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13835355 No.13835355[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Favourite plays? I'm getting sick of cinema

>> No.13835390

Female: A comedy, something that gives meaning to life that is universal for all humans


Male: teaching a boring subject that only has uses in very limited situations that can only properly be understood by a small handful of people

>> No.13835408

You: a contrarian


OP’s image: a normal evaluation of reality

>> No.13835412

I like Jenna.

>> No.13835414
File: 62 KB, 960x579, t0zuc0pmmel31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me? It's Hamlet

>> No.13835416

Why do so many women assume men like big boobs?

>> No.13835420

Based contrarian

>> No.13835439

I like Jenna.

>> No.13835465

It's one of those weird things that don't make sense. A lot of guys just like well-formed boobs even if they're not that big, and most would be willing to overlook unattractive boobs if a woman has a nice ass. It's kind of like guys who think women prefer tall men or men with big muscles.

>> No.13835479
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>It's kind of like guys who think women prefer tall men
No... no it isn't

>> No.13835484

I'm tall and fit and women don't like me. My best friend is short and stocky and women love him.

>> No.13835490

Then you're volcel

>> No.13835513

Epic :) Women Stupid Man Smart :)

>> No.13835566
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>> No.13835575
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>> No.13835658

actual answer. Out of curiosity I started watching musicals and gotta say I kind of enjoy them. In particular starkid’s plays are really entertaining.

>> No.13835660

she a thottie

>> No.13835663

Yes but would they ever fuck him.

Chances are plenty consider you dating material but are probably intimidated because you are... ding ding - tall and fit.

Your buddy George Costanza though is someone they feel they can relax around bc wrt looks they have the advantage.

>> No.13835682

What a fucking denial of reality

>> No.13835692

Fat people fuck too dude. Al lot of the jews and blacks at my uni of both genders chase the chub. The problem with us in-shape people is our standards, we're always trying to climb and fuck someone thinner and prettier than us.

>> No.13835704

Yeah, but that is not related to self confidence and bullshit. It is a matter of status.

>> No.13835713

Man and Superman

>> No.13835746

But low status people fuck too, think about furries or anime club type people you know. They might wait longer in relationships before getting to it but it happens there too.

My point is more so long as people put in effort, e.g. do their level best at being a decent person, cutting back on booze and dessert, and buying some pants that fit right, they'll be fine in the end. And even if they don't, someone out there will still be willing to fuck them, even if they don't want to fuck that other person back.

>> No.13835753

Oh and i forgot, a firm handshake goes a long way too

>> No.13835764

as you like it

>> No.13835766

Actually that post is pretty meta. You see, when she says that, she is baiting Alfa males into thinking she is kind enough to think that.

>> No.13835768

>But low status people fuck too, think about furries or anime club type people you know
I'm not gay though.

>> No.13835773

sometimes women date down because they don't want to have to be a good woman for a good guy

>> No.13835774

Maybe, who the fuck knows. Basically just try and learn more shit and don't be so uptight.

>> No.13835780

You're missing out

That too, my point being though that his squat cobbler buddy isn't necessarily ranked over him (or under for that matter).

>> No.13835796

Literally 1/3 of young men haven't had sex in the last year, what are you talking about?

>> No.13835837

The stat for young women is comparable. Also contrary to what people on here thing generally, hypergamy has been the de facto principle guiding human sexual activity since humans started having sex. What's happening is not new or unusual in the fucking least.

>> No.13835855
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>> No.13835866

>The stat for young women is comparable.
No it isn't
>Also contrary to what people on here thing generally, hypergamy has been the de facto principle guiding human sexual activity since humans started having sex.
Sure, before civilization. With the advent of civiliazation came enforced monogamy. Especially in the West with Christianity. If you wish to go back to hunter gatherer society then we are just on track. Imagine thinking women can make proper decisions as to which genes deserve to survive

>> No.13835875

28 vs 18 is honestly not that different.

