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/lit/ - Literature

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13810853 No.13810853[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so few Jewish writers of note?

>> No.13810861

Jews have very good genetics(high IQ) so they are overrepresented in scientific fields.

>> No.13810870

what the fuck does that have to do with their facility for writing? If anything that should suggest there should be more of them.

>> No.13810872

because they are autistic NPC

>> No.13810877

Are there?

>> No.13810882

I guess their talmudic culture draws them to non-fiction and science.

>> No.13810883 [DELETED] 
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>Jews have very good genetics

>> No.13810887

He means in terms of intellectual ability, which is really what matters the most.

>> No.13810889 [DELETED] 

Because Jews have no imagination or creativity. They're just highly intelligent NPCs.

>> No.13810891

I'm talking about things that actually matter, not appearance. They are incredibly intelligent people.

>> No.13810892

our genetics are just a little avant-garde, that's all

>> No.13810896
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>Because Jews have no imagination or creativity

Come on now

>> No.13810898

this is wrong, Jews aren't intelligent, they just only have the high class and no lower class, if you removed lower classes from whites, they would be as smart.

>> No.13810905 [DELETED] 

>They are incredibly intelligent people
Ok Jordan Peterson.

>> No.13810910

ITT lots of whiteboi envy cope

>> No.13810911

>Jews have very good genetics
Too many diseases, IQ bought from a demon-sale.

>> No.13810912

>if you removed the counterexamples there wouldn't be any

>> No.13810916
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>Jews aren't intelligent b-b-because the unintelligent among them don't exist! if the unintelligent whites were culled from the white population, we would be just as smart!

>> No.13810917

Kafka alone redeems them.

>> No.13810919

It's a good point. If you stop counting favela-apes as people, third world looks pretty good aside from the infestation.

>> No.13810925

There's no unity among the various classes. If you count the upper classes as a unit, as is the case among the jews, it has its consequences.
Class-mongrelization is a problem.

>> No.13810927

>It's a good point.
No it's not. It's like saying "My car is absolutely fine. If it wasn't on fire right now it would be totally safe!"

>> No.13810928

There's actually a huge amount considering their traditionally marginal position.

>> No.13810931

>19 replies
>9 posters

Literally JIDF shilling it up in here

>> No.13810933
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That's why they are allowed ta mix with a goyim to cleanse their genetics from inbreeding

>> No.13810935

Huge? Name a dozen

>> No.13810937

you can't compare different types of populations, Israel is low IQ.

>> No.13810938

No, because lower classes aren't real people. You make an error counting them amidst real people.
It would be better to say; our upper classes have a decent set of tools than it is to count the lower classes as people of note. That is, to count or measure them for any purpose but utilization.

>> No.13810941

Please go back to your containment board.

>> No.13810944

>about two replies per post
noone's shilling

>> No.13810945 [DELETED] 

>there's this one exception so you're wrong
Every Jew that I know is a soulless, albeit very intelligent, NPC.

>> No.13810946

When people say Jews they usually mean Ashkenazi Jews, whose average IQ is one standard deviation above whites

>> No.13810948

no, dumbass, I didn't say to remove the unintelligent, there are low IQ people among the upper classes as well.

>> No.13810949


>> No.13810953

Ashkenazi Jews in Israel are still low IQ, it's only the Jews leaching on other who can afford to have no supporting classes of Jews.

>> No.13810955


>half the posts are a single poster

>> No.13810958

Once again, it all boils down to the error of counting lower class plebians amidst the effective group. They are not - and will never be - relevant as anything but an environmental hazard.
All advancement is done by the upper classes, aristocracy, clergy and monarchy. The lower classes exists as a farm animal bred for labor. It's dishonest to count them in any average statistic.

>> No.13810960
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>one exception

No, its just I know Jewish composers better than Jewish writers.

>> No.13810963
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Upon reviewing this thread, I had the sparkling realization that Jews are actually the master race. Holy shit.

