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/lit/ - Literature

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13822352 No.13822352 [Reply] [Original]

I know this is not the right spot but everyone on this board feels knowledgeable so I'll just put it here. To a 21 year old who has just lost hope in everything and wants to start from scratch and make out a living by writing, what would you suggest?

>> No.13822362

Read a lot. Reading is more important for writing than writing.

>> No.13822366

>make out a living by writing
There's basically no chance of this ever happening. No reason not to try, however. Read a lot, don't be afraid to show your work to others so they may point out how absolutely horrible it is.

>> No.13822384

Begin with the Greeks is the advice I received. Should I do that or just start reading whatever I want?

>> No.13822391

Less is enough. The satisfaction that I did what I liked and didn't die a nobody in a corporate hierarchy will pull me through, no?

>> No.13822491

Lol no. Write what you want for your own purposes. Don't try to make a living out of it unless you're willing to be a trend-chasing sellout.

>> No.13822494
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>he didn't heed the most important advice

>> No.13822515

I read 150 books the first 7 months of the year. Burned out completely and became disgusted at the mere thought of reading, realized what a massive waste of time it really is. Erudite people are almost without exception massive cunts without the faintest sign of individuality. Reading warps your mind; you need to have an idea of the type of person/writer you want to be and tailor your reading accordingly. If I were you I'd spend a few months, maybe up to a year, reading stuff like the Montaigne, Celine, The French Moralists, Cioran, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, etc (could give more names if pressed). This is not a writer's world so learn a trade or get a STEM education in the meanwhile so you'll have something to fall back upon, even established writers need a 9-5 these days

>> No.13822590

Woah. Where did you get that kind of time from? I get the point though. I have an engineering degree but I hate it. Wasted my time getting it. Writing's the only thing I'm okay at. Thought I could do something.. worthwhile with it.

>> No.13822603

English is not my first language so the Greeks aren't my cup of tea.. yet.

>> No.13822856

Been living neet lyfe for the better of 3 years, just started on a PPE degree which I am feeling pretty disillusioned about just 2 weeks in. I'm in Europe (Sweden) and excepting race war or emigration I don't see much of a future here, if I am to write anything then Celine is the sort of writer I aspire to be - unfiltered and raw.
Only about 10 of the books I've read this year have felt worthwhile, (Henry Miller is another big rec, both of his "Tropics";on another note the Beats get a lot of flack but they're not too shabby if you ask me). Read the writers I listed (the entire aphoristic tradition is a goldmine desu) to shield yourself from the falsity of the world, I believe authenticity is important as a writer and these fellows will help you develop an ability to see through people and their falsity. Montaigne - French Moralists - Schopenhauer - Nietzsche - Cioran (that'd be the reading order I'd recommend to my 21-year old self at least; throw in some canonical classics every now and then for some bildung. Schopenhauer-Nietzsche-Cioran because Nietzsche reacts against the pessimism of Schopenhauer and tries to overcome it via narcissistic jubilation and life-affirming raving, Cioran in turn reaches disillusionment about the optimism of Nietzsche). Your brain hasn't developed fully yet, once you hit 24 or so you'll feel a completely different person and you will start to notice things that have been right in front of your eyes all along but which you've been taking for granted or failed to notice. Write a lot and take notes of interesting phrases and observations you encounter on the day to day, and write poetry before the muses forsake you.

>> No.13822889
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Wanna know how I know you'll never excel at anything?

>> No.13822910

>21 year old who has just lost hope in everything and wants to start from scratch and make out a living by writing
You can't expect to be a writer and make a good living

>> No.13823019

Do tell Mr. Emojiman

>> No.13823146

All of these suggestions have been written down. Thank you my man. Race you to the top lol

>> No.13823299

>make a living as a writer
The best authors die alone, broke, and drunk. If you're a good artist, it will be your grandchildren that reap the benefits. This is not a bad thing, but rather something to come to terms with if you really want to make a difference.
If you just want money, write about generic platitudes and agree with everything a 'common man' would say.

>> No.13823356

You seem a lot more optimistic about things than I am. I'm no qualified life coach or anything (obviously) so don't follow my advice blindly, just found myself in a similar position a few years ago and figured I'd share my wisdom if it can be called that. My list offers a pretty pessimistic outlook on life so keep that in mind. All my attempts at overcoming pessimism have so far failed but if you can find a way then I'd stick with that instead

>> No.13823449

Oh no no. I'm pessimistic af (hence the lost hope in everything bit in the post) but I really like literature and want to create something out of it. Something valuable. Had no background in literature so was looking for ways to get into the sphere. I know writing doesn't pay. I know I'm taking on some harsh days in the future but honestly, who cares.

>> No.13823476

How about a bit of both? Write generic crap that makes a little money and then secretly laugh at the people loosing their shit over it all the while enjoying life in a quiet place with a nice book and an equally nice drink in my hands?

>> No.13823489

This is what I call the Joyce Juxtaposition. Very, very, very difficult to achieve, but if you pull it off you deserve to go laughing to your grave for being an absolute genius.

