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13761138 No.13761138[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

for my college English essay on media, I have chosen 4chan. I would like some quotes from anons, so please tell me how your personal experience has changed after 4chan and how its different than other media in terms of culture. simply calling me gay will also be accounted in my presentation

>> No.13761146

>I would like free quotes from anons
Yeah, you're not smart and I want you to kill yourself as painlessly as possible or start actually reading this exact moment.

>> No.13761157


>> No.13761167


>> No.13761180

You might want to go to one of the bigger boards if you want a representative sample.

>> No.13761198

The primary thing that elevates 4chan above the various reddits, twitters, facebooks, etc. is its lack of literalism, as well as its receptiveness to grayness and irony that doesn't and can exist on (all) other social media platforms

>> No.13761201

*doesn't and can't exist on other platforms

>> No.13761276
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>> No.13761294

4chan has given me direct insight into the minds of my peers in similar situations. there's a strong focus on retaining free speech, more so than any other site. This coin has two sides of course. On the one hand it allows people with alternative views on certain matters to express themselves openly and honestly. There is also no artificial ranking of ideas and posts through a like/dislike system, stimulating critical evaluation by individuals reading through them.
On the other hand, it allows people to act out their impulses, dark fantasies and hateful thoughts under the veil of anonimity. The equal plain of discourse here treats these posts accordingly. There is no escape from them, you often have to trudge through all the clutter in order to find something that resonates with you.
I would say, in general, the demographic on this site consists of people who feel left out by society, hold views they cannot express in their daily lives, or who are simply looking for a more free marketplace of ideas than is provided by other social media.

>> No.13761299

it based

>> No.13761328

4chan made me retarded when I was younger, and now I only come back in brief enough doses to keep from turning retarded again. It's not working.

>> No.13761329

there, I basically wrote ur essay for u OP.

>> No.13761363

I'm waiting to go to basic training and all my friends moved away for college so I read shitposts vaguely related to books instead of socialising on any level. This is no way to live.

>> No.13761377
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It's only exasperated my psychotic depression and bipolar. I've been stuck here since I was about 9 (early bloomer looking for porn of pokemon girls and somehow found this website) but rarely ever posted. I noticed all my mental issues just get worse and worse over time until eventually I snapped due to a bunch of stuff and isolated myself indoors and away from everyone for about 3 years and missed all of middle school and the first year of highschool pretty much and my only form of socialization was this website. Went through a communist phase, then a fascist phase, was sexually confused for a while.. I could write a whole book about the experiences 4chan has given me throughout the past decade. I'd go into more detail but I doubt anyone wants to read it all and I'm a bit paranoid someone may recognize me since a lot of coworkers and friends also browse here and most of them don't know how neurotic I really am and I think I do a pretty good job at putting up a facade of just a fit guy who likes to read.

>> No.13761408

and of course I could go on and on about my personal experiences. Overall, I''ll say it has amplified some positive aspects of my persona, but mostly the negative ones. My tendency to get self-centered, depressed and antisocial has increased tenfold since I started posting here about 2-3 years ago (am 21 now). My life has spiralled into a lonely cycle of intrusive thoughts, anxiety, hurtful coping mechanisms and, most of all, loneliness.

>> No.13761466

Should have chosen Twatter or Instacringe

>> No.13761644

You realize (and i hope you realize it too) how much of mass media and pop culture is fake, dishonest, unwanted, a recognizably Soviet forcefully imposed bad joke.

>> No.13761950

It's helped me better understand dysfunctional angry young men and some of the pressures warping them into amazingly sexist, racist, confused assholes. I'm twice the age of the usual 4chan poster, so it's been eye-opening over the last several years to see what they really think, though I still can hardly believe it most days. But, as an English teacher, I have to try to understand my students if I can.

