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File: 106 KB, 800x450, bostonstraightpride_1161x653-800x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13777851 No.13777851 [Reply] [Original]

Books that express this feel?

>> No.13777878
File: 17 KB, 268x236, DDE468BD-D2B3-428F-8A93-A2971ECE7292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something by Ben Shapiro

>> No.13777895
File: 131 KB, 760x507, qa1SJXKvsd0NgjdUsx1AE_DI47s3VJgpvzj3hBgSZPVdL6z72o8HlnbwlphNdBoD3djz9KorznQor2tIwoDNq8l_9fbZAP9QwJohRi3ztTpY0uHF0CXIiSu6-5_Gduw2L4JPKjebHMrW79T86eRLJOSo4COA8m2bP5LWr2hHPQgAj5Ho4WzJObaJAng7cWbJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13777926

Why do right-wingers get triggered by this so goddamn much?

>> No.13777927


>> No.13777937
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Reminder that even gays and lesbians hate trannies.

>> No.13777939

>make normalcy normal again
>dresses up as a frog who is dressed up as a clown
>is protesting while normal people have jobs to go to
>is as much of a faggot as the gay protesters are

>> No.13777953
File: 211 KB, 1001x858, rightoid_btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conservatism is a mental illness.

>> No.13777968

not what I was going for, this isn't conservatism at all, it's autism.

>> No.13777972

Conservatism is autism. The "intellectual" types just learn to hide their power level. At its core, conservatism is about baseless moral panics and pointless obstruction.

>> No.13777975

How did the person who wrote this make the intentionally written bad guy come off good? Shit.

>> No.13777977
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>> No.13777988

>At its core, conservatism is about baseless moral panics and pointless obstruction.
Jesus. atleast make your bait subtle.

>> No.13777994

t. feckless "both sides" meme centrist
You know it's true. Nothing of value has ever been achieved by conservatives.
So much for "facts and logic". The only thing you can do in the face of the truth is to spam pepes.

>> No.13778007

Meme centrist? What does that even mean? Who the hell said I was a centrist? And what the fuck does feckless mean?

>> No.13778009

He gave him the face of a world-weary competent guy. That's why the wig seems off-place on him.

>> No.13778011
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>So much for "facts and logic". The only thing you can do in the face of the truth is to spam pepes.

>> No.13778014

Based reactionary

>> No.13778058
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>>13777977 (wasted)
>>13778011 (wasted)
Congratulations, you've dabbed on yourself.

>> No.13778062

>rejected by 97% of heterosexuals

Not trans but why do so many very straight seeming guys then act extra nice and sometimes weird (teacher randomly giving me a 2 minute shoulder massage when no ones around, ect) when i'm i guy?

>> No.13778069

By the Israel flag? Do you know how much we do for that country and how many politicians are duel allegiance? Imagine if the same number of politicians were Russian or Chinese citizens. Imagine how that would go over.

>> No.13778103

Source on any of that?

>> No.13778114
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>> No.13778288

trannies are incel class traitors.

>> No.13778302

It wasn't an anti gay event, no shit. Gay people could come.

>> No.13778318

Well they probably aren’t heterosexual
People aren’t grossed out by trannies because they’re men, they’re grossed out because they’re mentally ill freaks who ruin their own hormonal systems and often mutilate their own genitals

>> No.13778322


What. Awkwardness? Anything by Judy Blume

>> No.13778325

leftoids will adopt intentionally retarded beliefs just to trigger the outgroup, why shouldn't we do the same? tribalism precedes reason. The leftist utopian ideal of a world of genderless hedonist consumer monads with pink hair is at once viscerally revolting and mindnumbingly banal. As Jim Mason said, in this dirty struggle the ultimate prize will go to he who is the dirtiest. Conflict is the core of human life and if its the leftists, the media, the queers and the various snivelling liberal managers bureaucrats and proffesional victims who are standing in the way of the hallowed destiny that calls me then they shall be torn down, crushed and destroyed, for they are enemies, my existence as a free being is incompatible with them.

>> No.13778366


>> No.13778411

God, I wish more gay people would act and look like them. They would integrate into society much better. It being a purely sexual thing, not a cultural one. I 100% support them aand their quest for normalcy instead of forced contrarianism.

>> No.13778457

it's a natural grassroots reaction to all the leftist social engineering being crammed down out throats by the democrats, the DSA and academic bureaucrats

>> No.13778536

Eumeswil is good. Been reading and thinking about it a lot lately.

We live in the end times of a civilization. The future is obviously Eastern, and there’s nothing particularly bad about this. All that modern white man can do is ride the tiger, keeping a sense of self aloof from the world, protecting and nurturing it., waiting for the right instant to strike and slip back namelessly into darkness.
People who protest are silly and obnoxious. To rule yourself is a grand thing, to attempt to rule others is distasteful at best. Unfortunately ours is an age of demagoguery, and the best one can do is hide in the shadows, stay anonymous, and guard your words and thoughts— they will only be used against you in the end. Everything passes eventually, and given current projections of climate change and economic stratification it will likely pass much faster than anybody realizes.

Sometimes I walk to the harbour and watch the skyscrapers. The city constantly hums with the roar of leviathan. To listen and pause for an instant is pure pathos. It’s an honour to be alive in this epoch. Avert your gaze from the stupidity and noise of modernity, plan escape routes, and build a comfortable and anonymous life for yourself without tying yourself concretely to the ideologies that enslave modern man— all of that is a symptom of demagoguery. Democracy will fall and hopefully the tyrant or an oligarchy that replaces it will be better, but I do not tie myself to this faith.

>> No.13778599

>God, I wish more gay people would act and look like them.

They're nowhere near the more normal and straight acting gays out there. sickly twinks past their expiration date. Generally they're married to women or were, and most that I've met make straight men look pathetic in regards to how much better they handle their marriages and raise their kids (pretty housewives that actually love them and children that grow up to be admirable chads)

>> No.13778681

This, you don't know that normal acting gays are gay because they act normal and don't do embarrassing shit like going to marches. I know a few gay men that choose to not be involved in any kind of "community" and just focus on careers instead. You wouldn't know unless you got close to them.

>> No.13778686

>anecdotal evidence

>> No.13778700

is still evidence.
Completed your sentence for you.

>> No.13778706

No only them, the far left and the Islam also hate Israel.

>> No.13778734
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So much text for nothing.
The left actually can't meme.

>> No.13778768

this is your brain on neoconservatism.

>> No.13778906

One google search away

>> No.13778934

neoconservatism is when you open carry in a wal-mart because you hate government tyranny but also hate people who dont bootlick police and the military.