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13840815 No.13840815[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I am a Trumpian
What type of books does this person read?

>> No.13840828

The Three Critiques

>> No.13840831

Doesn't read books.

>> No.13840843

I doubt he's literate.

>> No.13840959


>> No.13840971

Car magazines. The kinds with bikini clad models

>> No.13840974
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Art of the Deal
Crippled America
Antisemitic non-fiction
neo-nazi literature

>> No.13840989

Do people call themselves this? I though it was strictly a pejorative.

>> No.13841000

>orange man bad
get over yourseles

>> No.13841007

Trump is a nationalist which is fascism lite.
so any books on fascism.

>> No.13841008

Orange man good but Orange man also retarded. That's why he's good because he can't enact fuck all. a stagnant government is a good government.

>> No.13841022
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>> No.13841028

Get over your hero

Eight fucking years of “brown man bad” and some of us saw how bad he truly was. Why can’t you see how truly awful your orange man is? Fucking dipshit

>> No.13841031
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>orangutan man good! hail trumpler! gas the spics!

>> No.13841043

i as a non-white admire trump for the way he fucks married milky pussy.
i emulate this by doing the same thing and fuck i agree with him married creamy pussy is the best.

>> No.13841052

Nice quads but I didn't even say he was bad, I was asking about the word OP used. Calm down.

>> No.13841054

>Eight fucking years
you really are suffering from dementia

>> No.13841065

Retarded trumpkin, Trump got elected in 2010, he's running for his third term.

>> No.13841068
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>Obama didn’t serve two consecutive terms in the White House

>> No.13841082

Whoa, I didn't realize I got transported to an alternate universe. Can you guys catch me up on everything that happened since 2010? in my universe trump is just finishing up his first term.

>> No.13841085

what are you the useful milky idiot lmao

>> No.13841089

neither Obama or Trump so far really did much compared to BushJr. They just sort of carried on. Obama and Trump are way more impactful in terms of culture and the increasing polarization and hostility in American society than policy.

>> No.13841094

well i fucked your milky mom and you have a sister now be good and don't rape her pre-12

>> No.13841097

In 2010 Obama was assassinated by Neo-Nazis. They stormed D.C. and installed Trump as President For Life. Now Trump's Presidency will only end if he is voted out, he can serve as many terms as he is voted back in for.

>> No.13841103


>> No.13841105

Kant and other kantians

>> No.13841111

This is the real history, the one that Trump's Administration has been covering up.

>> No.13841119

>Trump is a nationalist

>Drumpf "we need more immigrants" Blumpf

>> No.13841122

really? tell me more LOL

>> No.13841124

Pat Buchanan, Russell Kirk, William F. Buckley Jr., Edmund Burke.

>> No.13841125

The oligarchs with direct connections to the Pentagon and State Department are running the nation. Have been more or less since They killed Kennedy. “MIC” indeed

>> No.13841136

Stop smoking meth. Seriously. You can deny it all you want, but you're a junkie and need to stop.

>> No.13841139

>direct connections to the Pentagon and State Department
these two are frequently at loggerheads, are you implying some kind of conspiracy/spectacle to make them seem like they're on different teams? If anything since Kennedy what's happened is State has steadily gained ground to the point where theyre(they and their broad coalition) now actively infiltrating the military's higher levels of command.

I mean you could see this as some kind of internal dispute among the oligarchs pulling strings but I think it's a bit more complicated than that.

>> No.13841142
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Caffeine is as strong as I take it.
A little wine over the holidays

>> No.13841151

Oh my god. That can only mean you have schizophrenia. And it's degenerative. I'm so sorry but medical science cannot fix that. Getting diagnosed and taking medication with therapy can help you to become a functional individual.

>> No.13841159

Oh, I’m intentionally vague because it is so complicated. I agree, State has infiltrated the Pentagon, and the oligarchs are always shifting around. Some hate these tariffs, some are profiting

>> No.13841177
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>> No.13841393

Roger Scruton

>> No.13841401
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That looks more like a Gusician to me

>> No.13841503

Unironically? James Burnham, Christopher Lasch, Sam Francis, Donald Warren, probably Telos as well. Maybe Wilmot Robertson if you're really angry

>> No.13841562

You need a safe space? I swear you Trump supporters are more sensitive than SJWs.

>> No.13841569

As a first time campaign staffer for Trump 2020, my touchstones are Carl Schmitt, Rene Girard, Samuel P Huntington,Mencius Moldbug, Peter Thiel, WD Hamilton and EO Wilson on sociobiology, Nietzsche, Leo Strauss, and Ze'ev Jabotinsky

>> No.13841578

Christopher Lasch would have absolutely detested Trump, for reasons that should be obvious to anyone who has read him. Why do you think his readers would support Trump?

>> No.13841581

do not post in my thread, faggot

>> No.13841617

Sure, he would have seen him as emblematic and the culmination of American narcissism. But I don't think he would have been particularly surprised by his ascendancy either, for as much as he is the quintessential expression of the narcissistic personality, he is also a reaction to managerial liberalism wedded to capital-P progress that Lasch saw alienating the petit-bourgeoisie. He is irrationalist politics of the sorelian variety, aimed squarely against decadent meritocracy and rootless super zip-codes.

>> No.13841643

for probably the 7 millionth time, a safe space involves banning dissent, deleting the comments. Someone arguing with you but letting your comments remain is not a safe space.

>> No.13841654

Also Jordan Peterson (post ironically)

>> No.13841662

>if he is voted out
why would this end it, given the backstory you've provided? What kind of neo nazi administration would go through the trouble to assassinate a president, stealthily install their own, only to respect democracy once he gets voted out?

>> No.13841673

Joe Biden is the son of an actual Nazi who escaped Germany in 1945. He will literally gas the jews if he gets elected.

>> No.13841706


>> No.13841782

What would have Lasch thought of landian accelerationism ?

>> No.13841786

The Talmud

>> No.13841862

Yes Trump is bad but honestly I'm still glad he won over Hillary - her book What Happened confirmed her to be a literal sociopath who thought 1984 was about how people 'needed to trust the government more.'

>> No.13842323

He'd see it for what it is. Deeply anti-human and therefore antithetical to any interest politics grounded in human virtue and flourishing.