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13834315 No.13834315 [Reply] [Original]

>“Obviously, the leveling process applies to the sexes as well. The Soviet emancipation of the woman parallels the emancipation that in America the feminist idiocy, deriving from 'democracy' all its logical conclusions, had achieved a long time ago in conjunction with the materialistic and practical degradation of man. Through countless and repeated divorces the disintegration of the family in America is characterized by the same pace that we could expect in a society that knows only 'comrades.' The women, having given up their true nature, believe they can elevate themselves by taking on and practicing all kinds of traditionally masculine activities. These women are chaste in their immorality and banal even in their lowest perversions; quite often they find in alcohol the way to rid themselves of the repressed or deviated energies of their nature. Moreover, young women seem to know very little of the polarity and the elemental magnetism of sex as they indulge in a comradely and sportive promiscuity. These phenomena are typically American, even though their contagious diffusion all over the world makes it difficult for people to trace their origin to America. Actually, if there is a difference between this promiscuity and that envisioned by communism, it is resolved in a pejorative sense by a gynaecocratic factor, since every woman and young girl in America and other Anglo-Saxon countries considers it only natural that some kind of pre-eminence and existential respectability be bestowed upon her as if it were her inalienable right.”
― Julius Evola

For those that didn't bother to read or didn't understand what he meant, Evola is here criticizing the advent of feminism and change in female behaviour. What was once considered feminine is now shunned upon and forgotten. One example he brings up is that women have become more promiscuous unlike past ages. This was written more than 50 years ago and a lot of development has happened since then. Is he still right?

>> No.13834402

Most of these are very common talking points that every other social commentator has been repeating for the past 150 years. I would tend to agree that what he describes as an Anglo-Saxon phenomenon (the sporty promuiscuity) probably originated in the US.
In a sense it is obvious, compared to pre-industrial society, though we should not fall into the trap of assuming pre-industrial societies were all and always the same.

However, if you could compare the current state of affairs to what it was in the past decades (say in 1980 or 1960), I'm not sure that the trend would appear to be ceaselessly growing. How are divorces rates for instance? From what I gather the generations of people currently under 40 seem poised to have them much lower than their parents did, but I might be wrong.
Maybe people our age are getting married less, but also divorcing less, which could show that they value marriage and won't consider it lightly.
My personal experience is that people born in the 1990s and after tend to be more religious and, when they are not religious, more respectful of religion, than people born in the years 1950-1980. Sex is not viewed as a great liberating act as it was in the 1960s, it is not as moralized as it was in the 1950s, it has lost its religious implications, instead it's come to be seen as a normal but mundane part of life you should attend to, like hygiene.

There's also our relation to promiscuity and sex: by all accounts we fuck less (in the West that is) than previous generations, but we are also more aware of fetishes, most likely to tolerate and accept them (I'm not sure about engaging with them because people used to not talk about it, so it's hard to compare, but the internet does foster fetishistic communities), and we're bigger consumers of porn.
This I guess would apply both to males and females, though not to the same extent for both genders.
Our relationship to sex is more informed by ethical and legal notions like consent, compassion, intimacy, and understanding. You have to read accounts of divorces and sexual troubles in the early 20th century (for instance) to understand how common marital misery and mutual inimity and misunderstanding were. We also have our unhappy marriage now of course, but I'd wager they take a rather different shape and are not distributed as they used to be.

You could read all this as proof that the changes Evole writes about are entering their late stage. Or you could see it as an early sign of reversal. Or you could take it as a proof that the situation is more muddied and harder to grasp than most ideological commentators would claim.
What's clear imho is that we're not on some rollicking course of increasing sexual liberation/degeneracy (depending on where you stand). Like everything else our image of sex is more fragmented and commodified than before, but also perhaps understood more realistically. The sexual liberation had a very political and ideological streak.

>> No.13834416

>shortly cont'd
The sexual liberation had a very political and ideological streak, and it had a communal aspect. Nowadays we're more individualistic but also more self-aware, less idealistic but perhaps more compassionate. Who can tell where this will lead? Not me that's for sure.

>> No.13834458

Rates of sex have changed in a downward trend, which I would attribute to the increasing demands of societal life on a person (work time, trvael, daily routines). People don’t have the inherent time availability that they would spend on things sexual related. Or, they do spend time or would if sexual activity
was guaranteed to be more rarer and less easily obtained. You could imagine uber, Tinder, and tech in general has provided much less scarcity on the sex resource.

What is a current problem with sec in our society is that the number of partners has increased dramatically. This of course is attributed not to social norms, these norms have never been concrete. Social norms only operate in a way that such behavior can be reinforced. Advent of tech and tech subsidiaries has removed much of the negative reinforcement needed to discourage sexual promiscuity with multiple or large amounts of partners. This in turn will breed new contingencies which will discourage promiscuity (i.e. STD rates, single parenthood, less value with less scarcity).

