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File: 123 KB, 742x938, 1510467466045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13825498 No.13825498[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post a girl, give book recs based on other people's pics.

>> No.13825504

Diary of Anne Frank

>> No.13825505
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>> No.13825508
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>> No.13825510
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Swann's Way

>> No.13825520

Diary of a Tranny

>> No.13825543
File: 65 KB, 960x767, 1559190060223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13825559


>> No.13825581

She's perfect. Those eyes are entrancing

>> No.13825585

get the fuck away from my wife

not a real book

>> No.13825589
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>> No.13825594

She's a dike that takes one bath a week and after 4chan discovered her she changed her looks to hyper left, short hair, facial piercings, dark eye liner, etc.

Just soes you know. People that chose that waifu are just being backwards as she's of the least appropriate people to fawn after. Also, as first post says, she's a jew on top of it all.

>> No.13825607

>that takes one bath a week
Nothing wrong with this. She also has armpit hair, which you probably dislike too. Porn has ruined you.

>> No.13825615
File: 95 KB, 768x738, tulpa Agatha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like civilized society has.

Are you a lesbian? Ciara would date some older guy, she actually posted here and along with the OP image she was of bad hygiene but actually uses 4chan and is actually attracted to men. Just because something is cute and bakes is a shitty reason to like someone.

>yet people meme her pointlessly despite this to the point even I have more Agatha shit than other waifus

>> No.13825619

>dyke, doesn't shower
Don't care, wasn't going to fuck her anyway

I typically enjoy the presence of Jews and the idea of defiling their genetic makeup with my gentile genes arouses me. I like this particular Jewish phenotype, not sure what to call it. With the tight ringlets of black hair.

If she drastically changed her look though that's a shame. Big part of her appeal is how sheltered and innocent she looks

>> No.13825623

We've had civilization for thousands of years and the average person only started bathing multiple times a week in the past century.

>> No.13825624

Who is this asymmetric hapa?

>> No.13825637
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Yeah but they were starving to death so they didn't care. You don't comprehend priorities. People that eat less have less oil on their bodies. Back in the day there was no soap so our skin was different. Your post is bullshit because you don't wonder why people saved water when it meant dying of thirst if they did not. Alternatively if there was a river near by they'd totally jump in it all summer and spring but go kid yourself you subhuman. She doesn't bathe due to being of desert realm genes. If an anglo did that that evolved around gratuitous water their skin would turn into pustules, all inflamed, after being raised on high cal and fat diets whilst being soaped constantly. For that reason the scent offends us of body oil and pheromones.

>> No.13825647

Agatha really was supernaturally cute, like anime come to life.

>> No.13825657
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>> No.13825659
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>> No.13825661


>> No.13825676
File: 313 KB, 1161x1553, current year Agatha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just some random girl. All teen girls are cute of that caliber.

The anime you watch also must be shit. I'd watch an anime with the way she looks now. Like comparing Ergo Proxy with some slice of life shit you probably like.

>copyright claim block
Wow Agatha is such bullshit. Guess I gotta crop it then huh faggotchan?

>> No.13825678

Is that really her? My heart breaks

At least I'll always have her old pics

>> No.13825683

Yes, and with the copyright claim blocking you should not respect her. She's obviously salty shit. Some mod probably in love with her is sick of seeing the truth of his taste being posted.

Alternatively she's such a bitch about being stalked by the manosphere that she is flicking the bird at 4chan. Better yet, maybe she's trying to sell her photos. She is a jew after all. If so, that's pretentious as fuck and you guys need to get better taste in humans. I'm sick of seeing humans have shit taste. They always love the shitty one, you see it get on the news when they randomly serial kill but were preachers and shit.

>> No.13825684

There's no way that's really her.

>> No.13825685

That actually is her, there's another photo where she has disgustingly painted nails.

>> No.13825686

Literally ruined. Was a qt Jewess now into literal e-girl hot topic fag.

>> No.13825688

>faceblind retards
it is very clearly her, the birthmarks line up

>> No.13825709
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it didn't have to be like this but it is

>> No.13825726

the future is absolute SHIT

i want to get off this ride : (

>> No.13825731

holy shit i want to rape her into normalcy so bad

>> No.13825734
File: 176 KB, 1080x1349, 30078649_902541036580832_8757678332201402368_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13825738

He should wax off his stache if he wants to pass

>> No.13825743

oh fuck

>> No.13825785
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>> No.13825791


>> No.13825794
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My girl shits all over the others girls in this thread.

