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13810006 No.13810006 [Reply] [Original]

Nietzsche on Islam

>Christianity destroyed for us the whole harvest of ancient civilization, and later it also destroyed for us the whole harvest of Mohammedan civilization. The wonderful culture of the Moors in Spain, which was fundamentally nearer to us and appealed more to our senses and tastes than that of Rome and Greece, was trampled down ( I do not say by what sort of feet ) Why? Because it had to thank noble and manly instincts for its origin because it said yes to life, even to the rare and refined luxuriousness of Moorish life! The crusaders later made war on something before which it would have been more fitting for them to have grovelled in the dust a civilization beside which even that of our nineteenth century seems very poor and very "senile." What they wanted, of course, was booty: the orient was rich. Let us put aside our prejudices! The crusades were a higher form of piracy, nothing more! The German nobility, which is fundamentally a Viking nobility, was in its element there: the church knew only too well how the German nobility was to be won . The German noble, always the "Swiss guard" of the church, always in the service of every bad instinct of the church but well paid . Consider the fact that it is precisely the aid of German swords and German blood and valour that has enabled the church to carry through its war to the death upon everything noble on earth! At this point a host of painful questions suggest themselves. The German nobility stands outside the history of the higher civilization: the reason is obvious. Christianity, alcohol the two great means of corruption. Intrinsically there should be no more choice between Islam and Christianity than there is between an Arab and a Jew.

>> No.13810014
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wtf i love islam now

>> No.13810022

So? It's not true. That's all that matters.

>> No.13810035
File: 48 KB, 750x591, ohDKCIO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not true

>> No.13810083

n° of aforism and book?

>> No.13810084

The Antichrist

>> No.13810097

Neechee new very little of islam and it's fundamental tendencies.

>> No.13810169


>> No.13810185

He knew quite a bit and even considered moving to the Middle East. Since his values are the inverse of Schopenhauer, who hated Islam, his statement here makes sense

>> No.13810191

>even considered moving to the Middle East.
provide source

>> No.13810219

>Nietzsche believed that close personal contact with Muslims was the best way understand and appreciate Europe's own tradition and unravel its crisis of values. In a letter to a friend, Nietzsche wrote that he desired not only to get to know Islam, but to get to know the most conservative type of Islam so as to see his own European soul under the mirror, where he might grasp the decadence of Europe's declining values. He wrote, "I want to live for a while amongst Muslims, in the places moreover where their faith is at its most devout; this way my eye and judgment for all things European will be sharpened."


>> No.13810241

How is islam life affirming?

>> No.13810290

almost every single muslim country have been american'd. if you still fetishize this picture of pure muslim or even eastern values then you're fucking retarded.
it's over now, only mindless consumerism and materialized values rule eastern lands.

>> No.13810292

First of all do you even know what life-affirning means? In order to, you have to be familiar with what Schopenhauer extolled as "life-denial", i.e. total negotion of one's own needs and desires (vivacity, will to life) in order to not cause painfor everything that must suffer at the expense of the gratification of the Will.

>> No.13810343

>see hordes of drunken and stoned """muslims""" with poop stained pants begging for more drugs money whilst LARPing spirituality and faithfulness

>> No.13810353

Basically life-denial is anything that convinces you to not do what you want, such as a moral system which prevents you from having casual sex or accumulating a shit ton of wealth while fucking over your community.

>> No.13810362

This is one of Nietzsche's great errors. The idea that Islam is life affirming couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, in many ways it's even worse than Christianity

>> No.13810377

Nietzsche thought that Orientalism, the art and literature movement that started during the Napoleonic invasion of Egypt, was inspired by Islam. When it truth it was just a bunch of lusty French artists who projected their fantasies onto Middle-Eastern aesthetic forms. This falsification is a common occurrence in the history of colonialism - Geisha girls being synonymous with prostitution, Indians with promiscuity (because of the Kama Sutra), Polynesians with pedophiles, Muslim women with belly dancers, and so on. But it was nothing more than European perverts taking advantage of the popular ignorance of those 'exotic' peoples, so they could exclaim "look! these guys are having all this sex so we should too!". It's the Noble Savage all over again, except instead of lying about peacefulness/non-religiousness/utopianism/communism it portrays them as hippy-like sexual deviants

>> No.13810441

it's not as bad as you think anon.
junkies and drugs users still face rejection from the community but if you're rich none of that shit matters. if you're rich and give money to mosque, you're a good muslim.

>> No.13810524

he loved music and music is illegal in islam
says it all

>> No.13810774

>Christianity destroyed for us the whole harvest of ancient civilization,

Why would you begin such a diatribe with such an overt, bold-faced lie?

>> No.13810818

Music is popular in muslim countries. Afghanistan has a very proud musical tradition.

The ban against music comes from the Hadiths. There's no mention of it in the Quran. Islam would be a lot less controversial if Muslims would just follow the Quran like they're supposed to and ignore the Hadiths.

