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13827007 No.13827007[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A girl invited me to her birthday. She is turning 16. I want to buy her a book as a gift. What book should I buy?

>> No.13827014


>> No.13827033

Harry Potter

>> No.13827034
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>> No.13827063

She'll probably like Lolita

>> No.13827067

How old are you?

>> No.13827080

Why is /lit/ more obsessed with Lolita book than /tv/ is with the movie

>> No.13827083

the movie was crap

>> No.13827084

Because Lolita is a good book, and I bet the movie isn't good.

>> No.13827087


>> No.13827088

don't buy people books, they want to read what they want to read and you're more than likely not giving her what she wants
if you have to, you should probably get her something with short stories like Lem or Borges because of low attention spans/commitment

>> No.13827089


>> No.13827093

>What does 16 year old girls read
Shit, give her The Last Man by Mary Shelley, maybe that will fix her.

>> No.13827110

Op. Ask yourself first this: does she want a book or are you just trying to flex your lit skills? If the latter, don't. Ask a friend what she would want (assuming people are still bringing gifts). If the former, don't think of her as a '16 year old girl" but as a human being with specific features. Tailor to those aspects.

>> No.13827127

Do 16 year olds still read books in 2019?

>> No.13827150

Just buy her a crystal-studded buttplug instead.

>> No.13827163

It's never too early for a bright young girl to be introduced to Thus Spoke Zarathustra. With any luck, she'll kill herself after.

>> No.13827226

OP here. I'm 21.

I bought it at a store for used books, and I've been thinking about it. But at the same time it might be weird. I'm already sure I have undiagnosed autism, and I don't want to be weirder than I already am.

I will look for short stories. Thank you.

At some level I'm obviously trying to impress her, or give her something which means something to me. I read a lot and so whenever I buy a gift I buy a book. It's probably just some weird projection going on, but I want the person I give the gift to to see some of me in that gift.

No mental health stuff please. She already tried, and she is a cutter, so I'm staying far away from that. (And yeah, I know Nietzsche won't make anyone kill themselves.)

>> No.13827235

>I bought it at a store for used books, and I've been thinking about it. But at the same time it might be weird. I'm already sure I have undiagnosed autism, and I don't want to be weirder than I already am.
Why would it be weird? Don't you want her to interpret it as a tacit sign of flirtation?

>> No.13827236

I thought this thread was a joke. Why in the name of God are you trying to impress a sixteen year old girl?

>> No.13827252

I don't think I have to explain myself. Lolita is a great book, but pedophilia is not something I want her to associate with me.

Because I like her, but I don't know her very well. Do I have to explain myself?

>> No.13827257

What's wrong with that? Age of consent is 16, and young girls are objectively hotter than roasties.

>> No.13827266

Yeah, if you want good book suggestions you have to explain what intention you have for giving the gift, otherwise you won't get anything good.

Also, like, please don't try to sleep with a sixteen year old girl, anon.

>> No.13827269

Fine. Give her D.H Lawrences erotica work then.

>> No.13827274

>Also, like, please don't try to sleep with a sixteen year old girl, anon.
You care to philosophically justify this moral claim, pedophobic nigger?

>> No.13827278

how about some jane austen?

>> No.13827279

nigga 16 is prime

>> No.13827306

Hey op stop being a coomer. Only give her a book if she likes to read. You'll impress her more if you buy her something that she likes. Because hopefully she will realise that you put effort into picking it out.

>> No.13827312

1. I want her to enjoy the book.
2. I want the book to be fascinating.
3. I want that fascination to be projected onto me. I want her to think I am a type of guy that is into interesting culture and art.
4. The few books I have mentioned in our conversations are Knausgårds Summer, specifically the part where he discusses the size of his penis and ponder if Heidegger ever thought about his penis size, and Batailles Story of the Eye, specifically the sentence where she talks about decadent people are not shameless, but rather extra shameful. She seemed to be impressed by neither reference.
5. I want her to see me not as an autistic retard, but as boyfriend material. Can any book do this?

Also, I would sleep with her if I could, but I hardly can. Maybe one of her friends. She assured me that there would be other people over eighteen there.

Any specific book?

>> No.13827322

I don't even think I am supposed to bring a gift. It's a house party. I haven't been to one since I was under 18.

Anyways, I don't know her very well. I don't know what she likes.