>> No.13835887

What is this thread lol
It's a meme you dip

>> No.13835890

>implying sexual activity is governed by the social contract of marriage
>implying any genes "deserve" to survive

>> No.13835897

God I hate women

>> No.13835903

You don't think socially enforced monogamy has had any environmental impact? You don't think culture affects mating trends?
Whether you call it deserve or guide doesn't matter to me. Fixating on that shows me you don't want to engage with the argument itself

>> No.13835907

You mean you want to fuck her and fold her like a car seat. Stop using like in the incorrect context

>> No.13835916
File: 177 KB, 1278x960, 1520988386854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love women. i don't care if she's had one dick in her or ten dicks or no dicks. what kind of cumbrain pervert thinks a woman's only value lies in her pussy? you're just fetishizing purity. is it a good thing if she's been ridden around like the town bicycle? no. but how much fucked up shit have you jacked off to anyway? i know i've fucked off my self to what could be described as "children" on more than a few occasions. am i pure? hell fucking no. i sniffed my sisters pantsu! i'm trying to get better. we live in fucked up times where everything is fucked up and i don't ggive a damn shit anymore about muh hymen. we're all gonna make it.

>> No.13835936

Sure it might have guided trends, but the essential impulse is hypergamy. People can combat desires and set up social structures to regulate them but that does only so much. Think about drugs/alchohol/etc.

As far as "lol wymmyn ar dumb", what makes you think men in general have any competence to decide the future genetic course, and why do you think there should be a future genetic course in the way we think? Even if you are an anthropocentrist it would be better to have fewer, more intelligent and capable humans with better management of resources, just from the standpoint of logistics, you don't need to be into deep ecology to realize that.

>> No.13835955

The point is that women who had fewer relationships tend to have longer marriages, while the more dicks she had the shorter the marriage.

>> No.13835960

This is true, for both women and men.

>> No.13835967

This one is perfect. Humans are a pretty based species.

>> No.13835970

>As far as "lol wymmyn ar dumb", what makes you think men in general have any competence to decide the future genetic course, and why do you think there should be a future genetic course in the way we think?
We’re seeing hypergamy live, and we’ve seen it for decades at this point. IQ is dropping, more female led homes than ever, single parenting. This is what female hypergamy gives us. Female insticts drives them to strong men, tall men and so on, traits that are useless in the modern society but useful when we hunted for food. What is needed and what was realised 5000 years ago is that you need a more rational approach to mating, and not just trust your natural instincts. If you wish to keep civilization then monogamy is a necessity, whatever the cost

>> No.13835971

this is heathen shit i don't care about anymore. if a person loves God and wants to change their ways an dbe better, thats all that matters anymore. shits too fucked to be autistic about this anymore.

>> No.13835974

>if a person loves God and wants to change their ways an dbe better, thats all that matters anymore
this is why Islam will beat Christianity lmao

>> No.13835975

>fucked up times

Isnt every era fucked up. In fact this whole existence is.

>> No.13835976

I'm taller and fitter than my best friends and he fucks much more than I do. He's got a unconventional sense of humor that takes people off-guard, he's very energetic and confident, and he instinctively know how to react in most social situations.

Basically I'm saying to get laid, the most important factor is being the opposite of an autist.

>> No.13835980

bullshit. evolution has nothing to do with it, its just horny women being horny and degenerate. rationality has nothing to do with monogamy, monogamy is about morality. don't act like logic was holding our society togerther for the past 1500 years when it was really God. you make me cringe.

>> No.13835983

exactky. the earth is fucked up, we're all sinners. who among us could be the Judge?

>> No.13835992

Woah dude now you posted cringe. We are all not sinners.

>> No.13835995

>51 replies
>2 are on topic

>> No.13836003

The OG guy you're replying to. I agree a more rational approach is ideal for mating, but even if it were possible to implement, logistically so many other factors would get in the way bc "feelingz" etc, so the prospect really isn't worth thinking about, not with society at it's current state anyway.