>> No.13810826

As much as i like Nietzsche i think his knowledge of Islam was shallow, even he himself never claimed to understand it fully, and expressed his desire to understand it more thouroughly in letters an anon has already quoted. I believe Nietzsche used Islam and orientalism in general as a contrast to christianity and the west, as a kind of tool to draw attention to their defects.
I dont believe Islam is more life affirming than christianity on a fundemental level, sure islam look to warfare and violence with a more positivity than christianty does, but that is only insofar as it is a tool necessary to spread faith. By asserting a life after death Islam denies this life and percieves it as insignificant just as much in christianty, matter of fact if i remeber correctly Mohammed once held a dead dog in his hands and told his followerd that life on earth was of less value than the rotting dead dog.

>> No.13810843

Islam destroyed anything of vlue in the middle East as well.
Just look at the incest rape bastard child of gnosticism called sufism.
disgrace of a religion all neo abrahamic religions are (this includes judaism btw, mr kikes)

>> No.13811171

Oh shit this quote again.
>Christianity destroyed for us the whole harvest of ancient civilization,
Christianity is the only reason we have anything from the acient civilization.
>and later it also destroyed for us the whole harvest of Mohammedan civilization.
No such thing as an "harvest" of mohammedan civilization. The only time they were ahead of the West was when they conquered all It's most developed provinces and had generations of Dhimmis to do the thinking for them.
As people, generation by generation, converted to their cult for marriage or career, never converting back because apostasy is punished with death, their "smart dhimmi pool" shrank.
Then one day they actively closed the Gates of Ijtiad and decided they were fine with what they had and the West lolstomped them. They are seething to this day and their civilization is in an existential crisis which would make the Church's pedophiles problem look like an happy hour party If only the media talked about them in the same way.
Such harvest.

>> No.13811179
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i ask this in every thread and have never gotten a reply

what did nietzsche think about the repeated islamic invasions of europe?

>> No.13811194

>life-denial = any value other than hedonism

Yikes, super libtard non reading

>> No.13811199

Was Spain Europe?

>> No.13811208

what sort of question is that?
of course it is

>> No.13811215

This dude shouldn't have started to write on something outside art. Parts of his works where he analyses art are beautiful and insightful, but anything other is basically 4chan-tier incoherent ranting.

>> No.13811243

>By asserting a life after death Islam denies this life and percieves it as insignificant
You people are boring. Eternal life is more "life affirming" idea that ever crossed a human mind.
The one limit to real enjoyment of life, that it must end, is removed, the Last Enemy defeated.
Imagine living forever with no more división between You and the source of all that is. Your whole life you felt like You lacked something, like you were incomplete; and assuaged the feeling with temporal limited things. Imagine this need forever assuaged, imagine your nature Fulfilled for eternity rather than temporarily and incompletelly satisfied by following passing things.
You want sex, food, commodities? God is better and more fulfilling than each. The Desert fathers did happily without any of these.
You want riches? You will have actual STARS wowen into your fuvking jacket, anything you might want you will have or simply Make by Divine power.
You want knowledge? You will be Exalted in the presence of the Lord, no secrets will remain.
Are you ambitious? You serve God Well in the small things, He will give you GREAT things to attend to. He gave you the nature of earth in stewardship. You will have Galaxies in stewardship.
You want the glory of battle and war? You will have it in the Battle of Armageddon.
The one thing He asks is that You recognize His authority. Not simply in the sense that He made you but in the sense that He defeated Death for you. You're His, by right of conquest.
Life denying my fat ass. You may believe His promises or not; but what He promises is the Fulfilling of all you are and all you're meant to be, not your extinction.

>> No.13811268

100% this. He was a better poet and "prophet" than he was a philosopher and a better critic of art than he was a post.

>> No.13811289

>By asserting a life after death Islam denies this life
You haven't read Schopenhauer and evidently don't know what life-denial is.

>> No.13811402

>Literally conquer the entire world under the banner of the cross
>unparalleled feats of architecture never to be surpassed again
>Aryan planet within grasp

And then the nihilist krautcuck comes along. Oh my.

Daily fucking reminder that the goths that carved up the roman empire were all (arian) christians.

>> No.13811515

Richtig lesen sollt ihr mich aber I H R noch gar nicht. Eure Zeit zum Lesen ist noch nicht gekommen. Wer mir alles aufsaugt und verdreht - D A S sind mir die meisten.
Islam? Was ist mir das schon - eine Handvoll Sandkörner in meiner Wüste und - b l i n d - pickt ihr sie mir alle raus; wohlschmeckend den kleinen Geistern.
Wohl bekomms! Nun setzt euch doch mit euren kleinen, allzu blinkenden Augen. B Ü C K T euch ihr Müssiggänger und Possenlacher während ich weiter meine Possen mache. Um eure Z E I T und eure Z U K U N F T - da neide ich noch den L E T Z T E N.

