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13823846 No.13823846[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books do I read to exorcise the coomer within?

>> No.13823849
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>> No.13823853

the jayman079 canon

>> No.13823855

Begin by reading his 9,500 porn reviews on IMDB

>> No.13823857

This guy is being posted alll over the channel. Poor guy, all he wanted was to coom and now he became a cuckold meme

>> No.13823858

Confessions by Saint Augusitine. He overcame his coomer slavery.

>> No.13823869

>For this was what I was longing to do; but as yet I was bound by the iron chain of my own will. The enemy held fast my will, and had made of it a chain, and had bound me tight with it. For out of the perverse will came lust, and the service of lust ended in habit, and habit, not resisted, became necessity. By these links, as it were, forged together--which is why I called it “a chain”--a hard bondage held me in slavery. But that new will which had begun to spring up in me freely to worship thee and to enjoy thee, O my God, the only certain Joy, was not able as yet to overcome my former willfulness, made strong by long indulgence. Thus my two wills--the old and the new, the carnal and the spiritual--were in conflict within me; and by their discord they tore my soul apart.

>Thus I came to understand from my own experience what I had read, how “the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh.”[18] I truly lusted both ways, yet more in that which I approved in myself than in that which I disapproved in myself. For in the latter it was not now really I that was involved, because here I was rather an unwilling sufferer than a willing actor. And yet it was through me that habit had become an armed enemy against me, because I had willingly come to be what I unwillingly found myself to be.

>> No.13823877
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>I had willingly come to be what I unwillingly found myself to be.

>> No.13823910


>> No.13823913

You faggo's make me laugh out all the time...hahahah

>> No.13823924

>alll over the channel
try all over the fucking site

>> No.13823926

This guy looks like The Yellow Bastard

>> No.13824047
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>> No.13824090

Read The Coiled Serpent.

>> No.13824097

is there a complete works edition in circulation?

>> No.13824101
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>> No.13824102


>> No.13824128


Cupid's Poisoned Arrow: From Habit to Harmony in Sexual Relationships

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists (this is like the opposite though, coomers becoming puas)

>> No.13824145

T. Retarded cumbrain telling someone to escalate their bad habit.

>> No.13824151

I love talking to people and learning from them, otherwise I'd be at home in my bubble getting more and more insane and away from reality

>> No.13824163
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>> No.13824166

>For Volume 53 (less than a third of the way toward the series current level at 170), Girlfriends Films introduced some new talent, adding vigor and novelty to the show.

>Also unusual here is the inclusion of a two-parter, as the first two sex vignettes out of four on the DVD concern a group of four characters, humping two by two to fill half the running time. And the duration clocks in at just under two hours, putting the lie (for once) to the boiler-plate claim on the DVD back liner boasting "Over 2 Hours".

>Dana DeArmond dominates the first half material, playing (with her distinctive bangs but a lighter brown hair style than usual) a Thornhill U. girl who gives young high schoolers Mylie Ann and Ashley Rae a hard time, upon the visit of their teacher AJ Bailey who reports a case of cheating on a math test.

>numerous and almost professional reviews
Is he the Patrick Bateman of cumbrain world?

>> No.13824178

The blind leading the blind then. Thanks for proving you're a useless midwit regurgitating midwit banalities to justify your slavery to the immense and horrible vice of lust.

>> No.13824179

I unironically like this forced meme.

>> No.13824184

anyone have this guys twitter? i know its been posted before

>> No.13824187

I'm sure you're achieving great things preserving your life force..
You're achieving great things, right?
Nothing wrong with talking to women mate

>> No.13824191

I'm unironically fascinated with him. God is dead.


>> No.13824199

Well, I've been posting here since 1998 and I absolutely love porn. The entire purpose of this site is to celebrate pornography in all its forms. 4chan has never been about memes, or the lulz, or raids, or trolling, or free speech, or creativity at all. It's all about gooning and edging to other men getting their rocks off until your brains ooze out your ears and you shoot a fat wad of spunk onto your tummy-tum. Yessiree, porn truly is the most beautiful and sacred artform there is. If your were a real oldfag like me, you'd realize that and post some sizzling pics of cuckolding, piss and BBC.

