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/lit/ - Literature

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13802784 No.13802784 [Reply] [Original]

all you guys do is tell me to read the bible and I don't wanna

>> No.13802901

Don't bother just find a YouTube video that summarises it

>> No.13802978

It will be okay, fren. Go read Mishima's work instead. Or the Culture series. Or Animorphs :)

>> No.13802982

I apologize. That last bit may have the potential to sound condescending. That was not my intention.

>> No.13804452

The Bible Project has summerized every book in animated "comic book" style. Here is the one of John, probably the most popular book of the Gospels. I quite like them myself.

Maybe these will inspire you to start reading. I feel that what withholds most people from reading the Bible, or any book or doing anything in general is the question "What's in it for me?". What's in it for everybody including you is summarized in the most popular Bible verse John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.". This means you will go to Heaven if you believe in Christ. To me it seems that there is no greater reward then to be able to go to Heaven so this alone should be reason enough for everybody and you to take what Jesus said seriously. As a Catholic I also advice you to read the Catholic Catechism to understand, among other things, what the Church has to say about the Bible. I wish you luck anon!

>> No.13804468

There is no god. The bible is nonsense. It's not even coherent. Anyone wanting you to be religious is just a manipulative exploiter or one of their zombies....

Here. let me sum the bible up! "Do what the religious leaders say or something bad will happen, I swear!" End of story.

Multi-billion dollar industry of grift....

>> No.13804480

Give it a try, is funny
Jacob's sex tales are really entertaining

>> No.13804487

You could do what I used to do. I'd read what I wanted to read in the morning or during the day, whenever I had the time, and then I'd just read a bit of the bible at night before going to sleep.

>> No.13804493

imagine being this close-minded and idiotic lmao

>> No.13804515


See what I mean? Ad Hominem, projection, hypocrisy. And Zero ability to even conceptualize how stupid they are. Life to the religious is a unknown unknown. All religion should be considered a mental illness.

>> No.13804528

I want to comment on your passage "Do what the religious leaders say or something bad will happen, I swear!". I understand that this could be something an individual would get out of reading the Bible, but I have to say it's an incomplete interpretation. Currently (and I might be wrong on this) I feel that the "rules" in the Bible are there to point you to the spirit behind those rules, the Holy Spirit. Yes, the rules themselves must be obeyed but this will be done "automaticly" if one has the Holy Spirit.

>> No.13804549

And yet there are no real leaders except for Jesus. Don't go to church, don't subscribe to a denomination, don't donate any money. Just read and be interested. That's the start of it.

>> No.13804589


First, those rules are inconsistent: Kill your enemy versus turn the other cheek; Love thy neighbor versus god acting through my hands will smite the Philistine. etc.

Second, the sophistry and salesmanship is what is presented the most. The inability to doubt, the obedience, the threats, the bribery of heavenly reward (New Testament). The effects of this are to make submissive obedient servants which perpetuates the exploitation that causes the suffering that make people turn to a make believe story of a better place instead of fighting against their oppressors. How is succumbing to sophistry supposed to make you a better person?

Thirdly, those rules from a analytical sense are not what you think. In Christianity you have to separate the Greek, Jewish, and Coptic traditions which are all different. There are hundreds of commandments in the old testament, and 10 in the new that mostly (fail) to say that you can't have a story of what is everything so don't try - no idols or representations or stories, there is but one god or one thing that can't be divided without changing it, don't name the one thing or you will separate it from itself thus changing it - and the rest are just inconsistenly applies basic agreements for any civilization - respect property and life. All philosophies struggle with the mechanics including the philisophical applications to governance.

If there were a god directing us, It would either tell us directly, making us non-sentient, or they would encode the how into what worked.

So what works will get you to the "spirit" as you say much quicker than a book written by a 6000 year old Hedge Fund scam to preserve the power of the elites by taking away your power as a storymaker to agree or disagree.

But in doing so you can just leave the God part out.

>> No.13804631


That is just the "decentralized management" argument of exploitation.

authority can be centralized or decentralized. when you drive your car, mostly you follow rules we all agree on for everyone's benefit. It might be faster for you to cut across that lawn or drive on the wrong side of the road, but the decentralized management of everyone following the rules gets us what we all want: a safe fast ride home.

Religion is the same way. You encode the exploitation into your victims. In that way they can't even make the story that they are being exploited.
The difference is in driving we all get something out of it equally, but in religion (and captialism) it is all about hiding the win/lose of exploitation in the fake win/win of cooperative action.

Leadership is sophistry and exploitation. It is not your story as a storymaker, it is someone else's.