Not sure if civilization is worth keeping tbqh, at least not as we know of it with industrial agriculture.

>> No.13836008

woah bro, thats the real cringe right there. woah, thats cringe. chill.

>> No.13836010

How do you think they will keep that social order going when the oil runs out and more if this thought system leaks into the women? It may outlast Christianity but it won't last much longer after that.

>> No.13836013


>> No.13836015
File: 176 KB, 409x618, 1533252141126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bro, YOU just posted cringe. wow.

>> No.13836016

what percentage of young men would you say are healthy and well dressed?

>> No.13836028


>> No.13836037

0% of the men who are in the room that i'm in right now.

>> No.13836094

Both of those videos are aimed at men

>> No.13836134

I think that society would benefit immensely if they just realized that not only is this true, it is PREDOMINANTLY true. Not only that, that many people within society have been conditioned this way by the mass media (your favorite TV shows and movies have an agenda etc etc), everyone knows but no one complains.

>> No.13836178

34.8% of young men (20-39) are obese
in this same age range, 36.5% of women are obese

>> No.13836184

I personally think watching islam and neofaggotry butt heads is going to be very entertaining

>> No.13836239

please explain Einstein theory to me

>> No.13836248

Not my field of interest. I can explain other complex subjects which I have spent years independently studying.

>> No.13836255

Julius Caesar
Our Town
Waiting for Godot

>> No.13836294

The Iceman Cometh
Long Day’s Journey Into Night

Death of a Salesman
All My Sons

A Streetcar Named Desire
The Glass Menagerie
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

The Zoo Story
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf

Sexual Perversity in Chicago
American Buffalo
Glengarry Glen Ross

True West
Curse of the Starving Class
Buried Child

>> No.13836333

I just love how empty the "Hope this helps!" at the end sounds. It almost sounds sarcastic or something

>> No.13836354

Yes that's true. but most men arent fags that take any dicks so that's a moot point

>> No.13836380

King Lear
Antony and Cleopatra
Romeo and Juliet

Richard II
Richard III
King Henry IV parts 1 and 2
King Henry V

The Tempest
Twelfth Night
As You Like It
Measure for Measure
The Merchant of Venice

>> No.13836855

"Art" by Yasmina Reza.
A guy buys a painting that is completely blank and his friends start questioning if he is retarded.

>> No.13837744

and what does that tell you?

>> No.13839024

That would presumably be 1/10th of the young male population more than the females not having sex. You wanna tell me 1 out of 10 is not a meaningful difference?

>> No.13839032

wish this was better quality

>> No.13839036

female """comedy"""

>> No.13839040

Time is relative, goodnight

>> No.13839054

Lady Windermere's Fan is my favorite that I've read, although I've unfortunately never seen it performed yet. It has some of my favorite dialogue in literature.

Much Ado About Nothing is my favorite of Shakespeare's. In my humble and plebeian opinion, his dramas are overrated, but his comedy is timeless.

>> No.13839087
File: 44 KB, 680x723, 16e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>general relativity is boring

>> No.13839095

>Has uses in very limited situations
(((Einstein)))'s theory actually has no practical uses.
What we learned today: females > kikes.

>> No.13839256
File: 35 KB, 320x320, 00cbd2e722f60d273fde858319a22dde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, we need another Nebuchadnezzar.

>> No.13839264

IQ is dropping on average because lower IQ demographics breed more, but in regards to attraction, appearance is correlated with intelligence and health. If you were to truly allow for complete sexual freedom with civil pretense, ultra hypergamy, then the incel memes would come true and all women would only breed with the cream of the genetic crop, an egalitarian eugenics program. Of course, the real issue here would be the desperate men putting in excruciating amounts of effort to spite their genetic misfortune to no avail against the gifted ones. At that point freedom collapses against the will of the many and ultra hypergamy is ended, unless of course it happens gradually and slowly enough to phase the inferior out with minimal agitation.

