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13792337 No.13792337 [Reply] [Original]

''Watch and listen, you solitaries! From the future come winds with a stealthy flapping of wings; and good tidings go out to delicate ears.
You solitaries of today, you who have seceded from society, you shall one day be a people: from you, who have chosen out yourselves, shall a chosen people spring - and from this chosen people, the Superman.''
>Passage 2, Of The Bestowing Virtue; Thus Spoke Zarathustra .

Incels are unironically the ones who have the fate of the Overman in their hands. Will they be able to give life to Nietzsche's greatest archetypal figure?

>> No.13792352

Only if the go literally monk mode. An once does not forgo society, rather they are rejected by it. Once they accept it and pursue a passion with an autistic drive then they shall be ubermensh

>> No.13792371

But they can't reproduce.
The only incel ubermensch will be the one that manages to become Chad after getting some surgeries.

>> No.13792375
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coomers rise up

>> No.13792403

I don't think reproduction is an issue. It's not like a Übermensch's child will automatically be a Übermensch.
I believe it's more about rebuilding society, after its destruction and deconstruction; and it's partially in their hands to do so.

>> No.13792488

Indeed, zoomers are destined to forge an army led by a high iq autistic white guys leading the masses of angry high t curries and arabs to rebel against the tyrones and chads.

>> No.13792493

Incels can't be ubermensch because nietzschian solitude is specifically about abdicating social interactions (either willingly or unwillingly) for the purpose of self-development, not letting this schism from society deter you from personal enlightement. Incels are constantly resentful about being alienated, therefore unable to use their time to improve aspects of themselves. And the few that do only do so in order to be accepted in society again.

>> No.13792509

First group shall be the incels
Second group shall be the self improvement incels
And from that second group the overperson shall spring up and totally transform society with their superior moral system and high intellectual capacity.

>> No.13792654

No incels are pathetic, volcels would be closer to the concept of the Übermensch

>> No.13792657

Just no.

>> No.13793030

>And the few that do only do so in order to be accepted in society again.

what if want to improve myself in order to achieve my goals in life (major ambitions i have) and to get a gf? i´ve never had a romantic relationship with a woman btw

>> No.13793040

Or just rapes someone and keeps her locked up until she has the baby.

>> No.13793249

Potentially executable idea. Obviously modern incels have barely anything to do with philosophy, art, etc.

Hell, they can go as far as calling a pair of digital anime titties ''art'' '

>> No.13793295

Where the fuck do i start with Nietzsche.
Do i need Hegel?

>> No.13793308

Incels are ubermensch not because they can't get laid but because they lack the self awareness to lower their standards and can't be happy with themselves. You want to be happy with your girl not because of her.

>> No.13793365

>lack the self awareness to lower their standards
This is some serious femcel cope. Meanwhile in the real world, even the landwhales are taken.

>You want to be happy with your girl not because of her.
Insinuating this is some case of trophy GF/BF thing - while such cases do occur, people who are this narcissistic ironically tend to be not femcels/incels (as they have their dark triad bag of tricks to secure the source of validation on recurring basis). Such wild generalizations can be typically heard from disillusioned femcel who got P&D by a generic frat bro in a moment of post nut clarity and of course all incels are just like that and that's source of their loneliness.

>> No.13793368

Avid Nietzsche readers here on /lit/ will discourage you from reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra without having read all of his writings beforehand, but I can tell you the TSZ will satisfy you immediately if you're the right person to read it (Maybe one of those aforementioned incels), but if you find yourself with many questions while you read it then it's probably best for you to leave Nietzsche and move one.
If you ignore the last step you will end up being one of those ''Nietzsche is a NEET because I don't underatand him XD'' posters.

>> No.13793376
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>> No.13793391
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No, as hard as it is to pin point "incels" and what everyone thinks its their concept, incels preach on "morality" and "justice" and "equality" as if it is the true and objective path people need to take.
They look at their short end of the stick; the field which they have less power and try to convince people its a moral obligation to put them on equal there.
Its this kind of hypocrisie that Nietzsche fights the most.

>> No.13793399

So should they just arm themselves and kill their way to the top?

>> No.13793416

They are literally transevaluatung all values and creating their own moral system.

>> No.13793418

No, most incels are incels because they have high inhibition and are terrified of doing anything, not because they are spiritually evolved beyond the decadence of mainstream society. Go to any incel forum and you will find they are all bitter and hateful towards each other. It is not a brotherhood of like minded ascendants, it is just a bucket of crabs.

>> No.13793433

Not saying what they should or shouldnt do.
If killing their way to the top is their will then they would go for it.
But for a more realistic standard i would just say for them to sublime their autism and improve themselves, make good and influencial careers and plant their values on other people. Or change their values if they no longer need it in the end.
Which wont likely happen.

But their mentality is mostly of servitude and always trying to justify their actions as if they were obeying something higher, like "justice". Which is the wrong kind of mentality if you are willing to dominate.

Slave morality, and are trying to imply that theirs is the "true" one over the others, just like christian slaves did.
But in reality they arent creating any moral system, they are simply being hypocrites.

>> No.13793443

Volcel is just an enlightened incel

>> No.13793446

This and I know this may sound like a meme but I'm going to say it anyways: it's also their personalities. There are incels that are average to above average in looks yet turn off women who can sense there's something off about them. Look up BlueSkiesMedia and Kentray Brown. Amazing how they can't get gfs while people I know who are dorky looking can.

>> No.13793448

>Slave morality
The morality of those who are at the bottom of society and nothing more.
I one could take over the society with violence and impose his own moral system, what ever that system might be it would be the masters morality.

>> No.13793468

Yeah right, but they fail to see that their values were "reactionary" and the product of what they were oppressed by. And try to say they are the "true way".

And thats about it. Im not saying they should or shouldnt do something. If they want to take over society and make their values the top, so be it.

>> No.13793481

I'm fairly certain he's referring to volcels, like those described in Otto Weininger's Sex and Character: people who forgo carnal pleasure for personal development.

>> No.13793524

Nietzsche was not a volcel

>> No.13793525

Now i'm curious. What would be a moral injunction that couldn't be considered "reactionary"?

>> No.13793532

Reactionary is just a meme word meant to recontextualize the thing deemed "reactionary" as bad in a liberal framework.

>> No.13793543

No one claimed he was one

>> No.13793545


Sorry, i just meant that their values were a "reaction" to the values of some other oppressor.
I forgot that in english the word "reactionary" has a right wing revolution kind of meaning.

>> No.13793708

Nietzsche is talking about the solitary type that rejects society out of his own volition. Incels are the solitary type that GET rejected by society, whether they like it or not. the difference lies in who does the rejecting.

>> No.13793851

This, the very society he is referring to is mentioned more in detail in the passage "Of the New Idol"

>> No.13793888

Nietzche's master/slave morality is kinda based on Hegel's dialectic of lordship and bondage, but you don't need to read Hegel to recognise or understand that, you could just read the wikipedia summary on that theory of Hegel's and be on the same level as some autist who actually read that chapter of Hegel's phenomenology of spirit.