>> No.13804665

no I always tell you to start with the greeks

>> No.13804668

continued from >>13804631

By hiding in a fake win/win I am talking about the illusion that if we all tell the same story, then the story will work.

This is at the heart of the deception. The only story we can all tell is that we can't all tell the same story. This echos in your first three nonsense commandments. It is stating that God is the only story, and that no others will be allowed. The exploiters tie the philosophical mechanics of not being able to make a difference in something that is indivisible to the story the exploiters want you to tell. In that way you can't even make a story of doubt.

There is no heaven on earth that is homogeneous without there not being any way to make other stories.

In this way both Science and Religion fail. Reality is no different than Nature, or God as "the thing that cannot be divided," and that is why most of philosophy itself is bullshit too.

>> No.13804847

I'm going to respond to your first statement. I feel I don't totally understand or am unable to give a concise answer to your other two statements. However, I do encourage you to look into the Truth of Christ's message yourself by looking at it through "multiple glasses" (archeological, sociological, scientific (Eucharist miracles, Shroud of Turin), comparitive, historical,...). I feel an intelligent person like you will be more convinced doing his own research. I wish you luck and hope that God will reveal the truth to you!

1.The rules you mention seem to be Old Testament versus New Testament. The New Testament, for Catholics, both supersedes and fulfills the Old Testament.The Old Testament does express what God wanted to say--but it is also expressed through the personality, culture and literary expressions of the authors. As they were limited beings, with limited understandings of God, so their writing are, at times, groping for how to understand and speak about God.

>> No.13804878
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Don't. Everyone who is telling you to read the bible is blinded by their religious devotion or its reputation. At least you can pair it down quite a bit, if you feel obligated to read it. And no, it will not aid your understanding of any other literature.

>> No.13804887
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>The Bible project

Literally the most disingenuous, ball-less and anodyne interpretation of Job I've ever heard. Absolutely pathetic.


>> No.13804888
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>All religion should be considered a mental illness


>> No.13804949


>> No.13804973
File: 112 KB, 500x360, finally-he-gathered-himself-together-and-spoke-what-the-hell-19317487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no single-spacing. The post is nonsense. Its not even coherent. Anyone wanting you to be a redditposter is just a manipulative tourist or one of their zombies.
Here. Let me sum this post up! "Listen to me cause me am smart atheist, I swaer!" End of story

>> No.13805187

Some memes have worn out their welcome and are just repeated to annoy people.
The bible, blow-jack, peepee, the list goes on.

>> No.13805279

This is good advice desu

>> No.13805293

>turn the other cheek
Apparently there is some heavy cultural context around this issue which has not been translated well over the ages. Turning the cheek would be a direct challenge to the one striking you.

>At the time of Jesus, says Wink, striking backhand a person deemed to be of lower socioeconomic class was a means of asserting authority and dominance. If the persecuted person "turned the other cheek," the discipliner was faced with a dilemma: The left hand was used for unclean purposes, so a back-hand strike on the opposite cheek would not be performed. An alternative would be a slap with the open hand as a challenge or to punch the person, but this was seen as a statement of equality. Thus, by turning the other cheek, the persecuted was demanding equality.

>> No.13805294

It isn’t. It’s a waste of time

>> No.13805297
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You gotta love protties and their total fabrications

>> No.13805302

>read one thing in the morning
>read another thing before bed
Please kill yourself.

>> No.13805303

then instead how about if you HAVE SEX

>> No.13805313

yes, if the thing is the Bible. You could be reading Godel's Proof or Ulysses instead of that crap.

>> No.13805314
File: 201 KB, 1200x1561, A8B78EE1-E967-4373-BBD5-99134779BE2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could read another book at night, reading the bibble is a waste of time

>> No.13805340

It’s irrelevant what you personally think of the Bible. It’s a seminal work and everyone interested in western thought, art, economics, etc. should try and read it. Understand it’s context and it’s influences. Being able to change your model of thought and understand the mentality and context behind things irrespective of your personal opinion is important for anyone who says they want to be smart. It’s the same reason a debate team will assign you an argument you do not necessarily believe in.

>> No.13805348
File: 319 KB, 1498x986, 1549018388608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just name a fucking book and we'll keep this braindead rhetoric going in circles for the rest of eternity.
The amount of reference material, cultural baggage, historical context that is contained in the bible alone makes it a very worthwhile read. I see you ruining history book threads all the time, so this shouldn't be a difficult concept for you to grasp you dumb cunt.

>> No.13805349
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And I'm sure you're saying this as someone without any emotional or spiritual investment in its doctrines and also that you yourself have read it in its entirety, right?