>> No.13827336

trying to impress a 16 year old anon? fuckin' autists man i swear...

>> No.13827348
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>I'm 21
imma stop you right there op

>> No.13827349

I went to my general physician to get diagnosed, but he said he didn't believe I had autism. I am convinced I have undiagnosed autism. So I went a second time and screamed at him, and now I have to change doctors.

Also, she invited me. It's not like I am doing anything illegal. 16 is legal where I live, and I'm only buying her a book.

>> No.13827367

find a girl your own age

>> No.13827374

The same books 31 year olds read.
Women are as sexually matured at 16 as they won't be until they dry up.

>> No.13827377

Process and Reality

>> No.13827380

The chances of me fucking her are slim. I just want to have a good time, make a few friends, and maybe do some amateur intoxication ethnography.

And she is my age. It's a 5 year gap.

>> No.13827382

>So I went a second time and screamed at him, and now I have to change doctors.
Haven’t laughed that hard on here in a while, thanks anon.

>> No.13827398

do you know that she reads books? 16 year old girls don't really care about reading, and if they do they typically just read ya

>> No.13827401

>same age
>5 year gap
again, meet a girl your own age

>> No.13827406

The Lover by Duras

>> No.13827412

She probably does not read. When my sister turned 17 I bought her Victoria and Pan by Hamsun and she became a reader. I think the same be done for most young people. It's just to hard to find good literature. Most bookstores only have garbage.

21 and 16 is the same age bracket. I'm not arguing with you.

>> No.13827421

This looks really good. Thank you.

>> No.13827424
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>I went to my general physician to get diagnosed, but he said he didn't believe I had autism. I am convinced I have undiagnosed autism. So I went a second time and screamed at him, and now I have to change doctors.
yeah me too, this line read like something directly out of The Curious Incident

>> No.13827458

>21 and 16 is the same age bracket
you shouldn't be dating anyone under 18

>> No.13827462

For the love of god op don't risk it.
You are probably going to be the oldest one there. Just bring alcohol.

>> No.13827463

That rule is more autistic than I am. Love is not a matter of formulas.

>> No.13827476

5 years is a completely normal age gap dumbass

>> No.13827484

it really depends
a five year old wanting to fuck an infant is weird
a ten year old wanting to fuck a five year old is also creepy
a fifteen year old and a ten year old would get frowns too
a twenty year old and a fifteen year old shouldn't even cross gazes since they're both at peak libido but the gap is still real

once you start talking 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 the change becomes negligible.

>> No.13827488

You can't make a statement like that as if context is unimportant
30 and 35, normal
18 and 13, weird

Personally I think 21 and 16 is fine, but if you don't think that society at large (in the western countries) will deem you a pervert and a piece of shit for dating a 16 year old girl at 21 you're beyond socially retarded

Although OP is so autistic I really doubt he's gonna be getting anywhere with this girl

>> No.13827492

Do people seriously get a fucking orgasm when they read Lolita??? I feel like it's some fucking pseud shit to feel like an intellectual by reading some taboo book with big words and then deciding on those factors that it's a good book, because in reality you're just a fucking pseud.

>> No.13827499

>she is a cutter
Oh no no no! Don't even show up at her birthday party. Let psychos alone.

>> No.13827507

>No mental health stuff please. She already tried, and she is a cutter, so I'm staying far away from that. (And yeah, I know Nietzsche won't make anyone kill themselves.)

Don't stick your dick in crazy anon, speaking from personal experience here

>> No.13827521

unironically the best thread on /lit/ for like 3 months

>> No.13827547

I'll think about it. Maybe I'll just get her a joint -- 16 year olds are still impressed by that right?

> Personally I think 21 and 16 is fine, but if you don't think that society at large (in the western countries) will deem you a pervert you're beyond socially retarded

16 and 21 is totally normal here. 16 is the age of consent. I'm from Scandinavia.

I also have mental issues. I don't care about her being "crazy". In terms of looks she is way out of my league.

And it's not like I am going to fuck her. My chances of fucking her are so incredibly slim. If she gives me an opening I will take it, but I dont have high hopes. I just want to have a good time.

>> No.13827623

Lolita is full of extremely erotic passages, also Nabo's language is not really difficult in that book, it's just exquisitely composed.

>> No.13827643
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>you can't form sexual or romantic attachments to people who aren't within two years of your birth date! you can only form attachments to your age group peers as determined by the American public school system!

