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13832595 No.13832595[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

money BAD food BAD competition BAD

>> No.13832608
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This picture makes commies SEETHE

>> No.13832640

bad: sucking cooperate dick, red scare fear mongering, tankies and/or any other commie larpers, eternal political correctness circlejerks
good: organizing better working conditions, limiting control of large cooperations, building sustainable foodsources, protecting nature

>> No.13832648
File: 161 KB, 2160x1215, f11f09457ea90e71078214395de6d7f1-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is america really a nation of morons?

>> No.13832704

Europe is like that to an extent. It's only a problem in America where corporations run rampant.

>> No.13832713

Any other right-wing socialists here semi-Marxist or Marxian in their hatred of capitalism?

Currently reading Robert Brenner:

(also this one)

If you can read German:
>Im Jahr 2002 veröffentlichte Brenner nach dem Platzen der New-Economy-Blase das Buch The Boom and the Bubble. The U.S. in the World Economy, das im Rahmen der begonnenen zweiten Brenner-Debatte zu Diskussionen über die Ursache der aktuellen Rezession in den USA führte. Brenner begründet auch die Ursache im Platzen der Spekulationsblase an den Börsen mit dem weit verbreiteten Aufbau von Überkapazitäten. Die Mehrheit der Wirtschaftsanalysten habe nicht erkannt, wie dieselben Mechanismen, mit denen die Börsen zunächst den Aufschwung vorangetrieben hätten, später die Wirtschaft parallel zum Absturz der Börsenkurse nach unten gezogen hätten. Der ökonomische Mainstream habe somit verkannt, dass der langwährende Wachstumsabschwung seit Anfang der 70er Jahre durch börsengetriebene Blasen nicht kuriert werden könne (vgl. Brenner 2003).

>> No.13832721

If you're not a Marxist you're a piece of shit. If you're an American you should just kill yourself.

>> No.13832728
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kys retard

>> No.13832732

>right-wing socialists
Elaborate. Welfare state for whites isn't socialism

>> No.13832747
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I'm not American.

>> No.13832753

A german marxist?
Wasn't east germany communist?
You want east germany back?

>> No.13832762

true, although there remains a lot of work to be done; tax evasion by large companies that make use of European loopholes, lobbying, corruption and other unhealthy practices are still common. exponentially better than america though so not complaining.

>> No.13832769

>Wasn't east germany communist?
No? The USSR wasn't communist.

>> No.13832774

Whats the solution to america's problems you smug eurofags.
Even if we vote for bernie he won't increase our salary. He'll just give us healthcare and forgive student debts.
I don't have student debt and I'm healthy so I don't care about either.
I do work for a shitty job though.

>> No.13832786

the solution is to have Mexico annex America

>> No.13832790


t. communist

>> No.13832797

Inb4 250 replies

>> No.13832818

Stop being a third world military outpost for you know who.

>> No.13832836

"im just gonna vote for whats better for ME in life"
"If it doesnt benefit ME its not worth anything"
"I am not sick right now, why should I care about healthcare"

>> No.13832843

Are you retarded? He wants to strengthen unions and dissolve the corporate hegemony in the US. If he gets elected you can join a union and, if it's reasonable, your wages will increase.

>> No.13832845

Can marxists explain why the us economy was better during the reagan administration from a marxist perspective?
Cause that's a lot of the source of confusion.
Americans think well if capitalism was good then, then the reason why capitalism is bad now is cause it must be broken.

>> No.13832864
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Meanwhile western Europe is already stagnating, and the rest of it has at most 2 generations left before it begins to stagnate too. And then there's the fact that we're currently at peak financial prosperity in this business cycle and a recession is coming within 18 months.

>> No.13832870

He's right you stupid limousine liberal fake socialist.

>> No.13832875

Better by what criteria and compared with what? It was "better" compared with the 70s because the 70s were basically a decade-long crisis.

>> No.13832876

they're not easy changes and lotta people seem to dislike them but some things needing fixing are:
for voting: no gerrymandering, more options than two party system, less dependence on superPAC's
for working conditions: greatly decrease cooperate power, decrease lobbying, better unions, better minimum wage
for healthcare: basic insurance/basic healthcare, strict limit on the ridiculous prices of pharmaceutical industry
culture: limits on cultural monopolies by things like disney and the likes, freer copyright laws

>> No.13832879

This wasn't written by a European. This was written by a retard Mutt rehashing the democratic platform and their worthless tepid solutions. Kill yourself.

>> No.13832893

Reminder that unions are reactionary okthankyou

>> No.13832902

are these genuine goals of the democratic party? i have not seen them approach these topics in any shape or form.

