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/lit/ - Literature

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13775589 No.13775589 [Reply] [Original]

what should i read?

>> No.13775625

Yukio Mishima and Memoirs of Hadrian

>> No.13775642
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Oscar Wilde

>> No.13775663

Romans 1, it's a letter in the Bible.

>> No.13775674

The swimming pool library
Giovanni's room

These are my fave and I'm a bender

>> No.13775711
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This stole from Plato but still VERY based.

>> No.13775727


>> No.13775733

The Bible

>> No.13776056

go away chr*stians

>> No.13776064

Your diary desu

>> No.13776083
File: 443 KB, 1506x3976, faggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13776099
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you gay trannies are being brainwashed by the system's propaganda, wake up before its too late

>> No.13776104

James Joyce
Only fags like Ulysses

>> No.13776146
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Incredibly based and redpilled

>> No.13776230

I’m not a Christian, just an agnostic traditionalist

>> No.13776315


>> No.13776333

Gays literally have bacterial parasites that they unconsciously seek to spread

>> No.13776336


>> No.13776352

>Family research institute

>> No.13776357

It's a public health threat

>> No.13776434

OP diary desu

>> No.13776439

Found the bug chaser

>> No.13776448
File: 66 KB, 500x621, shit-eating-brainlet-brainlet-51735947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the retard

>> No.13776455

>reading comprehension and immediate jumping to conclusions
>didn't even bother cropping his shitty wojak edit
I think reddit is a little more up to your speed.

>> No.13776467

The copy talks about Toxoplasma Gondii, not HIV

>> No.13776488

do you even know what bug chasing is, retard monkeys??

>> No.13776497

I know what it is, but bug chasing is irrelevant to the topics discussed in the copypasta. The author states that homosexuals are motivated by and exclusively exist to propogste T. Gondii.

>> No.13776512

I implied that you were a filthy, bug chasing degenerate with no self worth because your first reaction to reading "having bacterial parasites they unconsciously seek to spread" was absolute apathy, you braindead sodomite.

>> No.13776548
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>I implied that you were a filthy, bug chasing degenerate with no self worth because your first reaction to reading "having bacterial parasites they unconsciously seek to spread" was absolute apathy, you braindead sodomite.


>> No.13776557
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Repent, filthy sodomite.

>> No.13776558

>HIV virus is a natural inhabitant of the human body
le epick wojakpost, here's my upboat

>> No.13776564

Parasitic creatures are not native

>> No.13776573


>> No.13776584

>In humans, T. gondii is one of the most common parasites in developed countries;[7][8] serological studies estimate that 30–50% of the global population has been exposed to and may be chronically infected with T. gondii, although infection rates differ significantly from country to country.

I thought /lit/ wasn't as retarded as the rest of 4chan. See ya faggots

>> No.13776604

>infection rates
Good, go prolapse your anus and die of AIDS somewhere else, you mistake of nature.

>> No.13776615

If 80% of humanity decided to cut off 1 arm, would it be considered normal human biology to have 1 arm simply because that's how the majority is?

>> No.13776630
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Normal: conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.

>> No.13776641

Thank God you're a faggot so you won't pass your horrid fucking genes, you are beyond retarded.

>> No.13776656

poster's below diary desu

>> No.13776671

Unironically off yourself you filthy disease apologist

>> No.13776694


Why did you censor christian? Did you feel you were being too intolerant and phobic otherwise?

>> No.13776729

Fucking Rightfags!
The velvet rage

>> No.13776742
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>Why did you censor christian? Did you feel you were being too intolerant and phobic otherwise?

>> No.13776759

The Bible

>> No.13776779

Imagine not having a brain and actually believing an anon citing 80s studies about homosexuality being spread through "brain parasites" and spouting pseudo-intellectual "talking points" that can be disproved in minutes using google.

>> No.13776967
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Is it gay to like kigu? Both appreciating it and wanting to be one?

>> No.13777079

Proletarian Humanism by Gorky

>> No.13777191
File: 60 KB, 450x624, ohya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When a jewish borat plays a spy I know oyu will not bat an eye

>> No.13777199


>> No.13777219

Are you the repressed guy from the other thread?

>> No.13777244
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>> No.13777481

I just want another man to love and live an otherwise happy moral life completely ignoring gay politics and culture and other decadence of modern life.

Why did i have to be made attracted to only males while the straights who never have to deal with such difficulties can live an easy life and write off homosexual feelings without such struggles?

>> No.13777520

If anyone could give me some guidance, preferable someone who isn't hateful but maybe a christian who actually wants to help others, i would appreciate it.

>> No.13777537
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The fuck are you talking about? women are fucking pain. Gays live life on easy mode

And dont cry that your life is so hard because mean comments on internet

>> No.13777547

“Why did I have to” is a useless question to ask. It did happen, you have disordered desires. “Why” doesn’t make a lick of difference. Just focus on the “what do I do.” And that’s accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and live either a monogamous heterosexual or a celibate life by the grace of God.

>> No.13777550

Just transition

>> No.13777564

I'm a virgin whose conscious prevents them from having sex, and i could never marry someone that i didn't love.

>> No.13777571

is that more amoral than being gay.

>> No.13777639

My unpublished diary desu.

>> No.13778512

Gravity's Prideflag

>> No.13778523

No, it's much preferred

>> No.13778537

Hunter x Hunter

>> No.13778540

pretty cringe desu

>> No.13778891


>get my cock sucked for hours literally whenever i want by my choice of a cute femboy that bows to my masculinity while the rest of 4chan copes with being an incel by deluding themselves into the "morality" of jerking off in their room or cumming in their sheets as a result of nofap, or deal with the degrading and pathetic societal norm of chasing and appeasing women only to end up married to one who uses sex as a bargaining tool

life is swell, i'll pass on my genes through IVF whenever the time is appropriate

>> No.13779002

>See ya faggots
See ya tomorrow

>> No.13779177
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>> No.13779180
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Probably gonna make a new chart soon

>> No.13779184
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>> No.13779187

El manifiesto comunista

>> No.13779198
File: 78 KB, 305x348, 1555129017186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
