. A good quality non-Christian can and will be seen with good faith and intent - it's not all rejection.
However, low quality non-Christians such as yourself... Well, you're practically filth in my eyes.

>> No.13845418

didn't he told us that there is no truth?

>> No.13845422

Do Nietzscheans hate christians because they told them the truth?

>> No.13845425

dubs of truth man, checked

>> No.13845428
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>> No.13845433

That depends ultimately on the nature of truth. Revelations and drastic changes have happened in the past - protestantism may reject the Living and active God in favor of Sola Scriptura.

The end of the Jewish rule (through their media-clergy) may have started with Pewdiepie's troll video, God willing. We'll find out.

>> No.13845435

This. It's time to grow up, OP. Go to church.

>> No.13845449


>> No.13845474

Trolls or underage

>> No.13845484
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You are a pest of the highest degree. Why do you still post here when everyone hates your guts? Subhuman masochist.

>> No.13845493

Impossible, because Christians have the Truth.

>> No.13845498


>> No.13845615

Kill yourself tranny freak

>> No.13845624


A truth which apparently cannot be tested in any meaningful way

>> No.13845772
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but you Nitchefags don't like truths.

>> No.13845791
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>> No.13845808

Reminder: This is a board for literature. Not the bible or any other book that cannot tolerate the existence of other books not subservient to it

>> No.13845827

this too
yes, yes
Wait... was Nietzche a jew? Such a kike thing to say...

>> No.13845832
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>hating jews
>while worshipping one as a literal god

>> No.13845844

Why does Christianity make libfems seethe so much? >>13845808

>> No.13845847

oh buttefat you are falling low, now you sound like arrow girl.
>> go to /x

God is not jew.
Read the bible, he is punishing them in every book because they fail again and again. lol

>> No.13845850


>> No.13845867

>Not understanding that Jesus Christ, God made flesh, was a Jew and is often referred to as the king of them.

>> No.13845883
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>Why do you still post here when everyone hates your guts?
You have answered your own question.

>> No.13845885

>God creates jews
>therefore God is a jew

>> No.13845893

>Jesus is God
>God created the jews
>God is not his creation
>God is not a jew
>therefore Jesus is not a jew

>> No.13845899


>claim that Jesus is God in the flesh
>Jesus lived in Israel, went to the synagogue, claimed to fulfill the Jewish scriptures, and claimed Abraham and David as his ancestor
>somehow totally not Jewish

Antisemitic christcucks sure are a strange bunch

>> No.13845903

I am a Christian and I enjoy Nietzsche. I don’t believe Nietzsche is an atheist and I enjoy his metaphysics. I also find many of his criticisms of Christianity useful. Nietzsche was more of a critic of the Christianity he saw around him. In fact he had good things to say about Christ!

>> No.13845914

see >>13845893
Also, how can I be antisemetic if I don't hate the jews?

>> No.13845915

I suggest we ignore the feebleminded christcucks spamming ITT

Christians don't really hate him. He is a messenger, not the message. He happened to be alive during the time when christianity was losing the battle for the grand narrative of the society.
It'a over now. Christianity has been proven to be shallow and oppressive to the mind of European.

>> No.13845933

It’s funny that fedoras think they’re on his side, when 99% of them are still slaves, just to other shit. Nobody has changed at all

>> No.13845941

Read the Bible.
Mary descends from Ruth that wasn't jew. (if your mother is not jew, you can't be a O.G jew).

God doesn't care tho.

not jew, but nietzche was a luteran in denial.

>> No.13845964

Atheist still hold Christian slave morality close to heart.

>> No.13845969

>try to find a substitute for religion
>has a mental breakdown

What do we make of this, lads?

>> No.13845979

So the judaized version of christianity then.
>slave morality
You mean the one that utterly crushed the superior pagan master morality?

>> No.13846005

The most dominant widespread ideology in Europe nowadays, liberal progressivism, is secularized turbochristianity.

Nietzsche lost completely.

>> No.13846022
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Christianity as a faith has withered though, all that remains are its infectious morals, and the only antibiotic remaining it is the cleansing effect of raw nature, which is mayhap too late (fascism).

>> No.13846041

There's nothing wrong with progressive movements, especially towards pro-humanism ideologies. Problem is the hypocrisy of said movements. Their morals are muddled by degeneracy and hate for their adversaries. There's nothing inherently christian in that.

>> No.13846184

Mankind may want a substitute for Religion
But the substitute is going to be a Religion.
No ifs or but.

How did Nietszche lose, when everybody is proving him right? The faithless have children who needs faith, and they join cults because they have no meaning in their life.
Some even join Christian stuff, but its a long term dilution of agaphe in western society, of which the likes has never been seen before.
"Religion is the opium of the masses" is one of those statements that produce butt hurt, because the reader isn't literate enough to interpret it figuratively, and take its meaning.

>> No.13846331

>Religion is the opium of the masses
Not trying to be rude but what do you interpret it as?

>> No.13846616

If you go deeper than just surface skimming, what IS opium to the masses? A means to attain something to do with your time, that you don't dread doing. To the point where you are willing to spend a lot of time doing it, possible even starving yourself to do so.
But Opium is a drug, so the cause/effect is skewed. You do Opium for the effect, but you don't work into the cause to get there.