>> No.13827645


>> No.13827675

>16 and 21 is totally normal here. 16 is the age of consent. I'm from Scandinavia.
maybe from some turk/ arab enclave in one of the cities, I don't believe for a second that it's normal as a rule in Scandinavia

>> No.13827685

I'm from a city in the Northern part. It is not uncommon.

>> No.13827703

had no idea there were so many pedos on this board, should have known with the popularity of lolita I suppose

>> No.13827705


>> No.13827713

16 is perfectly legal. Nothing pedophilic about it.

>> No.13827722

females develop faster than males, it's only naturally to conclude that they can understand and give consent earlier too

>> No.13827727

Women unironically love Lolita

>> No.13827752

Anon, you should not be hanging around 16 year olds at 21. Do not bring them alcohol and certainly not hash. This is not only illegal but also immoral. She is still developing and also has mental issues. Jeg er norsk selv, og det du holder på med er ikke normalt. Skjerp deg.

>> No.13827760


OP here. Can you all stop talking about pedophilia and stuff on my post. I am not fucking her anyways. Not because I don't want to, but because I am an autistic retard.

>> No.13827767

kids don't read m8
buy her some Amazon gift card or something

>> No.13827772

Ok, glem hasjen. Men helt ærlig, hva er galt med at jeg henger med 16 åringer? Hun inviterte meg i sin bursdag. Jeg ser ingen grunn til ikke å dra.

>> No.13827829

"What's wrong with me hanging out with 16 year olds?"
It is degenerate, Anon. She is in high school (VGS) and you should be going to university or have a job. Her parents should not be okay with this, and you should not be OK having a 16 yo daughter hanging around people your age. The (x/2)+7 of
>>13827458 applies here and you cannot say you're not going to try to fug her and speak of love in the same thread. Invited or not, you should not have known her in the first place.

>> No.13827851

This guy is only partly right. There is nothing wrong with a man wanting to get intimate with a 16 year old girl (I'm 21 too) but the fact that you are worried with getting a gift that impresses her, and cared enough to ask random strangers on the Internet, is a pretty clear indicator that you want to fuck her, despite your objections to the contrary

>> No.13827853

I should not even know 16 year olds? That is ridiculous. If it is degenerate to have friends that are 5 years younger than you then I am a massive degenerate.

And I am in uni. Just started the second year of my BA.

>> No.13827863

My objections? I pretty clearly stated multiple times that I want to fuck her:
> I am not fucking her anyways. Not because I don't want to, but because I am an autistic retard.

From here: >>13827760
But it's not even realistic to discuss it, because it is not going to happen.

And yeah I do worry about getting her a gift on her BIRTHDAY.

>> No.13827876
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>OP here. I'm 21.
You are their booze mule you stupid tool, this 16 yo is playing you
Get her a book and some sodas, it will be hilarious

>> No.13827884

stop displaying pedophilloic behaviors and we could stop m8

>> No.13827893

What exactly is her to you if not a potential lay?

>> No.13827901

Maybe she will try to ask me. But she hasn't asked yet. Let's see how things pan out.

>> No.13827917

A friend. Potentially a good friend. Or even more.

>> No.13827945

Then you should know her well enough to know what she likes

>> No.13827951

When I was of that age, they read Hunger Games, DJ MacHale novels, Twilight, etc.

>> No.13827964
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Get her Peppa the Pig colouring book and some crayons "as a joke"
Then hit on her ugliest friend and take her home before the party is over
That will teach her playing cock-tease on her elder wiser and hornier acquaintances

>> No.13827969

You defend yourself with "this is legal" while suggesting bringing illegal narcotics to a barely legal self harming teenagers birthday party. Go back to your doc, tell him this and get your hard earned autist sertificate, dude.

>> No.13827986

You don't have to be mean. I was just asking about the book.

If I knew you were just going to moralize, and rant about pedophilia I wouldn't have told my age.

I've met a few of her friends that are closer to my league.

>> No.13827987

Sadly this is probably the most efficient move here.

>> No.13828027

I'm sorry, it's just that you disgust me. For actual advice i recommend >>13827964 as well because hormonal teenagers respond well to jealousy.

>> No.13828053

Research the "Romeo and Juliette" laws in your area first OP. Some places allow a 5 year age gap for underage girls, some places DO NOT.