>> No.13823535

Then I think you'll find the pessimistic canon quite cathartic.
Honestly, what this anon >>13823476 says is not such a bad idea. Writing erotic fiction, or YA, or whatever is in vogue, pseudonymously and making money off that while working on your epos probably beats toiling at an office desk all day

>> No.13823537

Lol it has a name. Hope it happens. Cause honestly, who tf wants to be a part of this mad world anyway. Joyce Juxtaposition. Will remember the term.

>> No.13823554

Completely pulled it out of my ass, thank you for the compliment.
Joyce did absolutely nail the idea though.

>> No.13823556

Let's see how this pessimistic swim goes. Lol the playing both side comment is me (OP) too.

>> No.13823575

Impressive. You welcome.

The playing both sides thing? Haven't read Joyce yet so no idea.

>> No.13823590

Worth reading, especially if you want to be a profitable writer. There's a reason Ulysses is held in such high regard, and it's for more than just the basic literary merit.

>> No.13823620

Tried once an year ago. Straight up got lost in the wordiness. Will definitely try again.

>> No.13823642

Don't force it if you don't enjoy it, I just suggest it as more of a work reference since you're going for being a writer. You can gleam the same insight just by studying patterns in other popular authors. Take whatever approach you learn the most from, don't force things

>> No.13823676

Got it. Thank you for this wholesome thread anons. You were of great help.

>> No.13823678

The guy you're replying to is a pseud faggot trying to make himself feel better, but he's getting at something very true to all walks of life.
You will only ever be as great as you allow yourself to be. Never undervalue yourself, that will only make the world value you the same. Take control, become the change you want to see. You have it in you, every person on this god forsaken rock does, but it takes will and effort to extract and utilize.

>> No.13823749

Ah, well I read all anon posts in the same schizo voice. Houellebecq remarked in his book on H.P. Lovecraft that those who love life do not read which is an image that has stuck with me since. I guess my main point I tried to get across is that I believe it is better to read a few great works thoroughly than to blaze through hundreds of books without much time for reflection. Prose develops naturally over time as you read; developing a worldview strikes me as more important

>> No.13823758

Absolutely incredible advice that is only given rarely.
Well put.

>> No.13823786

Solid advice

>> No.13823810

Homer and Plato is really good for starting - don't get stuck in the /lit/ meme though, read what you want.

>> No.13823837


>> No.13823896

Glad I could be of help, been living reclusively for so long I can't tell if I am speaking lucidly or raving like a madman much of the time. It pretty much made me unassimilable to society so woudln't recommend; returning from a life on the periphery makes you see just how repulsive most people are. Another advice I'd give is to ignore most contemporary litcrit as they basically already have their conclusions ready in their premises, very anti-intellectual. Find a few critics whose verdict you can trust and stick to those, otherwise stick to biographies.
I figured he was since he didn't substantiate anything. Yeah, I reach states of elation sometimes but they are always followed by deep disillusionment, maybe one day I'll find something lasting. RIght now I'm reading BAP, keeping my head down, slowly building up some sort of life; sorting out my diet (paleo) unironically cured 80% of my depressive feelings (grains and sugars are poison), probably the most life-changing decision I've ever made.

>> No.13824078

It sounds like you've already made your first few steps. It may not mean much from an anonymous internet voice, but take this as encouragment. You are strong, you will achieve what you will, and above all else, you matter. Keep pushing down that path.

>> No.13824109

start with the greeks is a cruel, annoying joke.

people will reply to this post treating me like im an idiot but they are just spreading the meme.

>> No.13824160

Nah, you're in a wholesome thread, no pseuds here.
This is also good advice.

>> No.13824862

cringe and bluepilled indeed anon

>> No.13825162

Pseud out, come back when you've read books and lived life. This isn't your freshman phil course.

>> No.13825766

Speaking of freshman philosophy. I am reading analytical philosophy first semester of PPE (same anon as above), and found out that my asssigned mentor for class could neither spell nor pronounce the term "a posteriori." This bitch has read 1 year of phil already (which includes reading excerpts of Hume and Kant) and is writing some sort of dissertation. Society is literally idiots all the way down

>> No.13826566

No one will tell you this but
Watch The School of Life videos.

>> No.13826964

>all the way down
If it makes you feel any better, they're just as stupid all the way up.
I used to be a fed gman I'm cool now, I swear and the directors I had to deal with are just as fucking dumb. I think I met one, maybe two, in my entire career that had read something other than the mainstream trash canon (k*ng, r*wling, etc.)

>> No.13827437

What kind of stuff did you get up to while working there?

>> No.13827600

I was an adjustment accountant, basically means I hid and moved money and paper trails. Human paper shredder.
Really fucking gross stuff, couldn't do it for very long. Also gave me a deep understanding of just how rotten politics and government are.
If you can turn your heart off though, it's really good fucking money.

>> No.13828241

Sounds rough, at least you got out of it.

>> No.13828259

Suicide, alcoholism or both.

>> No.13828270

>and wants to start from scratch and make out a living by writing, what would you suggest?
Not doing it. Work another job and practice writing in the meantime. Don't even consider being a full time writer until you have a portfolio of some kind, specifically one that doesn't suck.

>> No.13828288

if u want to be happy and make a living out of writing, surround yourself with plebs, become a pleb, write pleb fiction and never visit this website again