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13772945 No.13772945[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Give me books that explore the cannibalistic nature of the left.

>> No.13772955

OP just playing Madlibs again pay no mind

>> No.13772960

The American """""left""""" is a contemporary meme. Who gives a shit about books written about it.

>> No.13772961

you are right those libs sure are mad

>> No.13772967

Literally anything about any revolution ever.

>> No.13773000

>implying the twitter trans community isn't one of the most conservative groups on the planet

>> No.13773007


>> No.13773017

N-B Transtrenders are hardly lefties, they're a gaggle of soon to be reactionaries who're a mirror of the hippie generation Hunter S. Thompson became so disillusioned with.

>> No.13773022

As a christian I think we shouldn't hate the left or the so called ''lgbt community'', we should pity them for they are obviously in despair and need to be shown the light of THE LORD.

By denying Sin the leftist also denies Redemption. If these people are so 'liberated' why are they so tormented by guilt? Why are they so vicious, specially to their own, when they claim to be all about love and acceptance? They claim to be hedonists and advocates of unconditional freedom, yet their lives are under the sway of a thousand arbitrary prohibitions, devoid of the gentle moderation and the joy of the truly faithful.

Modern leftist ideologies are not like the Marxists of old, they are mistaken but in different ways. While the communist was a Promethean who wanted to defy God but ended up creating Atrocity and Hell on Earth, the modern leftists seeks self expression at all costs and detachment from all ''opressive'' traditions. They live in an unstable and shifting world. I do not mock them I see hurt souls screaming into the void trying to hold on to any shred of moral authority regardless of how flimsy it may be, fearful above all of the Truth.

>> No.13773024

Just watch the breadtubers content. it gives you everything you need to know about how insane they are

>> No.13773035

>As a brainlet

>> No.13773044

from cursory observation of 4chan trannies they seem to be obsessed with the idea of being amongst the ''real'' trannies as distinct from the masses of ''fake'' trannies who are indeed attention seeking perverts and freaks. I'd say they should read Baudrillard on simulacra and simulation, it might not cure them of anything or even make them happier but it will probably make them more self aware.

>> No.13773047

they to be shot in minecraft anything else makes you a satanist

>> No.13773062


>> No.13773074

based satanism

ITT: vampires

>> No.13773075

The Trans/NB split is much like the Tankie/Leftist split. NBs want a brief trend where they get attention for being different and Tankies only want to hold power over people they hate. Both care for the aesthetics, neither care about the ideology and lifestyle.

>> No.13773079
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>> No.13773084


>> No.13773101
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>the cannibalistic nature of the left
you mean the cannibalistic tendencies in small outgroups with power dynamics ? lol, just in contrast you should get interested in your local nazi / alt-right groups history, probably any of them if that can be found, it's just about the same. It's even the same in politics and political discussion in general, unless there's a strong inside group dynamic that can keep people away from arguing I guess ?

>> No.13773118

Except in Nazi groups the great divide comes from who fucked who's wife

>> No.13773119
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As Chairman Mao once said, Revolution is not a Dinner Party. We must assault the reactionary headquarters and assault the headquarters of the revolution when and if they fail to be sufficiently revolutionary.

>> No.13773184

Shaun makes some good points, but he has serious blind spots. He seems like he understands theory and rigorous arguing, but he just isn't acquainted enough with the other side to effectively communicate with them or notice their good points

>> No.13773185

Shaun is only correct when critiquing the right, he lacks all nuance and theory to even approach the left. Right on the other hand is much easier and simpler as it often entails stating facts and adding context to statements.

>> No.13773192

I'm unapologetically FOR "political correctness" FOR "identity politics" and FOR "callout culture" the revolution doesnt need quislings and fence sitters it is by nature excess and transgression of all that is sacred of all that is normal to the established order it is radical l
LOVE radical LOVE for the most marginalised.

>> No.13773211

citizens by schama

>> No.13773228
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"the other side" has been coddled for long enough. We dont have any obligation to accomodate them. They need to be made to understand in the harshest possible terms just how harmful their beliefs and attitudes are.