>> No.13761994
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There are reasons they act that way. I'm not saying they're right to be acting that way. Generation Z grew up with psychological conditions unique to any other generation in history. When your parents neglect you entirely and leave you with unrestricted internet access, you aren't going to grow into a person with a healthy social life and healthy worldviews. You don't seem to be making a true effort to understand these people, or perhaps you are incapable of understanding. I'm also not sure if you're aware of the fact that members of all generations are capable of falling victim to delusional and hateful echo chambers.

>> No.13762031

>tell me how your personal experience has changed after 4chan
I used to be a borderline stormfag who was obsessed with cultural Marxism and the degradation of the west and etc. But, then, ironically, I started to lurk on /lit/ and I realized that I was wrong about a lot of what I thought was true. I realized that truth is such an intangible and obscure thing that calling any one ideology wholly the truth would be absolutely laughable. I feel like I’ve become a much more intelligent, open, sympathetic, and mostly calm person after /lit/. Although, it has definitely made me struggle with my own narcissistic tendencies among others. But, I feel much more free than I once was before. (Note: /lit/ as a board differs drastically from other boards. My experience using /lit/ may differ than one using /pol/, or /int/ or example. Board culture varies wildly)
>how its different than other media in terms of culture
4chan is a much more open-forum-oriented place than Reddit for example. On reddit, for example, avenues of thought are relegated by their popularity; one’s post may receive more upvotes than another's based solely upon other redditor’s feelings about said post. However, on 4chan, posts have no voting mechanism, therefore all posts are equally heard and discussed. This means that the culture of 4chan is much more oriented towards debate, because one must prove one’s opponent wrong by debate instead of a simple downvote. 4chan, by virtue of its anonymity, also promotes more fringe ideologies like ones voiced by Ted Kaczynski, Hitler, Mao Zedong, etc.

To borrow from Jungian psychology for a moment, if the internet is just the most complicated expression of man’s collective unconscious to date, then 4chan is the shadow of said unconscious. It is a nasty, mean place, yet it is also a deep source of wisdom which is essential to integrate if one wishes to self-actualize, you dirty stinking nigger.

>> No.13762042

I'm just here to laugh at incels and retards

Have sex dummies

>> No.13762058

4chan rides the line between being a forum with legitimate intellectual discussion and being a graffiti-and-shit-covered bathroom stall

the reccs are the best part

>> No.13762060

tings fork on champagne glass*
Good morning, everyone. Please allow me to introduce myself... I am a gamer.

I am also a 'gamer.'

I hate kikes and trannies, and am disdainful of most other minorities, including niggers. But above all else, I hate jannies.

I am a phoneposter. I support Sneed. On a typical day, I post at least one serious thread pertaining to a game I am currently playing, and also at least one thinly disguised porn thread. I love anime titties, whether in games or in fanart, and will typically join in on the unspoken boycott against both western games with intentionally unappealing female character design and censored localized Japanese games. My favorite genres are action RPG, JRPG, adventure, and simulation.

I am the true face of /v/, and if you disagree, you are an election tourist on extended stay, or a member of one of the aforementioned group of undesirables. If you are in one of those groups, there are many other websites with both more activity, and what you would consider higher quality conversation. Please, pack your things and relocate to one of those places.

And finally, lest I forget, FUCK NIGGERS.

Thank you, that's all I have to say this morning. I'll turn the mic over to you, janny...

