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File: 205 KB, 764x1256, nietzsche antichrist 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13837001 No.13837001 [Reply] [Original]

What did Nietzsche mean by this?

>> No.13837616
File: 2.97 MB, 450x240, 1129330113181.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr: Christians are cucks, and Jews are so evil they're practically based despite being humanity's falsifiers par excellence.

>> No.13837630

He's saying why the New Testament comes after the Old Testament.

>> No.13837642

I thought Nietzsche was *beyond* that.

>> No.13837647

If faced with one or the other, Nietzsche admires evil more than good.

>> No.13837649


>> No.13837675
File: 62 KB, 783x287, nietzsche anti christ 46 early christians polish jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made me lol

>> No.13837695

Seriously I can't stand it when academic morons say Nietzsche wasn't an anti-semite. He explicitly says that Christianity, which he hated, was a weapon of psychological warfare waged by Jews against Aryans. The same view as Hitler!

>> No.13837702

But he literally calls himself an anti-anti-semite. He was against Judaism's influence on ideas/values not ethnic/secular Jews

>> No.13837704

Friedrich “all anti-semites must be shot” Nietzsche still btfoing ressentiment-driven ideologues in 2019!

>> No.13837710
File: 79 KB, 887x327, nietzsche anti christ 57 christians anarchists same.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he also explicity calls anarchists a type of Christian (as all leftists are)

>> No.13837727

smoothbrain take. maybe stick with young-adult novels and sparknotes before moving onto big boy literature.

>> No.13837732

I haven't read his writing on that yet, but my understanding is that he hated the anti-semites' boorishness and lack of understanding of the issue. How can you not be an anti-semite and say what he said in the Antichrist? It seems like Jews are desperate to keep what he said about them quiet so these damning condemnations won't become more well known. They literally created this religion to enslave us and he says that loudly and clearly.

>> No.13837734

Okay please explain to me how Nietzsche didn't really mean what he said in the excerpts posted here and in the Antichrist generally.

>> No.13837747
File: 188 KB, 873x571, nietzsche anti christ on jewish strategy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even more

>> No.13837748

As I already mentioned, he was not against ethnic Jews, just "ideological ones", in the sense of people who follow ideologies that derive from Judaism's inverting of values. In one of his letters he said that Europe's intellectual worth would be nil without the contribution of Jews, and he was an admirer of Spinoza, and also cites his Jewish friend Paul Ree in a number of places in his writing.

>> No.13837782

That seems like a distinction without a difference. Clearly the "good" Jews are an exception to the average. It really strikes me as odd that current academics are so willing to forgive Nietzsche for what he said about Jews, when today you would be called an anti-semite and driven out of any job for saying many of the same things. It's almost like they're trying to whitewash his legacy and cover up his more poignant points on the Jewish problem. At least from reading the Antichrist it seems like he has one of the most nuanced and accurate views on what is so bad about them out of almost anyone else I've read. Such a view is only possible when Christianity is rejected in its entirety, which he was a pioneer of.

>> No.13837806

>At least from reading the Antichrist it seems like he has one of the most nuanced and accurate views on what is so bad about them out of almost anyone else I've read.
Yeah, that's why I say he is not an anti-Semite. But you are also correct that were he around today he would be considered a vociferous anti-semitic bastid, but I'm trying to be more impartial than contemporary fashion, and I think a fair assessment leads to considering him not to be an anti-Semite. He had a lot of respect for free-thinking Jews. He also considered Mendelssohn one of his favorite composers, and Heine to be one of the great masters of the German language. You could go on with such examples. On the one hand, he would definitely be considered an anti-Semite by modern mainstream culture. On the other hand he falls waaay below /pol/'s standards for anti-Semitims, they might even consider him a philo-semite given how many Jews he admired and some of the things he says. So it's complicated.

>> No.13837835

It sounds like he hated the Jewish people as a whole but loved a few of them. Makes sense I guess. But it looks like modern academics use this fact to weasel their way out of addressing his polemics against the Jewish corruption of Europe via Christianity. "He didn't really mean that because he had a few Jewish friends. Please don't take what he said too seriously." They can't bury his books so they try to confuse us and avert our eyes. We can see them trying the same thing with the Greeks, downplaying their obvious extreme illiberal tendencies to make them look like modern liberals, neutering their full power.

>> No.13837840

"Christian" """anti-semites""" btfo

>> No.13837842

Jesus you are either some undercover /pol/tard or you really just aren't that intelligent, certainly not enough to understand Nietzsche. If I say "Damn I really hate what the Chinese government is doing in Hong Kong" would you assume that I hated all Chinese people?

He did not care about peoples or ethnicities, he dealt only in values.

>> No.13837851

man, nietzche was such a brainlet lmaoooo im literally kek'ing reading that

>> No.13837855

well he is

>> No.13837863

>implying different races as a whole can't be said to exhibit certain values
I'm not saying Nietzsche believed this about races or ethnic groups, I'm just integrating his ideas into what I know is obviously true about race and history. Maybe saying he hated them is incorrect but in any case he gave good reasons to.

