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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 292 KB, 943x1193, Read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13830110 No.13830110 [Reply] [Original]

Do you read your enemies?

>> No.13830120

I don't have any enemies, but if I did I would make them my friends.

>> No.13830129

I read /lit/.

>> No.13830130

Capitalism isn't conservative.

>> No.13830133

More than things I agree with. Why bother reading at all if you're not challenging your own intellect. I don't think I've ever read anything political I actually align with. Must be why I don't have very strong convictions, honestly. Marxist, or McCarthyist, we can be cool.

>> No.13830144

no, thats retarded.

>> No.13830145

>civnat maga grifters
Barf. Zegers sounds like a jewish name too. Lot of those in that crowd.

>> No.13830146
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Based and unabomber pilled.

>> No.13830153

but who was camera

>> No.13830154

Based bro.

>> No.13830166
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I've been known to dip into Foucault and Derrida, but I can't stomach reading their books from beginning to end.

>> No.13830231

>reading something with your mind already made up on it
just as bad as going in already agreeing with something

>> No.13830238

No. The only people I consider my "enemies" are the stupid, cruel, psychopathic, bloodthirsty conservatives who strive to make the world a worse place. These types don't write. Or at least they don't write anything worth reading. I wouldn't consider someone intelligent enough to write well to be an enemy of mine.

>> No.13830306

based enlightened poster.

>> No.13830331
File: 29 KB, 450x681, images (23).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive read the road to serfdom comic book

>> No.13830337

Can you read without some kind of selective interpretation though? The theory dependence of observation and all that. I've found in rereading texts that I focus on things which before never stirred my interests.

>> No.13830340

Yes, a leftist's worst nightmare is debating a right winger who knows the Left's language, definitions, and ideology inside and out, especially on an academic level.

>> No.13830352

Exactly. Nightmares aren't real life and in this case it will never be. Right-wingers don't read.

>> No.13830363


>> No.13830366

I'm really looking to forward to seeing MAGAthot69 crush the growing support of marxism in our country. Truly a brave and feracious warrior of western civilization.

>> No.13830385

Nice and wholesomepilled.

>> No.13830422

t.warmongering bloodthirsty pedophile

>> No.13830451

>no socks

imagine the smell bros

>> No.13830454


>> No.13830479

lately there's a lot of basedposters here, keeping hanging around, we need you

>> No.13830481

She is reading with the intent of dismantling everything she reads, which isn't truly reading.

>> No.13830515

Her identity is tied too much to her political beliefs so she will never change her mind, she has too much to lose.

>> No.13830519 [DELETED] 


>> No.13830538

More than anything
Its always a good laugh.

>> No.13830549

I'd like to dip into her, if you know what I mean.

>> No.13830550

ive point it out in numerous threads that the incentives to work under socialism are just not there.
I think that its single biggest flaw.
Look at the oil production in venezuela before and after it got nationalized.
Its not a mystery why that happened.
Before they were afraid of losing there job if they didnt do the work after it got nationalized they probably worked a little here and there and mostly talked and wasted time.

>> No.13830560

Yes, I read Nagarjuna. He's a fucking retard.

t. Catholic theologian

>> No.13830567
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>> No.13830608


>> No.13830614

holy kek that image

>> No.13830617

>ive point it out in numerous threads that the incentives to work under socialism are just not there
It's possible to have incentives in a socialist system like quotas that have to be fulfilled or better payments for more productive workers.
>I think that its single biggest flaw.
The biggest flaw is that prices are set central and not determined by supply and demand so that many informations which influence these factors are lost.

>> No.13830627


>Nararjuna a retard

care to elaborate?

>> No.13830638

paul cockshott claims that the economic calculation problem has been solved thanks to the increase in computing power.

>> No.13830662

Water is wet

>> No.13830674

Derrida and foucault are nothing alike, the reason you can't read them from start to end is because you are cumbrain with burnt out dopamine receptors.

>> No.13830679

no but I take pictures of myself pretending to and post them on social media

>> No.13830688

Karl Marx has over 40 volumes of books. A woman wouldn't be able to read them all in her life time, let alone comprehend them. The ironic thing is that most marxists dont even read Marx so reading his work won't help her counter his ideas.

>> No.13830694

it's the socks that contain and amplify the smell bro.

>> No.13830734

Yeah, but only the smart or interesting shit. Like I'll read the Futurist or Mussolini's manifesto any day of the week, but I refuse to read Siege. Schmitt rules, but should I really waste my time reading Mein Kampf?