>> No.13810967

Harold Bloom? Kafka? Spinoza? Almost every famous physicist?

>> No.13810970

sounds like a typical crit thread

>> No.13810981

I'd argue that is due to their iconoclastic culture and hatred of visual beauty. Because images of God were banned, they feared all effective imagery, and must have consciously allowed music to exist among them - "It can't be an image because it can't be seen." or some other complete misunderstanding behind the reasoning.

>> No.13810989 [DELETED] 
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>hatred of visual beauty
Is that why they hate Aryans so much?

>> No.13810990


>> No.13810992
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Still waiting

>> No.13810993

Meanwhile american christans are buying paper plates with Jesus's face on it so they can eat their borgar off the other cheek.

>> No.13810997

They've been actively trying to manifest the end times for a century by now. Acting the part is part of the deal.

>> No.13811002

The nose so big it blocks the field of their vision they can't see what they wrote

>> No.13811005

I'm blanking on the name of the author and the play but the author of "salesman" or whatever it's called. The really famous one where he has kids and shit and one kid is called "Bop" because "bop" used to mean "punch" and he punches his father at one point ~ wow.

I'm very sure
is correct, given the enormous influence they have in almost all sectors of the entertainment industry.

Also, I think "Eichmann in Jerusalem" and "Banality of Evil" writer is jewy but... that's a given.

For some reason, I don't have any writer in my head associated with "JEW," altho I'm sure many authors I know are probably jewish.
I could list a lot for "Christian" "Muslim" "American" "French" "Surreal" "Post-modern" "Gay" "Black" but none come to mind when I say "JEW."

>> No.13811008
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Death of a Salesman? Arthur Miller. That's one. I have no idea what the fuck you're even talking about in the next sentence but it sounds like some shit Salinger would come up with. So that's one and a half (because Salinger sucks ass).

>> No.13811011

>Franz Kafka
>Philip Roth
>Saul Bellow
>Norman Mailer
>Rachel Kushner
>Paul Auster
>J.D. Salinger
>Marcel Proust
>Primo Levi
>Stefan Zweig
>Joshua Cohen
Regardless of what you think of their writing, you can't deny that these Jewish writers are of note. And those are only novelists. If you expand it to poets, journalists, essayists, and philosophers, it becomes a much longer list.

>> No.13811016
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>(because Salinger sucks ass)
spotted the teenager

>> No.13811021

>Rachel Kushner
>Stefan Zweig
>Joshua Cohen

Literally whomst? Also, what about Gertrude Stein?

>> No.13811024

Teenagers are the ones who relate to his angsty bullshit. It's more like I grew up.

>> No.13811029

Eichmann in Jerusalem and Banality of Evil

It's basically about some shmuck called Eichmann, who was a Nazi train conductor for concentration camps.
He doesn't feel guilty, is not a psycopath, and in fact, is actually a very normal person.
Nothing wrong with him, nothing out of the ordinary.
But responsible for the genocide of millions.

Banality of Evil is worth a read, or at least a comprehensive summary.

>> No.13811031

>Ashkenazi Jews in Israel are still low IQ,
Not true. You're probably basing this off the average IQ in Israel which is not at all representative of Ashkenazi Israeli IQ. Israel is only 75% Jewish and Ashkenazim make up less than half of Israel's Jewish population. There are tons of Arabs, Muslims and Africans there.

>> No.13811036

>what is the Bible

>> No.13811039

Jee here. It's true, I have to wear an eyepatch when I write.

>> No.13811040

Professions jews are prolific in:
>Movie Producer (The money guy)
>Lawyer (Memorisation and greed)
>Psychologist/Psychiatrist (Sit there listening for an hour and at the end prescribe expensive pills)
>Acting (Innate ability for playing pretend, not a skill anyone can learn)
Basically jews are good at things that don't require anything but autistic qualities.

They're shit at writing books because they have no soul to them, all they know is cold hard facts. There's no fire in a jews belly, the jew does not feel empathy, the jew is calculated, conniving, clever, greedy, cheap and materialistic.