>> No.13825805

>don't fap to girls

>> No.13825809

used up whore, although I'll admit she has nice feet

>> No.13825817
File: 61 KB, 736x430, 2E21E3F9-0B60-4BA2-A744-33C21849B22F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death in Venice
The Idiot
Diary of a Superfluous Man

>> No.13825821
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>> No.13825822

>She is a jew after all


>> No.13825895

Why do they have their hair like that

>> No.13825897

Women's minds are permanently 13 years old, the answer to everything they do is "because it's pretty" or "because I like it"

>> No.13825954
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>> No.13825959
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Slight change

>> No.13826211
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>> No.13826216
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>> No.13826222
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>> No.13826227

Marriage and Lasting Relationships with Asperger's Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder): Successful Strategies for Couples or Counselors
By Eva A Mendes.

>> No.13826237
File: 1.11 MB, 4500x3000, s2stills_28429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13826253
File: 441 KB, 560x580, 1566601234359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man modernity was a fucking mistake, I'm actually upset now
It was literally a couple years ago when she was still making videos and looked like in the old pictures, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?

>> No.13826263

can't believe Agatha is actually older than me

>> No.13826265

I'm more upset about her shameless camwhoring than her appearance. Stop taking pictures of yourself you soulless narcissistic whore.

>> No.13826271

most old pics are screenshots from her videos that other autists took, the new selfies are part of the same change

>> No.13826275

Yeah I know, I don't mind her old channel because she was being innocent there. It's that she's become the standard model Instagram thot who needs to be constantly photographing herself making pouty expressions in the mirror. Women shouldn't be so conscious of their own appearance and being-for-others, it's unseemly and it hollows them out inside.

>> No.13826277

I can't believe zoomers think they're allowed on 4chan.

I'm the guy that brought "the change" up. She had a friend die and was sick of straight guys liking her I'd wager.

That's everyone you'd know about though. How can you fawn over a female if she's NOT vapid? At least choose the girl that's honest about it. Ciara did heroin. That's honest.

>> No.13826280
File: 1.38 MB, 1242x1485, 1562261395798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13826284

nice dubs mate

>> No.13826285

lesbians don't exist, pretty sure she was either straight/ too young to be anything and just said she was gay to keep the creeps off a little
Yeah that friend with the shaved head, I saw a few people on r9k say she died. Would have thought someone like that being out of the picture would be a positive not cause a degenerate nosedive

>> No.13826292

Moby Dick

>> No.13826316
File: 1019 KB, 1536x2048, 41C92279-9806-4734-BCF5-F745CD67D52E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13826323


>> No.13826324

Don Quixote

>> No.13826338

My Twisted World

>> No.13826342

>was sick of straight guys liking her
This. "I don't understand why the girl I was calling a whore online changed her appearance to something I can't bear to imagine fucking" answers itself.

>> No.13826376

..What? She went from a waif to a generic degenerate fuckpig.

>> No.13826435

*sides exploding*

>> No.13826441

This is now a Coomer thread?

Anyone else cooming?

>> No.13826543
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>> No.13826557
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We lost an effortthread for this...

>> No.13826563

That's not too likely considering how few effortthreads we've been having in recent months

>> No.13826567

There was at least one last night.

>> No.13826646

Forever War

>> No.13826653
File: 156 KB, 1080x1350, 99an88jy2og31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13826763

Is that Donna Tart? wew!

>> No.13826778
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>> No.13826880
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Naked Lunch

Sailor who fell from grace with the sea

>> No.13827365
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>> No.13827627
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>tfw no booktube gf


>> No.13827653


>> No.13827670
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>> No.13827676
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>> No.13827692
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>> No.13827841

Jewesses are extremely enticing and, like >>13825619 says, I don't feel guilty about the idea of "using" one for casual sex, like I would any other girl. Though maybe it's not good for one's own soul, who knows...

>> No.13827848

This is peak fertility. It is a crime against humanity to not enslave this creature for breeding

>> No.13827857

this vampiric woman needs to see some sun
by God what a hideous creature

Frankenstein or Woman in the Dunes

>> No.13827867
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>> No.13827868

>dose man hands
i'd rather fuck an AIDS riddled tranny

>> No.13827913
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>> No.13827915

What the fuck happened to her and where can I see more?

>> No.13827929

murakami but make sure to not understand it

>> No.13827949
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>> No.13827988
File: 161 KB, 1124x1396, EEboDq_UYAIx0MP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]