>> No.13762065
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To give you a full portrait of a channer I must first briefly describe my childhood. I was born the youngest of three children into a dysfunctional family. My earliest memory, the only memory of when my parents were still together, is from when I was 4 years old. I was standing in the hallway across from the kitchen where my parents were standing when my eldest sibling twice my age reasonlessly ran to me and shoved me to the floor. I cried and nobody cared. This set the precedent for my childhood. I was physically beaten, berated whenever I tried to do good, all of my efforts ridiculed and my suffering was mocked. For a while I could deal with it and retain normalcy. I had no confidence issues, no worries and maintained healthy relationships with my peers. I was probably between 8 to 10 years old when I began to actualize my life and it all sunk in. I remember wishing my family would vanish. I remember looking down 20 feet from the balcony wondering if I should jump head-first into the concrete. I wouldn’t be missed in my family or in the world, I grew to become an outcast. Many people use the traumatized person as a punching bag without second thought while the rest of the population turns their head in the opposite direction, whether this be out of ignorance, apathy or cowardice. I kept to myself and had nobody to connect to. I couldn't understand them and they couldn't understand me. When I was 12 years old in 2011, I was invited to join Facebook by a higher-grade woman who sat to my right in art class. For the sake of irony I would “like” dozens of Justin Bieber pages until I found one that was different. This specific Belieber fanpage appeared to have been stolen and was posting offensive content which I took a liking to. In admiration, I messaged them and they let me join their small group. I was a well-behaved kid and never thought of mischief before this.

>> No.13762073
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This group introduced me to the mischievous spirit of 4chan and the memes such as spurdo sparde and babby. I felt that I belonged among this group of people. The internet wasn't as heavily policed at the time and people were ignorant to internet culture. The naive internet users were unquestionably trustworthy to strangers on the internet and we abused this for our own entertainment. Mischief was the plump fruit that was ripe to be picked. We would deceive people into believing or doing stupid things, which was fun in the same way that getting cats to run in circles with a laser pointer is. We created fake identities, pretended to have an interest in Justin Bieber or One Direction, gained the trust of tweens, gained adminship of their Facebook page, then stole their pages which we would post our offensive humor on. The pages with more likes were more valuable, some of the stolen pages had over a million likes on them. The numbers would get to our heads and we would be so depraved to act with Machiavellianism towards each other, conniving and stealing against one another, which is pretty funny looking back on it. This group only lasted for a year or two. Eventually some members split off into a second group who decided to lamely hijack pages for monetary gain, and Facebook would eventually add features that made the stealing of pages impractical. The group disbanded and I started lurking 4chan regularly in 2013. At age 14 I lost my desire for mischief, became incredibly paranoid and began lurking /x/ and studying esotericism. I eventually stopped being paranoid and stopped browsing /x/, but continued browsing other boards. The memes and discussion on 4chan were at least enjoyable in these years. The memes were innocent unlike the modern 4chan memes. Tubgirl was more enjoyable to look at than the self-masturbative memes of modern 4chan. We all accepted ourselves as losers and mocked ourselves, each other and society as a whole while remembering that we are still losers. Modern 4chan takes itself too seriously and the vast majority of memes to come out within the past 2 years feel the desperate and insecure need to express that 4chan losers are superior to “normies,” "brainlets," “NPCs,” “soiboys,” “bugmen,” and so on. The conversation was light-hearted and nothing like the incessant shit flinging you see today. There were more unique perspectives back then and everybody spoke for themselves. Today, the majority of posters subscribe to groupthink tribalism, share uniform opinions, and mock those who don’t share their same uniform opinions. There hasn’t been anything noteworthy on 4chan to take place since 2014, and it gets worse every year. I lurk /lit/ strictly for book recommendations and I lurk, silently judging the posters on here for their shit reading comprehensions and pompous attitudes.

>> No.13762077
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> so please tell me how your personal experience has changed after 4chan
Being on 4chan hasn't really affected me directly. I was pulled towards the /pol/ vortex of insanity in my late teens - and yes, I browsed /pol/ as an underage faggot, what are you gonna do about it? - but never really got into it.
>how its different than other media in terms of culture
I feel that other anons are family. This is a place where I can be myself and watch other anons show their true selves (or something that I can take as such) to me. I love the uncontrolled, uncivil, intimate style of communication where we just vomit our thoughts onto the internet in all its autistic perverted glory.

I mean everything I said without a trace of irony. This place is precious to me.

>> No.13762100

Underrated post. Say whatever you want about how shitty this website is for any reason you'd like, but this is the best place to get recommendations on basically anything and has helped find out about a myriad of things I've grown to really like I would have never heard of other wise.
There is also an incredible amount of great resources ranging numerous topics and interests that other forums won't give you.
>graffiti-and-shit-covered bathroom stall
This is a spot on description.