Anyone who's read Marx already knows this

>> No.13830749


>> No.13830755

My favorite right wing myth is that leftists sit around reading Foucault and Derrida.
Like bro everybody on the left hates Foucault and nobody knows what the fuck Derrida is saying unless they've studied their linguistics

>> No.13830765

>Catholic theologian

That's all you need to know.

>> No.13830777

>paul cockshott claims that the economic calculation problem has been solved thanks to the increase in computing power.
Maybe this will be a possibility in the future but I doubt that it is achievable at the moment due the amount of data which is in parts not really accessible for a computer system . Also there are still economies around which are planned and sthey still seem to not function very well.

>> No.13831038
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>> No.13831148
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>> No.13831152
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>> No.13831165
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i coomed

>> No.13831178

If the computers can get inside the consumers' and producers' heads, to understand our wants to that extreme, then we might as well do away with people and have computers feel things instead of us.

>> No.13831220

its not about knowing peoples wants, its about beign able to calculate prices without a market.

>> No.13831229

True af...I hate when Derrida's terms like deconstruction are used on politics. So dumb, everybody just pretends to know what that guy is saying

>> No.13831231

Derrida I can understand, but Foucault is fine.

>> No.13831313

She's already coming into a book she hasn't read with disapprovement? Psued pleb shit. Why does she already disagree with something she does not understand? Her opinion should come only after finishing the book

>> No.13831321

>20th century intellectual larp furniture
>Leather bound book collections
Holy psued

>> No.13831388

Yeah sure.

>> No.13831453

I don't read.

>> No.13831478

Why try to "crush it", just let them attempt to implement their vision. The failure will discredit the idea on its own. This sounds like a tyrant insecure about the rebellious chatter he's hearing rumors of. If what exists is so good why is there a growing number of people discontented? There's obviously a kernel of truth in something still so influential centuries after it was written. not finding this and implementing it within your own framework is setting yourself up for a pathetic failure. I would like to see this woman experience of fall from her supposed grace

>> No.13831867
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>> No.13831882

not the first yikeser
but double yikes

anyway im a first generation minority, send me some money white guilt boy

>> No.13831884

Yeah, because every anti-capitalist knows all about capitalism, amirite?

>> No.13831888

A conventional solestry analysis of this woman is an instructive dive into the wild phylogenetics of American reproductive patterns. Her feet classify as Romanized Celtic "peasant feet" with subtly prominent second metarasals that are maybe a millimeter or so longer than and project away from her big toes, suggesting a risk-seeking inclination. The boxy, thick shapes of her feet reflect reliability, steadfastness along with being grounded to the earth, the opposite of aloof. Her modestly flatter arches suggest extraversion while her unshod toes tendencies to curl indicate the endurance of a great deal of stress transmuted into her podal ligaments and fascia. Some analysts look at her pinky toes as being significant, marking her independence and trailblazing nature while others think they're typical of "flyover farmstock" women who are usually only feminine vessels for decidedly male powers. I think heaven tends to grace beautiful women with better than beautiful feel when they're blessed with a certain purpose or grand destiny. I personally think this woman is so blessed and her feet reflect a great deal of favor. If there are great purposes ahead for a woman, it is rare for her to take such a journey without a tangible and deeply felt confidence in her feet's aesthetic, cultural and social powers being in large reserve.

>> No.13831891

most liberals only have superficial knowledge of marx

>> No.13831897
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Rent free

>> No.13831920

Why are you asking me this question? Why should I care about the reading habits of anti-capitalists in regards to this picture? Does this somehow disproves anything I said? Kys with your brainlet binary take take. My post must hit have close to home huh? You're having opinions on ideas through second hand sources? I hope at they at least come from a book and not the internet.....

>> No.13831939

I respectfully disagree, because I receive her feet into a Germanicized Hellenic heredity. Her second toe is notably longer than a "millimeter," and her toes slope in a clearly Greek pattern, albeit one combined into German phenotypes that tend to flatten that slope and reduce toe lengths. I'd interpret from these details that she is risk seeking as you say, but also quite creative, and prone to burn-out, if it weren't for the Germanic heritage that tells me she possesses unique calmness in adversity. I think I see more of my analysis mapping to her recent life of pushing herself through a grueling political campaign and I think there's good reason to think she's well prepared for it. Germanic feet are among the least attractive but indicate a calculating but practical person. So she's no pushover and may be destined for great things. I agree with you on the blessings of beautiful feet foretelling the few favored by divine power. If this woman is indeed destined to ascend our world, I would expect, like AOC, her feet to a esthetically improve as she grows and develops and becomes more powerful, or draws however closer to full realization of her special purposes. Her feet will then only grow in beauty in a way that confounds all but those wise to such things.