>> No.13837864

But even valuing something as "evil" doesn't seem very über to me

>> No.13837880

You’d be hard pressed I believe to find much more than that. And I would say there are a lot more anti German sentiments in his writings. He has bad stuff to say about everyone really (besides the Greeks). He also contradicts himself unapologetically

>> No.13837883

>And I would say there are a lot more anti German sentiments in his writings.
Yeah, he shits fucking hard on Germs

>> No.13837893

>there are a lot more anti German sentiments in his writings
It makes sense, really, since his own people have failed to live up to his own expectations or their potential. Pretty much every race is shitty overall, but they're certainly not equal or have equal potential.

>> No.13837903

It sounds like from what Nietzsche is saying that the Jews have the most potential, they just use it for inverted purposes. He says in one of the passages you posted that they have the most “life force”. If they were to turn that to a life affirming purpose they would become the Ubermenschen.

>> No.13837929

Maybe. But what is keeping them from doing that? For Europeans the roadblock is clearly Christianity and lingering Christian morality, but what is stopping the Jews from seeking higher goals? They are fully conscious of their suppression of life-affirmation, so it seems like they're the least likely to try to become overmen. But I don't know.

>> No.13837932

>They are fully conscious of their suppression of life-affirmation
I doubt it. How did you come to the conclusion?

>> No.13837940

I don't get why neetshit hated christianity so much when in the middle ages, the height of christianity's influence, the aristocratic style of civilization was flourishing. I thought he was supposed to love the aristocratic mindset? When he talks about christianity it seems he is only viewing it from the perspective of the cucked 19th century version.

>> No.13837947

He would argue that the aristocratic and superior aspects of that civilization were in spite of Christianity. Anyway he was much bigger on the Enlightenment and Renaissance than the Middle Ages.

>> No.13837960

The fact that they brag about bringing all kinds of sickness and filth into western societies and the world generally. They really seem to take joy in bringing down the level of humanity. Unless this is all part of a plan to become overmen later on, after they've annihilated all competition. It's not something I'm eager to find out.

>> No.13837962

NEETchee hated jews because the love of his life was a jew who friendzoned him while fucking his best friend.
the story of every milkboy on 4chan

>> No.13837966

you have it backwards. the love of his life was not a jewess, but she was fucking a jew. she was also later trained as a psychoanalyst by freud

>> No.13837969

>back to /pol/

>> No.13837971

I guess that means every negative thing he said about them (see: excerpts in this thread) is untrue,

>> No.13837973

she was a jew have you seen her picture you shithead cunt. ofc she was fucking a jew with NEETchee watching like a little bitch because she's a jew.

>> No.13837976

i don’t think she was. she was russian iirc

>> No.13837977

well jews are the sub-section of whites who are smarter but he only resorted to race analysis because he got KEKED.

>> No.13837981

>i don't think
yea you don't try using your eyes you shithead cunt

>> No.13837982

>sub-section of whites
lol no
>he only resorted to race analysis because he got KEKED
so was he incorrect?

>> No.13837987

that jews are the sub-section of whites who are smarter? he got it right. too bad he got C U C K E D like you probably will you ugly fucking retard.

>> No.13838023

lol they're not more intelligent, just compulsive liars, which overwhelms the Aryans and their naivete

>> No.13838031

everyone lies lmao imagine being a smelly autist who has no friends

>> No.13838195

He's suggesting that Judaism is life-denial and inverts all values and that Christianity is simply the completion of this process. Whereas the Jews championed slavish values and made a metaphysics out of resentment, Christianity goes a step farther and rejects this world entirely in favor of a better one.

>> No.13838202

Nietzsche praises Catholic hierarchy and considers it antithetical to the Christian spirit IIRC

>> No.13838206

Who’s some other alt-right thinkers similar to Nietzsche? He seems to be the most interesting thinker in the alt-right, but is there anyone else worth looking into?

>> No.13838217

richard spencer why do you think he beat his wife for cucking him for a jewish white person

>> No.13838218

Idk if I would call Nietzsche alt-right but if you want thinkers that the alt-right approves of try Guenon, Evola, and Spengler.

>> No.13838249

Reading this makes you realize that Nietzsche was a complete brainlet who overdosed on ideology and died syphilitically in love with a horse.

>> No.13838260

imagine basing your entire lifes work on getting assfucked by a horse while you're dying from syphilis from a prostitute all the while thinking about how you got C U C K E D by a jewess

>> No.13838771

That's because you're a pussy.

>> No.13838863

Nietzsche uses evil with several different meanings. In this case it's akin to lifeless/weak. He also usually uses "good" to mean "strong".

>> No.13838882

He says somewhere in Will to Power that the good man (Rousseau) is basically an idiot and calls for an increase of evil (Voltaire) in society. Of course, he was referring to 19th century Europe.

>> No.13839411

You fell for the propaganda