>> No.13824201

There is something wrong with fornication and being a pickup artist. It never ends. It just reinforces a bad habit time and again. The only lawful and rational end is procreation. Otherwise it's no different than wanting to inject heroin. Aquinas proved that sexual sin destroys your reasoning ability.

>> No.13824205
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Why does one decide to do this with their free time?

>> No.13824208

>sports fan
>habitual porn addict
Low IQ detected there.

>> No.13824210


>> No.13824213

These reviews are unbelievable

>> No.13824215

the Will to Coom

>> No.13824220

Good. Maybe the shame will fix his cumbrain.

>> No.13824222

I'd chemically castrate myself sooner than fall this badly into porn addiction.

>> No.13824236

For me, I regard it as a skill in which I get better talking to everyone. I don't have sex very often. Good conversations are better.

>The only lawful and rational end is procreation
Lawful? Right..

>Aquinas proved that sexual sin destroys your reasoning ability
I'm sure it's an amazing proof, axioms and all.

I think living with centuries old morals, is a pretty bad fit for a good life in our current times. You're virtue signalling a bit much for my tastes. Try to loosen up a bit.. You have a strong ego, most likely not justified.

>> No.13824237

He's in his 50s. It's too late for him. His grey matter is completely eroded. There isn't any executive functioning left. He's like a straw that is agitated by the smallest wind. Any sexual distraction, his brain shuts off. There is nothing left. Just a subconscious replaying porn and more porn and when the body overloads him with so much prolactin he can't act out, he just watches sports because it's a low effort, no thought required activity. His soul is dead. There is no hope.

>> No.13824241

There kind of aren't any, at best only motivation boosters, just a very long struggle to overcome a demon you've literally wired into your brain. Unless you want to go down the path of hardcore metaphysics and realize you've been sculpting your soul in 5 dimensions to coom.

>> No.13824245

>le current year
>dude I have no argument but your ego man
Kill yourself.

>> No.13824247

>retweets blacked
Fucking based.

>> No.13824250
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>> No.13824257

Oh we were arguing? I didn't see an actual argument from your side other than muh old historical idol and muh god fearing life.

>> No.13824259

they say that somewhere along the way, he ran out of coom and started ejaculating his very soul. all that remains is a lifeless husk.

>> No.13824266

shouldn't you be cooming right now?

>> No.13824269

The final fate of the coomer. Sad!

>> No.13824270


>> No.13824271

I never masturbate.

>> No.13824273

Do NOT read the coiled serpent, it’s too dangerous.

>> No.13824290
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Maybe the real eternal damnation is the people we met along the way.

>> No.13824298

I didn't mention God at all. I mentioned a theologian and your midwit mind could only associate this as being religious because you group things in boxes and if they are outside your parameters you vehemently oppose them. Aquinas proved disordered passion leads the faculty of reason to serve it rather than it them. You never questioned agency, self will or so on, all you've done is dude porn, and you think you solved your problem but moving on to the real thing, not realizing this is the progression and path of 95% of men and that it solves nothing.

>> No.13824301

I am masturbating right now, AMA

>> No.13824303

Powerful work. They aren't ready for it. Just look at the one cumbrain in this thread.

>> No.13824316

is that sun araw? fucking based

>> No.13824317

Do you ever fear for the gradual depletion of your life essence from habitual cooming?

>> No.13824324

This is genuinely disturbing.

>> No.13824343
File: 124 KB, 500x714, Hellunchaste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be penitent,” said St. Peter in a discourse to the Jews, ”and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out.” (Acts iii. 19.) Many repent, but are not converted. They feel a certain sorrow for the irregularities of their lives, but do not sincerely return to God. They go to confession, strike their breasts, and promise to amend; but they do not make a firm resolution to change their lives. They who resolve firmly on a change of life, persevere, or at least preserve themselves for a considerable time in the grace of God. But they who relapse into sin soon after confession, show, as St. Peter says, that they repent, but are not converted; and such persons shall in the end die an unhappy death. “Plerumque,” says St. Gregory, ”mali sic compunguntur ad justitiam, sicut plerumque boni tentantur ad culpam.” (Pastor., p. 3, admon. 31.) As the just have frequent temptations to sin, but yield not to them, because their will abhors them, so sinners feel certain impulses to virtue; but these are not sufficient to produce a true conversion. The Wise Man tells us that mercy shall be shown to him who confesses his sins and abandons them, but not to those who merely confess their transgressions. “He that shall confess “his sins, ” and forsake them, shall obtain mercy.” (Prov. xxviii. 13.) He, then, who does not give up, but returns to sin after confession, shall not obtain mercy from God, but shall die a victim of divine justice. He may expect to die the death of a certain young Englishman, who, as is related in the history of England, was in the habit of relapsing into sins against purity. He always fell back into these sins after confession. At the hour of death he confessed his sins, and died in a manner which gave reason to hope for his salvation. But, while a holy priest was celebrating or preparing to celebrate Mass for his departed soul, the miserable young man appeared to him, and said that he was damned. He added that, at the point of death, being tempted to indulge a bad thought, he felt himself as it were forced to consent, and, as he was accustomed to do in the former part of his life, he yielded to the temptation, and thus was lost.