>> No.13773230

Shaun and his ilk are a cancer on the left; breadtube was an absolute mistake. three arrows and cuck philosophy read at least, throw the rest to the flames

>> No.13773235
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I'm getting sick of their shit

>> No.13773241
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Bro I unironically think I'm non-binary but I am also a confirmed™ autist, so I'm left in a sort of hell where I don't ever truly conform to the gender expectations of my sex, you know? I try to conform (to be cis) but it just seems to make me miserable and tired. What do I do? I don't want to hurt anybody by existing but like I literally can't live up to Society™. I do agree that most people who say they're non-binary are just attention seeking transtrenders, but like what does that leave me, other than a block of cruel and (mostly) neurotypical larpers? Do I just continue to exist and ignore everyone else? Fuck man it makes me so emotional, t. autistic femanon

>> No.13773245



>> No.13773253


>> No.13773257
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Serious answer now, this is the greatest novel about a "revolution" ever written. Malraux comes close but is yet still so far

>> No.13773258

see >>13772903

>> No.13773260

Imagine having read so little theory you ironically think idpol advances class consciousness instead of being a tool devised by the bourgeois to divide and conquer.

That is a perfect representation of the problem with Shaun. He sees natural allies in workers and regards them as 'shits' he refuses to put idpol aside, abolish the state, the root of the problems of inequality, and arrange a more equal society. Instead he want's to 'fix' the current system. Which means he's either a retard neo-lib, or, a Tankie who thinks he can gulag his problems away.

>> No.13773262

Just relax, "gender" isn't a feeling, or a lack of feeling. Seriously don't overthink this stuff

>> No.13773271

>I do agree that most people who say they're non-binary are just attention seeking transtrenders
that's a cancel

>> No.13773279

My friend, the best advice I can give is to stop caring. Specifically with larpers. As a pretty lefty activist one of the largest problems I deal with daily are the Tankies in my area, they derail progress, they divide people, they live off drama. And at the end of the day, they don't matter. I do what makes me happy.

Just relax dude, these people don't matter. Focus on you. People telling you there's a perfect way to live are lying. Every ideal life for every person is different. Focus on what makes you happy. Try attending local events of your interests. Don't even try to make friends, do it because you like it.

The best advice I can give you is don't force you life on other people. Don't get mad at them if they don't get it. Just avoid those people if you can't explain how you tick. It's a big ass world man, enjoy it.

>> No.13773282
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what a bigot

>> No.13773292
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>> No.13773301
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20-30% of the next generation permanently sterilized

>> No.13773310
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Thank you both for the reassurance, that I really should stop giving a shit about what other people think so much. It's probably just the sort of high-functioning autism overcorrecting that's really driving me to want to conform to other people's expectations. Early intervention is one hell of an experience. I should probably celebrate that I've got enough smarts to actually be able to make it through a good chunk of Marxist theory, and work on improving praxis, and stop feeling the almost compulsive need to "check notes" so to speak.

>> No.13773333

Stopped being a marxist and don't fuck up your body. Good luck

>> No.13773338

Anxiety is one hell of a demon to beat. Godspeed anon.

>> No.13773427

Look at the plus side. Globohomo is a Malthusian conspiracy to convince everyone from beta to omega males to be gay or whichever gender they want as long as they enjoy it, which also keeps them from reproducing. This is probably the most humane and ethical way of instituting population control.

>> No.13773431

Industrial Society and Its Enemies

>> No.13773435

Being an autist fucking sucks i cant stand feeling extremely uncomfortable all the time. social media feeds of one's obsessive tendencies it makes it easy to get sucked in this narcissistic cycle of self devaluation and devaluating others in turn its like the very medium is designed to further atomise people instead of promoting beauty art , comradeship or whatever is good in life. Most of the people in leftist communities seem like they desire desperately exactly what ive spent my whole life trying to run away from if that makes any sense. A very reduced sense of self.

>> No.13773434

Can't argue with those magic digits.

>> No.13773436

Would be cool if true, buts it's probably just jews