Over all, the sex scene is in good shape if you are someone who is inclined to
>take care of themselves
>want to have sex

>> No.13834467

Sex itself may no longer be seen as the liberating act that it used to be but the same philosophies which informed such behavior have taken on a more degenerative form, which is LGBT acceptance. Young people are wildly accepting of gays or at least libertarian to the question and it has done more to destroy the institution of family than any petty promiscuity of the 1960's could.

>> No.13834472

He´s onto something, but it´s just "oh tempora oh mores" he doesn´t bother to investigate "why?".
>Did reproductive patterns in society changed?
>Was effective contraception developed?
>Did people became more urbanized?
>Do women need husband to sustain and defend themselves?
>Was this puritan notion of sexuality even traditional or was it just a fashion of the last few centuries?

>> No.13834513
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>There's also our relation to promiscuity and sex: by all accounts we fuck less (in the West that is) than previous generations
Depending on how you look at it, this may or may not be true. Yes, the fraction of people (and men in particular) who don't have sex has increased a lot. I won't speculate on the reasons as to why this is the case, just observing. However, I don't think the "sex-havers" have less sex than before and actually I'd guess that they have more sex than previous generations. They have more sex not only with the same person, but with multiple people, via Tinder.

I do agree with you otherwise though that the situation seems to be quite complex and not as black and white as ideologists and political commentators would have you believe. There is something innately boomer about complaining people are having "less sex", like the headlines complaining millenials do things very differently from their parents (millenials get drivers licenses later and less, millenials drink less and so on). You could attribute this to millenials are more responsible but I think it has more do with what >>13834458 said, namely that there are a lot more external pressures such as school, work etc than ever before. And information overload is a real factor here. This more than anything else in my mind would cause people to be less interested in sacrificing time and effort in finding relationships (and not just with the other sex)

>> No.13834522

The traditionalists are so fucking cringe. Read real philosophy incel.

>> No.13834527

Thoroughly leveled.
Nice job, retard.

>> No.13834596

>There is something innately boomer about complaining people are having "less sex", like the headlines complaining millenials do things very differently from their parents
It’s all relative to what is necessary in order to achieve more comfort than one had before. For many people, sex is no longer something they derive more comfort in. This could be due to the time input required in order to gain sex. This applies especially to men at the bottom of the pool. Hence declining make sex rates lower as they’d prefer easier methods of comfort over those that require what they view as a non-efficient timewise. Men at the top of the pool experience less change depending how much they desire sex for comfort. They no longer have the relative caps of their physical environments thanks to tech like Tinder and Uber, and can thereby vastly increase their potentials. This increase in men continuously searching provides for more women to join the chase, as they can potentially find higher quality men if they just swing from partner to parent long enough. Either that, or women engage in the same behavior as men who desire sexual comfort. Both play a part.

Whether this is good or bad all depends on what kind of society do you envision for the future, and is it even possible. Back to boomers complaining about sex nowadays, it’s because they were reinforced with the belief that behavior which engages in multiple sexual partners is bad. For whatever reasons it’s irrelevant, but with the disintegration of contingencies which were used to reinforce the beahvior, we must now adjust to how we can either reinforce that behavior with new contingencies, or if we need to work around the behavior as a new means to reaching comfort.

>> No.13834601

fuck off, crayon cruncher

>> No.13836477

>Young people are wildly accepting of gays or at least libertarian to the question and it has done more to destroy the institution of family than any petty promiscuity of the 1960's could.

Are you suggesting gays are responsible for the decline of the family, your post is hard to read. It is however simply not the case. The loosening of divorce laws in the 1960s, first in th US then in the rest of the west, is undeniably the main reason for the collapse of the family. This, along with contraception led to the 'petty promiscuity' formerly mentioned. People often forget just how recently gayness was a taboo subject.

>> No.13836496

What's up with repulsing facial features and anti-humanitarian ideologies?

>> No.13836514

I should add that no doubt the effects of the wars and the new prosperity of the 50s and 60s led these changes. It all has a reason.

>> No.13836561

>They have more sex not only with the same person, but with multiple people
That wasn't that uncommon in earlier times, particularly about city-dwellers. People were less openly talking about it but nobody was fooled.
I've had sex with more than one girl, and so have most of my friends. From what I gather the only ones that reguarly have sex are the ones in long-term committed relationship. For everyone else entire weeks without sex seems to be a common occurence. You're right that we'd need info about the whole distribution to make sure.

>namely that there are a lot more external pressures such as school, work etc than ever before
I'd tend to agree. Lots of pressure, distractions and an increasing awareness of how little time we have. Selection processes become increasingly normalized and as a result the margins of acceptance become increasingly narrow. I vividly remember watching a documentary were parents were agonizing over which kindergarten their children would go, because going to a "bad" kindergarten would hurt their chances to be admitted in an "elite" primary school later on. We're reaching crazy levels of self-regulation and this doesn't help having sex in some respects.