>> No.13824358


>> No.13824377

Cooming only makes me stronger, nofapcels can btfo.

>> No.13824379

Listen, you're too angry. What do I adress here? The multitude of personal attacks, misfounded, in every post of yours? I think if you talk to some women maybe you'll stop hating them. There, I pulled one of your tricks.

I think you'll forgive me for assuming you were religious. But you displaying this passion for moral maintenance and avoidance of "sexual sin" is a very religious behaviour, playing into the cards of powers that don't really even exist anymore. Maybe you just want to build an identity by differentiating yourself form the masses. I still assume you're not in the process of achieving greatness. I'd like to hear your update on this, what you're doing. And are you lonely?

So you dislike that I left porn and behave like 95% of people, maybe even more virtuous? Sure why not. We have different values, I'll build on my priorities and you on yours. And I'll recover and not burn out by having good times taking my mind off things talking to friendly people everywhere.

>> No.13824381

>The coiled serpent.
>Science discovers continence.
Learn latin. Stop consuming modern culture

>> No.13824383

i know this is serious, but all i could think of was a guy on his deathbed getting last rites, and then when the priest leaves, he says "oh no.. i... i'm gOnnA... i'm... G-g-GOnNa COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM" and then he dies

>> No.13824391

Switching porn for fornication is like switching from oxycodone to intravenous heroin.

>> No.13824392

you're just a stupid coomer. what difference does it make where the coom ends up?

>> No.13824395

>entire post is a verbose ad hominem.

>> No.13824401

Sure it's a fun analogy but there's no real substance here. You're afraid of growing closer to people, I understand.

There are actual differences

So is his, he literally starts off that way and then keeps it up all the way through

>> No.13824416

Insults are not ad hominem arguments, brainlet. Attacking the persons character and motives on the other hand, is. It's worse to do the latter and be nice about it than commit the former so long as there is some substance interwoven in.

>> No.13824419

so.. you fugen shits gettin hypersition yet or wat

>> No.13824421

>There are actual differences
no there isn't, you're still cooming out the same coom.

>> No.13824422

>It's worse to do the latter
I don't agree. I think the latter is perfectly justified. I think the former achieves nothing.

>> No.13824430

This is a very simplified model. Have you considered there's another human in the alternative? Have you considered neurological differences?

>> No.13824434

>ad hominems are perfectly justified
Thanks again for proving how stupid you are.

>> No.13824439

If he started out with a proper base to argue form, I would have no issue with that
Playing tennis his way is fun too, if he starts out one way why not dish back a ball he'll enjoy?

>> No.13824447

>he said mean words therefore my fallacious argument is valid!

>> No.13824453

have you considered NOT cooming for once?

>> No.13824456

some of you will dismiss this as /x/, but please check out the link below, especially if you are already engaged in a meditation practice. i'd would definitely say this practice has helped me immensely. don't forget cold showers either


>> No.13824467

I started out pointing out his fallacies actually

Have you considered the true sources of issues in your life? Take better aim.

>> No.13824472

You didn't. You started out le current year, itself fallacious.

>> No.13824475

Semen retention and continence is the only path to happiness and freedom. Everything else is flesh slavery.

>> No.13824481


>> No.13824490

I disagreed with, well it's simply not true that the only lawful practice is making babies. And some dude proving this thing about life, I don't believe in such "proofs". By nudging my disapproval of certain parts of his arguments maybe he'd give me another foundation from other angles, nah he'll just sling shit like a monkey.