>> No.13805355

>cultural baggage

You're retarded. When the hell is the term "baggage" used in a non-derogatory sense? When its literally referring to luggage.

>> No.13805367

Try to read one of the most interesting and self contained parts first to see If it catches your interests. Like the Psalms, the Ecclesiastes, The Song of Songs.

>> No.13805368

Are you implying everything that got carried over into modern western culture from the bible and christianity was positive? There are so many important red threads stretching back, they do not lose their importance just because you decide to categorize it as 'good' or 'derogatory'. Keep nitpicking at words my pedantic friend, I'm off to bed.

>> No.13805373

Holy shit, the Psalms the MOST interesting? Its literally just a guy rambling about how god is going to BTFO his enemies for him for dozens of pages.

>> No.13805376

I mean you don't have to. I haven't read it either, and I'm literally the smartest person on /lit/.

>> No.13805380
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>I'm off to bed.

I love these posts because they are never true but at least you have hope that you wont have to deal with the person's retardation for another 8 hours.

>> No.13805390

Hey, me too!

>> No.13805393

This, for example, moby dick has plenty of bible references.

>> No.13805400

Yeah but any idiot will see them without reading the Bible. Same with most other references to the Bible.

>> No.13805411
File: 216 KB, 800x960, 54645645646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No collection of religious writings gives expression to such a wealth of devotion and inspirational ideas of God as the Book of Psalms. And it would be very helpful if, in the perusal of this wonderful collection of worshipful literature, consideration could be given to the source and chronology of each separate hymn of praise and adoration, bearing in mind that no other single collection covers such a great range of time. This Book of Psalms is the record of the varying concepts of God entertained by the believers of the Salem religion throughout the Levant and embraces the entire period from Amenemope to Isaiah. In the Psalms God is depicted in all phases of conception, from the crude idea of a tribal deity to the vastly expanded ideal of the later Hebrews, wherein Yahweh is pictured as a loving ruler and merciful Father.
And when thus regarded, this group of Psalms constitutes the most valuable and helpful assortment of devotional sentiments ever assembled by man up to the times of the twentieth century. The worshipful spirit of this collection of hymns transcends that of all other sacred books of the world.

>> No.13805421

But It becomes a better experience, you can reminisce about when you read the book of Job when it's referenced in Moby Dick. It's very comfy.

>> No.13805424
File: 144 KB, 1024x762, a1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, well some dipshit said it so it must be true

>> No.13805427

I actually do not have much of any. I would say I’m an atheist, was raise in pretty lax catholisism, but was never much into it. I fully admit that most of my interest in Christianity is largely aesthetic. However, I do enjoy some Christian inspired works and thematic elements, especially those in a transcendental nature. Reading the Bible helped me empathize with the concepts expressed in such work. I know the “feeling” or “theme” they are trying to envoke.

>> No.13805429

How do you know if something is a reference to the bible if you have no knowledge of the bible?

>> No.13805431

>best poetry in the history of humanity
>most sincere demonstration of Faith and love of the history of humanity
>most metal scenes in the bible (the righteous shall batte their feet in the blood of the wicked psalm 58)
>just a guy rambling
You have never read them and You're only interested in insulting Christians. Please kill your brain and plead self defense.

>> No.13805432

I can't imagine the story of Job being comfy unless I was totally ensconsed in the anchorage of the optimism bias.

>> No.13805437

Are you seriously saying that people who have not read the Bible have absolutely no knowledge of it? Are you really going full retard on us?

>> No.13805440
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>> No.13805444
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>most metal....

Didn't have to read past that

>> No.13805453

thats not true there are several themes. Also get informed about the "enemies".

>Are you seriously saying that people who have not read the Bible have absolutely no knowledge of it?

not the same guy, but WTF!.

How can you know about a book without reading it?

>> No.13805455

The book isn't comfy, it's powerful. But it's comfy to get a reference in a book becuase you have read the original text.

>> No.13805464

I didn't read all of them admittedly. They became exceedingly repetitive after about the 50th one. You don't see any other book getting away with saying the same old shit over and over and over again and including census results and architectural measurements. Maybe we can start recommending the Bible when someone pairs it down to some literary essence. Right now its a turgid pile of shit.

>> No.13805475

>Nobody has ever heard of the creation myth and Adam and Eve and the serpent
>Nobody has ever heard of Noah's Ark
>nobody has ever heard of Lot's wife becoming a pillar of salt
>Nobody is familiar with the story of Job
>Nobody is aware of the Passion

unless they read the Bible? Fuck off and go fuck yourself, fucker.