>> No.13762105


>> No.13762122
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>please tell me how your personal experience has changed after 4chan
I've known about 4chan since I was about 15, and I don't think it changed me much, it just confirmed the suspicions I had had all along. It is something like the world of "light" and the world of "darkness" in Demian by Hermann Hesse: 4chan lifts the veil and shows you the darkness that was hiding behind appearances. The issue is that there is no Demian here; you won't be guided as Sinclair was. And there is no mystic revelation either, beyond the discovery of the nothingness that was hiding behind the appearances. 4chan can effortlessly trivialize any grand ideal or aspiration: any semblance of novelty, anything "new", is reduced to a previous attempt, a previous failure; and if that reduction were not possible, if there is a lack of precedent (which happens rarely), then the reduction will be a dynamic process in time, but it will eventually occur. "Internet memes" are just the result of that process: any grand aspiration will be repeated and parodied until it is ultimately exhausted and robbed of any value it might have had. You're a Catholic? Enjoy your heretic Pope and your pedo priests. You're an atheist? Tip harder with that fedora and go shake Dawkins' hand at the next book signing. Any opinion and its opposite will be ridiculed and nothing will be left that seem true or even plausible. 4chan is a laboratory of eristic where arguing is performed for the sake of arguing. And the interesting thing is that behind all the memes there often are legitimate arguments to doubt both sides of the coin in any given argument. 4chan is nihilism unbound, and this is what lies behind the veil, the true nature of mankind when all masks fall off.

>> No.13762139

I don't like how some stupid shit seeps into your brain after a while, but that goes for any sort of online platform I suppose.
It hasn't affected my personal life that directly, but I guess it has made me care less about fitting in some ways.
It's a lot of fun, not all the time, but it can be.

>> No.13762148

i hate this website

>> No.13762150
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>my only form of socialization was this website

>> No.13762188
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>how your personal experience has changed after 4chan
I will preface this by saying I am definitively a 'zoomer' as in someone who grew along the mainstream internet. The iPhone came out when I was in elementary school (burger here). I found 4chan in the middle of high-school. At first, it was a novelty in my life, and it is very possible it still is. My youth precludes me, in many ways, from understanding the long term effects of many of the things I do now on my life and in general. However, I can say that 4chan definitely was one of the things to put this idea into me: I am very young, and I still have much to learn, not just about my profession (in training), but also about how to live. 4chan, believe it or not, is a great resource for this sort of shit. Everything from lifting, from how not to look like a doofus with your clothes, to what to read can be gleamed just by looking on the right board. Even the bait can get one's mind to better understand it's positions on the world through absurd arguments that would never be made by someone without anonymity.
To make this entry more balanced, it has been a bit of a time-waster in my life. I like to tell myself it's not the extremes of some on here, but it occupies a great deal of the time I find myself bored. Maybe one day this site will also teach me the self-discipline needed to break the kind of habit that this website creates.

>how its different than other media in terms of culture
I wish I could say that I have good experience with other sites but the truth is, I have never used another site/app in the way I use 4chan. Even as a younger kid, I could never make reddit a habit or anything my peers used like facebook, instagram, etc. Even Twitter is hard for me to use, which is rather strange given the rather large barrier to entry using 4chan has comparatively. I will say that the format of the website is probably the reason I'm still here. Imageboards like this with complete anonymity just make sense, but that's probably just because I only used this in a critical developmental part of my life.

>> No.13762469
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4chan made me realize how much I should hate other people. People are NPCs and I only realized it after shedding my superego by becoming an anonymous shitposter.