>> No.13811042

If the Bible did hack it as literature (and it doesn't) then most of its authorship would be apocryphal at best.

>> No.13811046

>But responsible for the genocide of millions.
You don't care about any of the nations genocided by the bolshevik jews, why should anybody care about jews being genocided?

>> No.13811047

How is the bibble not literature?

>> No.13811050

Untrue. Jews have always had a presence in the sciences, philosophy, fiction, music, etc.

>> No.13811055

People do care about the Holodomor though, except nobody thinks it was done by "bolshevik Jews", which it wasn't, but by Bolsheviks.

>> No.13811058

Of course its literature but its not very insightful or of much belletristic value, particularly with regards to its overall verbal mass.

>> No.13811060

>the sciences
Doesn't require soul, just autistic devotion to facts.
Name one
Name one
As (((((Producers)))))

Jews don't create any art, they're incapable.

>> No.13811063

>Doesn't know Zweig or Cohen
Literal pleb

>> No.13811065

Fine, fine. It's YA literature.

>> No.13811066

>which it wasn't, but by Bolsheviks.
Care to repeat that?

>> No.13811067

Is Witz good

>> No.13811077

>just autistic devotion to facts
Ehich evidently you lack, considering the number of your demands that've already been met.

>Name one
Was a dozen too many for you to read through?

>> No.13811081

>Doesn't require soul, just autistic devotion to facts.
I don't know. I think it requires some creativity to invent new theories in physics.
>Name one
Nope. Composers.
Pick almost any relevant discipline.

>> No.13811085

Whether I know them or not, they are not especially notable. I mean I know Mordecai Richler too but I don't think he is known much outside Canada, therefore of little note.

>> No.13811089

Every edgy contrarian in high school hated Catcher in the Rye, you're in good company with the other fedoralords.
>Literally whomst?
These are big writers, very popular.
>what about Gertrude Stein
The list wasn't meant to be exhaustive, it was just off the top of my head.

>> No.13811092

>its not very insightful or of much belletristic value
On a board renowned across the whole literary world for its shit opinions, this may be the worst one yet.

>> No.13811095

Just to name a few

>> No.13811097
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keep believing /pol/-tier memes about da joos, it's hilarious

>> No.13811100

In modern times, not the past. So worthless.

>> No.13811102

Like all of the Frankfurt school

Zweig was one of the most famous authors of his time, the fact that he's since fallen into some obscurity (in the English speaking world) doesn't make him not notable.

>> No.13811105

Name one reasonably sophisticated philosophical idea in the Bible.

>> No.13811106

that was a factual statement.
I don't see how you could deduce that I "cared" at any point.

>> No.13811107
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>Eliezer Yudkowsky

>> No.13811111

The knowledge of good and evil as a fruit that all humans have eaten, and live a cursed life as a consequence.

>> No.13811121

Bolshevism is a jewish movement with some - small minority - of non-jews being allowed in. All crimes of bolsheviks and early Soviet Union fall on the jews.
But "people" don't care because Hollywood doesn't produce movies about the subject.

Ah well, it's why I dehumanized them to begin with.

>> No.13811125

holy shit why do I not know ANY of them as juden? (with the exception of Arendt Spinoza and Freud)
didn't even know Marx was a jew. Marx! A jew! how funl

It's IN THE FKIN NAME! I immediately associate all steins and bergs with Jewry, but never this guy.

>> No.13811128
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>Grug eat pomegranate
>Now all Grug's lineage is guilty of eating pomegranate with Grug

Yep, real profound stuff.

>> No.13811130

>Didn't even know Marx was Jewish
Did you even read on the Jewish question

>> No.13811138

Reasonably deserved penta. There were worse answers.

>> No.13811140

>Hollywood doesn't produce movies
>So people don't care
Are you sure it's not the other way around?