>> No.13828061

16 is the age of consent here. There are no Romeo and Juliette laws.

>> No.13828083

if the girl is mature both physically and mentally, then there’s no problem with wanting to be in a relationship with her/have a ons with her (although keep in mind that most girls at this age are more emotional about these things)
i know of a fwb relationship where the girl is almost 16 and the guy 29 working just fine (the age of consent here is 15)

>> No.13828086

nice. don't listen to the prudes in this thread, they are just salty, however you should absolutely understand that teenage girls are hormonal messes so fully expect a lot of emotional damage even if you just remain friends

>> No.13828089

Well, I mean, the best advice would be to steer clear of the underage cock-tease and pursuit some more honest relationship with a girl his age, but if it comes to stooping that low, might as well crack her ego a bit in the process
He will be doing a future bro a favour

>> No.13828141

man, when I was 20, I had never had any intimacy all through my teen years and then I had a pretty good experience with a 16 yo. lasted about 9 months, she was absolutely a nut case but gave amazing head. moved on from that to my current relationship of over 5 years

>> No.13828156


I just want to impress her and stay friends. Not any ONS or FWB bullshit.

>> No.13828163

What the fuck are you neo-talking about you hopeless zoomer

>> No.13828176 [DELETED] 

As long as he's outta there by the time she retrieves her weapon of choice in order to carve his name into her thigh, it might be a decent proposal. Might propel her to become a turboslut in order to get back at both of them, though.

>> No.13828177

>Also, like, please don't try to sleep with a sixteen year old girl, anon.
Who let you here? There's a dedicated board for homos, you know?

>> No.13828181
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only americans dictate a hilarious metric of stating anything like 16 being somehow immoral. if anything most girls will be innocent or actually somewhat reasonable at that age outside of the hormonal stuff most women typically do

>> No.13828189

>if anything most girls will be innocent or actually somewhat reasonable at that age
you seem hopelessly innocent. it's basically universal that highschools pass out condoms for free because everyone is fucking

>> No.13828190

One night stand and friends with benefits, grandpa

>> No.13828201
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>> No.13828206

i beg to differ, had an experience where i was in contact with some younger adults around that age over 17, and they seemed much more innocent that your typical woman found in a uni dorm or bar. it just depends on the country, which, referring back to america, as the epitome of bad examples.

>> No.13828218

where are you from? could also be a city verses rural thing because my experience comes from several larger cities in Canada

>> No.13828225

it isnt from where I am from, more so being involved with foreign affairs and getting to experience a different culture's rules of engagements. And you are correct in identifying it perhaps more being a contrast between the urbanite and the rural kind of teenagers. The rural ones are ALWAYS going to be the ones you will fantasize about in a picteresque, innocent kind of way.

>> No.13828237

there is your problem right there bud, the degenerate and poison-like attitude of relationships and engaging with anyone in a certain bracket is warped by your metropolitan mindset from stagnating too long in a hellscape you call a city

>> No.13828238

is this body type achievable natty?

>> No.13828333
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OP it's a little weird that you're hanging around girls who are younger than I am. Seems to suggest some slight immaturity on your part. You might want to think more carefully about your social circle in the future anon.

>> No.13828348

I remember reading that comment by Marcel Aymé about how the French bougie of his time were outraged that their daughters would go to party, listen to rock 'n roll and drink and fuck with the local fuckboys while he knew, as someone raised in the countryside, that young people fucking and drinking is one of the least surprising thing in the universe.

I mean, really, if you expect country people to be chaste in general you're in for a rude awakening. There are perhaps more chaste type than in the city, but I'd only bet no religious communities, if that.

>> No.13828350

I remember when I was 16, my gf said she liked to read and I knew she liked horror so I bought her a nice hard bound copy of Dracula for Christmas.
I don’t think she ever read she stuck to mediocre YA novels

>> No.13828358

never said anything about "chaste" or being protective of their virginity, bud. I meant their outlook and overall perception of the concept of relationships is a lot more innocent than that of your average city slicker who has dirtied themselves to the point of no return mentally. I should know, because I am one of them, I should know

>> No.13828362

When I was in highschool I met a 16 year old girl who read Dostoevsky, but most of them just read Harry Potter and John Green.