>> No.13762489


>> No.13762509

Way to out yourself as a kissless incel

>> No.13762558

>how your personal experience has changed after 4chan
When I started using 4chan, it made be me critical of the juden, but also of niegros and feminists. But after a time, I came to realize such opinions are most childish and that people who host them—the bitter incels—are destined to fail in life. Without 4chan I would probably still be watching Sargon of Akkad's videos and sharing opinions with Reddit rejects.

>> No.13762562
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Hope you enjoy 4 years of everyone thinking you're the next school shooter OP

>> No.13762580

>or my college English essay on media, I have chosen 4chan.
social suicide, but you do you buddy.

I came to 4chan in 2013, when a forum for a vidya I played closed down and I needed somewhere else to browse. I found /b/ and found the metal threads which had surprinsingly good recommendations.

I stayed because I never made any other social media. The anonymity that 4chan brings makes it more honest, but can be overwhelming at times. I suspect some things your daily life is better of not exposed to. Which is why I have never recruited anyone to the website despite meeting numerous people who I think would've become active posters given the chance. In some ways I see my posting as a detriment to myself, but other more healthy habits have also been cultivated. As with anywhere in life wherever you look, you mostly find dull, uninspiring shit, but I feel that 4chan is less shitty than the reputation makes it out to be.

>> No.13762740

Best Post itt

>> No.13762753

This place is hell. A comfy hell and an hurtbox that eternally feeds our persecution complex es and paints the world as exactly as miserable as We perceive in our most lonely, sleepless nights.
There's a pain inside of us, that We can't name or decipher.
We shall take the world and make a death-camp out of it, just to assuage it a bit.

>> No.13762756

I’ve grown from a teen of 16 into a 26 year old man. Shit. My boards and lifestyles always shifted but always trying to learn something.

>> No.13762761

>I'd go into more detail but I doubt anyone wants to read it all
I would gladly.

>> No.13762799



>> No.13762848
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Sounds like you caught the big gay.

>> No.13762883
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>> No.13762908

>there's a strong focus on retaining free speech
*unless you talk about jews.

>> No.13763133

thanks for putting this into words for me. these are exactly my thoughts, i've just never thought of writing them out like that cause it didn't seem like other people felt the same way I did about this.

>> No.13763175

4chan is a place for me where I can speak my mind freely, without fear of social repercussions (except bans sometimes). As long as you're not trolling too much, you can pretty much say whatever you wish on here, so it's an opportunity to openly explore various ideas which would be considered taboo elsewhere, as well as open up about your personal insecurities and fears, which can feel very empowering. It's also a good place to argue with strangers, and I would say that being on 4chan has definitely made me a more assertive person, and pretty much eliminated my fear of confrontation. Another thing I like about 4chan is the fact that in contrast to many other social media like r eddit, people here are much more honest, actually look at what is being said rather than how politely it was said, and that generally people here have a lot of self respect (the humour here is rarely self-deprecation, which I, as well as I'm sure many other anons, hate). People here are much less socialized than regular people, which I can relate too, since I've never had many friends. Because of that, a lot of things said here have resonated with me and given me a new outlook on many aspects in life, which I really appreciate.
Glad to have helped OP

>> No.13763217

>I would like some quotes from anons
OP is a faggot

>> No.13763611
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4chan is like the multiverse- anything is possible.

>> No.13763939

The defining aspect of "4chan" as a means of communication is the image-text integration of posts. This synthesis, best exemplified by with "mfw" or "tfw" posts enables the text based conversation to include abstract simulations of conversation better than most platforms by directly including a surrogate "face" for the speaker. It gives things a much more personal and conversational feel and enables a more nuances means of communication by giving the poster total control of the visual of the speaker. The propogation of pepe and wojak as stand ins for "anon" are an interesting evolution of this capability. It suggests the desire for camaraderie and a dissatisfaction with the real life image of many posters. IE it's a place for outcasts to feel accepted via a surrogate person detached from their real life identity.

