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13818371 No.13818371[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How to renounce the flesh?

>> No.13818382

start by not saving, posting, or viewing lewd images in your computer

>> No.13818384 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13818385

mirtazapine. 15mg. take one pill each night. thank me later.

>> No.13818386

You are entombed in the flesh my guy, there's no escaping it. You should learn to accept that most of your desires are artificial and created by the structure of society, that you are a small part of the world and the things you want are carrots to your stick. I'm not going to lie, you will never stop wanting women or corporeal objects, but at the very least you can learn to stop letting yourself be driven by what you interpret the world wanting you to do.

>> No.13818390

A bit too harsh from butters. Why are you angry?

>> No.13818406

You used to make some good points and decent posts, but I can not recall the last time I saw you post something worthwhile and now you are doing standard low effort meme posting. The only thing that now separates you from 3/4 of this board is a trip.

Weren't you going to be giving up internet? Think it might be time to start on that.

>> No.13818408

realize your dick is a drug and you have a severe addiction

>> No.13818411
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That's the renunciation of the flesh. I don't recommend it.
You're alive once. Don't pine for death. Live as well as you can

>> No.13818419
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Too zen for you, it seems.

>> No.13818429

Renouncing the flesh is a coping mechanism for people who either can't fuck, or can't fuck whom they want. For some people desire just leads to endless alienation and frustration

>> No.13818457

No, I got it, but you seemed to miss my point. All you do is throw out low effort posts that are no where near as clever as you seem to think. you did not actually say anything, it is sitcom quality responses.

Pale girls really tug at my Finnish blood.

>> No.13818474

It's not a coping mechanism. It's downright resignation.

>> No.13818481

Young and single: Find mate
Can't find mate: Masturbate: Then go find mate
Stay single till old: Less and less desire to masturbate: Can still find mature mate

There's a range of options, but I don't recommend doing inhuman things to torment yourself.

>> No.13818502

Women can't empathize with continual sexual failure because they can pretty much always fuck. For some men the desire for sex is so strong, and its fulfillment so difficult to obtain, that sublimating your sexuality entirely is the only way to keep yourself from losing your mind.

>> No.13818516

beautiful post anon

>> No.13818520

Living for the flesh is not living as well as you can. It's hedonistic but only in the short run.

>> No.13818534

This is an oft repeated fallacy. Put it out of your feeble minds. You've been lied to. Trolled. Stop repeating it

>> No.13818541

Literally no one here has a problem with getting too many women

>> No.13818545


I'm not telling you to become chronic masturbaters and perverts.

>> No.13818565
File: 58 KB, 400x605, Zarathustra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do not be virtuous beyond your strength! And do not desire anything of yourselves against probability. Walk in the footprints where your fathers' virtue walked before you. How would you climb high if your fathers' will does not climb with you? But whoever would be a firstling should beware lest he also become a lastling. And wherever the vices of your fathers are, there you should not want to represent saints. If your fathers consorted with women, strong wines, and wild boars, what would it be if you wanted chastity of yourself? It would be folly! Verily, it seems much to me if such a man is the husband of one or two or three women. And if he founded monasteries and wrote over the door, "The way to sainthood," I should yet say, What for? It is another folly. He founded a reformatory and refuge for himself: may it do him good! But I do not believe in it. In solitude, whatever one has brought into it grows—also the inner beast. Therefore solitude is inadvisable for many. Has there been anything filthier on earth so far than desert saints? Around them not only was the devil loose, but also the swine.

>> No.13818570

>sophie mudd
also just think
the flesh is stupid

>> No.13818572

A woman is incapable of understanding, on a tangible and psychologically authentic level, why a guy would lead an army of multiple nations in order to fuck some ho who cucked him and moved to Troy. Male desire is just too powerful to contain itself peacefully if it isn't being somewhat fulfilled. It's why incels exist, and kill people.

>> No.13818631

she’s amazing

>> No.13818639

>recommending kys to others
I hope you know there are consequences to this sort of statement. Not just for your soul, and your pathetic selfish guilt, but their soul and their families and friends should they act on the potential you have set to motion.

