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13773422 No.13773422[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you think Anti-intellectualism is so prevalent?

>> No.13773425

because intellectuals are ineffectual and everyone knows it.

>> No.13773437

Because it's easier to dupe and make money off of retards. People in authority are threatened by intelligent young men who are capable of overthrowing the old and creating the new.

>> No.13773471

Most people are dumb and mediocre. To be hated by the crowd is a sign of strength.

>> No.13773491

Because if there is no meaning to life, spending your life doing anything but fucking like chimps every chance you get is cringe.

>> No.13773501
File: 47 KB, 900x472, FFDDE739-08FC-4C88-9199-99680D5C7B40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man right here

>> No.13773507

Genuine and justifiable animosity towards intellectuals as a class gets tangled up with animosity towards the weapon intellectuals use to wield power over others: intellect.

>> No.13773522

Intellectuals are FUCKING FAGGOTS. That's why.

>> No.13773541

I think people who say this are pseuds who are the least among antiinellectuals

>> No.13773561

Christianity sought to homogenize the mind, which is to say dumb it down.

>> No.13773566

Btfo by Ayer

>> No.13773570

In what way? I'm the OP, I'm not even necessarily saying you're wrong, I'm just interested in your reasoning

>> No.13773576

I think that what you're saying is both true and untrue. There are a lot of great thinkers who were Christian, and a lot of great thinkers whose works are primarily about Christianity. Do you think it's modern Christianity that does this, or just religion in general throughout the ages?

>> No.13773592

Christianity evolved through an intellectual tradition also supported by the institutions being medieval churches, and before that their appropriation of Aristotelian empirical-methodological systems of deduction-induction and logical forms. The intellect is truly a slave to the passions, hence why they were all Christian to begin with.

TLDR Greeks did everything, slave mentality ruined the Timaeus

>> No.13773594

Religion in general to some degree, because holy creeds are treated as finalities. But Christianity was better at this than any of the others. It has a fundamental tendency in its tenets to homogenize the mind which worked well in its favor for a long time, and made it grow in power beyond the other religions.

>> No.13773608

Sorry medieval universities*

Aristotelian final causation (metaphysical teleology) plays into this too. Modern science grew to oppose it, but theirs is no better spiritually. Teleology is a convenient inter-subjective way of speaking.

>> No.13773611

With the internet and Meetup groups, intellectuals have never been more able to congregate. Most people were always brainlets throughout history. If anything enfanchisement of education has been more widely available than ever before. These are halcyon times for intellectuals

>> No.13773632

Big advertising - advertisers get better click-through rates and FAANG makes more ad revenue if they serve you ads that are more in line with your interests. As time goes on, you get pulled into a bubble, because you only see stuff that strengthens your biases. Eventually your world view is almost never challenged, and you never seek out different points of view. You think everyone that doesn't agree with you is a complete moron. But FAANG makes that sweet, sweet ad revenue.

>> No.13773668
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You are correct on the whole, I do strongly agree with what you're saying and tell that to people regularly. I hate it when people say things like "people just don't read these days", when of course people read more now than ever due to high literacy and ease of access

However I think that Anti-intellectualism has spread via the internet and other channels much in the same way that education and intellectualism has. Would a large anti-vax moment be possible without the internet? Are closed communities of people congratulating each other over their lack of education more prevalent now because communication is easier? Or was it always at this level and it's just easier to see now?

Regardless you are right, the spread of knowledge and it's ease of access has made learning both easy and popular for those that are inclined, I simply wonder what it is that encourages or discourages that inclination, and why even among smart people, unwarranted distrust of agreed upon facts or disdain for things like philosophy/science in general seems to pop up on the regular.

>> No.13773680

Lack of leisure time, too many words are thrown at us that mean nothing

>> No.13773698

Dysgenic vectors, stimulus saturation, a popular culture that revolves around appealing to the lowest common denominator.

>> No.13774299

Because most of "Intellectuals" are actually pseuds.
Indeed i have yet to find a smart man on this earth.

>> No.13774311

Right on the money, intellectualism is too unstable, the free thinking of the 1800s needed to be squashed for the survival of the bourgeoisie

>> No.13774472

Because a lot of them are marxists that want to control every aspect of peoples lives via the state.
They want kids to be raised by the state, work for the state and die for the state.
and who would be in charge of the state?
Why intellectuals ofcourse.

