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13772609 No.13772609 [Reply] [Original]

What would Freud or Lacan say about the unprecedented increase in the attraction to simulacra of Asian women by Western man? A symptom of modernity? Or is it just another form of repression, perhaps?

>> No.13772613

i don't think it really matters

>> No.13772650

Both would probably class it under fetishism, which has its genesis in terror at the incompleteness of the female body to the developing child's mind. The neoteny and even downright Lolita context of these 2D sex icons might be seen as regression or as a surrogate for unrealized paternal wishes. The xenophilia for Japan suggests a primitive urge to replace uncomfortable personal emotions with codified, safe, distant country-as-objet A. Weebs know all this about themselves in much less contrived language.

>> No.13772653

Jesus fucking Christ, this is such unbelievable nonsense.

>> No.13772687

You don't think a special fixation on sexy Japanese cartoons might have something to do with fetishism and fetishism might come from anxiety and inadequacy?

>> No.13772741

It could. Or it could be a million other fucking things. And I would certainly not articulate it in those terms.

>> No.13772759

How would you articulate it? The thread asked about Lacan and Freud. It really couldn't be a million other things. People are not that terribly complex, especially people who take on more than a passing interest in hentai. Is the cause of sadomasochism a million different things? Most of those things can be simplified to a few root causes if you're choosing psychoanalysis. Don't like psychoanalysis? Don't use it.

>> No.13772776

this man gets it. Our basis for attraction starts with our history, or our family. The Japanese woman is associated with the anime archetypes we "interact" with. I've read a lot recently about how humans process information in an internal simulation, sort of like how people talk about dreaming being an organizational strategy.

Currently, the theory is that consuming different media, passively or actively, influences our thoughts. The "dictionary" of our reality.

So, people who are social outcast, turn to interactive media as a substitute for social interaction (which is a basic human necessity). This influences our perception of reality, the subconscious mind not being able to differentiate the difference of local environment because of the internet. We perceive the interactive media females (dating sims, anime, ect.) as part of our local dating pool, and one that interacts with us positively. Since they have been designed to be "perfect", rigorously influenced by the marked (a simulated natural selection), as well as vague enough to appear close to our gene pool yet exotic enough to give us a chance.

Im sorry, im drunk and forgot where i was going.

>> No.13772785

Kay, I won't use it then.

>> No.13772794

race is just a meme

>> No.13772851

they aren't really simulacra of asian women. just look at their hair color. they're some supernational thing. exoticism isn't really a big part of the appeal anymore. Japanese are just better at refining symbols to appeal to incel NEETs

>> No.13772863
File: 88 KB, 602x339, main-qimg-9626f4dc4f473337136e5d6ed879ce99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't Asian, just ideals of feminity

>> No.13772878

what game is this? i wanna dl

>> No.13772883

One time I pointed out that some (not explicitly caucasian characters) anime looked caucasian to this Sailor Moon fan. She said I was racist because all Japanese people can see that even the blonde or blue eyed characters of the show are still Japanese, and I was just reading my own european race into it. Confused about this still.

>> No.13772893
File: 523 KB, 1920x2011, leonardo-ribeiro-zero-new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no undead crippled murderhobo prostitute zombie gf
What will Freud say about this?

>> No.13772894

We of course know that the obsessive neurotic always makes sure his object of desire is unattainable, he always sabotages himself, and so on and so on. And, I claim, the perfect example of such desire is--and believe me that this is real, my son told me about this--the desire to--excuse my vulgarity--fuck a cartoon drawing. *audience laughter* B-b-b-but ah-ha! Here comes the crucial point. The crucial point is that we have to see in this obstacle, in precisely this void that separates the three dimensional from the two dimensional, a source of jouissance for the neurotic.

>> No.13772908

please tell me

>> No.13772910

A cigar is sometimes just a cigar, but you can't polish a turd.

>> No.13772913
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10/10 anon

>> No.13772920

my fetishism comes from the adoration of things both small and flat

>> No.13772929

Now I want hentai of him having sex with garbage ideology.

>> No.13772958
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>> No.13772965

im a weeb but i dont really like short girls but prefer them flat

>> No.13772995

it is a riddle, isn't it?

>> No.13773136

Both of those guys were just trying to cope for their sexual perversions and inferiority complexes.

>> No.13773143

Two of the most successful and influential copes ever.

>> No.13773160
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>> No.13773387


>> No.13773430
File: 167 KB, 1024x971, be_yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may very well be projecting my own psychological plights onto this hapless lad; for that I apologize in advance. But, take a look at this anon. He is clearly struggling.

The game is Fate Stay/Night, fren. A simple reverse image search could have told you that much. But I warn you -- Rin Tohsaka’s alluring twintails and voluptuous thigh-highs won't save you.
This phenomenon is exactly what >>13772776 speaks of. This particular anon feels discontent for his current social standing; in turn he seeks refuge in simulacrum—the factitious, representational portrait of a human female. He wishes, unconsciously, to sublimate his erotic desire in an alternative mode—in this case onto a chinese cartoon. And he doubtless self-inserts into every piece of fiction he consumes. So I say to you anon, don't recoil from my penetrating appraisal; instead embrace yourself, reality, and life in its fullest—all of its beauty and struggle alike. One must adhere to the sagacious maxim of the ancient Greeks: Σαυτὸν ἴσθι. This short phrase encompasses the solution to the struggle of human consciousness—be/know thyself. To be thyself you must first know thyself. But to know thyself, you must also be thyself. Once one deciphers this ostensibly inscrutable paradox, he has won. But this task is far from the elementary process I make it out to be; in fact, it’s one that may take a lifetime to achieve. One must wrestle with the antagonistic of drives of the Will; grapple with social norms, mores, and customs; even face the of leviathan syndromes of modernity—industrialization, late capitalism, atomization via digital hegemony—you get the idea. But there is beauty in the struggle, I tell you anon. There is no greater feeling than divulging innermost thoughts, desires, and affinities in another living breathing, corporeal being your and finding that the same or a higher level of reverence and awe with which you yourself carry is reciprocated in your confidant.