Like perhaps Hollywood makes a lot of Nazi Jew movies because... America was involved in freeing the Jews from the Nazis? They consider it like, one of their greatest accomplishments?

And perhaps they don't make movies about the bolsheviks because... they were never involved? Who'd buy tickets besides you lol

>> No.13811154

Oh come on anon. You know it can be read as a metaphor. Think of it more like Sartre's "doomed to be free," shtick. The point is just that some problems are built in to the human psyche. It's not great but at least he didn't run straight for Job or something.

>> No.13811156

>did you even read on the jewish question
I've read a lot of Marxism, but only one "DAS KAPITAL" by marx. Thanks for bringing it to my attention that he has a book about the Jewish question lol.

>> No.13811164

I think there is far more theology reading complexity into the Bible that the Bible itself says is simply not there.

"But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ."

Its Christianity, as delineated in the Bible that declares itself simple in doctrine.

>> No.13811178

Bitch nigga the sentence you wrote is a more sophisticated philosophical idea than any bullshit that's in the Bible.
Also that idea is like the "YOLO" of ancient times. Every civilization has philosophized some variation of it, with most saying the exact same thing - because the ideas in the Bible are usually the continuation of the cultures that precede it.

>> No.13811192

there are many jewish writers of note. you just don't know it because they adopted european names. chances are that you have several favorite writers that are actually jews. i'll give some examples

they're all jews dude, the "western canon" is mostly jewish. stop reading it

>> No.13811205


A lot of top tier directors were Jewish too, and they fled Germany in the thirties to Hollywood, like Lang, Murnau, von Stroheim, and Sternberg. Who knows, perhaps Germany would have been the dominant force in the world of Film if they hadn’t driven away all the Jews.

>> No.13811207

>Are you sure it's not the other way around?
Yes. They are very selective about the messages they put forth; the priority being social engineering. They are willing to sacrifice any and all franchises for the purpose. It's a psychological control grid.
>downloading racial_guilt.dll

>> No.13811209


Melville most certainly isn't jewish so I'm going to assume you're lying about the others as well

>> No.13811210

>A lot of top tier directors were Jewish too,
However, rather than creating art, they just use it for tribal conquest and political gain.

>> No.13811211

I dunno. Point taken, but the quote sounds like a preemptive cop-out for when a Jew starts reading the bible. Or one of those fluffy "the truth is always simple," not-so-simple statements.

>> No.13811212

>the western canon is mostly jewish
it seems so lol.
Why did I have no idea they were jewish?
I'm sure if I tell this to any goy, they'd also be surprised.

>> No.13811213

>Like perhaps Hollywood makes a lot of Nazi Jew movies because... America was involved in freeing the Jews from the Nazis?
but hollywood started booming in the 1920s/1930s, my man

>> No.13811217


Okay, now this is some KANGS level shit

>> No.13811218

Bruno Schulz

>> No.13811221


>Why did I have no idea they were jewish?

because its not true you fucking retard. Do you have the slightest capacity for critical thinking or do you always assume 4chan image macros are factual?

>> No.13811222

Mate... we're not talking "message" here. Not "sub-text" or "meta-text" or whatever.
We're talking "text." We're talking literal "content" of the movie.

Hollywood would not make a Bolshevik movie because the people don't care about Bolsheviks.
Not the other way around. Don't be a retard.

>> No.13811223

I think you fell for a bait.

>> No.13811229

>Hollywood would not make a Bolshevik movie because the people don't care about Bolsheviks.
People would care about bolsheviks if Hollywood made movies about bolsheviks. It's all about attention and information feed and memory storage of the organic cpu.

>> No.13811244

oh yea there's Nietzsche in there lol..
Dante Hugo Cervantes I guess doesn't make a lot of sense either...
I even thought Foucault was a Jew for a sec.
Good bait lol. Thanks for the heads up

>Hollywood started boomming in the 20s/30s my mans
Hollywood films about Nazis started booming in the 30s too, before the invasion.
But again, there's no reason Americans would be interested in Bolsheviks, and therefore Hollywood has not produced movies about Bolsheviks.