Never, ever fucking post 'kys' to anyone again. Do you understand?

>> No.13818646

read Aquinas. start in Summa with the bits about appetite and cardinal virtues.

read Plotinus. start with his On Love and On Beauty.

>> No.13818655

Society tells a woman her place is in the home having babies, society is wrong.
Society tells a man his worth is based on his success with woman, man is wrong.

While I find incels insufferable people unwilling to take a risk and experience life, they are right that you have no clue.

>> No.13818663


>> No.13818668

>In solitude, whatever one has brought into it grows—also the inner beast.
This is the only sensible statement in this excerpt. The rest is meaningless.

>> No.13818694

All he's saying is that our instincts are biologically inherited and trying to repress strong urges will weaken you.

>> No.13818718


>> No.13818728

You're a fucking moron. She wasn't actually telling him to kill himself, but showing that the OP's question is ridiculous because that's the only sensible answer to it, and someone clearly lacks all sense to want to commit suicide.

>> No.13818755

no. you.

>showing that the OP's question is ridiculous because that's the only sensible answer to it
she actually did NOT show that. she assumes it, because she's not educated and a nihilistic materialist.

>> No.13818765

You're made of flesh and nothing else. You want to renounce the flesh? Then you have to jump start the process of its decomposition into another form of energy.

>> No.13818776

>and nothing else
Pretty sure I got some bone in me, few other things as well.

>t. floppy sack of meat.

>> No.13818780

>You're made of flesh and nothing else
wrong. I am ensouled flesh. To me, the world is illuminated by reason. Mere flesh is in darkness.

read a book.

>> No.13818786

what does that do?

>> No.13818787

Mortification. Start small, buy a camel hair shirt.

>> No.13818805

I chuckled, but you know what I meant.

>I am ensouled flesh.
The other anon's joke was better.

>> No.13818807

this is another good suggestion. OP, stop eating so much. maybe cut it back to one meal a day. and/or drink only water.

the more you cut off physical distractions, the more sensitive we become to the image of the divine. like wiping off a dirty mirror.

>> No.13818818

>The other anon's joke was better.
Like I said: nihilistic materialists. You are all the same. It's not edgy or cool, it's sad.

>> No.13818853

Going against certain biological imperatives which your parents displayed isn't sometimes a good thing. Not that I wholly disagree with the assertion of course.
t. borderline alcoholic who comes from a long line of alcoholics

>> No.13818883

There's nothing nihilistic or materialistic about what I'm saying. You're the one reducing the spirit by attempting to quantify it in a "soul."

>> No.13818905

you compared the study of the soul to a joke. that is materialistic and nihilistic. the wisdom of which I speak is the virtue by which reason discerns the good (that is, the perfect, i.e. God).

i'm sorry you don't understand and haven't bothered to read anything on this topic.

>> No.13818924

once you see that girls are walking baboons with pussy craving fun, you no longer take them seriously and you stop being upset when seeing them

once you see that men crave to be walking dildos desperate to be chosen and objectified by women, you stop taking them seriously and you stop being upset when seeing them

>> No.13818948

I'm guessing when you said "read a book" you meant read a book that's at least 300 years old.

>> No.13818949

closer to 800 but sure

>> No.13819005

I love reading outdated science books.

>> No.13819010

one of the side effects is that it decreases your sex drive

>> No.13819050

me too.

so did butterfly fuck off finally? is she ever coming back to the thread to own up what an ugly person she is inside and out?

>> No.13819136

butt hurt fly

>> No.13819171

pray the rosary every day. you can't do it on your own. chastity is a gift from God.

>> No.13819501

i've been taking venlafaxine for about a month now and i might a be a schizoid but it did help me

>> No.13819548

Shit, just get in shape and/or lower your standards a bit. Pay for it if you have to. Celibacy/inceldom will seriously fuck with your head.

>> No.13819595

If you wanted to do it you'd just do it. A little bit of Sunday morning wisdom that applies to many things.