>> No.13832021
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Yes. I read alt-right and far-left publications.

Chomsky, Peterson, Harris, Hitler, various manifestos (e.g., Tarrant/Unabomber), and Marx.

It's interesting stuff but most of it, well, you read the smuggie/shit-take on it, and I find that it's surprisingly helpful at picking apart some of the weaknesses of the ideology and puts you in a position to be less taken in by suppositions. Call me too easily influenced if you like, but I find that reading criticisms, even superficial/mocking ones, to be very beneficial if read *before* reading the source material.

>> No.13832028

>leopard print
>not attention whore
choose 1

>> No.13832095

i only read transcripts of cum town episodes

>> No.13832141

Yes, I've been reading lefty shit for a while. Didn't change me a bit, we don't share fundamental moral premises.

>> No.13832151

I read the Bible and the Quran, yes

>> No.13832266

May you succeed in your based endeavours

>> No.13832412

>Like bro everybody on the left hates Foucault
Because he supports Iran and Israel?

>> No.13832473

The Left is like Petrarchism, you derail them from the inside

>> No.13832480

I'm a liberal so most of my ideology is based from taking parts of works and ignoring the rest. Reading the sources for liberalism is you reading someone you agree with a lot on a certain point and disagree with on another point. Aristotle, Plato, Hobbes, Machiavelli, Rousseau, John Locke etc all good points but yikes beliefs otherwise.

>> No.13832493

Holy based

>> No.13832499

Who's taking that picture?

>> No.13832757
File: 136 KB, 990x486, Screen_Shot_2014-10-08_at_3.05.13_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I particularly enjoy reading Myron Ebell and the Exxon cannon, some day I want to take a deep deep dive into the legislature. I read what fascists post online, but they are too cringe to be my enemy and can't really articulate anything beyond shitposts that is worth reading.
Based but cringe that you reduce those people to conservatives when their actions really have nothing to do with conservatism, yes they are the puppet masters behind conservative politics, and usually their controlled opposition as well and especially in the United States. But you shouldn't call them conservatives, it's exactly what they want you to do for their PR program and it will only spook the naive people.

>> No.13832763

See second paragraph for reply

>> No.13832781

>Peterson, Harris

>> No.13832782

It's not liberal either.

>> No.13832792

Compare the former west germany and east germany and tell me which one was more liberal.

>> No.13832795
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This is the most powerful mode

>> No.13832805

"more liberal" in one historical scenario doesn't make it absolutely liberal.

>> No.13832808

Segers is Jewish. Also, she’s not actually reading in that shitty camera pose

>> No.13832857 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13832878


>> No.13832904


>> No.13833114

they are sub-50 IQ americans that think free trade capitalism will ever result in anything but burgerpunk dystopia

>> No.13833117

You're weak

>> No.13833214
File: 6 KB, 216x225, AEAF1CD6-0A57-429C-B982-94A318D06AEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Economic liberalism: Concept that a government should not try to control prices, rents, and/or wages but instead let open competition and forces of demand and supply create an equilibrium between them that benefits the vast majority of citizens.
Sounds like capitalism to me bro

>> No.13834659
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that book is barely 100 pages and marx's shortest book (the manifesto) is 200 pages.

>> No.13835255

Truly the most comfy and benevolent attitude. The girl in OP will eventually probably accept Marx, if she understands anything he says. The system is fucking all of us.

>> No.13835442

>women into politics
men into make up yeah right

>> No.13835659

There is nothing weak about turning people who hate you into people that love you. That is some powerful shit

>> No.13835684

But our government does control prices, rents, and wages

>> No.13835686

Nah, he's right. That is a completely effeminate mentality. It's apparent that men don't respect you.

>> No.13835700

I will never be your friend.

>> No.13835725


>> No.13835846

Anons what should i read next?
I've found myself on an unexpected journey,
I started with Holding onto reality, and just finished Society of the Spectacle which has lead to me now reading: Poetic Designs (naturally) and The Machine that Changed the World.
What's the next thing I should read?
I care more about the working of the machine than higher 'chit-chat' about it's existence.