>> No.13811247
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>I've read way more from the legit list than this one
Oh god it--it's happening! My nose, it's growing! AaaaaAAAAUGH--

>> No.13811250

>But again, there's no reason Americans would be interested in Bolsheviks, and therefore Hollywood has not produced movies about Bolsheviks.
Why would they be interested in Nazis? Why not select the godless genocidal maniacs as the enemy, why go against the Christian Germany?

>> No.13811257

>Why not select the godless genocidal maniacs as the enemy, why go against the Christian Germany?
I dunno ask Roosevelt. Better yet, Japan.

>> No.13811259

>People would care about bolsheviks if Hollywood made movies about bolsheviks
Mate I'm begging you please don't be a retard.
Hollywood wants MONEY.
They don't make people care, they look at what people care and they capitalize on it.

>> No.13811276

>Why would Americans be interested in Nazis?
I have never looked it up, but Americans were into Nazism way before Hitler even came to power.

I'm guessing it's because Nazism had such a meteoric rise and was so good at disseminating their propaganda. There were many Nazi parties/organizations/rallies in America and throughout Europe BEFORE WWII.

>> No.13811292

>Hollywood wants MONEY.
That's the secondary goal, not the primary. They cut corners to get money, but they can cut corners in money-making if it means furthering a political goal. This happened the clearest with Star Wars and Ghost Busters feminist edition.

>> No.13811302

>They don't make people care, they look at what people care and they capitalize on it.
If social engineering exists, where is it practiced?

>> No.13811304

imagine actually believing this

>> No.13811313

Imagine denying it. They're not money-making machines, they are a tribe of villains.

>> No.13811317

I literally work for Hollywood.
The primary goal of every single company, whether in Hollywood or in frozen foods, is MONEY.

>furthering a political goal with FEMALE GHOSTBUSTERS
please, you really don't need to be this much of a retard..

>> No.13811320

Americans were also into communism and communism became a national enemy. However, bolshevik jews and their evil tribe were left without any call to reparations or any justice.
I wonder if you deny this because of the biological imperative to feed your tribe, or is it a spiritual leech making you live a fool.

>> No.13811330


You’re not that bright, are you. I would guess 93.

>> No.13811331

>>furthering a political goal with FEMALE GHOSTBUSTERS
>please, you really don't need to be this much of a retard..
Making money with FEMALE GHOSTBUSTERS is so much easier... They don't care about money. They are killing franchises left and right.
China doesn't like Hollyjew movies because they see through the obvious brainwashing.

>> No.13811332

>The primary goal of every single company, whether in Hollywood or in frozen foods, is MONEY.
when did the purpose of a company change from 'creating value' to 'making money'?

>> No.13811338

130, meaning that average whites are as far from me as average niggers are from them.

>> No.13811358


I teach Chinese students. When I ask them their favourite movie, that always say some Hollywood capeshit.

>> No.13811364

Oh, so you’re a midwit. You can stop posting any time now, really.

>> No.13811368

t. quarterwit

>> No.13811383

>creating value
>making money
dafuq is the difference ya idiot.

>They don't care about money
retard alert
>They are killing franchises left and right
Are you serious? They are REVIVING franchises left and right.

>China doesn't like Hollyjew movies because they see through the obvious brainwashing
First part true, second part false.
China doesn't like Hollyjew movies BECAUSE MONEY. Ya retard.
Because China wants to sell their own movies.
I could literally write 100 pages on this, or talk to you for 3 straight days.

China allows only a limited amount of foreign movies into its theatres.
And with that, they impose *heavy* censorship, to which Hollywood begrudgingly obliges.
Here's the thing: The American Box Office is completely saturated.
The Chinese movie market is SKYROCKETING. China is literally building 22 theatres A DAY. A DAY!!!
Immensely large middle class, only recently formed, and poised to grow in size and demand for movies.
The Chinese box office will surpass the American box office probably in the next 2 years or so.

