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13790171 No.13790171 [Reply] [Original]

Best book of the Bible? Pic related.

>> No.13790179

The Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, According to: Saint John.

>> No.13790181

Best of the old.
Best of the new.

>> No.13790198

Ecclesiastes is, but Job is in the top five for sure. John is also good as an earlier anon said.

>> No.13790199

Yuck. Mark all the way.

>> No.13790399

Just kek. Why anyone would chose Mark over Matthew unless to be a contrarian.

>> No.13790408

Mark is shorter and has a more interesting style. Less bullshit in Mark.

>> No.13790425

Based and Logos pilled

>> No.13791906


>> No.13791950
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>> No.13792712

Definitely. All the reasons you could have for being an atheist are laid out right there by Job himself

>> No.13792980

>The Book of Job
>main character immediately becomes unemployed

>> No.13792998

I'm glad to have a fellow Ecclesiastes fan on board.

>> No.13793003

Why is there no third testament yet? Or a prequel testament?

>> No.13793004

Mark's also older.


>> No.13793009

Wait for Disney to buy the rights.

>> No.13793117

>what is the Quran?

>> No.13793145

Acts of the Apostles. As a Classicist and a Seminarian, it's an exciting read.

>> No.13793482

Book of Jonah

>> No.13793495

>Best book of the Bible
That would be Ecclesiastes, anon.

>> No.13793993


>> No.13794004
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A fanfiction with a lot of fans.

>> No.13794025

Yes, reading Job really reassured me that the Christian god isn't a huge dick.


>> No.13794037

OP is right on Old Testament, FP is right on the New Testament. Excellent thread

>> No.13794043

that's the book of mormon

>> No.13794050

The true patrician choices are Luke for NT and Samuel (I & II) for OT

>> No.13794052

That’s why fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

He will fuck you up.

>> No.13794059

Rank the gospels
>Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

>> No.13794071

>Raised Christian, no clue what it means, certainly not more important than parents
>Start questioning reality, Christian worldview doesn't explain how imma get this bread
>Realize getting bread is not the key to a fulfilling life, become blackpilled
>Continue questioning reality. Realize there is likely an all-powerful creator who controls everything. Become terrified
>Return to Christianity to make sense of this feeling. Turns out All-Powerful creator loves YOU for some reason despite ignoring him and looking for all explanations except His until now
Why is God so based?

>> No.13794117

the story of King David is so good

>> No.13794133
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Seems more like a reason to be an antinatalist than anything.

>> No.13794144

Ecclesiastes is almost a meme here.

>> No.13794150

God is love and love is the most powerful force.

>> No.13794205
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Based and fpbp, nothing beats the gospels

Job is nice too, gives insight into a lot of things, like how Satan is subordinate and had to get permission from God to torment Job. I like Genesis since it's packed with so much stuff.

>> No.13794214
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>> No.13794483

not an argument

>> No.13794504

It is a polytheistic death cult.
Jesus’ love is *conditional* and therefore limited.
It is as rank as islam and all the rest of Abraham’s cult

>> No.13794556
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You don’t have a good understanding of scripture or you were informed by Protestants. Can you name a better gift than free will?

>> No.13794561

Broke: Job and Ecclesiastes
Woke: Leviticus

>> No.13794710
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>> No.13795570

> Love is peaceful
you need to get out more, anon

>> No.13795579

>Jesus’ love is *conditional* and therefore limited.
modern unconditional love is spelled indifference

>> No.13796387

Man, this dude really does show up every time Christianity is mentioned. Why are you so butthurt 24/7, buddy?

>> No.13796393

It's the part of the Bible with the most literary value. Very kino story

>> No.13796404

Because I care
Care enough to point out the evil of this terrible cult

>> No.13796407

But you sound like a broken record. You don't see me sounding like a broken record do you?


>> No.13796409

>Why are you so butthurt 24/7
Trannyfly is a tranny and trannies love the darkness rather than the light.

>And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

>> No.13796589

Many people seem to have missed the point of the Book of Job.

The point isn't that God will fuck you up so you better fear him, or that he was in any way vindictive towards Job. The point is that God has been around forever and is literally perceiving every single thing at once, so the concept of divine justice is all-encompassing and completely alien from the human idea of justice. That's why he shows him Leviathan and Behemoth; to humans, they are gigantic monsters, but to Him, they're creations, pieces of the puzzle. In that way they're representative of chaos: sure it might step on your family, but not because God hates you, maybe it was just on its way to do something more important and you happened to be in the way.

Ultimately Job doesn't get an answer for his suffering and is not rewarded because of his repentance, but because of his acceptance that we are merely drops of water in the wake of God's path through the cosmic ocean. Once you accept that fact, and that you are bound to suffer because of it (even if God doesn't specifically hate you), you'll be a much happier person.

Once you start taking the holy texts allegorically and not literally they open up a whole new world of meaning.

>> No.13796706

imagine reading the bible and not taking it literally

>> No.13797221

It's a story dude

>> No.13797236

She has a lot of skin in the game

>> No.13797260

The point of Job is in the dialogue between Satan and God. Satan's viewpoint is that no human could possibly be good and God's viewpoint is that humans have the potential to be good. Apparently they've been having this debate for a while, and God uses Job to challenge Satan's point. Satan responds with the certainty that Job will crack if enough pressure is applied to him, implying that this would mean his righteousness is false.
It's all deeply symbolic of the human condition of course. Job is not a real person but the epitome of a spiritual man ("the greatest of the men of the east"). Job's wife is his own sense of intuition just as Eve was to Adam. Job's children are his construction of space and time and therefore reason (seven sons, each son had his day, three daughters).
Satan and God themselves are the offerers of the two principal points of view for humanity as they so often are in other texts. God's point of view ultimately leads to salvation. Satan's leads to nihilism.

>> No.13797284

but why would god hurt himself re: demorphism

>> No.13797756

John > Matthew > Luke > Mark

>> No.13797974


>> No.13798003
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pic not related stupid tranny

>> No.13798036

The book of job seems to me like a pretty solid basis for cosmic horror.

>> No.13798621

Honestly yes. It has giant monsters and human insignificance.

>> No.13799693

Why Mark is so underrated?

>> No.13800389
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97% of the content in Mark is also found in either Matthew or Luke or both.It's ending(16:9-20) has been used to justify a lot of garbage theology (tongue-speaking and snake passing).
And the reason why people on here rate it lowly is probably because it is the least literate of the gospels in terms of writing style.