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13772788 No.13772788[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

All of philosophy leads up to Traditionalism and the thought of Guénon and associates, which ended it once and for all. People that still go on presumptuously trying philosophize at this point are just engaging in willful ignorance. Guénon did a Herculean task by exposing the root of the ills of modern society and by so clearly delineating to us what our options are. No amount of philosophy will ever come close to unearthing the immutable truths that the primordial Tradition has known all along. No amount of modern pretentiousness will ever surmount the highest wisdom. Brothers! Let us put an end to this contemptuous and foolish charade. It is time to no longer ignore the proverbial elephant, it does us dishonor.

>> No.13772821

is that a mudslime robe?

>> No.13772825
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>is that a mudslime robe?

>> No.13772826

A fucking monkey ahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.13772836

Fuck off, Abdullah Al Qaeda Haroon Muhammed

>> No.13772837

Guénon never did end philosophy;
He merely cut the blighted branches off.
Now it can grow anew, so fresh and free.

>> No.13772868

checked op, the truth is halfway between what you and this guy said desu >>13772837

>> No.13772875

Guenon is a glownigger being shilled by ISIS

>> No.13772877

Correct. He was interested in free masonry and wanted to join them

>> No.13772887

Guenon retroactively btfo them for not understanding Islamic Esoterism

>> No.13772906

I'm glad at least one person understands the truth...

>> No.13772927
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>> No.13772932

is it, though?

>> No.13772933

Made me think

>> No.13772989

If le monkey name man is so smart, why are there still atheists?

>> No.13773010
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Because its the Kali Yuga, duh!

>> No.13773038

So true, and so eloquently put. Well done OP

>> No.13773048

Guenon did what he had to do anon, that doesn't mean that you are meant to be like him. Guenon isn't God and worshiping his ideas like they are divine isn't what he would want. Modernism is evil, but so is idolatry of the past. Sitting around fantasizing about what could have been is useless, be like Gueon and actually put your ideas into practice.

>> No.13773052
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>Guenon isn't God

>> No.13773056

>Guenon did what he had to do anon, that doesn't mean that you are meant to be like him.
This is what faggots here don't understand about many authors.

>> No.13773072

That's because most people here don't actually care, they just want an identity and community. Once they get a girlfriend they will forget all the virtue which they spent their time reading about.

>> No.13773092
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lmao, typical projection

>> No.13773099


>> No.13773117

Without an actual basis for the virtue which one espouses it will turn to dust when it faces the slightest adversity. Most people on this board are retards, crying about how philosophy is dead and that there is no meaning anymore. They obsess over dead men but forget what actually drove this men to create. Most people here have neither God nor Will, they have no basis or strength behind their arguments and ideas. They pick philosophies up because they seem fashionable or comfort them in their preconceived notions of the world.

>> No.13773330

>if there are libraries why are people still stupid

>> No.13773607

They were retroactively disproved by Guenon. He spoke French and English which have about 100 fold the information density of their desert mumbo jumbo. Of course small brains like that wouldn't even be able to comprehend Rene because to translate him would require thousands of volumes and even then, it would be lacking and the point utterly lost.

>> No.13773615

>If there are women, then why are there still incels?

>> No.13773628

Evil image. Sign of cumbrain soul death.

>> No.13773808

Sorry Goonanon was retrocausually defeated by Deleuze and Guattari.

>> No.13773830

Guenon's faith was insincere, I think. When I read his writings, they feel almost like a cargo cult approach to spiritual experience. His writings are also quite pretentious-sounding translated into my language, but that might be because translators who work between French and my language are often very pretentious people (like the uncomfortable kind of weeaboos who actually desperately wish they were Japanese instead of just being comfortable with their identity and having an interest in Japanese culture).

>> No.13773843

Nobody ended philosophy, certainly not a niche orientalist, for all his virtues.
Also perenialism is a modern metasyncretism. It's essentially an educated version of New Ageism, what New Age people would be if they were actually intelligent and committed to engaging with traditions.
But the idea that all traditions can be reconciled into one is still falling prey to the age-old unicity assumption. Don't fall into the same trap OP.

>> No.13774890

I like Guenon but get over him being a filthy traitor who hanged out little too much with Arabs.

>> No.13775066

what religion are you?

>> No.13775209

>Guenon isn't God and worshiping his ideas like they are divine isn't what he would want

Guenon literally stated they weren't his ideas, that's why he writes as "we" all the time, because he's just part of a tradition. They weren't Shankara's ideas either.

Why are so many brainlets triggered by Guenon?

>> No.13775216

>google guenon
>get a bunch of monkeys

>> No.13775242

Guenon means "female monkey” in french. Hence the importance of writing Guénon (changes the pronunciation)

>> No.13775288

Imagine being this dumb. guénon trashes free masonry but you must read his work to know that I guess

imagine being this dumb, guénon says explicitly that catholicism is the last bastion of traditionalism in the west.

Reminder that Guénon has in fact, dismantled western philosophy. He is more knowledgeable of western philosophy than western philosophers themselves. I am not even going to list every philosopher he outed as ignorants because the list is too long and it's way too humiliating. Imagine saying otherwise, when guénon takes the time to develop basic logical arguments as to why these philosophers are a waste of time, and barely intellectuals. You cannot understand basic logic, something an 8year old child could understand. But not really, truth is you simply haven't read the author and try to dismiss him on your own fantasy of what he ought to write about.

>> No.13775299

So...’gay-non’? lmao

>> No.13775303

no, that would be guènon

>> No.13775310

Ok but he’s still gay

>> No.13775312


>> No.13775355

what's your language?

>> No.13775391
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the resemblance is uncanny

>> No.13775398


>> No.13775404
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>> No.13775428

No philosopher ever ended philosophy, and those who claim that are arrogant.

>> No.13775450

By slamming down philosophers' absurd claims to possession of metaphysical knowledge, Msr. Guénon only helped to open up the way for logical-empirical positivism as the only reasonable approach to exploring reality.

>> No.13775476

you are wrong, Wittgenstein is the only person that can safely say he ended philosophy (even if he didn't)

everyone else is cringe + bluepilled

>> No.13775496

Aristotle shut down the possibility of ever turning philosophy into anything but fun with sentences after stating that everything can be reduced down to lists of premises which are affirmed to be true.

>> No.13775497


>> No.13775502

It's pronounced "guano"

>> No.13775515

did Guenon retroactively BTFO Aristotle?

>> No.13775520
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>All of philosophy leads up to Traditionalism and the thought of Guénon and associates, which ended it once and for all. People that still go on presumptuously trying philosophize at this point are just engaging in willful ignorance. Guénon did a Herculean task by exposing the root of the ills of modern society and by so clearly delineating to us what our options are. No amount of philosophy will ever come close to unearthing the immutable truths that the primordial Tradition has known all along. No amount of modern pretentiousness will ever surmount the highest wisdom. Brothers! Let us put an end to this contemptuous and foolish charade. It is time to no longer ignore the proverbial elephant, it does us dishonor.

>> No.13775523

>dude anus lmao
Why do people take them seriously?

>> No.13775528

Btfo by Heraclitus and Dr. Jordan Peterson

>> No.13775549


>> No.13775561

Ah, so you identify with it to?