>> No.13774483

Because modern intellectuals betrayed the rest of society for ideology and became insufferable little shits just as the quality of their output degraded and It's quantity multiplied a hundredfold -due to moron little kids who wanted to be intellectuals too.
So This perfect storm of shit made it so that the masses now are, rightfully, anti intellectual.

>> No.13774494

there are smart people. they're just not common in numbers. those with detailed metaphysical knowledge, even fewer, but still existent.

>> No.13774498

wow. I've never seen so much fuchi fuchi atheist cope for the fact that Christianity made each and every thing that they like

>> No.13774506

reminder that getting a regulated, state education is not intellectualism

>> No.13774518

because its easy

>> No.13774542

It's always been there, but now the internet just causes it to be more apparent. Information is only passed on through trusting the person you receive it from, and for whatever reason some people completely ignore the people trying to teach them. I guess it's some sort of avoidance of the brain to not expend energy or some shit. In school it was like this, they'd just laugh it off and try to get the upper hand instead of actually making an effort to learn.

Like it's easier for some people to comfort themselves with these easy explanations of the world, instead of acknowledging its chaotic true nature

>> No.13774574

Because all too often “intellectuals” give their opinion on things they know absolutely nothing about
>”lol according to science we iz all the same and race doesn’t exist” - t. Botanist

>> No.13774579
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Because intellectuals are the aristocracy of our therapeutic-bureaucratic state. But unlike past aristocracies, bound as they were by excellence in service to the public, ours lives applies itself in pursuit of the nebulous idea of progress, as though history had a direction, and we were indisputably moving towards moral perfection. People have become rightly suspicious. They see the erosion of families, communities, associations, unions. This silent dissolution has come about because of the state's intrusion into functions previously held to be the responsibility of other institutions. And while the state is good for catching people at the bottom, and is capable of bringing large amounts of money and power to bear on an issue, it must necessarily generalise all people in doing so; an individual is no longer a person, to be treated according to their circumstances, with full attendance to their rights, duties, needs, and obligations, but he is a beneficiary or a patient, or a citizen demanding their rights. People have gotten suspicious. Why shouldn't they? Everything about a human's sacred, moral, personal, and family life has been extirpated and replaced with the state's all-encompassing money-theory. This has been done in the attempt to get us to live along, as is expected of a democracy. Its result hasn't been a pluralism of thought and community, not "multiculturalism", but a new, passive monoculture that demands our everything to assert its nothing. The solution by our aristocracy has simply been to throw open the doors, to abandon all standards of rigour and obligation and make the aristocracy available to everyone, in doing so making it worthwhile to no-one and commodified our standards of living, thought, and conduct.

>> No.13774588

Yeah, those opinions would be contained to word-of-mouth spreading and would likely mean those spouting it would encounter people opposed to those opinions irl; rather than the ability to create hive mind groups, regardless of spatial constraints that have less interaction with 'non-believers'.

>> No.13774927

arrogant pseuds posturing as the modest intellectual, who offer disingenuous knowledge biased by their cocky ego.
that, and procrastination is an easy way out for many in this age of distraction.

>> No.13774973

Intellectualism led to modern society and all things fat, lazy anti-intellectual folks hate about it.

The interconnected mesh of consciousness yearns for ascension, from the pleasure that we seek.

>> No.13775039
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The mass man is like a spoiled brat who knows the value of nothing, and even hates the idea of value, so in rebellion against value he elevates the lowest, most plebeian forms of society to the highest.

>> No.13775051

Intellectualism solves nothing and intellectuals themselves are corrupt

>> No.13775059

cause most intellectuals are part of the globalist class and have no loyalty ties with anybody except their own class profit

>> No.13775060

nice literature faggot

>> No.13775062

based Lasch-poster

>> No.13775068
File: 37 KB, 539x608, 1563465654233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*takes your book*
>*shoves you into locker*
>"Take that, BOOKWORM."

>> No.13775087
File: 191 KB, 680x760, 1561017791556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gives you a book
>makes you read it
>explains that healthy mind exists in healthy body

>> No.13775097

*builds resentment for being forced to digest surface level material only to pass some exams which prove competency to spend the next 50 years wagecucking for toilberg's yacht*

>> No.13775300

The only cope is your post considering it lacks an argument and replied to multiple posters.

