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/lit/ - Literature

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13789042 No.13789042[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Guys I literally figured IT the fuck out.

I went from being progressive liberal to moderate conservative.

I went from dreaming about getting into academia to YEETing the fuck outta it fast. I am now currently a CS student and will be making skrilla and making an actual contribution to humanity.

I went from hating the corporate world passionately to really liking it.

In a nutshell, I went from being an angsty boy to a man of action (alternatively: From a baizuo to a ... normal guy, I guess). In the process, I've come to hate philosophy, pathological morality, lazy people, and any and all pretensions to intellect, whatever form they may take. I've also discovered that majority of classic literature is written for the losers, by the losers, and is lopsidedly obsessed with suffering, and that in the end it's not too depressing a sign that people don't give a shit about art. See ya losers later.

>> No.13789058

You became a bugman OP

>> No.13789077


>> No.13789088
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Based bugman

>> No.13789090

The best artists, hell even the best characters, are conservative.

>> No.13789105

literal National Socialism is the only acceptable answer

>> No.13789109
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>> No.13789184


>> No.13789321

This is a board for discussing literature

>> No.13789364

How the fuck could a conservative like the corporate world

>> No.13789384

He is an American

>> No.13789425
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You gave up. It's normal. I'm too cowardly to let a bullet take a swim in my brain so I'll be there with you some day.

>> No.13789471

It'll pass

>> No.13789553

>I've also discovered that majority of classic literature is written for the losers, by the losers, and is lopsidedly obsessed with suffering, and that in the end it's not too depressing a sign that people don't give a shit about art.

It's funny because I think exactly the same, but I'm totally ok with it, this is why I love art and literature.

>> No.13789760

But anon, did you also notice how quick your ability to appreciate art wore off as soon as you got into corporate life? The meme that corporate life and writer life doesn't together isn't a meme at all it seems.

>> No.13789768

Gave up so soon? Weak. But, whatever makes you happy, I guess. How embarrassing that you'd let yourself become ignorant and deprive your brain from growing. If you're gonna worry about what everyone else cares about, then maybe you deserve to be the way you are, fag.

>> No.13789795

>deprive your brain from growing
so you need to stay broke for your brain to grow?

>> No.13789802

what's your salary?

>> No.13789803

Hey guys, OP here. Just wanted to let you all know that I was deeply mistaken and that I'm a faggot. Thanks.

>> No.13789808

>OP here
no you're not

>> No.13789974


>> No.13789998

Anything moderate is midwit OP

>> No.13790385

>"moderate" conservative
conservatism is progressivism driving the speed limit
being "moderate" is even worse

>> No.13790427

imagine thinking tech will "make a difference" lmao

>> No.13790445

kek look at this jerkoff "now currently a cs student" hey i fell for the cs meme too bud guess what i'm still an angsty loser just one with a skill that employers value and a little bit of cash.

>> No.13790460

At least I’m not a coomer

>> No.13790466

have fun competing with Rajesh for a bullshit 80 hour a week salaried position where you spend 90% of your day trying to fix your retarded coworker's code

>> No.13790489

you just went from being a person with your IQ to bring a person with your IQ. NOTHING will EVER change for you

>> No.13790880
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good for you anon, but you're being ignorant if you're not trolling. i studied CS and did the whole money thing (worked at Youtube). I got into ecofascism and left for a remote company and now live in the mountains and read when i'm not doing all the work around my land or coding.

You're gonna be a shitty programmer if you don't care about learning and reading. I read so much technical documentation, whereas none of the other programmers at my company do it and they suck ass.

>> No.13790890
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>> No.13790914

>ecofascist computer programmer
Now I've seen everything.

>> No.13790917

Based and coompilled

>> No.13790964

why is that surprising? i worked at 3 multi-billion dollar tech companies, saw how bleak the state of things are, and lost faith in "technological progress".

Wouldn't a programmer be the most qualified to intimately understand the evils of computers?

>> No.13790968

Yeah, I guess you're right.
Keep fighting the good fight.

>> No.13791002

fucking based

>> No.13791051

>I've also discovered that majority of classic literature is written for the losers, by the losers, and is lopsidedly obsessed with suffering

any lit recs that are not for losers?

>> No.13791059

no you didn't, this is what humanities poos post when they think they made the transition but they really didn't, still suck in that old brain. RIP.

>> No.13791064


You sound like a tard. You're just bouncing from one extreme position to another. You probably have bipolar. You'll be homeless in 10 years.

>> No.13791209

Absolutely based.
Liberalism is a mental illness and I'm glad you found the light that is conservatism

>> No.13791248

>it's another episode of libtard pseud sells out and goes into IT
oh no no no no no

>> No.13791374
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I used to be a liberal going into IT and reveling in the shallow pleasures of the corporate world but I've since become a conservative and learned that the corporate world and the modern career rat race are things to be despised. You're right that pathological morality and lazy people aren't good things, but you somehow failed to see that the modern corporate world is what enables these issues to proliferate on a massive scale, you shitbird. The only thing you are contributing to humanity, OP, by going into STEM, is accelerating its destruction. Fuck you, bugman.