>> No.13839336


>> No.13839368
File: 64 KB, 170x227, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i know i've fucked off my self to what could be described as "children" on more than a few occasions. am i pure? hell fucking no. i sniffed my sisters pantsu! i'm trying to get better.

>> No.13839671


>> No.13839695

Preparing for all age already trying to adjust to the childless world created by the global elite
Supporting a global terror state in his attempt to control all aspects of human life.

>> No.13839813

Only post in this entire thread with any valid point.
Stop taking the cumpill you instincts directed monkeys

>> No.13839847

I like The Caretaker by Harold Pinter if I don’t include Shakespeare’s works.

However. The Caretaker>Measure for measure.

>> No.13839876

only faggots care about how a man looks

>> No.13839917

the reason this is objectively unfunny and unmemorable compared to OP (if anyone is wondering, having maybe sensed it but not been able to articulate it) is that the OP's comedy hinges on pointing out something "we all know but we don't say," a common joke structure, whereas these posts REBUKE the OP picture without actually pointing beyond themselves to a similar truth

these pics only work at a surface level because they're cherry-picked. the OP pic is also obviously cherry-picked, so what's the difference? the difference is that your brain automatically interprets the cherry-picking and asks, "OK, i know this is cherry-picked and isn't ironclad evidence, but is it ultimately TRUE? is it touching on a truth i really know deep down?" whether you like it or not

so when you view the OP image, some deep part of you goes "heh women are frivolous and venal lol" but when you view these images all your deep unconscious mind hears is the hollow self-satisfied ";0)" of a dumb person missing the mark and not realizing it

>> No.13839925

>Yes but would they ever fuck him.
Imagine unironically thinking short men don't have sex.
Go outside, incel.

>> No.13839937

>data analytics for fhe federal government
so women are satan?

>> No.13839963

>traits that are useless in the modern society but useful when we hunted for food.
Actually, tall men were worse hunters in hunter gatherer societies:
>"Finally, research on another African forager population found that height is negatively correlated with hunting returns (Lee 1979), suggesting that tall height may not be an indicator of productivity in such economies."
Short men were dominant in hunter gatherer societies, it's due to industrialization that tall men are now favored. Women do not have an "innate" attraction to tall men, despite what many believe.

>> No.13840163

industrialization doesn't favour tall men, you don't need to be tall to work in a factory. if anything, women are innately attracted to tall men, and hunter gatherer societies had strong influences related to production which gave them privilege over tall men in society

>> No.13840172

it's obviously dependent on the environment, because human height differs quite a lot between ethnicities. Women's attraction to tall, broad men is so ancient it's practically Cambrian. It's just about large males being able to fight off other males mostly.

>> No.13840355

for anyone who doesnt want to read this wall of reddit schlock, here's the TLDR
>cherrypicking is funny because Im an incel

>> No.13840647

Not even kidding, I saw it in Verona's arena and it's a beautiful opera, highly suggested

>> No.13840669

Don't misuse words because you vaguely think they sound similar to what you mean. Use words precisely and intentionally. Before using a word ask yourself, do I really know what this word means?

>> No.13840707

If you’re looking for something newer than Shakespeare and the Greeks, I really like Eugene O’Neill’s Long Days Journey Into Night and the plays of Sam Shepard

>> No.13841137

My personal favorite is Edward Albee's "The Zoo Story"

>> No.13841175

Are you coping, or for real?

>> No.13841209

Phèdre, Tartuffe, The Cid of Corneille.

>> No.13841811


>> No.13842267

Titus (1999).

>> No.13842279

nah bro, most of us aren't pedos, maybe we have a few based hebephiles in here but that's it

enjoy your used up roast beef sandwich tho

>> No.13842360

The Threepenny Opera
Mother Courage and Her Children
The Caucasian Chalk Circle
