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/lit/ - Literature

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1378684 No.1378684 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/,
what is wrong with the categorical imperative?

>> No.1378685

consider someone who is mentally deranged and thinks it is an acceptable moral idea to murder the shit out of you and your family

>> No.1378692

A deranged person like that would murder me and my family regardless of moral ideas, don't you think?

>> No.1378694

but you would have to let him do it

>> No.1378696

because it rests on false assumptions about rationality.

>> No.1378699


That's preposterous, you've misunderstood the scenario. If a murderer was to ask you where your family was hiding - in order that he might kill them - then you'd 'have' to tell him where they are, according to the universal maxim that it's wrong to lie. However, you could then attempt to stop him, presuming that 'it is right to lock a door or flee a house in order to save your family from a homicidal maniac'.

>> No.1378701

OMFG it's PHL101 up in here.

Semi-nostalgia'd, but seriously read Quine.

>> No.1378719

What does Quine have to do with ethics?

>> No.1378744

Even if no one ever likes the outcome of an action, he can still claim to be right. Counterwise if everyone forever likes the outcome, it could still be wrong. This is counter intuitive, but actually his main selling point, ashe claims morals are apriori

>> No.1378760

I know you just Googled it because you were completely ignorant, but seriously, you should actually read Quine.

>> No.1378784

but wouldn't it be wrong to tell him where they are?

>> No.1378788

it just kant be applied to society.

>> No.1378789

*ba dum tss*

>> No.1378975


>> No.1378979
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>> No.1379230


>> No.1379241

The Kantian moral law, has no content; its only
criterion of morally right action is non-contradictoriness, and t hat proves to be no criterion at all, because it is a criterion which even the most immoral actions are able to satisfy.

>> No.1379242

3 major problems.

1. How to derive the maxim. Kant tells you you must use the maxim, but never tells you where to derive it from, how broad it needs to be, or where the maxim actually comes from.

In the axe murderer example, this questions "Is my maxim to lie? Or is it to save my children?"

2. P.O.V - Does not take into account Point of View. From which P.O.V do you derive your maxim from? Do you take your own personal? Or perhaps some 3rd person neutral party? Is that even possible?

3. Kant is stupid.

>> No.1379253

People aren't robots

this applies to you as well onionring

>> No.1379258

Argument Invalid, Does not compute

>> No.1379259


He make the observation that the only thing separating man from beast is reason and therefore moral law should only exist within the realm of reason. Whatever consequences or emotional outrage make come out of it, we should always obey them. Where he got the specific laws, I have no idea.

>> No.1379261

People are essentially robots, especially you D&E

>> No.1379262


>He make

oh god, kill me now.

>> No.1379263

Montaigne shits on that whole thing right there.

>> No.1379309

that's either incoherent or wrong. take your pick.

>> No.1379444

lol sasuge poop

>> No.1379577


Robots don't have souls
Also, I like how you guys don't know Leibniz' law

>> No.1379665
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nice trol.

>> No.1379675

just mentioning that i once read an article by Lessing about lies, where he states that if your aims or ideas behind the lies are moralic acceptable, your lie is moralic acceptable. he also says that, if you can decide between telling the truth or telling a moralic acceptable lie, it's "more worth" to lie

>> No.1379698
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Is that supposed to be "cute"?
because omfg it is.

>> No.1379752

>he apparently studies philosophy