I hope this sanctimonious harangue wasn’t for naught and that you take this to heart. I sincerely wish you the best. Just remember fren: We’re all gonna make it.

>> No.13773511

based my brother

>> No.13773841
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Nothing human makes it out to the near future

>> No.13773890 [SPOILER] 
File: 40 KB, 317x475, 1567832865949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's how white people fulfill their fantasy of being a black man who fucks white chicks

>> No.13773934

Garbage time is running out

>> No.13774220 [DELETED] 

Fate/stay night visual novel.

>> No.13774241

They are Asian actually, physiognomic analysis proves nothing.

Atrocious prose and thoroughly predictable conclusion. Consider stop browsing twitter.

>> No.13774303

whats wrong with his prose

>> No.13774438

You just aren't marxist enought anon.
Or perhaps We just like to fap to alluring drawings like every primate always did.

>> No.13774448

>They are Asian actually, physiognomic analysis proves nothing.
It litteraly took a quarter of a second to demolish your pseudoscientific ramblings and now You can do Nothing. But. Cope.

>> No.13774497
File: 74 KB, 351x313, EC6DFA5C-FB67-42B4-8A03-EBF4059F4E81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he considers himself well-read
>he hasn’t even heard of Fate Stay Night let alone read it

>> No.13774511

it's for kids raised by single moms and absent fathers who were not initiated into the adult life

>> No.13775275
File: 222 KB, 435x393, 20190907_004505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you wrote there and what you wrote here

are two different things. one is specific the other generalized

its the virtualization - the virtually immersive displacement of a man's interest in women; the ultimate defragmentation of his sexuality. he delves into the artificial to find what is not present or not accessible to him in real-time.
since women have been liberated from their natural ways by modernity they are free to wield their sexuality with impunity, this splits men into two camps - winners and failures. losers either immerse themselves in virtual reality or emmerse themselves into reality. winners can do either/or in addition to the game of reproduction.

when a man is denied his basic reproductive instinct he copes until he is freed from it or until he is destroyed by it. this is why some people call everything a coping mechanism but cannot conceive of what comes *after* awareness of coping mechanisms -- dismantling of egoic machinery and the liberation of power.

>> No.13775470


"Verleugnung" or disavowal would be the Freudian/Lacanian explanation for both of your types of justification. Of course you can say "ay, we just like sexy pix governor," but that appeal to the norm is a little disingenuous when we're talking about people who fixate on hentai almost exclusively.

The long rationalization blaming women's sexual liberation for the problems doesn't really hold up either (first of all, it betrays that fear of our rejection by 3D/4D women is in fact a cause of our retreat to fantasy, which only supports the theory of fetishism as a denial of fear of castration). There have always been classes of men considered sexually unfit by women. In other times, they'd have been killed off in wars or might stick to brothels.

Look up disavowal if you want a Freudian/Lacanian answer. Yes, obviously Freud and Lacan sound ridiculous most of the time, but the thread asked for an approximation of their theories and not for our personal justifications for pleasure.


Freud uses the term Verleugnung to denote "a specific mode of defence which consists in the subject's refusing to recognize the reality of a traumatic perception."

>> No.13775505 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 799x599, 1567221880664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animu girls look like animu girls. I don't think I ever recognized them consciously or unconsciously as asian. If anything, I suppose you could consider them the attempt of reproducing the platonic ideal of "girl/woman".

>> No.13775513


>> No.13776091

>The long rationalization blaming women's sexual liberation for the problems doesn't really hold up either (first of all, it betrays that fear of our rejection by 3D/4D women is in fact a cause of our retreat to fantasy,

the rejection you speak of is preemptive, therefore only a truly retarded male would not understand his place .

>a denial of fear of castration

most men have already been collectively castrated.

>There have always been classes of men considered sexually unfit by women. In other times, they'd have been killed off in wars or might stick to brothels.

westerners society is more about psychological violence and prostitution is exorbitant and illegal at least in the USA.

>Freud uses the term Verleugnung to denote "a specific mode of defence which consists in the subject's refusing to recognize the reality of a traumatic perception."

this perception is indeed traumatic, but it is based in and supported by real experiences, of which males have made into a field of study in itself, thanks to the internet exchange. I can't agree with your theory presented because unfortunately, men considered unfit by women are not oblivious to their condition, but that does not mean they won't stop abusing themselves over it.

>> No.13776565

Tumescent trash

They're ontologically Japanese, the body proportions or facial characteristics make no difference.

>> No.13776598

I used to read visual novels a lot, and while the characters are Japanese, I never really viewed them that way. Or putting it another way, their supposed Japanese-ness (Anime style art generally does not make characters look Japanese, at least to me) was not important to me at all.

>> No.13776765

all of my hardest nuts have been to 2D women.