I understand now /lit/ is cope central.

Anyway I do appreciate you caring this much about my style of posting.

>> No.13824497

>I understand now /lit/ is cope central.
then leave, coomer

>> No.13824499

>I don't believe in such "proofs".
The absolute state of midwits.

>> No.13824504

I picked up his book a while ago you know, it struck me as perfect food for the larper hanging out in these places, I was completely right haha

Does it make you angry that in other threads you maybe even appreciated my posts?

>> No.13824517

There isn't any rational reason to engage in it. Is heroin use rational? It can be provided it's for palliative care but when used for the end of pleasure, it is not. Without discerning ends and using things within ordered reason, our faculty of reason becomes corrupted to serve lower inclinations. The end, ius naturale, of reproductive acts logically follows in procreation and everything divorced from this is ultimately to serve the end of pleasure which is never satiated. Sorry, your IQ is too low to post here.

>> No.13824518

>Does it make you angry that in other threads you maybe even appreciated my posts?
i GUARANTEE i don't enjoy anything a heathen coomer pseud posts.

>> No.13824522

>I was completely right haha
Imagine embarrassing yourself this badly on accounts anonymous.

>> No.13824536

Yeah okay haha right yeah

I disagree with equating sex with heroin. Sex is a human connection, an exploration of our condition.
I disagree with sex being a lower inclination. It's not a higher inclination, I can agree with. Do you prop your days full of higher inclinations? What do you do in the rest of the time? Probably not anything to do with other people, and probably not voluntarily.

Here's your reply

>> No.13824560

It wasn't equated. It was offered as an example of what would be a reason ordered use of something where it can be justifiable in one instance and not the other.

>> No.13824585

"Switching porn for fornication is like switching from oxycodone to intravenous heroin." Maybe not you. Drug comparisons are old.

To continue anyway. I can see rational reasons for sex. To gain confidence. To gain status. To get comfortable around people.
Better reasons are, to grow closer to another human. To be happy long term with the person you live with. To lower cortisol. It's also slight physical activity, haha.

>> No.13824599

>It's also slight physical activity, haha
This is how they talk on reddit. Are you from there? idgaf about the discussion you're having I don't have a dog in the fight but this bit just put me the fuck off anything you have to say.

>> No.13824601

yeah, thats why you do it. not to coom or anything

>> No.13824605

Nah. I know writing haha looks really bad. I don't care, these people need to know I'm not their mortal enemy.

>> No.13824609

Here's your reply

>> No.13824615

>To continue anyway. I can see rational reasons for herion. To gain confidence. To gain status. To get comfortable around people.
This level of cope.

>> No.13824616

>I can see rational reasons for sex. To gain confidence. To gain status. To get comfortable around people

>> No.13824628

In my post you can see I acknowledged there were better reasons. And I posted those reasons too.

That's not how heroin works

Love these nitpicks

>> No.13824635


wtf is all this doomer coomer tumblr bullshit lately its so embarrasing its literally astrology or myers briggs bullshit for 19 year old bisexuals stop it

>> No.13824642

That's not how copulation works.

Love these nitpicks

>> No.13824654

>t. coomer

>> No.13824659

The thing about the way you guys posts is you only address the weakest link rather than the core, because you're afraid of substance, and you use your quantity to stay comfortable without actual thought. Only posting minor nudges to let me know where you stand but not actually moving anything. Only one of yas actually post

Anyway I won't post more it obviously stopped being fruitful 15 posts ago

>> No.13824663


was gonna retort back making fun of you but then i googled coomer and i do in fact have a wanking disorder. sorry please continue

>> No.13824673

You contradict yourself and cannot maintain an argument. You come across as childish and asinine.

>> No.13824674

I detest people like you that don't understand the purposes of categorization and labeling. You might as well chastise a zoologist for calling a rhinoceros a rhinoceros

>> No.13824680

not him but bruh this is how I argue on reddit all the time

>> No.13824689

Now everytime i wish to beat off i will think of the coomer

>> No.13824690


here's your label: gaylord

>> No.13824695

May you be raped to death by a platoon of Congolese militia men.

>> No.13824706

That's not a bad idea.

