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/lit/ - Literature

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13819238 No.13819238 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most /lit/ youtube channels? Channels that talk about philosophy and patriciran books.

>> No.13819245

My YouTube channel

>> No.13819246
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r8 me

>> No.13819256
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>> No.13819258

Get the fuck off YouTube and Read some books, if you want /literature discussion, use BBC in our times podcast, make an account an your set. Who the fuck cares what some faggot millennial thinks of great literature

>> No.13819264
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>> No.13819267

Fucking faggot

>> No.13819273
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>> No.13819279
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>> No.13819286

then and now is such a gem

>> No.13819292

The Daily Wire
Louder With Crowder
Dave Rubin
Joe Rogan
Jorfan Peterson

>> No.13819312


>> No.13819324

Theoria Apophasis

>> No.13820398

Better Than Food is great.

>> No.13820474

>Vegan gains

Seriously? Why?

>> No.13820554

kill yourself man, just do it

>> No.13820703

The only good YouTube channel is Callums Corner
Also here is some postmodern art

>> No.13820707

no he isn't, he's poop

>> No.13820724

Been thinking about going vegan

>> No.13821489


>> No.13821496

Uh don't go vegan. Unironically go carnivore bro. Better for you

>> No.13821499

>David Pakman Show
0/10 list is ruined

>> No.13821505

not him but any reason why?

>> No.13821520

Carnivore is fucking retarded. And there's literally nothing wrong with veganism.

>> No.13821553

did David fuck your girl?

>> No.13821563


>> No.13821587

the most /lit/ youtube channel is unironically dakooters

>> No.13821611

Peter Coffin

>> No.13821625

here's the secret of youtube: youtube is great if you ignore anything that was made specifically for youtube. you can find all sorts of fantastic university lectures or obscure documentaries but actual youtubers are all cancer, yes even the ones whose politics you agree with.

>> No.13821903

The John David Ebert Channel is good.
Playlists on Spengler, Deleuze and Guattari, Kant Derrida etc. as well as videos on Pynchon, Guenon , Paglia Jung...
He is very prolific but not very popular.
You also have to shift through heaps of his interviews, astrology vids and poetry to find the 'talk about philosophy and patriciran books'.
Still, I like him a lot.

>> No.13821915

What's wrong with David Pakman?

>> No.13821965

Megan Boyle

>> No.13822083

The only good channel you have is The Book Club. Everything else is cringe as fuck - especially Sam Seder, who is a fucking moron.

>> No.13822095

he's a lib. he still thinks capitalism can be reformed. nobody that naive is worth watching.

>> No.13822157


>> No.13822169

Well I may disagree with him there but I think he is generally in the right direction.
Why dont you like Seder?

>> No.13822216

another ideologue that can't think

>> No.13822229

The only tolerable one I've found is Academy of Ideas

>> No.13822242

>Pakman is bad
>Posts a brain dead alt right midwit
yea ok

>> No.13822259


>> No.13822270

what a bizarre channel

>> No.13822287

zero books has some good stuff i'd also just watch chomsky and wolff they're both really good sam seder and michael brooks also have some more casual political stuff that goes inbetween easy listening and deeper ideas

>> No.13822331
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>> No.13822346
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>> No.13822518

Humans are adapted to have a diet of almost entirely meat and animal fats. That is, until agriculture, when human health plummeted. Carnivore and keto-adapted is literally the natural state of a human and is closest to the way our ancestors lived than any diet.

What do you think the peoples of Europe lived off of during the Ice Age? Meat and animal fats. They were hunters. A human being eats meat, and plants only if necessary for survival. We are predators and have large brains like all predators do. Veganism and vegetarianism is a literally a herbivore diet, and herbivores are naturally far less cognitively capable. Our digestive system is closer to a cat (carnivore) than a sheep or a cow.

About 50% of your brain and nervous is composed of fat and overtime your brain will shrink because of veganism/vegetarianism. Carnivore creates keto-adaption, where fat becomes fuel, as it should be, and your brain gets its proper nutrients. Go carnivore or become a plantbrain.

>> No.13822561

Humans of the past died at like 30 why are you following their diet stop being brain dead. Ketones are a subpar energy source. The vegan diet is ADA and AHA approved, it has been the only diet proven to reverse the effects of heart disease and diabetes. Stop being autistic.

>> No.13822598

>spending all this effort and money to give yourself a complicated eating disorder because of scientifically unproven benefits that only exist in the imaginations of an echo chamber of fitness bloggers
shit, that sounds really good, but i can't decide between this and breatharianism

>> No.13822626
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Lindsey Ellis
Three Arrows
Philosophy Tube
Check out the podcast ChapoTrapHouse too.

>> No.13822675

>vegan gains
I hope you only follow him for meme value, anon.

>> No.13822799

Kill yourself

>> No.13822821

The figure for average life expectancy for prehistoric humans low because of infant mortality and environmental causes. Not diet. Yes, I'm sure you'll die at 30 doing carnivore. There are entire population of humans (the Inuit for example) that lived to old age surviving entirely on meat and were in better health than Western peoples who had a diet including carbs and sugars (which are the real cause of heart disease and many, many health complications of today). Their health consequently got worse as a result of Western exposure. The human being did not evolve to be vegan. It did not evolve to eat a "modern" diet. It evolved beautifully, and perfectly, to a meat-based diet. Carnivore is the natural way for a human being to live. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

>> No.13824093

Don't you have vegan rallies to ruin, sv3rige?

>> No.13824525

"yeah, I jack off to a burly black man fucking my wife. So what?"

>> No.13824545
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>Sam Seder
>David Pakman
Truly bugman tier. Return to Reddit.

>> No.13824848


>> No.13825274

Academy of Ideas

>> No.13825298
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>sjw cringe complilation

hello I am a 18-25 disillusioned young white middle class and I am tried of PC culture and feminism! keep your politics out of my video games! triggered!?!?! MAGA

>> No.13825315

I like watching this professor give lectures. One of these days I gotta read along from the beginning with his classes

>> No.13825320

I went through this phase at 17

>> No.13825327
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>> No.13825518


>> No.13825814

Survive the jive
Vox Stoica
Trudiltom archive (his main is dead)