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/lit/ - Literature

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13798235 No.13798235 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related made me discard nationalism in favor of religion.

>> No.13798261

When i first was getting into literature, I fell for the /pol/ meme and ordered Revolt against the modern world because I heard it was crazy.

Obviously it was a bit over my head so I didn't understand all of the references at the time, but It ended up making me take Christianity far more seriously despite Evola not being too supportive of Christianity.

I went back and skimmed over the book now a few years later and it seems kind of basic to me now that I've been reading for years. Evola's books definitely changed my outlook on life, but I also wonder if he may be evil and subversive as well? I have been wondering if maybe his books planted evil thoughts in my head due to him being a somewhat unhinged Satanic maniac, along with Guenon.

Also, his books have not aged well in my collection now that I re-read them it feels very LARPy and kind of silly.

>> No.13798307

>I fell for the /pol/ meme and ordered Revolt against the modern world because I heard it was crazy.
I doubt anyone on /Pol/ has actually read Evola, let alone Ride the Tiger.

>> No.13798353

>I doubt anyone on /Pol/ has actually read Evola, let alone Ride the Tiger.
Nobody reads books they just re-post quotes and watch 10 minute video essays on youtube

>> No.13798460


Pol reads more books than all the lefitst in the world combined.

>> No.13798486

Ishmael by Daniel Quinn.

>> No.13798491

>but It ended up making me take Christianity far more seriously despite Evola not being too supportive of Christianity.
Evola also had this effect on me but more so Weininger who Evola introduced me too.

>> No.13798600

Old pol maybe

Nupol is just drooling boomers and unhinged retards

>> No.13798634
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Guenon's Reign of Quantity and the Sign of the Times did the same for me. Made me realize that there is a metaphysical reality only from which man can derive higher truths. A good book that had a big impact on the way I understood the world is pic related. Highly recommended, but it's a time investment.
I was one of the nu-pol people who took the reading list seriously and as a result I abandoned the forum because it's saturated by brainlets who didn't and therefore couldn't have any higher level discussions. I wish I would have been around for old-pol, I find myself wanting for a forum where serious political discussions and analyses of current events can be had. Unfortunately nu-pol has become nu-chan, where I find the quality of comments to be dismal even on this board.

>> No.13798637
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>> No.13798654

Principles of mathematics -Allendoerfer, Carl Barnett

>> No.13798749


Remember when that guy stormed the Discovery Channel offices because he was obsessed with this book.

>> No.13798761


JP is obviously not pol approved.


True. 2016 was fun. Went downhill REAL quick.
Thats what you get for going maintstream though.