>> No.13764207

I’m a normal female person who can actually function in society so I don’t really know why I browse this site. It started when I was 15 and at the time I was unable to leave the house or even go to school, so I was lurking out of curiosity/boredom. I guess it’s appealing because there’s no type of popularity contest like on other sites and you can always be anonymous. I do hate the sexism, racism etc though and it definitely had a negative effect on my attitude when I was a teen, though luckily I grew out of that. I hide the fact I ever browse 4chan because cringey connotations, I wish I’d stop but I just find it entertaining

>> No.13764324


>> No.13764456

I've been on 4chan since I was 15 in 2006. I enjoy it a lot here even though it gets a lot of bad press due to the stuff /b/ does every now and then, but it's one of the few places where people seem legitimate in how they speak to you (yes even the shitposters).
It doesn't matter what kind of question you ask, people will try and give you an unfiltered opinion on the subject or see it as offtopic and call you a fag (this depends on the board of course).
You don't get that from any other forum or place of discussion on the internet from what I've seen, I think that having everyone as anonymous helps a lot, it frees people from having a name or identity. You feel much more comfortable voicing your opinion when anonymous and that's a good thing, people don't have to worry about being shamed for their opinion beyond the contents of that one discussion which will be forgotten within a day or so.
I do feel like the quality was better when moot was around (the old admin of 4chan) but things will change for better or worse and I hope he's happier now wherever he is.

>> No.13764509

>4chan is the shadow

>> No.13764549
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Being a place where stupidity is often awarded with severe beratement, one either wises up or quickly leaves. That or the competitively smaller user base and I've come to notice that the average poster is usually much more informed and even intelligent than the average user of other social medias. My time on 4chan has most likely been wasteful, however I do feel I have a better understanding of many things, and am aware of many truths I otherwise would not have been privy to had I never become a regular user. It's rare you could express a thought without being explained how your wrong by different or the same people. With anonymity the only thing we have to gloat is the here and now arguments and using only what's been said or what can be proven. But mainly I just like calling people niggers, retards and trannies while talking about my niche interests. To be frank I've never felt such a sense of community as I do here on 4chan as pathetic as it is. Seeing my shitty edits get used every now and then, getting into long discussions about stupid or even intellectual garbage, complaining and shit posting. I'll be really sad when 4chan gets shut down.

>> No.13764560

I'm just an oldfag (I am 43) trying to keep in touch with kids these days

>> No.13764580

This comment was made by a jew, disregard.

>> No.13764589
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4chan has greatly improve my life.

It is a funny place filled with autist , schizo and racist retard .

Since I'm an autist I have a place I can relate to other people. I consider 4chan anon my frens.

>> No.13764623

I got into the site the same way most people did, /b/ when I was younger for the shock value, drifted towards /v/ and eventually realized that there was a ton of discussion about other things I was interested in on here. I wonder from time to time if my life would be better if I had never started posting here, but in reality I don't know if it would be very different. I was always prone to debate and exploring new media, this website just happens to suit my tastes. The anonymity is great in that it lets people be much more honest than they would be on social media or other forums, and some of the most sincere kind words and advice I've ever gotten have been from this website—people are just helping because they want to make the world better, not because they have anything to gain.
Due to the audience being made up primarily of people who like what they like and don't care at all what others think, you get very specific and useful recommendations. I think that most people who use the site are highly intelligent in the areas that specifically interest them, which is great if you're also into that topic. Find a good thread, and you'll have the best online discussion you've ever had on some obscure subject with somebody who could live next door or on the other side of the world. Only your words matter.
Yes, there are bad threads. There are shitty posts and there are shitposts. There are idiots who think the whole site is for /pol/ or /b/ or /v/. But if you can wade through it all you'll find a forum culture that hates nothing more than insincerity: shills, shitposters, tripcodes, are all seen as shameful.
Had I never come to this site, I imagine I would be much the same person. Perhaps a little less cynical, but also less fulfilled.

>> No.13764659

grow up

>> No.13764756

I am a Christian Fascist and I can't wait for the kiked university system to fail because it doesn't actually teach anyone anything.

