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File: 57 KB, 564x695, 1564498623698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13791367 No.13791367 [Reply] [Original]

*dies an agonising death for your sins and offers you eternal life*

>> No.13791372

The omnipotent god died an agonizing death lmao

>> No.13791385

his suffering is unconstrained too

>> No.13791392

I wish I could believe that but the point is I must suffer alongside him, yet still he is a savior for showing the Way.

>> No.13791398
File: 236 KB, 1461x786, A2DA561B-4952-47FE-B3C7-0F9E2009F3F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one asked for such a stupid act.
Here’s the wisdom of your dumbass dick-god.

Shoddy Beksinski imitation too.

>> No.13791406

dilate you 50 year-old menopausal lesbian tranny

>> No.13791407

>he thinks I believe in a god with manlike qualities

>> No.13791412

What's your take on the Jews?

>> No.13791455

>my sins
you just made them up

>> No.13791461

Repent, profligate

>> No.13791464

Why did he have to die on cross? Couldnt he just forgive all the sins and continue living?

>> No.13791474

>Why did he have to die on cross?
he was nailed to it
>Couldnt he just forgive all the sins and continue living?
he did and he does

>> No.13791500

No one's asking you to be a theist but please drop the edgy teenage atheist act, its cringe as fuck.

>> No.13791507

Hide tripfag threads
Ignore tripfag posts
Do not respond to tripfag posters

>> No.13791509

She/he is almost 50 lol, it's embarrassing

>> No.13791511
File: 604 KB, 2048x1152, aubrey de grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*offers you eternal life that isn't just a total fantasy*

>> No.13791516

Hugh Jackman is offering me eternal life? What a lad

>> No.13791538
File: 51 KB, 480x480, microwave brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know who Aubrey de Grey is

>> No.13791556

*looks prematurely aged for a 56 year-old and will probably die in the next 20 years (to the eternal butthurt of his death-fearing fedora followers) and is also a snake oil salesman*

>> No.13791560

Looks like an Orthodox monk

>> No.13791746

Jesus Christ never exsisted.
Instead, he was a literary device used to help teach people morals.

Read Socrates

>> No.13791761

Was Socrates a Christian?

>> No.13791790


>> No.13791803

*dies like a coward and actually expects you to completely devaluate your entire life and everything of value in front of his filthy cross, like a cosmic form of cuckoldry*


>> No.13792062
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, so this guy is really 56 years old.
My fucking dad is 60 and looks healthier than this hack.

>> No.13792389

not sure why but this pic makes me think of Revelation
with it being weird as shit and vague and all that

>> No.13792396


Shut the fuck up you nasty new york kike

>> No.13792400
File: 188 KB, 800x671, d1y7zn9-3d1b5d76-d1a2-47b1-a450-64fe87a1c17d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal biblical descriptions are kino

>> No.13792411

Based. Chop the tree down at the root.

>> No.13792433

I liked Kilgore Trout's fictional novel The Gospel from Outer Space in Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five.

The gist is that it was bad storytelling to make Jesus the son of God from the beginning, because it made the moral of the story "Before you lynch somebody, make sure they're not well connected." The reader is meant to think "Wow, they sure lynched the wrong guy!" which has the implicit connotation that there's a "right" sort of guy to lynch. The character in the novel re-wrote the gospel so that Jesus taught the same things, but was literally a nobody. Just a mortal carpenter, son of two humans. When he was tried and crucified, THEN God would speak from heaven "This man is now my son and you will NEVER persecute the down-at-heel" and then Jesus would ascend at that point.

Minor detail, major ramifications. Nobody even knows what the fuck "dying for your sins" even means. Because of the aforementioned narrative fuck up, Jesus KNEW he had the best seat in heaven waiting for him. What sacrifice did he make? Leaving Earth a few years earlier and probably more painfully than it would otherwise have been? No more painful than pre-anaesthetic amputees.

Tell me what you even think "died for our sins" means. He made our sins okay? He absolved us of the shit that he himself condemned us to? Then why are we still threatened with Hell if Jesus paid the debt? Absolutely fucking abysmal plot.

>> No.13792449

>was a pre-Christian a Christian?

Christianity was a haphazard mythology with some neo-Platonic bullshit. It really is a dog's breakfast of a religion. I mean so are Islam and Judaism, but at least Judaism has cool numerology. Islam has nothing to offer though. Cool mosaics I guess.

>> No.13792455

Wow, the son of God, who is also God, suffered for three days and then he went to Heaven forever and got worshipped by millions of people since then? What a huge fucking sacrifice, I bet no one else would be willing to do that!

>> No.13792457
File: 51 KB, 520x512, 1553983408593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13792460
File: 24 KB, 343x374, 716F6214-FD36-4638-ACE1-6EAFCE4177AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>god gives himself an agonising ‘death’ in order to save humanity from what he was going to do to them if he didn’t give himself an agonising ‘death’
Mysterious ways indeed

>> No.13792466 [DELETED] 


>> No.13792577


Atonement theory is yet another example of Catholics trying to destroy Christianity through irrational ascriptural Doctrine.

>> No.13792905 [DELETED] 

The whole “edgy teenager” this is a bullshit meme. I was a depressed edgy Christian teenager. Older and wiser now that I woke up. Get over edgy depressed teenagers/early 20somthings.

>> No.13792912

The whole “edgy teenager” thing is a bullshit meme. I was a depressed edgy Christian teenager. Older and wiser now that I woke up. Get over it, edgy depressed teenagers/early 20somthings.

>> No.13793690

The fuck is that image even trying to convey

>> No.13793707

Fucking little faggot bitch

>> No.13793710

Just someone’s theory that Yhwh was a volcano god, I think. Clearly a fertility god that made Abraham blush and insanely cross.

>> No.13793740
File: 331 KB, 983x990, 44742A0E-004E-48C1-90D9-4B087C74D207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously. It’s ridiculously bland and aimless symbolism compared to the genuine stuff

>> No.13793779

Yes yes I will cut my penis now!