>And information overload is a real factor here.
Very much true, adds a lot to the pressure aswell.

>This more than anything else in my mind would cause people to be less interested in sacrificing time and effort in finding relationships (and not just with the other sex)
That's a sad but realistic conclusion. Not having too much sex is not so bad, as many married people could tell you, but having little sex plus having too few friends (and rarely seeing them) plus having no romantic relationships, plus not connecting well with coworkers (or having none)? That's starting to look like chronic depression.

>> No.13836591

I overall agree with you, but mind that actual boomers (for instance people who were 20 years old in 1968) spent their youth in a period of unprecedented promiscuity and approval of sexual liberalism. If anything we look like prudes to them.

>> No.13836608
File: 78 KB, 800x764, Casanova-tour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I've had sex with more than one girl

look at Casanova over here

>> No.13837024

Yea, but without technology and globohomo culture fully encapsulating them. This is what sets our current apart from anything in the past, and it seems to be lost on people. What we’ve done is uproot the contingencies for behavioral reinforcement and have been introduced a whole new set of operants which would introduce new behavior that can’t be compared to historical observation. It’s all relative. People need to get up to speed, as the saying goes.

>> No.13837050

Thank you for the eloquent comment. I enjoy when I see someone taking an academic stance on a topic.

>> No.13837373

You are full of shit. Babbling about statistics and details instead of addressing the essence is a prime sign of stupidity or intellectual dishinesty. The leveling of the sexes is very real, and western women have in fact become (inferior) men. The ramifications of subjecting both men and women to the same criteria are beyond horrible.

Regarding "post 90 generation being more conservative", one can only laugh. Religion does not exist any more, and a possible increase in nominal christians is no more than larping. Regarding morals, just walk down the street and look at how disgustingly vulgar the average person looks like. Even better, grab a drink and listen to the insultingly banal conversations of others. Finally, go for a walk past some clubs on a friday/saturday night and you won't be able to tell the difference between 18 year old girls and veteran prostitutes.

If people are having less sex now than 20 years before it is only due to the ever increasing societal atomization. The task of meeting a woman has become alarmingly difficult for the average joe.

All in all, the west is dead and it has been for the last 100 years.

>> No.13837384

walking on the fucking moon not faustian enough for you?

>> No.13837414

>that nose
why does evola look like a jew?

>> No.13838259


>> No.13838705

People aren't having sex because every woman nowadays feels entitled to have sex with Chad and they won't settles for less.

>> No.13838743

>and banal even in their lowest perversions
Interesting take. Overall the way how subversion and perversion are attempted things in west, it's always trite and unimaginative.

>> No.13838747

he was mixed

>> No.13838831

With what?

>> No.13838835


>> No.13838836


>> No.13838840

do your research idiot

>> No.13838854

The feminine isn't just chaste. The Greeks had their slut goddesses.

>> No.13839059

>an italian person? mixed?! why, I never..

b r u h

>> No.13840261


>> No.13841757

Thank you. We all see reality in front of our eyes, why be deceptive and create an imaginary world that we sincerely know to be false.

>> No.13841768

He is bullshitting. Nowhere on the internet have I found anything about him being Jewish. Here is Wiki for example

Giulio Cesare Evola was born in Rome[17] to Vincenzo Evola, born 4 May 1854 [18], and Concetta Mangiapane, born 15 August 1865 [19]

>> No.13841775

Guess what? Trying to use philosophy to prove why women should be your living fleshlight ISN'T GOING TO GET YOU LAID. The problem isn't with women, it's you, the reason why you are unfuckable is the same reason that inspired you to make such a turd of a thread.

You're a grotesque emotional infant mewling for Mommy to suck your dick for you.

>> No.13841800

>Actually, if there is a difference between this promiscuity and that envisioned by communism, it is resolved in a pejorative sense by a gynaecocratic factor, since every woman and young girl in America and other Anglo-Saxon countries considers it only natural that some kind of pre-eminence and existential respectability be bestowed upon her as if it were her inalienable right.”
This is a very good description of Western Women's ego in our generation

>> No.13841818

Wow, women demand to be respected as living beings. SUCH ENTITLEMENT. TOTAL GYNOCRACY. Holy shit you're a bunch of assclown neckbeards. Enjoy your sexless life, loveless incel.

>> No.13841821

It isn't about sex. It's about emotional support, understanding, being a muse. All these feminine roles that require qualities modern women don't possess.

>> No.13841826

I am not OP, but the fact that this accusation came from someone using such a disgusting analogy says more about the moral state of the accuser rather than the accused. I sincerely hope that you die as soon as possible, you pure fucking filth.

>> No.13841830
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Femoids are going crazy because men aren't caring about them as much anymore. Women require orbiters around them to feel they are higher up in the social hierarchy, and if they don't have that factor then they instantly feel something is wrong

The day is nigh upon us

>> No.13841846

You're such a faggot that women are actually more masculine than you