>> No.13835881

Why not?

>> No.13835895

I'd like to grab her by hair and shove my cock up her ass if you know what I mean

>> No.13835917

I am your adversary.

>> No.13835973
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How else would I know that they're my enemies?

>> No.13836007

Well can we have a friendly rivalry then?

>> No.13836030
File: 29 KB, 325x500, E80789B8-9F8B-4A06-A21E-1E64A751F692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read The World According to Clarkson despite thinking he’s an insufferable arse.

Honestly it was quite entertaining, strictly for reading on the shitter though.

>> No.13836055

Currently reading TRTS. The author is so concerned about fighting collectivism he completely discounts the expansion of social programs in any capacity. Also, capitalism only functions when the principle of the division of labor works. Soon, automation will radically reduce the amount of labor being divided, and most human labor won't be useful anymore, thus destabilizing the entire structure. Something needs to be done, and the best option so far is UBI but it's too close to socialism so lets all just watch the further concentration of wealth until a critical mass occurs and the fall of modern civilization really happens.

>> No.13836060

Understand the argument of your adversary and you'll know the flaws of yours.

>> No.13836076



>> No.13836091


>> No.13836124
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>200 pages

>> No.13836130

He’s obviously not read it. There probably are some 200 page versions that have a bunch of droning analysis and a few essays chucked in.

>> No.13836140

By the bye, I recall I had to study The Communist Manifesto in English Lit, Politics and Philosophy in first year at Glasgow. I know people rave about socialist agendas at universities, Glasgow is one where that really is true.

On the plus side it was a piece of piss churning out three essays on a pamphlet.

>> No.13836176

That’s funny because I find him quite amusing but I would never read one of his books because it would be a waste of my time

>> No.13836210
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Meh, I’m not that fussy about what I read on the bog. It’s usually Viz, I have a subscription expressly for that purpose.

I read a volume of Bukowski poetry over several trips to the shitter lately, honestly it’s not much more high brow.

>> No.13836295

Reading Marx will start you down the path to agreeing with Marx if you don't already. If you read Marx and don't agree with him you're legitimately a retarded cuck.

>> No.13836315

>you're legitimately a retarded cuck.
How so?

>> No.13836321

Yes, I have read many books written by gentiles.

>> No.13836323

if u dont agree with daddy marx u r stupid and a cucK!!!#!111

yeah let me know when that stateless society happens lmao

>> No.13836334

>being a cuckold to capitalists

Where are your means of production, cucks?

>> No.13836503

>being cucked into cyclical time

>> No.13836586


>> No.13836955

Clearly spooked lad.

>> No.13837323

>>>13830306 >>13830385 >>13830454 >>13830479 >>13832266 >>13832795 >>13832878 >>13833117 >>13835255 >>13835700 >>13836091
Wtf that sound stupid af
Also if you don't have enemies you are probably just a bland safeopinion cocksucker faggot

>> No.13837361
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tfw no soft hearted liberal gf

>> No.13837395

The best policy is to read as widely as possible, not limiting yourself to subject matter that strictly agrees with your tastes. The written word forms a vast interconnected system, and despite any attempts to "speak against" this tide, no one can escape the mass of all language. It pulls in everything that has been written.

Once you see this, you realize "That art Thou", that even your enemy is part of the same process. This is how political and diplomatic wisdom is obtained.

>> No.13837551

I don't have any enemies because I slay all those who oppose me.

>> No.13837606

>Mallard Fillmore Watch
>rent free
Back at you.

>> No.13837693

>The best policy is to read as widely as possible

Intellectual dissipation is suicide of the soul.

>> No.13837725


People with an IQ north of room temperature can read things that they disagree with, and continue to disagree with them after having read them-often more effectively. Do you know that?

>> No.13837816
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There's only so much time in a lifetime. Why stretch yourself thin? Depth over breadth--every time.

>> No.13837886

>Reading the Manifesto
Well, it’s more research than WashYerPeterSon did

>> No.13838121

exalted friend

>> No.13838292
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I don't want to hate women but they make it really hard for me to not hate them. How do I change this?

>> No.13838300

get help, take meds etc


>> No.13838303
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This anon is beyond all of us.