>> No.13775409

The same reason people envy anyone who is superior to them in one way or another. They don't like feeling stupid, unlearned, crude.

>> No.13775446

It depends on what you mean by intellectuals. I think academia is garbage because so many of them are illiterate when it comes to classical philosophy or just philosophy in general so they don't understand the assumptions they make. Teachers in general are very dumb and the social sciences are extremely scammy with the way they pilfer government funding. They put out tons of completely useless research that literally nobody reads, but because it counts as scientific research they get the funding.

I used to get paid essentially to be guinea pig and complete surveys and things like that, and over the past few years I've participated in thousands of different research projects related to psychology, each by a different student and each getting its own funding. I've probably only completed a dozen different surveys in total because they all copy each other and put out the same shit over and over again. It's such a garbage field with a ridiculous impact on government policy.

>> No.13775460

Nobody likes smug liberal ivory tower types who think they can legislate your values and talk down to you as a less evolved person. It's not book smarts or scholarship in general that's disdained.

>> No.13775516

Here's a topic where you should actually read Chomsky. Anti-intellectualism is the result of a massive and largely successful push by governments and major industries alike to simultaneously lower, disparage, and out right remove intellectual discourse from the public sphere, from public education to 24/7 news media. In part, it's because since the 40s and 50s, intellectual rigor has been associated with alternative zones of the public, as well as leftism, the arts, the ivory tower, all looked down upon by your average American.

In the 20s and 30s, and you can see this most clearly in Labor/union magazines and newspaper, the lower classes were kept to an incredibly high standard (compared to ours today in any case) of intelligence. Talking about Marxism, the first world war, the economic situation, and so on, were never dumbed down--they weren't talked about with the sort of high minded grammar and construction that you'll see in any given academic work, but it remained very nuanced. Compare that to today, where something even resembling an open ended or philosophical essay would be turned away from the NYT for not meeting the house style (i.e. 5th grade reading level) and for being considered too difficult for the average reader. Media has very consciously dumbed down public discourse, and the 24/7 model has a lot to do with it (the legendary documentary, "Spin" can tell you all about this.) There's a concentrated effort to not show today's intellectuals on major media--hell even chomsky in the US, who's arguably the most famous and popular intellectual alive, has to resort to having appearances on Democracy Now rather than, say, CNN or Fox.

In terms of public education, between the standardized test models and the continually increasing costs of college, well it speaks for itself if you've gone to public k thru 12. I think the decline of quality education is pretty obvious.

Where we are right now is tricky because, for one, millennials are incredibly educated, having higher college grad rates than Baby Boomers or Gen Xrs (40% vs 26% vs 32%). They're smart people who note an obvious lack of smart discussion in an era where something resembling that is sorely needed. This explains in part why publications like Jacobin, the Outline, independent magazines are flourishing right now, and why book sales are rising again--not to say that they're super intellectual, but they're certainly trying to be.
However this sort of discontent with an unintellectual culture has also fueled people like Jordan Peterson and that so-called "intellectual dark web," who get to feed off the discontent of the intellectually curious basically in order to sell them what they've already got. I do think that Peterson isn't as disingenuous as his peers, for the record, but he also doesn't actually attempt to foster real discourse, he's still more selling an agenda.

>> No.13775526

Dunning–Kruger effect

>> No.13775553

One last thing: on the conservative side of the table you can see the isolation and removal of intellectualism from the public in the creation of Neoconservatism in the 70s and 80s. I mean compare a speech by William F Buckley, the premier conservative intellectual of his time, whose strain of conservatism all but died with him, with someone like Rush Limbaugh, or even Ben Shapiro. If it's hard to imagine a figure like Buckley being popular among the right today, a guy who, often genuinely, argues with people like Gore Vidal and James Baldwin, it has a lot to do with the shift towards Neoconservatism. You can only find that kind of intellectualism in the popular right today in secret think tanks.

>> No.13775669

News like cnn or fox news dont want to invite Chomsky because he doesnt offer anything practical.
He just criticizes the US foreign policy and claims anarchism is ideal.
Atleast someone like Michael Moore speaks about specific policy problems and is more down to earth.

>> No.13775691

Chomsky is pretty damn practical, he's just a threat to those sorts of networks. Moore is just a loud neolib.

>> No.13775756


>> No.13775773


>> No.13775789

You're a chimp

>> No.13775837

Disaster Girl turned out fine, but what about Chad?