>> No.13805480

I mean why should I read or start with the Bible specifically? Why this holy book and not any of the others like all the Buddhist/Hindu/Islamic texts?
I just want to understand this world, the soul and my purpose better, but I just feel confused all the time and don’t know where to start. I feel lost.

>> No.13805482

>you can have the same understanding of something without reading the source material compared to someone who has

>> No.13805486

>Lot's wife becoming a pillar of salt?
>Nobody is aware of the passion?
WTF! I didn't know this

>> No.13805488

>having the same understanding is necessary to read any other literature

This meme is stupid. It needs to die. End of story. No wait, not end of story because actually I can go and read as many stories as I want and I don't need the fucking Bible to do it. So BEGINNING of story. Fuck you.

>> No.13805494

I guarantee that if you didn't learn those stories from church, the bible or someone who has studied the bible, you got the watered down pop-culture versions.

>> No.13805500

Like you don't have an interest in the Bible being untrue?

>> No.13805501

calm down.

Is not my fault that what you said is stupid and you are just realizing it. get over it.

And most people don't know about Job. They confuse it with Jonha. Maybe you too.

>> No.13805504

The trannyfly hates the Bible because it reproves its evil deeds.

>> No.13805515

here's a summary of the bible:
some angry canaanites decided they only wanted to worship El so they called themselves Jews (kikes, in human tongue) and then a couple thousand years later some kike named Jesus came along and convinced gentiles to worship him as their kikish god.

The end.

>> No.13805516

I never said it was necessary to enjoy other literature, but you aren't getting everything you could out of it if that puece of literature heavily references the bible.

>> No.13805518

Why would we even talk about that? This is a LITERATURE board. You want


Also what kind of self-flagellating retard has an interest in the Bible being true?

>oh gee I sure hope this douchebag exists and that I'll probably go to a pit of eternal torment just for being myself. Spank me harder DADDY!

>> No.13805522

Not me, I told you to KYS yourself.

>> No.13805523


>> No.13805535

the "yourself" is redundant.
just sayin.

>> No.13805539

Seething illiterate retard. Quit making excuses for your illiteracy.

>> No.13805544

What the WTF are you talking about?

>> No.13805545

If God is willing to send me to eternal damnation because I don’t believe in him rather than the quality of my character, then he’s a dick who doesn’t deserve to be followed.

>> No.13805546

it takes a TON more literacy to read Kant than the fucking Bible. Fucking Hicks and Yokels read the Bible all the time.

>> No.13805548

Listen, idk if you're the guy I responded to originally, but if you're going to dismiss someone's opinion because they're interested in its truth spiritually, then don't tell me to go to /his/ immediately after when I take you up on your statement.

Your second comment, about your belief that Christians are masochists for believing in and defending the Bible, is poor bait. It clearly is not backed up by the Christian (Catholic) philosophical tradition, and your ignorance of this is why you'll never have anything of worth to say to a believing Catholic in real life, that he hasn't already heard from the mouths of thousands of fedora tippers.

>> No.13805549

KYS = Kill Your Self.
you don't need to put the yourself after the KYS.

>> No.13805554

I mean surely he's at least a dick for not even giving most people who ever existed throughout history the choice of following Jesus.

>> No.13805557

Hicks go to church you brainlet

>> No.13805562

>a philosophical tradition doesn't say things that undercuts its foundations

Wow, now that you put it that way, you're absolutely right, obviously the God of the bible exists and is the only mind that apprehends a universe of any kind throughout all of reality.

>> No.13805565

where they read excerpts of the fucking bible.

>> No.13805566

Listen to yourself projecting your retarded human values onto God, this is why you'll never make it.

>> No.13805571

I love when Christians try to say their God isn't some guy. That's exactly what the fucking book makes HIM out to be.

>> No.13805577

The pastors do who have a higher education than most of their community
holy shit please stop posting anytime

>> No.13805579

God has retarded human values tho. Not even particularly evolved ones.

>Worship me
>If you don't do it, I'll torture you

>> No.13805585

Correct, the Christian tradition is self-consistent, and makes sense given the Bible thanks for noticing and contradicting the tone of your earlier opinion.

>> No.13805595

Incorrect, you don't even understand sarcasm and you're a retard. Thanks for being such a tard.

>> No.13805608

No it isn't, even if you're not religious. Familiarizing yourself with the bible is necessary to understanding not just much of Western literature but Western culture. You're doing yourself a major disservice by not reading it. I'm disappointed in you, Butterfly.

