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/lit/ - Literature

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13786253 No.13786253 [Reply] [Original]

Do I REALLY have to start with the Greeks?

>> No.13786256

yes, unless you want to read alot of secondary works to prop yourself up

>> No.13786286

No, not as big a deal as /lit/ makes it out to be. It does help to be somewhat aware of the greeks though. Ultimately, if you're just starting out, just pick up any classic that piques your fancy and enjoy yourself.

>> No.13786294

Read Hegel's Lectures on the History of Philosophy and you're set.

>> No.13786366

Not op but when should one start with the Greeks and why? Is it something for anyone wanting to read literature or is it exclusively for people who want to read philosophy?

>> No.13786374

the greeks were gay
just skip them entirely

>> No.13786387

Nah, the Hindus/Buddhists got it right philosophically-wise before the Greeks.

>> No.13786390

If You hate reading so much that the thought of reading more books makes your kitten eyes cry, would you Please tell me wtf You're doing here?
We're trying to convey to You the most efficient way to understand the context of What is happening now so that when You're done you'll be able to comment on modern literature and philosophy (99% of which are absolute dhiarroeic shit, spoiler allert!) without looking like an ass. If You just want to follow the memes or follow some retarded ideology Please Feel free to just read Land, Whitehead, Marx, Guenon and other irrelevant brainlets that are constantly pushed on this board; just dont act surprised when You won't be respected.

>> No.13786393

The hindus/buddhists got litteraly everything wrong.

>> No.13786404

"Start with the Greeks" is the best response to the endless volley of retards who are always asking "where to begin???!??" ... not some kind of unquestionable absolute. The timid RPG-mind idiots who force themselves to read every text from antiquity in strict sequential order are completely missing the point and probably slow in the mind (unless of course you genuinely enjoy it).

>> No.13786458

No, not really.

>> No.13786465

From a n00bs perspective it seems like Hegel is the most useful for formulating political theories.
Both fascism and communism came from Hegel.

>> No.13786551
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>We're trying to convey to capital Y You the most efficient way to understand the context of capital W What is happening now

>> No.13786571

>he still hasnt read the greeks
Catch up

>> No.13786591

Yes. I fucking hated that Mythology book. It's so so goddamn boring. But I had to go through all that shit to get into Plato. Philosophy is wonderful. It's worth it. Study the Greeks, but don't dawdle on it. Do it quickly so you can read Philosophy. Philosophy in wonderful.

>> No.13786603

I read that fucking mythology book too....

I thought I was gonna learn about cool Greek myths but the lady who wrote it was dumb and the myths are gay

>> No.13786614

Or you could start with the moderns and gradually backpropagate until you arrive at the Greeks. It might make you think differently

>> No.13786617
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>> No.13786621


>> No.13786623

Absolutely Yes. They've been btfo by the greeks litteraly Since they've started.

>> No.13786627

I've been here Since 2008
You remember itty bitty baby itty bitty boat?

>> No.13786630

This is what I did

>> No.13786635

Except they started to get things right when Alexander and the Greeks had conquered them...


>> No.13786637

I've been here SINCE 1997 but I've got Alzheimer's

>> No.13786657

4channel didn't exist in 1997 or 2008, busted. I've been here since 4channel was created, so I'm a real oldfag.

>> No.13786664
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It shows. You should get back in touch with your relatives, I dont think you have very much time left in this Earth. Put your affairs in order.
Yours in prayer.

>> No.13786676

>ahahaha! The ol'switcharoo! Marvel at my genius!
You remember bosnians?

>> No.13786683

>>ahahaha! The ol'switcharoo! Marvel at my genius!
brilliant Satire

>> No.13786693

Thank You.

>> No.13786694

>ahahah! The old switcharoo! Marvel at my genius!
Do you remember Bosnians?

>> No.13786703

Yes I do.

>> No.13786737

no but you're gonna keep overthinking about where to start and ultimately end up not reading anything. just read trial of socrates -> republic -> nicomachean ethics. just do it, they're still great and relevant.

>> No.13786745

greeks didn't even exist when they started

>> No.13786755

it's the other way around bitch
greeks erected buddhas statues and dieties and practice caves in that meeting spot
not indians erecting greek statues

>> No.13786780

Bullcrap. They're all around 500 BC too. They just love to inflaré their timelines just like the irish and other brainlets.

>> No.13786795

>i know better
k thnx

>> No.13786819

It's not /lit, wtf it's literally every single person worth their salt

>> No.13786840

Its terrible if you want to actually get into literature or whatever. Its pretty neccassary when you want to start getting serious though.

>> No.13786901

bro you're supposed to start with the proto indo europeans...

>> No.13787207

yeah, wtf

>> No.13788535
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if you're very new to reading, check out the /lit/ starterkit provided on the wiki (pic related) if you're already familiar with some basic highschool books and want to build up a rigorous foundation its worth your time to start with the greeks. even then id advice to switch between some greek works and some other books youre interested in. contrary to popular belief enjoying your time reading them is a bigger priority than knowing your shit so you can snark on others

>> No.13789475

>not starting with the epic of gilgamesh or the book of enoch

>> No.13789801

No, it's a complete fucking meme. Just read whatever interests you, you'll pick up any context you need along the way anyway.