So for a actual religion you need the cause to be intact: there needs to be worthwhile interaction for somebody to be willing to invest time into religion. It needs to be worthwhile enough to go balls deep into time investment.
And to some degree that is also the difference between a cult and a religion: A cult need to use drugs, charisma or social coercion. Its in many cases not worthwhile, and will collapse once its glue dries out, or its leader dies. If anything, all the wonderbar documented cults of 20th century America is a good example: The leader or drugs dry up, they collapse, people wonder WTF they invested time into.
Meanwhile for the religion its a bit different, since it doesn't collapse after a generation. Its a very shrewd way of saying that a religion might be worthwhile, because people spend time on it, despite there being a investment of time needed to get the value out of it.

>> No.13847091

Bump, gonna post something in a bit

>> No.13847102

Because the spooked are sending us all into extinction, and they’re comforted with that.

>> No.13847111
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I never saw a single Christian who went around saying "I hate Nietzsche" But he did say God is dead. But what's a lot more likely is that Nietzsche is dead and is roasting in hell or unbelief.

Psalms 14:1 kjv
>The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

John 14:6 kjv
>Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

>> No.13847134


>> No.13847140

>be Nietzsche
>have syphilis

>> No.13847320


>> No.13847331

imagine not reading one of the most important books in human history because
>dey said gay bad >:(

>> No.13847443

Nietzsche sucks
his self skepticism he got from Lichtenberg and Schopenhauer
His racial thought from Jacolliot and what was in the air in his life
His idea of Grecian life, again, already in the air, he got from Winckelmann
His idea of a great artist was someone like Byron or Poe or even the fradulent Ossian author Macpherson

His skepticism is shit and was just a minor version of Ockham and Butler had done

He's popular because in this day and age no one is familiar with the canon, so he looks massive standing on the shoulders of giants.

>> No.13847465

and there are some ideas from stirner, with more fancy words.


>> No.13847518

also his philology was shit

>> No.13848477
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>I don't believe Nietzsche was an atheist

>> No.13848548

>I don’t believe Nietzsche is an atheist
He was deeply invested into Agaphe, and deeply invested into the Christian culture.
At the least his views are elegant and well argued, instead of being a frothing militant atheist.

>> No.13848969
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They hate him because they can't control him. Reminder that Nietzsche rightly pointed out that the highest feeling of power in man has so far been felt by the abstinent priest.

>> No.13849861

literally no one hates him, except people who are trying to be even edgier than him

>> No.13849871

I hate him because everyone sucks his coxk

>> No.13849882


>> No.13849959

what methodology did nietzche use to prove that God was dead?
He just talked about muh slave morality.
But what steps did he take to disprove God?
As a matter of fact has even science disproven God?
We still dont know how the subconcious works.
Nor do i believe that anyone has disproven Spinoza.

>> No.13850098

t. has no idea what he meant or in what context he said "God is dead"

>> No.13850117

>has even science disproven God?
are you literally retarded

>> No.13850139

The phrase 'God is dead' just means that many people in Nietzsche's era were becoming atheists. It's just an observation. However people who became atheists and 'killed God' were not freed from religion because they still lived according to a moral system derived from the religious dogma. That made them nihilistic and suicidal, which is why modern people are so mopey and sad.

>> No.13851376
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So basically you have the literacy skills of a toddler, and you attempt to critique Nietzsche in a American "strong guts" way? That isn't going to get anywhere, because you need to understand what the fuck he even wrote before you attempt to quote him.

The only quote I have seen of Nietzche that gets quotes right is "Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."
This is because soldiers, politicians, systematic corruption and exposing yourself is common in our society. Poetic non literally writing isn't, and most of what Nietzsche writes needs the figurative language to get into the nitty gritty details that philosophy is about.

Nietzsche might be the most Christian philosophy writer of his decades. He lamnents that the stark change of early moderization removes people from what they are doing, in many ways similar to what post modernists ends up doing. Where they turns into degenerates because there is nothing left of substance to live on, like Sartre do.

>> No.13851446
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>nietzsche told the truth
>nietzsche claimed there is no truth

>> No.13851766

>nice Overdubs
They do not appreciate the meaning of "fulfillment of the Law" -- Christ is not a mere kapparot whose ritual murder expiates cosmic usury of some gnostic (___ish) Demiurge. Dionysos is (or can be) the Jesus that rose again, and promised to return. As the Crucified only, he makes Pharisee killers out of everyone (hence the Pauline Original Sin emphasis, self-mortification, ect.)

>Nietzsche might be the most Christian philosophy writer of his decades
The way he points, Christ too has walked (in part, if not entirely) and where the truly faithful must traverse themselves.

>> No.13851850


>t. slave

>> No.13852284

Jesus was pure blooded aryan

>> No.13852326

Christianity is inherently a slave's religion. It denies the totality of being and relishes in weakness and illness. It worships a dead man hung on a cross, for Christ's sake.

>> No.13852415

What about Human, All Too Human?

>> No.13852596

>It denies the totality of being

says the lesbian.

>> No.13853133
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>calls the imposter a lesbian