>> No.13838422

based opportunist

>> No.13838429
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>real communism has never been tried

>> No.13838439

I am your enemy. The only way I will be your friend is if you suck my cock

>> No.13838445

Yes there is. Surrender mentality. A man without enemies is a man without principle

>> No.13838565

i make my enemies read me

>> No.13838571

as if either of your two opinion counts, you're women afterall so stfu
no tit pic, no interest in what you cunts have to say

>> No.13838601

You just can't be friend with everyone. Life isn't an elder scrolls game

>> No.13838605

Gay as fuck

>> No.13838610

Except Morrowind, you had to choose there one exclusive house to join. Morrowind was the best installment.

>> No.13838617

It's the opposite. They may respect you or be neutral, more importantly everyone is attracted to your personality and on such terms that you sitting comfortably behind their guard by default. What you suggest will just make men and women alike think you an irritating, incompetent, insecure overcompensating little weasel. Which is what you probably are if you front like that.

>> No.13838620

>implying that those lections have any real consecuences
Anyway, my point is still there: you can be a good and nice person (completely laudable) but there's such a variety of personalities and forms of being that you just can't expect to be compatible with.

>> No.13838621

left wingers read gaylit while being split roasted by their comrades

and also marx youtube video essays

>> No.13838626

>crush the growing support of marxism in our country
The fact that a bunch of ugly, sickly, mentally ill retards think they're going to change the political system of the strongest empire in the history of humanity is pathetic

The American System doesn't even bother identifying socialists as a threat because they know they'll either eat each other or be used for controlled-op later on

>> No.13838639
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>but yikes beliefs otherwise

>> No.13838647
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>The only people I consider my "enemies" are the stupid, cruel, psychopathic, bloodthirsty conservatives who strive to make the world a worse place

>> No.13838694
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I understand your notion I just wanted to mention that Morrowind is an exception because this is very important to me for you to recognize that, OK?

>> No.13838796

I'm convinced the uptick in basedposting has something to do with the coomer meme. It's like anons can start to think clearly without the influence of porn on their minds

>> No.13838821

the idea behind communism is unpractical for obvious reasons.
The workers cant control the workers.
Somebody needs to control the workers.
Nobody likes to work so the workers will make it so they dont have to work.
But somebody needs to.
under capitalism the capitalists control the workers.

>> No.13838830

Foucault was an unironic supporter of neoliberalism, which is hated by virtually everyone on the left of the Democratic Party. >>13832480

>> No.13838848

demoshits love neo-liberal capitalism. nothing they love more than sucking off major corporations and then pretending they're against them in rhetoric

>> No.13838855
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ay me too hahahaha

>> No.13838896

Woah based I got dubs hahahaha

>> No.13838999

I don't really have enemies to read. I now just see that some problems are complex and can be analysed from multiple perspectives. I have replaced my view vs others mentality with curiosity.

>> No.13839980

That's why I haven't said nothing about DNC NPCs. Still, Foucault thoughts on societal mores would make his works unpalatable for the majority of those retards too

>> No.13840104

Garbled nonsense

>> No.13840126
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>>13831888 (checked)

where can I learn to analyze people's character through the appearance of their feet? unironically interested in this.

>> No.13842251


>> No.13842330

all the computers in the world couldn't compe close to simulating the complex thought processes that go on in 7.7 billion peoples brains, much less the effect on each other they have through trends, culture, and subculture. thats what's needed to satisfy people's demands as well as the market does.

>> No.13842418

>Chomsky, Peterson, Harris, Hitler
what a fucking list.

>> No.13842671

Why are leftists always angry?

>> No.13842780

yes, horkheimer and marcuse and they were hot garbage

>> No.13843211

insecurity and self-hatred, too immense to fully contain, projected outwards

>> No.13843490
File: 106 KB, 694x530, CF734397-DCC7-4390-8697-B9F4356F99D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because humanity will face a crib-death brought on by the ignorance of the rightwing.

We wanted to travel the stars. But the rightwing want to live in an idealized past, and they’ll kill us all trying to get there

>> No.13843498

the right wings are the ones that travel the stars actually.
left wings think we should fix this planet first.

>> No.13843543

Isn't your vision of "traveling the stars" also pretty idealistic? What makes you think that long distance space travel wouldn't just open up yet another theatre of conflict?

>> No.13843547

meant for

>> No.13843634

It’s poetic terms for keeping humanity going. Keeping alive. Monsters in space? Face them. I don’t want it to be over. I know we all have to go sometime, but not yet and not like this.

