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/lit/ - Literature

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13786518 No.13786518 [Reply] [Original]

What happend to 4*2chan's /christian/? Did the community move to another imageboard? I'm asking on /lit/ because there are probably some former /christian/ users here.

>> No.13786522

Don't they have a Discord?

>> No.13786540

I don't know, I never saw it while 8ch was still around.

>> No.13786552

Wasn't that place just filled with a bunch of Jay Dyer tier McOrthodox?

>> No.13786575

There were a lot of catholics and protestants there, discussions were mostly civil thanks to the moderation.

>> No.13786766

rent free

>> No.13786803

What does that mean?

>> No.13786809

it means he lives rent free in your head, you have obsessive and intrusive thoughts about Jay.

>> No.13786832

I literally just made one post, not even about him but his fans. His people are like the Jordan Peterson fans of a few years ago. You can't let one insult of your e-father go without a defense.

>> No.13786953
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Former /Christian/. When 8ch went down I saw more Christian posting in lit and his. Still not as good as /Christian/, but will have to suffice for now.

>> No.13786963

I like Jay but this is pretty true.

>> No.13786971

That image is spooky.

>> No.13787016

Indeed it is anon. Call your local diocese and join RCIA. Christ is risen.

>> No.13787037

>Call your local diocese and join RCIA.

>> No.13787076

I mean, the Shroud being authentic is one thing, the Roman Catholic Church being "the right" denomination is another. It just so happens that the shroud is in possession of a roman catholic parish. The Church is not tied up to an earthly bureaucratic unit.

>My Kingdom is not of this world.
>b-b-but muh Matthew muh cornerstone means it actually is
I have my doubts the Gospel of Matthew is even authentic/based on witness reports/not just recycled material from Mark, Luke (meaning, more recycled material), and John (the only credible witness account).

>> No.13787234

Yeah it takes 5 minutes of investigating the sources in that image to see what a schizo-shitfest of a blatant falsehood it is

>the gospel of fucking john
>being an eye witness account
huh, so basically all online dilettante christcucks are really this stupid.

but then again there's a good reason why the majority of people who go into high criticism end up atheists by the time they graduate. the more ignorant, the more assured.

>> No.13787288


>> No.13787372

>huh, so basically all online dilettante christcucks are really this stupid.
Explain what makes it incredible as an eye witness account then fag.

> high criticism
Except it's exactly that which validates it as an eye witness account. It is the most historically accurate of the gospels as pertains to social and geographical details of the era, and it is written in a language that suggests the author was recounting from memory to the amanuensis.

The main argument against it being an eye witness account is its "high Christology", hence "late", not historical or literary ones. Which is kinda silly since the Christology in John is no "higher" than the one in the Pauline epistles, so dating it late makes no sense.

>> No.13787728

Okay retard

>> No.13787738

Speaking of this, do any of the Muslims here know if /islam/ moved somewhere else?

>> No.13788086

what english translated bible is used in english speaking eastern catholic churches?

>> No.13788108

The Shroud of Turin is fake. The Bible states that Christ's body was wrapped in two cloths, one for his head and another for the rest of his body, not a single cloth like the Shroud is.
>John 20:6-7 And so Simon Peter also came, following him, and entered the tomb; and he *saw the linen wrappings lying there, 7 and the face-cloth which had been on His head, not lying with the linen wrappings, but rolled up in a place by itself.
However you want to explain its existence, it contradicts the word of God and is therefore not what it purports to be.

>> No.13788109

the board was put under surveillance

>> No.13788131
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Out of the loop here, what happened to 8ch?

>> No.13788163

Well a manifesto got dropped there before some beaners got wasted in a Wal-Mart in el paso so their hosting got pulled

>> No.13788166

That doesn't say what you need it to in order to disprove the Shroud of Turin. The fact that there's two linens doesn't mean there isn't one big one that became the Shroud or that each of the two linen only covers a part of the body. If you look at other ancient Jewish burial sites you would find bodies dressed in one piece of linen, and another piece on top of that which covers the entire body and the face.

>> No.13788179

Big tech decided to protect us lowly masses from bad thoughts.

>> No.13788186

The place was ok but it had bad mods/rules and meme posting. Think they are mainly on discord now. Juvenile catholics should do a vow of silence until they're fully mature.

t. catholic

>> No.13788190

I miss /christian/ desu, but since it's /lit/ I refrain to post about religion here. Lurking religious thread is enough to get my fix.

>> No.13788242

My main problem with /christian/ was its opposition against threads on discernment of spirits. That got me and other posters banned from there.

>> No.13788251

Former /christian/ user. I suppose God is telling me to let go my hikikomori ways :/
I'll have to get real now.

t. begoming ordodog soon

>> No.13788269
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Hopefully they fuck off. Those cunts were more censorious than the worst of SJW's

>> No.13788279

We have a telegram group, look up @StMatthew1236 and talk with the people there to join