>> No.13824708

Good, maybe in time it will make you less of a coombrain.

>> No.13824711


Your words about yourself

>> No.13824730


He's averaging about 10 reviews a day.

>22 reviews written on 10th of September

>> No.13824732

On the discussion here, of course over indulging in sex will bring the same problems that porn brings. You are over stimulating yourself.

>> No.13824735

absolutely based

>> No.13824751
File: 224 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-Graham's_Hierarchy_of_Disagreement-en.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa guys, insults are lower than attacking character?? NOOOOOO! My precious insults! U coom, u coom!

>> No.13824760
File: 22 KB, 540x495, 7fe368516ec52754a20b3b0fcba0a79c71d95fe08135458c7940635a0251c78c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God help that poor lost soul

>> No.13824765

only a coomer would need to come up with all these mental gymnastics to justify his cooming

>> No.13824772

holy shit lmfao

>> No.13824803

nice reddit pyramid, coomer

>> No.13824809

Haha COOMER DUDE! XD! This meme is so flippin hilarious brother! Post it one more time, please!

>> No.13824816

Name calling is better tha ad hominem because nobody doing it is making an argument to begin with.

>> No.13824819

Even if this is ironic, this is why /lit/ is dying. People on 4chan are unable to be sincere anymore so you all hide behind a veil of irony and the quality of discussion suffers because of this.

>> No.13824821
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>> No.13824824

There is no God. He ruined his one shot at life by indulging in a horrible habit and now he is a slave to it until death. Pornographers should be jailed, beaten or hanged.

>> No.13824838

Yeah, but its always been that way

>> No.13824845

better than hiding behind a veil of COOM

>> No.13824850

coomers mad

>> No.13824852

afraid of substance, afraid of effort, afraid of commitment, afraid of thought

>> No.13824854
File: 165 KB, 538x538, f418db6dc996c9a6b3a35ae9198a4c88d800fe46b8ec6b86944210384b75c3cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no God.

>> No.13824877

>What does it all mean? Merely the demented imagination of Powers, who is nearly at a loss (documented in the BTS) when the guy in the suit name of Johnny Packwood seems drunk and can't understand the simplest directions our fearless leader barks out to him to get the scene rolling. The importance Powers attaches to the chicken's participation in what amounts to the usual Solo Masturbation scene starring Cotton is truly absurd.

>Of the other scenes, "Mars Attacks", perhaps a demented homage to the truly lousy Tim Burton movie, is fairly impressive. We have lovely Brandi Lyons trying to escape the clutches of horny alien whose elongated head suggests the influence of Geiger's "Alien" horror movie. He is played under all that quality makeup and prosthetics by Scott Lyons, with a lengthy prosthetic penis the length of a horse cock, all the better to hump Brandi with. Plenty of fake spunk is squirted out of this nozzle-shaped appendage for the money shot.

Based coomer, an intellectual and a scholar

>> No.13824882

Writes like a pseud.

>> No.13824915

>its always been that way
Only if you started browsing after 2014.

>> No.13824977

>with a lengthy prosthetic penis the length of a horse cock,
he lost me here with the double usage, but gained my back immediately with:
>all the better to hump Brandi with.

>> No.13824993

post moar coomer literature
I wonder if he knows hes a meme

>> No.13825009

No that'd be antisemitic

>> No.13825101

Im going to go masturbate

>> No.13825107

don't do it nigga

>> No.13825230

i dont want to have to deal with your coom haunting the world

>> No.13825600

>using quotes
FUCK off

>> No.13825745

Idiots harass the fella, they don't just let him live in coom

>> No.13825797

What is the context of this picture?

>> No.13825799


have sex

>> No.13825830

The coomer still hounts my dreams and makes me coom.

>> No.13826002

have children

>> No.13826010


>> No.13826011

have cummies

>> No.13826032
File: 460 KB, 1536x2048, 1568457954934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who will write the great coom novel of the porntube era?

>> No.13826033

Don't get it

>> No.13826041

>no, u
The final blow from the ultimate retard

>> No.13826101

Some porn-convention (yes, those exist) and a bunch of porn enthusiasts. Funny how they all look just as soulless as you'd excpect.

>> No.13826112
File: 151 KB, 741x1280, dc8d136d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most based post I've read today.