>> No.13819656

Thank you Aristotle

>> No.13819662

bit letraitrure relatreud

>> No.13819726

Read The Coiled Serpent by Cornelis Johannes Van Vliet
We don't need women anymore bro.

>> No.13819779

no u

>> No.13819987

This could definitely work. So simple yet so effective.

>> No.13819994

>0 results
It's the simple logical solution to this problem. Any competent veterinary or doctor will be able to safely castrate you. A short operation, local anaesthetic, a bit of soreness for a week or so, and never again will you be bothered by sexuality.

>> No.13820013

This. If you really want to "renounce the flesh" this is the only option. You have no use for your dick outside of sex and if you don't want sex why not cut it off?

>> No.13820032

Your phallus is the symbol of your masculinity, cutting it off equals renouncing your dominance over the world. Just because some don't understand that your dick is more than simply an instrument for pleasure, doesen't mean it is.

>> No.13820039

Do people actually get gelded anymore? Can I actually walk into a doctor's office and ask how much they charge to cut my balls off?

>> No.13820040

Not really. I'd say manly physical characteristics (deep voice, broad shoulders, etc.) are much more signifiers of masculinity than your fucking cock is. You think a small dicked femboy is more masculine that a 6'6" gigachad eunuch? Besides, if you "renounce the flesh" nobody is going to see your cock anyway, so why do you care if it's there to symbolise something?

>> No.13820050

Maybe not in the West, but pretty sure you can pay some Mexican or Thai doctor to do it.

>> No.13820056

>changing your sex is normal and okay (supposedly)
>getting rid of that shit entirely is weird and freakish and illegal

Fuck this.

>> No.13820063



>> No.13820079
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Fuck off degenerate

>> No.13820094

this is your brain on American education

>> No.13820124

You are made of flesh, but if flesh is all that you made of, then you lost your connection to the Ideal and your life is of despair.

>> No.13820132
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27 khv here, it's hard but I'm maintaining lucidity and I'm going strong nonetheless. Also literally 0 females in my uni classes.

>> No.13820158


>> No.13820201

Daily reminder to not interact with namefags, the cancer of this board, under any circumstances

>> No.13820211

Realize you are living in a blessed interlude of easily accessible and nearly universal prostitution, in the middle of an otherwise apocalyptic civilizational downslide. It's still the kali yuga, but at least you can get laid, because nearly every 18-23 year old college roastie is now looking for a sugar daddy and willing to let you feel her up for some shitty weed.

The current crop of women is about to be far more miserable than the incels ever were. At least the incels have hobbies. Millions of women are already transitioning into permanent cat lady mode. After a few decades of cognitive dissonance at most, they'll flip to being ultra-conservative and wanting traditional femininity back, especially as they get jealous of a younger generation of women taking their turn at the lifestyle they briefly got to enjoy but now have to watch from afar.

So before that happens, take advantage. There are millions of desperate roasties who just hit the wall but still look decent. They're looking for a man to settle for. Their pussy's beat up, so you don't want to get trapped with that, but you can still sleep with them. Can't even manage that? No problem, just set aside enough money every month to pay for a sugar baby. Women are retarded so you can easily fuck them around with the money and jew them out of a good deal.

>> No.13820222

>renouncing my gf’s body
b-b-but I worship her body

>> No.13820225

>become Christia monk in order to focus on God
>spend all your waking hours fighting visions of fleshly tentations
>end up really thinking about God maybe one hour a week

>> No.13820242

>he fell for the STEM meme

Didnt make female friends in school, went to do STEM. Now I dont know, nor meet any girls. I am doomed to KV-dom and cant even do much about it. I swear if I ever have children (lol) I would make being social a priority over academics. This shit is miserable.

>> No.13820243

You are supposed not to fight fleshly temptations but realise them as God's gift to you, just like everything you own and everything you are is God's gift to you. That way you are to think of God even at the peak of your carnal desires. If you do forget God in your carnal desires, however, then they do become a temptation, just as everything you own and everything you are becomes a temptation when, and as far as, you forget about God who gifted it to you.

>> No.13820268

The ideal doesn't exist.