>> No.13828368

Dracula goes to shit after the perspective change desu

>> No.13828397

Yeah, I’m sure that’s the reason she never read it

>> No.13828415

> I meant their outlook and overall perception of the concept of relationships is a lot more innocent
Not sure about that, unless by innocent you mean crude and haphazard (though that of course depends on people). The "I'm saving my virginity for my first love" and all that jazz is something that I have more often encountered in city-dwellers, though quite a few (not all) were religious.
Of course we might simply not have met the same kind of country people.

>has dirtied themselves to the point of no return mentally
I'm not sure what you mean by that. Dirtied by many partners? Fucked-up fetishes? Porn?
I'd only consider the second (and the third if you're into fucked-up porn) to be serious lasting dirtying.
I know a girl who had 3 boyfriends at some point and she still is among the most romantic people I've met.

>I should know, because I am one of them, I should know
Stop hating yourself for silly things.

>> No.13828445

It is not weirder than you make it. I am immature. Emotionally I feel like a child.

>> No.13828454
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alright ill try and clarify, I think most of the experiences you have brushed into with country people are either coming from Canadians or wherever you're native to, or the experience has been one within your own country. I went to somewhere completely different, with heavy Orthodox influences (take a wild guess where). When I am talking about "dirtying their mentality", I mean that in the sense of perverse, upping the ante kind of sense, as in the escalation continues to become more perverse, which in my experience in my home country's urban environment, there is plenty of evidence to testify. The country, which I have experience in the rurally, I have also in the city. Their mentality has the image of being promiscuous or perverted, but their actual reflection comes from their Orthodox upbringing in actuality, especially when you begin to learn more about these people or press about their opinions on sexual exploration and concepts, i.e. they are extremely vanilla in taste and haven't been touched by the subcultural perverse wave the west has embraced, only on a surface level in an attempt to imitate said "sexual liberation." The reason I say I am one of the perverse is literally because I am. Is it no evident enough by coming to a place like 4chan and remaning here how tainted my mind is, especially on a sexual level.

>> No.13828456

I should have greentext looking back on this, it is a complete fucking mess

>> No.13828602

I think her best would probably be sense and sensibility, pride and prejudice, or persuasion.
You might want to stick with pride and prejudice since that’s her most popular that appeals to female readers.

>> No.13829806

OP here. I might just write her a poem, but I don't want to be a fag. Please help.

>> No.13829826

How about a book of Shakespeare’s sonnets?

>> No.13829895

I work at a bookstore. 16 yeard old girls almost exclusively read YA, harry potter, hunger games etc. The only poetry they ever touch is that of the tumblr variety. Also why are you willingly associating with children, OP? Is your mental age stagnant?

>> No.13830034

I might just give her mine. I hardly ever read it, and when I do I don't enjoy it. It is probably because of the language barrier. I don't think she would enjoy it either, but at least it is a classic.

The only poetry they ever touch is that of the tumblr variety.
Examples please.

>lAso why are you willingly associating with children, OP? Is your mental age stagnant?
Probably. I like hanging around 16 year olds. I have no known diagnosis, and I have tried to et one so that I at least have an excuse for my retardedness.

>> No.13830312

OP you sound far too relaxed in letting your poor mental health just guide You, when you find out she doesn't actually care for reading, she wants you to get her booze as a gift, and you end up on a list cause she waved at you and that's clearly a signal and should defo make a move, think to yourself, if I strongly think that I am an autist, maybe I should play it safe - either you miss out on a night of fun, or your shunned from society and got a rep

>> No.13830332

In what imaginable scenario would I be shunned by society?

I basically have nothing to lose anyways. My life is boring as fuck.

>> No.13830394

Even if it's legal, people will call you a pedo, and lifes not boring, you are, maybe you relate to them so much because your not giving yourself responsibilities that makes you more mature and garunteed thatll open up opportunities where you can do stuff which is worth telling - and not to 16 year olds that won't have perspective on the story but people your own age

>> No.13830405

I came her asking for book recommendations, not your moralizing and judgement. There is nothing wrong with having friends 5 years younger than you.

>> No.13830740
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You can't go wrong with lovecraft, get her the complete collection.

>> No.13830757

i'm a girl
when i was 16 i would've found it hilarious if someone gave me a copy of 120 Days in Sodom
idk if that is universally true tho

>> No.13830767

Rupi Kaur, Atticus and R.H. Sin. They love that shit.

