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/lit/ - Literature

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13832448 No.13832448 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this utter trash rated so highly?

>> No.13832455

pop things are generally bad and overrated, more news at 11.

>> No.13832460

Because It's entertaining If You're 13 and It's perfectly written as to monetize the short period in a man's life during which Dragons are objectively the coolest shit ever conceived.

>> No.13832461

Paolini came to my school once. He first did a backflip on stage, and then spent most of the time talking about how he spent an entire summer digging a massive hole in his backyard to hang out in. Dude was fucking weird.

>> No.13832469

Never heard of this book

>> No.13832482

yeah well it's never heard of you either

>> No.13833300

only children read it, therefore, only children rate it. what serious adult sits down and reads kid books to give them an honest rating?

>> No.13833309

The highest rated book on GR is Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix with a sample size exceeding 1 million

>> No.13833315

This is great

>> No.13833333


>> No.13833365


>> No.13833366

nice digits

>> No.13833387

Because is good.

>> No.13833397

He was a teenager when he wrote it and his parents owned a publishing company.

>> No.13834870
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>> No.13835701

Shit was pretty great when I was a kid. Obviously you grow out of it, but I found it very entertaining. And it's a good little intro to more mature fantasy like the Lord of the Rings.

>> No.13835708

I read it at 13 and liked it but I looked at the prose today and was fucking appalled

>> No.13835732

Is it at least better than the golden compass?

>> No.13835749


>> No.13835758

>more mature fantasy like the Lord of the Rings.
Is there actually any "mature fantasy" besides Lord of the Rings?

>> No.13835777


>> No.13835806

yes, the bible

>> No.13835922

Book of the new sun

>> No.13835961

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.13836069


>> No.13836083

Gormenghast, chivalric romance, chanson de geste, and the Greeks

>> No.13836095


book of the new sun x2

>> No.13836171

3.9 is actually an absolute shit rating for fantasy/ya. In those categories 4.2 is basically the passing grade.

The real headscratcher is why sandersons garbage is consistently 4.5+, but of course its all sample selection.

>> No.13836198

Okay anon, I'll check it out

>> No.13836212

>mature ‘fantasy’
>it’s actually sci-fi

>> No.13836229

You have to be one of the worst, most despised writers of all time to get under a 3 on Goodreads and even the there's still a good chance to get a decent score.

>> No.13836281


>> No.13836686

scifi is a subgenre of fantasy

>> No.13836770

No. Scifi is about the other and the unknown, the inhuman. There is no human reflection in it, it is alien and inhuman. Fantasy tickles atavistic mythological archetypes and is about man and internalities.

>> No.13836800

Same, It's like my Kevin J. Anderson books. Fun as a kid but unappealing as an adult

>> No.13836820

Dying Earth

>> No.13836831

Sounds like a pretty cool and down to earth guy to me.

Literally because of nostalgia. I ever even read that shit when I was younger, but I remember the cover page everywhere.

>> No.13836832

The same reason this piece of shit is. YA lit is all trash, people laud it because that one time in middle school when the teacher read it aloud was the last time most normies had any interaction with a book.

>> No.13836841
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Oops, forgot pic.

>> No.13836874

Wheel of Time

>> No.13836940
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>> No.13838518


Based, based, a thousand times based!

>> No.13838530


>> No.13838534

Not him but do you wanna know how I know you dont read scifi?

>> No.13838719

Really, like an actual backflip?

>> No.13838752

based autist

>> No.13838907

Yeah, it was pretty impressive actually.

>> No.13838955

I read Eragon around that age and thought it was shit

>> No.13839089

beats me. I tried reading it as a kid and it felt like it dragged on longer and more monotonously than the lord of the rings.

>> No.13839314

genres are defined by the audience not the content.

>> No.13839329

> 3.89
> good
i don't read any book below 4.0