>> No.13832905

>just do a revolution bros
>yeah instate communism
>no not regular communism the type of communism but this type of communism(tm) where every retard is put in charge of businesses like Chile under allende
>no bros you don't get it the reason it didn't work was because the CIA installed a puppet regime not because most workers are in fact retarded and can't run a business
>pinochet was a monster bros he killed a thousand people
>yeah I know castro killed +10,000 what's your point cuba is great anyways

>> No.13832917

Democracy is also reactionary. Lex talionis, faggot. Try to tax me and I’ll beat your head in. Im a chieftain now. The good old way. We plunder other tribes and subsist just so.

>> No.13832960

and you need something to react, you need there to be two forces balancing out productivity over worker's rights. there are more elegant solutions possible like factories run by direct democracies or whatever but a union representing the humans working in the factory is a decent minumum.

>> No.13832967

Your salary will increase substantially if you vote for him.

>> No.13832983

Didn't realise feels were a good economic forecast. KYS

>> No.13832999

Nuclear devastation

>> No.13833004

what is it with your eurofags and your hate for america?
You've all benefited from our military protection.
What is that you fags want?

>> No.13833026

What is it with bootlickers and their unconditional support for shareholders and trustfund baby hobbyists?
Are you guys just a bunch of deluded /biz/fags that think you someday will become millionairs by playing the stock market lottery?

>> No.13833042

Nah, more like fascism but without some of the errors of the National Socialist regime.

I'm not into internationalist socialism though I am into a community of socialist nations united to destroy international speculative capital. I prefer the kinds of socialism proposed by the Conservative Revolution and various other fascist fellow travelers.

>> No.13833045

Because the US is a global parasite.

>> No.13833048

>people working in management are the ones who own the business
Protip: if you want to defend capitalism, maybe you should learn how it works first

>> No.13833065

workers in chile were put in charge of the businesses
the fact that investors don't run the business doesn't change what I said

>> No.13833090

What the fuck do you think a worker is buddy

>> No.13833126

National Socialism was already pretty socialist by getting rid of speculating, interest and having their own union. How do you think that by superficially making wages more egalitarian you will fix anything?

>> No.13833155

>How do you think that by superficially making wages more egalitarian you will fix anything?
Wtf that's the only thing that matters.
That and not getting overrun by immigrants.

>> No.13833180

I agree that they were, and that they were striking at the root of capital/usury which is what needs to be done. I just don't think they were perfect.

>How do you think that by superficially making wages more egalitarian you will fix anything?
This is where Marx is cool though. The very fact that our first instinct is to have this discussion in terms of "wages," a specific fetishized concept of capitalism that has no real existence outside its misguided perpetuation by us, is why Marxian critique is useful. That's also how mere socialism could fail, by getting stuck in the "redistributive" impulse and not pushing through to a genuine sublation of the antinomies of bourgeois capitalism. Usually when Marxists talk about this they want whatever untenable form of internationalist communism they prefer. I just want völkisch socialism instead.

>> No.13833200

Whether a system is successful and lasts is decided by whether people feel like it benefits them. It's not decided by mathematical equations, because life is not a video game.
I won't tell you to kill yourself though, because I understand that such basic facts are very hard to grasp for people afflicted with autism.

>I'm not into internationalist socialism though I am into a community of socialist nations united to destroy international speculative capital.
So it's just like any other retarded right-wing ideology that thinks that one can just cherrypick certain historical conditions and immortalize an idealized version of them.
What you're describing is an idealized version of a capitalism based on competition of state capitalist trusts (which replaces internal competiion) that was yet to develop strong international institutions.
This order existed in the early in the 20th century, but there are objective material reasons for why it led to two world wars and was ultimately transcended (in a limited way). Going back to that arrangement is as realistic as going back to feudalism or to the bronze age.

>> No.13833219

Or rather going back to it for a longer period of time*, because it's possible that we'll see such a regression as a short prelude to another world war. But then maybe not, since next time it could be supra-national unions as basic units rather than nation-states.

>> No.13833280

Aren't European countries corporatists kind of?
Like the state protects corporations from competition and in exchange they pay taxes.
Cause I don't think that's what Bernie's proposing.
If Bernie got elected businesses would leave.

>> No.13833342

hahahahaha what a fucking loser

>> No.13833343

America to suffer nuclear devastation

>> No.13833364

Lol if you ask an Italian he’ll obviously complain and say it’s all going like shit.
Read some Latin literature and Italian people saw the end of the world approaching 2200 years ago
T. Italiano

>> No.13833378

Military (((protection)))
You Amerimutt speak like the Mafiosi you put in charge of everything after invading Sicily

>> No.13833382

is America taxing you or something?
Then whats the problem?

>> No.13833404

obviously every side has good points, which is why i’m socially liberal but fiscally conservative and identify as a centrist, and don’t bother identifying with a party, since they’re all dumb.
gonna vote republican tho

>> No.13833427

Mutts that can’t read their own language having fucked up our country maybe?
You taxed us then. You put mafia crooks on political position because they were trusted anti-fascists. You destroyed monuments and issued your occupation money ordering the Bank of Italy to accept it
And now Murrika alone consumes resources 5 times more than it could.