>> No.13830784


>> No.13830816

books are often bad gift, also girls dont read

>> No.13830869

i read ):

>> No.13830879

Like, haha, it just occurred to me you should get her a dildo as a joke gift. Come on Op it will be hilarious

>> No.13830901

I hate that book. It reads like an Ikea-manual for sex. It makes sex so boring and mechanical. But I might get her a collection of Marguerite Duras erotic short stories.

I have seen Rupi Kaur poems around. I will check her and the others out.

I know, but what is a good gift?

Also guy, I'm going to bed. Thank you for the advice.

>> No.13830967

>what is a good gift?
Gift giving is really complicated , it depend if its romantic or not and what personality is she, but i think a safe bet would be something to experience, food or simply your time in a place you'll think she will enjoy it , like ticket to whatever she might be into

>> No.13831021

Fuck it. Buy her Lolita

>> No.13831030

The movie misunderstood the book by buying in to the unreliable narrators descriptions of the story being a "forbidden romance" when the whole point of the book is about how a manipulative and charismatic person can convince you to sympathize with even the most horrible of people.

4channers like it because its the edgy high literature book

>> No.13831042

some do. The shy bookish girls do, but there's not many of them

>> No.13831765

>liking 16 year olds is pedo now
why are americans retarded?

>> No.13831773

Just don't talk to Americans they aren't actually sentient they're more like fat chatbots plugged into fast food.

>> No.13831832
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>they aren't actually sentient

>> No.13831946

she reads self-pub erotica on kindle unlimited

>> No.13831959

Teenage girls love John Greene books

>> No.13831966

>what do 16 year old girls read

Oh you mean actual books? Most of them don't.

>> No.13832328
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>>OP here. I'm 21.
>she's a cutter
She'll like Twilight.

>> No.13832332

Even in the usa there's a four year romeo juliet thing for lots of places and mostly the aoc is sixteen, so it's legal technically sometimes.

>five years
Oh nevermind. I suck at maths. Maybe she's going to turn seventeen before he turns 22?

>> No.13832335

>halfway through adolescence

>> No.13832470

Oof, if something actually cooms from this you will be taken for a ride, that is if she's a degenerate and also attracted to you. Though you're asking for help so I doubt that this is real, or at the very least this doesn't bode well for your success.

>> No.13833005

Op here
She's not bookish, but she's artsy. Like, a potential art-hoe.

There is nothing illegal about it. Tbh, most of the guys on this board are massive creeps; making everything sexual. I just want to impress her and have a good time.


Dude, I have no illusions, the chances of me fucking her are slim (as I've said a hundred times before in this thread). Can you, and the others here, stop making it about the sex? And just recommend me a good book!

>> No.13833306

Books are terrible gifts that oblige a significant amount of another person's time for what may be a completely underwhelming experience.

That said, a poetry book. Yeats -- The Tower

>Like, a potential art-hoe.
>not bookish
Then especially a poetry book. Pick an early Bukowski that catches your eye, or Julia Plath.

>> No.13833357

Yes I have trouble making sense of your post, though it does seem interesting. I suppose you're right about people in the countryside being less caught in a feedback loop of trying increasingly wild sexual things.
I'm not sure what degree of taint you're talking about here though. Do you really think you're much more perverted than the actual anon?

>> No.13833449

Hey! I saw this thread and a lot of what said in this thread seemed to fit in with one of my friends - so I showed her the thread and asked her if she was the girl in question, she said yes.
She is disgusted by the fact that you want to have sex with her and was almost paralyzed when I showed her this thread.
You are scum.

>> No.13833499

There are countries in Europe and states in the US where 16 is the AOC

>> No.13833500

>all these people moralizing and judging OP without even knowing him
wtf is wrong with these people? these faggots seriously believe everyone should be like them. is this server filled with self righteous teenagers or what? just mind your own business for fucks sake

just give her a random book of poems

>> No.13833572

Yeah, because everyone asked about it. I didn't even make it sexual. As I said, for the hundredth time, I just want to have a good time. Recommend me a book, or don't say anything at all.

Yeah, people are making this unnecessarily weird/sexual. Is there a sexual aspect in my (fucked up) mind? Sure. Is it in any way realistic? No. Is it even worth talking about? Absolutely not. Talking about unicorns would have the same impact on my life.