>> No.13811664

Christcucks seething

>> No.13811682

Cope More. Jesus lives rent free in your head.

>> No.13811685

Taking into account you cannot prove the eternality of life, what gives it meaning and value is precisely the fact that it comes to an end. What value there is in something unending, leading to boredom and stagnation?

>> No.13811710

This post is made of two non sequiturs with nothing in common. I shall address each separately.
>What value there is in something unending, leading to boredom and stagnation?
It won't lead to boredom and stagnation because you'll be in eternal contemplation of the infinite which by definition will never be boring (since It's infinite).
>taking into account that You can't prove...
You must have forgotten the part in which i say "believe it or not". The point was not demonstrating the eternity of life But the fact that It's ridiculous to hold religions that believe in Eternal life as "life denying"
>it only makes sense because it ends.
You can say that of a book, not of life.
You're thinking like life is some kind of police procedural drama which must have beginning, development and end But life isn't a narrative It's If anything a collection of narratives.

>> No.13811954

>Nietzsche wasn't perfect
Color me shocked, I could have sworn he was.

>> No.13811959

Right? Uncanny.

>> No.13811983

>It's ridiculous to hold religions that believe in Eternal life as "life denying"
Isn't Nietzsche's philosophy as a whole opposed to this?

>> No.13811991

I'm answering to a guy.

>> No.13812001

then your answer might be wrong?

>> No.13812022

If anything his conception of Nietzsche's philosophy may be wrong then Because apparently I'm agreeing with Nietzsche.

>> No.13812033

>Eternal life is more "life affirming" idea that ever crossed a human mind.
The only eternity in life is change. None of the religions that maintain an eternal life picture it to be one of eternal change, like this life, do they?

>> No.13812047

>The only eternity in life is change.
Does that change? Can It become Static?
You people some times.
Also It's funny Because You're not even addressing the point of the post. I'm describí gli What the idea entails and explaining why It's ridiculous to consider it life denying. All you did was going on acpseudo taoist tangent. Cool; I don't give a fuck.

>> No.13812055

>Does that change?
No... it's the only eternity there is, like I just said. Everything else is fantasy.

>It's ridiculous to consider it life denying.
How is lauding fantasy over life life-affirming?

>> No.13812100

>No... it's the only eternity there is, like I just said. Everything else is fantasy.
So some things dont change, you contraddicted yourself and don't even notice.
>How is...
Is it a fantasy? Why? My guy apparently defeated death. Pretty easy to verify: you die and see If you come back.
Everyone manages to die.
And even If It is?
I have litteraly nothing to lose by believing it. If I die and I "change" like you say I won't even notice, and I'd still have lived life on my terms and following my ideal untill then. And If I'm right? I get everything. More than anything you can imagine.
In short You're 17 and should read a fucking book.

>> No.13812116

Also also.
Again. The fact that It might be false doesn't even impact slightly the point of the post which (again) is That's the Idea is life affirming and not life denying.
The Fullfillment of human nature and the comunion with the principle of being, forever, as an idea is life affirming. Deal.

>> No.13812256
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No amount of cope will save you.

>> No.13812437
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>What they wanted, of course, was booty

>> No.13812456
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alright i'll give you that one

>> No.13812541

>contact with Muslims was the best way understand and appreciate Europe's own tradition and unravel its crisis of values
This is true, but not in the way most peopleーor even Nietzscheーwould expect.

>> No.13812549


>> No.13812579

These anons has it right on the nose. A lot of vague statements about Islam by any westerner pre-20th century should be taken with a grain of salt, as they are far too tainted by orientalism. Unless the person engages in specific study/analysis of Islam and the Quran, you shouldn’t assume they know what they’re talking about. Nietzsche especially knew nothing about Islam, as many of the aspects of Christianity he hated are very much present in Islam

>> No.13812784

it's still nonsense to say that Islam is gone or whatever. it's been homogenized by capitalism for decades now but the religion is still much alive. it hasn't been institutionally discarded the same way that christianity has. how much time does islam have left? im not sure, but the fact that hundreds of millions of people know the Quran by heart still points to religiosity on a level above most other religions

>> No.13812855

>Christians are weak!

lol what a schizo

>> No.13813040

Is this bait? How the fuck did you end up over there

>> No.13813041


>> No.13813064

Are you even a human

>> No.13813115

They destroyed those cultures by subverting them and transvaluating their values over to their own slave values, not by conquering them violently and culling them into greatness.

>> No.13813123

nigga can't we just return to heraclitus lmoa
what a bunch of contrarian cope

>> No.13813124

i am not talking about it as a religion. but rather the vales of muslims. those are long gone.
>but the fact that hundreds of millions of people know the Quran by heart still points to religiosity on a level above most other religions
every fiqah use that knowledge to prove their points and that's it. no one practice what they preach.