This is the literal reason you see some random chinaman in every single one of your shitty superhero movies.

>> No.13811408

>They are REVIVING franchises left and right.
Raise undead is the necromancer spell.

>> No.13811431

>Making money with FEMALE GHOSTBUSTERS is so much easier
It's true, how do you think clickbait works?


>> No.13811436

>>creating value
>>making money
>dafuq is the difference ya idiot.

>Be Jewish, read this
Really honks my horn lmao

>> No.13811447

funny lol.

I really do enjoy all the hate from people who are butthurt their favorite toy commercial is getting a rebranding.
>whaaaa the 14th laser sword space action pre-sequel has a female lead!

>> No.13811519

cervantes and dante were both crypto-jews, i don't know why this surprised you given the history of italy and spain

>> No.13811545

Probably because Jews represent less than 1% of the global population, and probably less than 5% of the cultured, civilized world. Things tend to be proportional. But they have produced many of the greatest writers of recent memory; so many so, it's not even worth mentioning.

>> No.13811548

Wrong. Those numbers are taken from a single small sample size study of Jews in private schools. It's another Jewish trick. Jews are successful because of their extreme nepotism, in group loyalty and the ease with which they trick stupid Goys (that is they're an innately low trust group exploiting a high trust group). Note the relatively low IQ of Israel.

>> No.13811554

>nearly all "western" authors are jewish
why can't white people into writing?

>> No.13811559

So you enjoy the backlash ideological social engineering is getting? Me too. Hopefully this will be the end of jews, it would be an end pathetic enough.

>> No.13811560

Honest question, why are Jews so cartoonishly evil?

>> No.13811565

Selective breeding and evil traditions -such as baby torture and human sacrifice- to ensure it lead to such outcomes.

>> No.13811569

Because literature was never profitable

>> No.13811573

The appearance which rich people take dictates the appearance of evil in most cartoons.

>> No.13811578

>archetypes and instinctual gut reactions are top-down issued arbitrary social structures
Nah. Our understanding of 'evil' is our instinctual aversion to the jew.

>> No.13811581

It's just odd when Jewish academics support open borders for western countries but not for Israel

>> No.13811593

I honestly imagine it's pretty hard to write from a majority perspective. Most Jews have N-cards. Dave Chappelle gets to tell jokes about Cosby and OJ. Meanwhile Joe Rogan tells jokes about Bees, and hitting shit with his car, probably. Maybe this isn't fine literature, but losing out in the humor field makes it hard to even come off as self aware, let alone knowledgeable.

>> No.13811594

>the jews will end because movies for kids feature females
ok m8 go have fun somewhere else

>> No.13811600


>> No.13811608

I thought you were using the word cartoonish to refer to cartoons more directly

>> No.13811622

>whites aren't gullible they're "high trust" haha
>haha also I go to church every sunday

>> No.13811625

No I just meant their behavior often comes off like a mustache twirling villain

>> No.13811642

Jews write pee-ee, poo-poo tier nihilistic crap or some trash about the holohoax, get it published by a Jewish publishing firm and use it to push the idea that Jews are so smart and intellectual. It's a load of crap. There aren't that many top-tier Jewish writers which is surprising considering how many of them give it a try.

>> No.13811645

Or, you know, mustache twirling villains come off as them. It's essentially "orange man bad" only it doesn't get parodied as suck, by virtue of the fact that it's at the Jew's expense.

>> No.13811647

How the fuck did you come to that conclusion?

>> No.13811655

>as suck
as such*

>> No.13811679

>and use it to push the idea that Jews are so smart and intellectual
if jews aren't the smartest ethnic group, which group is?

>> No.13811690

East Asians are definitely the smartest, probably followed by whites. Jews are basically just white but MIGHT be slightly higher.

>> No.13811708

They go to Hollywood, where they can get more fame and money than writing books