>> No.13764917

post sharpie in pooper plz

>> No.13764950

Dear Diary,

Today, as always, OP was a massive cum guzzling faggot.


>> No.13764958
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Another tool for learning. Image and text blend together and allow for higher forma of expression. This place is what cyberspace was theorized to be; anonymous and lawless. I can express anything here and not have to worry about consequences. Free peer to peer sophistry with no way of knowing who is genuine and who is trolling. Jannies are niggers though.

>> No.13764995

my default reaction to things is saying "poo poo pee pee" inside my head

>> No.13765010

>There is also no artificial ranking of ideas and posts through a like/dislike system
well that's a load of crock
what do you think thread bumping is?
it's just that the artificial ranking is based on popularity of a topic rather than popularity of an opinion

>> No.13765011

no u

>> No.13765031

the ordered list within the unordered list is causing me anxiety

>> No.13765050

4chan has not been great for my mental well-being, but I would much rather spend my entire day browsing this place than any other media site. The focus on free speech, as well as the lack of user accounts makes 4chan stand out in a sea of Internet point-driven websites. People here aren't concerned about how my 'upvotes' they're going to get, or if their post will get lost beneath e-celebs with millions of likes. Its just raw humanity.

>> No.13765078

The issue of race is obviously being misrepresented in mainstream discourse.

>> No.13765431

>Being a place where stupidity is often awarded with severe beratement, one either wises up or quickly leaves.
Do you actually browse 4chan?

>> No.13765444


>> No.13765614

looking for stories involving sex change/LGBT/genderfluid/whatever
anyone can rec smth plz?

>> No.13765623


>> No.13765630


>> No.13765656

this is cool

>> No.13765678
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Dude, for writing about a Burmese Batrachian Cyclorama, you'll get a failing grade just for the subject matter alone. Unless you're going with the den of radicalized conservatism and incel school-shooters route, in which case fuck you for being the cancer that is destroying 4chinz.

>> No.13765724

maybe op is in france you know

>> No.13765748

There is wisdom to be found here, my good anon.
Wisdom; and unabated retardation.
Howbeit - I enjoy it.

>> No.13765847

Yes, I agree it affects everyone, but I'm specifically interested in my students' cohort, and there is a difference between primary developmental influence and adult-onset issues. I am stuck in these echo chambers as well, but I had a fully-formed sense of self before I ever discoverer them. For instance, the views being spouted here have to contend with my contradictory life experience before they can take hold, and that's a more difficult tasks than (for instance) convincing an insecure teenage virgin that all adult women are like his worst fears about girls in his school. Put simply, I know better, so I can laugh it off.

>> No.13766091

You are me, unfortunately.

>> No.13766304

>all these people responding unironically
I'm disappointed

>> No.13766327

>Being a place where stupidity is often awarded with severe beratement

>> No.13766346

Yeah thanks for proving my point

>> No.13767323

I've been here for 8 years and yet i don't think i've wasted my time at all. Unlike some anons, who seem to easily suffer the pointlessness of wasting your time arguing with anonymous retards, i have flourished with creativity. As naive as it may sound, this place makes me happy, in a sick, twisted way.
I've also found many other media here that i would almost certainly not have found by myself, which i consider a huge plus.

>> No.13767326


>> No.13767340

Society doesn't understand how the internet works. By this, I specifically mean in how it relates to interpersonal interactions between individuals or groups. It's not just the boomers who don't get it, it's virtually everybody. That, I think, is most important thing I've learned since I started using 4chan. The nature of anonymity.

>> No.13767346

Midwit perspective.

>> No.13767351

k, so what's the big brain perspective, big boy?

>> No.13767357

Most of the people here are larping.

>> No.13767383

May you be raped to death by a pack of Congolese militia men.

>> No.13767404

This is exactly how i feel about this place

>> No.13767419

You're every bit apart of this. You're calling a huge group an asshole and pretending to not know what sicflics is, what a dick.