>just give her a random book of poems
Poetry is so expensive. The Norwegian translation of Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur costs fucking 29 dollars. Any cheap good books you'd recommend?

>> No.13833635

>29 dollars
damn dude. i thought americans were rich since they lived in a 1st world country. are you a neet? how are you paying for internet connection?

>> No.13833669

This is a birthday gift for someone I don't really know. To a party where one isn't expected to bring gifts. The normal price of a gift is around 10-20 for this kind of thing. I am a student.

>> No.13833765

then get her an adult coloring book
also, i want to know the aftermatch to this, you better make a thread explaing how the party went

>> No.13833770

based as fuck

>> No.13833787

Sex & Character.
She should know her place early in this world.

>> No.13833811


>> No.13833909

there is nothing wrong with being a pedophile btw

>> No.13833971

OK, I'll update you, however, most likely, nothing interesting will happen. Best case scenario is that I have a good time.
Also, the birthday is in a couple of weeks.

Very based. Would make a good story.

I would consider giving her some of his aphorisms, but I doubt she speaks German. His aphorisms are really good.

There is. But 16 is not a child. And this is not necessarily sexual. Can you stop discussing this, please?

>> No.13833988
File: 174 KB, 600x450, 1400438738819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But there's an age gap rule across the world. USA means 16-20 okay, 17-21 okay, 18+ all okay. In some places in the USA there is zero age for consent, meaning married and you can fuck by 12. Speaking of 12, in Mexico it's 12-14 okay, 14-16 okay, 16-18 okay, and 18 up all okay, if I recall. It was something like that, but depends on specifically, as we both know, where you are but also specifically the older person's age. 12 and 15 ermagerd pedo, but 12-14 in some areas would be tolerated.

Back to reality pedo is feminist propaganda and pedo wasn't real before feminism so >13833909 types get confused because actual pre-feminism pedo was like 18 year olds going with people under 12 or under 14 or so. Fathers usually would not give girls away to a guy until she was no longer so young so 16 or 18 became a more common marriage age to avoid birthing hip issues. Adolescence doesn't end until the 20s, but the birthing hips are the important part so the baby doesn't kill you. In modern times we have c sections so the ethics COULD have been thrown out, if not for toxic femininity. That and post christfaggot ethics we have birth control aside from the c sections and abortions too.

So why care?

It's only slightly humorous and unrealistic. Girls go boy crazy for older guys just like older guys want fair young maidens that are virgins. It's normal so he's actually making me cringe. A girl might use a defense mechanism like "wow that's w-weird" but it's not normal to hyper-left at you saying "I AM LITERALLY SHAKING" because that's hyper vigaliance of virtue signalers trying to have a good reputation online. In real life no one is going to stare down a guy complementing your prime teen vagina and say something rude to them. They're more evasive with their defensive mechanisms and would say "t-thank you" then go schlick at home about it at home even if they'd not be of enough gall to actually try the guy out. They're more cowardly than that by design.

>>you are scum
Not OP and your story is obviously a work of fiction, but putting that at the bottom is silly type of a bait. It tries too hard to trigger people and you should be ashamed for perpetuating bad ethics using literal lies.

>> No.13834001

In terms of an actual other person on this board, I am probably normal and of a typical type. Just someone who suffered from the rabbit hole of exploring porn and other nonsense shit that comes with it. However in contrast to your typical person that isn't in contact with something like this, yeah, I would be pretty perverted I would argue. Most kinks or things today are vanilla in contrast to the stuff I get off to, and I don't state that braggingly.

>> No.13834099

Hey, I happen to be in a similar position as you. Anne of Green Gables is a fun read, just try to find a more mature cover than the one with Anne on it. Maybe Fanged Noumena for a more cultured look.

>> No.13834292

sounds a little too plausible to be the same person if that is what youre implying. girls that OP is creaming after are a dime a dozen, and for every girl that is supposedly "disgusted" there are several more into that kink, so eat shit pal. verify it from more than one thot

>> No.13834841

Keep telling yourself you’re not an autistic retard and maybe one day it will work itself into existence

>> No.13834865

I tell myself I am an autistic retard everyday. And I'm fine with it.

That's a good suggestion for a young woman. But it might be a little to daunting.

Of course it is just bullshit. I have made multiple attempts to have people not discuss the sexual and age aspect.

>> No.13835323

Second best thread of the year after Catgirl Misaki the Vampire Hunter.