>> No.13820270

Sure, if it existed it wouldn't be the ideal.

>> No.13820280

and you are made of fat. mostly.

>> No.13820283

Not 'her' but this thread is fucking stupid. The christfaggotry needs to stop.
Literally this.
Too harsh for redditors you mean.
Too harsh for redditors.

>> No.13820352

You can’t.

>> No.13820383

I'm not actually in any STEM, I'm in conservatory in south Italy, I study experimental music. It's worse. You wouldn't believe how hard is to find a girl who's developed in some way on the artistic side, they generally look like clones of each others with aesthetic differential traits. My country is so underdeveloped on the artistic/musical academic ambit that literally all women or are singers or are violin/cello players with no knowledge or interest of any music outside the programmed repertory. The result is that the majority of the classes apart from those ones in this conservatory are devoid of any female presence.

>> No.13820392

Why the fuck we needed that

>> No.13820393

Get bored of it

>> No.13820569

Get a normal gf that you share common interests, and that you can stand in the 99.6% of the day you are not having sex.

>> No.13820637

Unironically get castrated. You could theoretically change your brain chemestry through meditation in order to not like the shape of a woman anymore but the whole world will seem distorted once you do that. I tried it, felt like I was going more schizofrenic day by day. Don't deny what is natural, if you do you will go insane

>> No.13820653

Habit isn't natural.

>> No.13820674

Chemical castration

>> No.13820699

You were expecting hotties in your Stockhauzen class ?

>> No.13820738

Men have higher sex drives than women. It's literally scientifically proven that they crave sex more than women. Also, psychologically, in our overly competitive society women being the choosier of the two sexes choose only the best males so men end up never asked out and the women asked out too often with normal human psychology. That leads to meek men being alienated. Most are beta males, only the alpha male gets the pussy.

Stop trolling, ironically. You're not fooling anyone. This is a boy's only club, 4chan is, and you're simply trolling it by pretending to be female here.

Dating site statistics back up the hypergamy issue also. 4chan is for introverted men that would try to date through dating sites.

Go back to r e d d i t please.

>> No.13820741

Not hotties but at least some average female organism.

Anyway in countries like Germany, Sweden, Norway, in general countries from the north Europe, experimental/electronic music classes have increasing female presence because they're understanding that those artistic expression exists and is part of their culture.


Look how many cuties are in this class for example.

>> No.13820750
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>chav-sounding hipster yuppie
>fifty pakis
>hipster queer kids

oi m8 weef created utopia innit?

>> No.13820796
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Yes and It's beautiful.

>> No.13820851

How do I find her?

>> No.13821150

That may be true but german girls are also generally less open and very very prudish compared to other european countries. Always thought italy or france must have fewer KVs. Do people socialize easily in italian clubs/bars? In germany you must be really really outgoing to connect, otherwise people stay in their own circles

>> No.13821179

My life is fucking great and I've never had to think up some fantasy like a "soul" to explain how it works. I instinctually questioned such ideas while growing up, because they made no sense. How is there a soul when "I" am a misnomer, a construction of the mind built by vastly oversimplifying the extremely complex biological mechanisms which make up the body, which does not actually have a moment of birth and death in time since energy is merely transforming over time? What is the soul then? It's just an idea, a way of interpreting the situation, and not a very accurate one.

>> No.13821192

You underestimate the psychological effects on your masculinity after castration

>> No.13821222

This is the actual answer, and the only way to do that is to have a lot of it to the point that there's nothing new in it for you.

>> No.13821285

it makes you fat as fuck

>> No.13821316


Whenever I get emotionally attached I lose interest in sex. I want to use her body for 5 minutes of aggressive thrusting, coooming, and discarding her afterwards. We could go for a coffee afterwards, but if I like her, I'm not fucking her again.

>> No.13821353

Soul is just a way of speaking, there’s obviously subdivisions to mind. You don’t have to be religious or believe in an immortal part of yourself to understand what soul is.

>> No.13821429

I understand what the soul is, as I already explained what it is: a misnomer. It's a useful one in certain circumstances, but it's not accurate to life and it's not needed for life.