>> No.13767459
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Monika is best girl! :D

>> No.13767564
File: 156 KB, 750x527, 48A486CB-5AFB-47C2-900A-13CF109862D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs and one whole page of your essay is the word “nigger” stretched to fit the whole page

>> No.13767663
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I detest Nobody In Greenland Going Everywhere, Really Sadly. All you need to know about me. That and folks who are older than young adults who read literature intended for young adults

>> No.13767693

Imagine how autistic your professors TA's will think you are. If you plan on getting anywhere in the field or within the faculty of your school, you will be ridiculed for the rest of your college career

>> No.13767712

it made me retarded. were all retarde reddit is better. come visit us on r/books

>> No.13767717

The syntax and content of this comment matched perfectly.

>> No.13768121

I seriously have no idea what "sicflics" is. I haven't come across the term here.

>> No.13768181

So we fell right into the trap of proving that... you're retarded

You know, I'm okay with that

>> No.13768259

Hrrm it smells of nigger in here, yes indeed

>> No.13768263

It really is a sad day when you have to clarify who Moot is

>> No.13768305

A lot of people are telling OP how retarded they think his idea seems, but come on. I mean, writing a thesis on 4chan is miles more interesting than doing it on Twatter or Gaybook, just because it's new, it's fresh. It's also a little taboo, yeah, I get it, but exactly for that reason is that I think its a worthwhile endeavor. I stay here for entertainment mostly. It is a fun webpage. But as a number of anons have said before me the nature of the anonymous interaction is not something that should be overlooked, specially when the internet is growing more attached to us everyday. When this tool has become a part of your identity, a way to project your thoughts and feelings, what are the ones who choose to remain unidentified expressing?
Also OP, if they really do scorn you for the subject you chose they are a bunch of cock eating shit-for-brains that have no right being in a place where actual intellectual discourse should be exalted.

>> No.13768323
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I now use the nigger word casually and the state of my mind is a stew of absurdity.

>> No.13768331


>> No.13768335
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>There is no escape from them, you often have to trudge through all the clutter in order to find something that resonates with you.
Yeah, I've seen some pretty weird shit and went down some pretty weird rabbit holes.

>> No.13768357
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>> No.13768358


>> No.13768367
File: 168 KB, 1278x1030, Consider_The_Following_Tax-Chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This brief recording perfectly encapsulates my feelings about this website: https://vocaroo.com/i/s0EkDdSP8xuN

>> No.13768371

What's troubling you, anon?

>> No.13768393

/pol/ is always right.

>> No.13768445

It only takes one person to bump a thread, and as long as there is at least one person who shows interest, the thread will exist. When the thread falls off page 10 after five hours from the last post, that means literally nobody is interested in it, retard.

>> No.13768817


>> No.13768828
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>> No.13768859

I shouldn’t traditionally be here. I’m socially successful, professional prosperous, devotedly religious. But there is something alluring about the savage argot of the Chans. I think it’s in part at least because I went to an all male private school for a decade. This place reminds me of there—the idiotic male bonding, the amoralism, the resolute refusal to take the pieties of the day seriously.

I only occasionally imbibe it though—total submersion is probably not healthy.

>> No.13768891

4chan is a place in which social convention cannot be upheld, so it's precios, because it's the only one like that. your actions have no consequences, and people are free. Of course, its full of retards and wrongness and poison, but: Isn't everywhere else too.

There are not reputations, no prejudices. 14yo get away with being 14, 58yo get away with being 58, people get away with looking like retards, with sounding like pussies, and only the idea matters: only the idea has weight and only because of the idea the post fares hoe it fares. This place is the fucking Academy of Athens, fucking Star Trek, where 40 yo Mormons argue with 17yo Pakis and the think they are treating an equal.

This place is the best place of the internet, and otside forces are trying to undo it by filling /pol/ with shit and so on.

>> No.13768965

top 3 insults on this Mongolian weaving board:

>> No.13768991
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