>> No.13843721

I can't take these staged photo seriously.
Makes me sick to think that someone with even the slightest political power could see this nothing post and not get uncomfortable

>> No.13843735

It will definitely work this time, comrade :)

>> No.13843747

you ever heard of Jews?

>> No.13844234

>travel the stars
That's a romantic way of saying "barrel through the endless void for years in a dark cramped spaceship."
You travel the stars. I'll stay on my wonderful planet.

>> No.13844240

her photo is heavily filtered/airbrushed though.

>> No.13844474

fence sitting faggot

>conservatives who strive to make the world a better place. These types don't write. Or at least they don't write anything worth reading.
they write finiancial analysis reports, stay poor nigger.

>The ironic thing is that most marxists dont even read Marx so reading his work won't help her counter his ideas.

> a computer knows what everyone wants and how much each of us are willing to pay
> any woman alive or dead knows what she wants anytime ever
> santa knows what kids want for christmas
lack of rational actors undermines all the data mining in the universe

>> No.13844477

Based and frenpilled

>> No.13844515

>The failure will discredit the idea on its own.
ironic how all of our highly educated academics can't learn from other peoples mistakes
>Why try to "crush it"
because it will also harm normal people who want nothing to do with it.

>> No.13844529

this is why lit is the big iq board

>> No.13844547

>human labor won't be useful anymore. ... Something needs to be done
time to take out the trash

>> No.13844569


>> No.13844582

why did they write Kompilation with C?

>> No.13844591 [DELETED] 

If one cannot comprehend the worldview, and general concepts of another, whom one regards as an enemy, by reading a summary of his/her work, then that other is actually a rival to one, not an enemy.

>> No.13844595

I don't know who this woman is.
I don't know why she thinks that people who call themselves socialists on college campuses are actually hardcore Marxists.
Show me the Marxists!
Where are the Marxists?

>> No.13844596

If one cannot comprehend the worldview, and general concepts of another, whom one regards as an enemy, by reading a summary of his/her work/s, instead deciding to read his/her work/s in their entirety, then that other is actually a rival to one, not an enemy.

>> No.13844634

my training, my labor, and my decision making process are my means of production. not my fault some other cumbrain makes bad decisions

>the poorfag thinks capital only exists because of muh priviledge
why do you envious faggots begrudge others their inheritance? the whole point of parenting is to make life better for your kids. not my fault your boomer ancestors bought a jet ski instead of real estate

>> No.13844650

The ascend of money

>> No.13844655

>even your enemy is part of the same process
my enemy only reads youtube comments, bernie bumper stickers, and karl popper infographics.

>> No.13844659

jack of all trades gets paid jack

>> No.13844719

>blaming victim in the current year
Wokeness Level 0

>> No.13844720

What if I win my enemies through display of principle?

>> No.13844721

>strength in numbers argument
>10 million refugees that don't pay taxes
never mentions that there's also weakness in numbers
>UBI shilling luddite doomsaying about automation making all future labor irrelevant
but the strength in numbers argument somehow doesn't apply in this scenario

>> No.13844723

there are sub-145 IQ americans that think burgerpunk is a dystopia.

>> No.13844732

>Nobody likes to work so the workers will make it so they dont have to work.
All UBI advocates REEEEEE
>But somebody needs to.
All universal health care advocates REEEEEEEE

>> No.13844870

>problems are complex and can be analysed from multiple perspectives
> HURRRR, by definition, conflicts have two or more sides.
congratulations on passing 9th grade

>I don't really have enemies to read
> liebenpress
> pseudoscience
> statistics for profit
> 7 billion sheeple
> the limits of your natural lifespan
critical thinkers are surrounded by enemies

>> No.13844895

rekt >>13843490

commies want to live in a fictional post-scarcity society, and they'll kill us all while re-instituionalizing despotism trying to get there

>> No.13844928

>congratulations on passing 9th grade
>critical thinkers are surrounded by enemies
Depends what you think an enemy is. I don't really have goal, so people aren't between what I strife for, thus I don't count them as enemies. Things you listed harm themselves more than you, but if they want to continue acting like that, they are free to do so. Let me guess, you think I should be out there forcing things to go my way.

>> No.13844965

>muh human nature
it's time to stop posting, burgoids

>> No.13844969

>I don't really have goal
my bad, didn't realize i was talking to an NPC

>Things you listed harm themselves more than you
tolerating any harm inflicted upon you at all
thinking life is zero sum

>I should be out there forcing things to go my way.
forcing is a strong word
my preference is for you and all the other NPCs to act in MY best interest.