>> No.13805613

1) God doesn't have human values period
2) His values (which he doesn't have, him being God, find some other word like emanation or something) would of course sound stupid to you, a brainlet who dates to project himself into what he thinks God ought to be like, given his edgy teen fedora atheism

>> No.13805622

God has a distinction between right and wrong, therefore has human values since humans are the only creatures that also make that distinction.

>> No.13805634

That is so obviously a logical fallacy that I'm sure you're just posting bait. If not though, go read a logic textbook before you start preaching again about what God should act like.

>> No.13805636

No thanks, fag

>> No.13805641
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>the reddit atheist is absolutely assblasted

>> No.13805648
File: 53 KB, 800x766, 1566073487569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent being has human values
and this is why I don't talk to atheists about religion

>> No.13805739

You're catching more than I expected. Didn't realize how many pseuds were actually on this board.

>> No.13805772

Good bait

>> No.13805816

>/lit/ tells you to read the bible
>fails to tell you WHICH bible

there are like 3 main branches of christianity each with their own version, how is anyone supposed to navigate this disjointed faith?

>> No.13805834

Can't believe the Prots are missing out on Tobit and the Wisdom of Sirach because of their Judaized tradition.

>> No.13806191


What does omnibenevolent even mean in a non human context ya dingus?
And how would you know that God had all these properties? How could you know when you’re just a dirty little conscious primate?

>> No.13806645
File: 36 KB, 329x499, 51t2zV6zVaL._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been said time and time again: read the KJV.

>> No.13806858

Read the Quran

>> No.13806863

imagine reading oxford world's classics bible lmaooo

>> No.13806993

I don’t care about all the Jew stuff; do I have to read the OT or can I start with Matthew?

>> No.13807147

Why don't you want to read it? It's essential world history canon. You wouldn't refrain from reading the Iliad because you don't believe in Greek gods, do you?
But seriously, the Bible is the transcribed Word of the Living God.

>> No.13807284

I’ve read it. I was a Christian once

>> No.13807296

Fuck off and die.

>> No.13807302
File: 422 KB, 1600x1450, 0C8B2CF2-600D-4F97-B1AA-BF792473FF91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP doesn’t want to read your dumb book. YOU FUCK OFF

>> No.13807341

>turns 360 and walks away

>> No.13807352

Why the fuck do you always have to post in my fucking timezone. Please I beg you to stop posting you dumb cunt.

>> No.13807356

You should at least skim it. Read the first bit of Psalms and skip the rest of Psalms. It's repetitive and boring as shit. IIRC Numbers was repetitive also.

>> No.13807403

Bro just filter it. I don't even see their posts.

>> No.13807427

Don't bother. It's a shit book.

>> No.13807527

Could someone tell this thing >>13807403 to dilate, please.

>> No.13807649

At This point You're fuvking using memes in a way that ruins them as signifier because if You honestly think that basedboys use 'metal' as an adjective or actually like the music beyond what was memed into their brain by tv, You're out of contact with reality.

>> No.13807682


Animorphs is the thematically-richest YA ever written, so it has that going for it at least.

>> No.13807684

the Quran is shorter and gives you the same story plus more

>> No.13808814

Read the Book of Job, the psalms, and the Gospels. Then just read Dostoievsky and Tolstoy.

>> No.13809179

>Book of Job
The pseud choice.
Ben Sira/eccl. are the actually good non-historical-narrative non-prophetic old testament books.

>> No.13810592

1) wrong
2) wrong and rude

>> No.13810609

>Logic textbook
>presuming the existence of God

I think you meant the Trivium specifically. Most logic books have fuck all to do with God and for good reason.

>> No.13811720

BAKA my head at this rampant newfaggotry, take me home now Jesus.

>> No.13811737

Holy shit, when did this board ever need a filter for S M H? And why did I have to discover this while calling someone else a newfag? Truly, reality is the harshest mistress.

>> No.13811739

>What does omnibenevolent even mean in a non human context ya dingus?
You moron. It's not God that has human valúes It's US That have God's values.
Which are objective rules of morality. Because He's GOD!
You talk about this like He's just Some Guy in the Sky. He's Not, He's the principle of fucking existance.

>> No.13811781

what's wrong with it?

>> No.13812218
File: 248 KB, 1024x784, 1568337392517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two ways of reading the bible. The first way is to just read it without the spirit which is what most people do including the scholars. The second way is to read it with the Holy Spirit inside you that will teach you all things(John 14:26) including the true meaning behind scriptures. If you read it this way, the bible will make sense to you.

John 14:6 kjv
>Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

I hope you find the truth in the bible anons :)

>> No.13812290

>the catechisms aren't fabrication
>inb4 Christ affirmed papal infallibility

>> No.13812935

why not an anime?