>> No.13845052

Unsurprising answer, although I find it ironic that this type of person goes around calling others NPCs.

>> No.13845054

breadpilled, keeping working on the kingdom

>> No.13845058

executing your enemies on the floor of the lubyanka/10

>> No.13845094
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>growing support

>> No.13845126


>> No.13845230

what's ironic?
we're all NPC's on this tanzanian catfish noodling forum

>> No.13845253

I read like 3-4 original nazi books per year but it's kind of hard because they're so low brow and manipulative. It kind of feels like a pedo is trying to lure you into his car with candy.

>> No.13845295

HI, rabbi

>> No.13845346

>my bad, didn't realize i was talking to an NPC
If you think likthat, you wouldn't have said that earlier. Because you would have assumed everyone is NPC.

>> No.13845353

Hi underage virgin.

>> No.13845369

>his car
check your pronouns, womyn can be pedos too
inb4 mtf trannies

>> No.13845378

>flip the script. Claim “rekt”
>repeat liberals cold war propaganda about “commies”
>has little to no healthcare. Drinks poisoned water, eats poisoned food. Still afraid of Stalin’s man made famine
We were talking about leftists. Fixing/preserving the planet is going to have to be a part of a healthy future.
Escaping to Mars is in the capitalists plans.

Oh so fragile

>> No.13845401

be honest with yourself, burgoid... there's no growing support for marxism. there's a continuing support for liberalism but with some human rights added in that burgers are proud of being denied. you're always going to be a fascist, jingoistic, and ignorant shithole.

>> No.13845411

how to reset my dopamine receptors?

>> No.13845431

She's not actually reading Marx. She'll skim the wikipedia page and then make the same stupid arguments like the mud pie argument.

>> No.13845438

When burning, a piece of paper first turns brown before it turns black.
There is growing support of farther left policy among most groups, and anti-capitalism among already leftist groups

>> No.13845440

Go outside, find a nice spot, wait there till the sun sets.

>> No.13845539

on the contrary, i think everyone (at least here) is the fucked up self sabotaging anti-hero of their own story. at the barest minumum NEETS still have a goal: a continuous supply of tendies. so although our individual impotence makes each of us effectively NPCs, i'm still surprised to encounter someone who self-indentifies as one. what are your pronouns?

>> No.13845780

>has little to no healthcare
hmmm.... maybe doctors and hospital beds are a scarce resource? how does universal healthcare (increasing demand) improve the supply?
>Drinks poisoned water, eats poisoned food. Still afraid of Stalin’s man made famine
modern technology (including gmos and pesticides) are exactly why i'm NOT afraid of famine

>Fixing/preserving the planet is going to have to be a part of a healthy future.
you say you got a real solution? we'd all love to hear the plan

>Escaping to Mars is in the capitalists plans.
back to /x/ ----->
btw, elite's won't have a sustainable servant population unless they take us all with them.

>> No.13845795

>applying health to capitalism
>poison is good for us
Oh Burger
It is crazy. Same as eco-fascism.

>> No.13845831

>some human rights
>such as the right to disposess the labor of doctors, nurses, and pharmacists
"i went to 7 years of uni to be a slave" said no one ever

>> No.13845843

what is slavery to you?

>> No.13845879

>>poison is good for us
it's all relative. trace amounts of poison are preferable to famine. what kind of organic produce do you grow in magical christmasland? winter squash?

>> No.13845905

>on the contrary, i think everyone (at least here) is the fucked up self sabotaging anti-hero of their own story
Doesn't contradict if someone claims that he has no ambition or goals. You have strange definition of NPC, someone striving for something is one, and so is someone who doesn't.

>> No.13845912

>what is slavery to you?
prolies claim capitalists treat them as wage slaves. their solution is to treat medical professionals as wage slaves

>> No.13845949

claiming to have no ambitions is a lie. the desire for tendies and trap porn contradicts the claim. the struggle is real (and really pathetic)

>> No.13845953

You'd be surprised how many people get pissed off by this idea.

>> No.13845956

>Schmitt rules
How so? Why do you read him if he is your enemy? And if he rules how do you reconcile this with completely opposed ideas?

>> No.13845959
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Why the fuck is lit becoming a tweet reaction board?

>> No.13845986

Ok retard

>> No.13846002

that didn't answer the question. do you think medical professionals will literally be whipped if they don't provide medical care to someone or something? doctors are wage slaves too. they're proles.

>> No.13846234


>> No.13846338

>do you think medical professionals will literally be whipped
no, because in the resource-scarce real world, injured livestock cannot be productive. i'm not completely denying your blacked.com fantasy, there's plenty of irrational actors. there's plenty of different types of slavery, but burgers only think of chattel.

>that didn't answer the question
ownership of humans
human life and "dignity" has no intrinsic value (if anything it's a cost), but human labor does (the best measurement of utility is GDP)
wages are freely entered contracts - if you are truly unhappy with your compensation, then you'd quit. wageslavery is fiction
regulations fucking up the labor market is nonfiction
non-market-value compensation is theft of labor, aka slavery

>> No.13846496


>> No.13846594

resources aren't scarce it's the distribution

>> No.13846612

Everyone replying based is a child. There are some people who want to be your enemy, who will never be satisfied with peace and friendship. And when you try to befriend them, they will take the opportunity to destroy you.

>> No.13846798

Sounds like a childish viewpoint on the world. Why would you want to have enemies? Do you think that makes your life more exciting? Its stupid, especially when it comes to ideologies, since you don't matter in the grander scheme of things.

>> No.13846823

>someone is an asshole to me
>I should be an asshole as well

It just creates more assholes in the world. At worst just ignore these people.

>> No.13846831

i dunno bro, that sounds cringe

>> No.13846849

Why is this board filled with so many naive "wholesome" morons?

>> No.13846852

>not being a bloomer
back to facebook

>> No.13846885

Why's the jannies delete my posts?

>> No.13846909
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That's not true. Righ-wingers read. Case in point.

>> No.13847033

>resources aren't scarce it's the distribution
true, but i don't see which paragraph in obamacare gave scholarships to medical students or any other kind of supply-side incentive. why pay 40% of your income to malpractice insurance when you can just make phone apps instead?

>> No.13847052

>It just creates more assholes in the world. At worst just ignore these people.
>someone who has never stood up to a bully, or defended the weaker from a bully
i feel sorry for your wife's kids

>> No.13847057

kek based

>> No.13847341
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>> No.13847344

capitalism is anticulture

>> No.13847679

>guys look at me in my cute little thot outfit reading a book. Don't forget to donate to my patreon. #maga #letsgoisrael #democratsaretherealracists

>> No.13848740

wow. i have a mircopenis, but i'm still not 10% as cope as this. leftists are just indoctrinated sheep nothing specialabout them.

>> No.13848820

his thoughts have not age well.
All the things leftists warned about, free trade, deregulation, dismantling on labor unions, dismantling of mental health...
have come about.
And society is worse because of it.

>> No.13850259

I pray every day for rich college educated communists in America to rise up so we can crush them into oblivion. Take all your hatred and drive as a Marxist and multiply that by 10, that is what it's like watching parents give kids hormone therapy.
I hope you all burn alive.

>> No.13850414

You're a fucking moron for implying in your very first line that she has already formed an opinion of the book without reading it, when she clearly says she is RE-READING it, you absolute fucking moron. Why don't you kill yourself instead of embarrassing yourself even further, you pathetic sack of shit.

>> No.13850423

Does your stomach also get upset when you see someone wearing a red hat? Hahahaah fucking faggot weakling homo!

>> No.13851084

coming to you from the people claiming a nazi is in power of the united states and the next nazi is behind every other corner

>> No.13851381

Marx is literally not wrong about anything. Everything he says was true at the time and most of what he says is still true to this day although yes some of it is no longer valid. Marx could have never foreseen the ridiculous hyperreality that capitalism would bring economic production into. You dont have to be a communist or marxist to admit he was right. You just have to be honest.

The only people that say he's "wrong" are ideaological nonhumans who ironically project their ideological nonhumanness onto groups theyve been told are the "enemy".

>> No.13851386

Stop that!

>> No.13852050
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keep your frens close but your enemies closer

>> No.13852199

>reading to own the libs

holy fuck do retards do this?

>> No.13852318

>There are some people who want to be your enemy, who will never be satisfied with peace and friendship. And when you try to befriend them, they will take the opportunity to destroy you.
Only if you play it wrong.

>> No.13853230

Same but I will backstab you.
t. Jew