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13763851 No.13763851 [Reply] [Original]

Books that historically explains why white countries emerged as the way they are while non white countries (most of them) only became more shithole with time

>> No.13763899

We are always biased by our own time. In 800 India certainly seemed much more advanced and civilized than Europe. In 1200 China seemed more civilized. In 1600 Italy seemed more civilized than the "whiter" northern Europe. In 2000 the white west seems the most advanced, who knows what it'll be in 2400?

>> No.13763905

Uhh racist much? Indians and Chinese didn’t ever enslave or kill the planet, don’t even start to compare them to white people

>> No.13763927

The origins of Capitalism - Ellen Meiksins-Wood

>> No.13763951

I think there's no turning back from the current state. This is permanent.

>> No.13763962

Guns, germ and steel was a big one back then but is pretty debated.

>> No.13763963
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Looking for a book about government cronyism and bureaucracy.
Discusses the habit administrations have of allocating funds for public works, starting public projects then leaving them purposely unfinished to justify getting more funding in the future.
I was told a man named Mostley or Mosley was the "inventor" of this system/practice.
Hope this helps.

>> No.13763989

The Bell Curve
IQ and the Wealth of Nations

>> No.13763997

That book's the only rec I'm getting, but I read a lot of negative things about that. Like it's poorly researched and things like that. Any alternative that tackles the same subject?


>> No.13764134

Any historian who is honest will explain it, Braudel for one. It’s all geography and the national world that exists there. Europe developed due to its proximity to the ancient world. Darker skinned people’s inventions leaked out to the “barbarians” of thickly forested Europe.

The non-white regions became shit-holes because of imperialism. There’s plenty of authors that go over the various ways things went.
Not at all sure if there’s something comprehensive

Troll answer

>> No.13764151

Will you cuddle with me if I donate $200 to the DSA?

>> No.13764166

It can't *only* be due to its proximity to the East - though that was a huge factor - because that doesn't explain why Europe wasn't also the colonial victim of the East, instead of the opposite.

>> No.13764175

Because white people bad and colored people good so they don't practice imperialism.

>> No.13764194

Nothing is ever permanent. History is mostly a record of rulers and dominant nations who failed to understand their place in the sun wasn't guaranteed. I don't think massive structural change will happen in next 20-30 years, but it's retarded to think the current world order is permanent

>> No.13764211

lol you wish.

>> No.13764212

Because the East wasn't that interesed in some faggts that buttfuck eachother, not even Persians cared that much, you gotta thanks Alexander tho

>> No.13764215

this but with no irony.

>> No.13764217

This thread
>because white people shmart and brown people stoopid
>if you disagree ur le soi Cuck xDD

>> No.13764224

Africa though?

>> No.13764232

argue with buttercunt if you care so much

>> No.13764239

>Darker skinned people’s inventions leaked out to the “barbarians” of thickly forested Europe

>> No.13764274
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It is the *only* reason. If Neanderthal had gone east and Denisovans into Europe, these asian looking Europeans would have done similarly. They would have been shaped by their surroundings. The ancient world was held together tenuously, and when they collapsed, they reassessed their situation. Persia, so advanced attacked Greece too late in the game and they weren’t able to advance the way the fire ants of the west continued to do for centuries

Unless you want to reclassify Babylonians, Assyrians and Egyptians as honorary “whites”

>> No.13764293

Africans never developed because they had easy access to food and also their land is shit for harvesting. So they just chilled and never grew. Europeans had to get innovative in order to live.

>> No.13764305
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go to /his some day. They actually believe egyptians were whites.

>> No.13764316

This is bait

>> No.13764322

Alt Hype rekt Jared (((Diamond's))) anus

>> No.13764331

>Darker skinned peoples inventions
Do go on

>> No.13764336

>Unless you want to reclassify Babylonians, Assyrians and Egyptians as honorary “whites”
How about genetic data from actual mummies you pseud?

>> No.13764339

Correct, also they had no winter which meant they never had to evolve long term planning capability - interesting how the "it's environment" crowd never considers how that effects evolution

>> No.13764348

Are Middle Easterners whites?
Lower Nile Egyptians?

Could you be less South Carolinian?

>> No.13764352

You're not actually disagreeing with me, since I was only responding to this
> Europe developed due to its proximity to the ancient world
All I said was 'that, but also other things'. I actually was mostly thinking of Europe's superior geography. And I only said that since your post was dripping in self-flagellation. I didn't say whites were superior or anything.
Also, anarchism is shit and belongs in the dustbin of history. Just felt obliged to repeat that since you're here.

>> No.13764354

>Are Middle Easterners whites?
>Lower Nile Egyptians?
Now or millenia ago?

>> No.13764402

It was geography and at the least 99%. The rest was not genes. More like cultural affinities, religions. The ancients couldn’t set their sites on conquering far away lands and overextending themselves at historically crucial times. And it’s a shame they tried it when they did and ignited the interests of the young cultures of the Aegean
Which is what your posts are

Oh man.

>> No.13764414

>Unless you want to reclassify Babylonians, Assyrians and Egyptians as honorary “whites”
All races besides sub-saharans are equal to me. What now?

>> No.13764418

Hahahahah look at how the pseud avoids this >>13764354

You are a basic bitch liberal and your worldview can be found on netflix

>> No.13764429

but that's literally true and you have no argument against it

>> No.13764432

A lot of criticism I've read about it are very nitpicky. Not all his historical examples are 100% correct, which disqualifies his thesis for some people, but it still seems very sensible to me.
Bearing in mind that environment/geography has also had an effect in shaping natural/sexual selection and evolution of different populations for different activities. Yes maybe the Samoan is smarter than white people at navigating a jungle or whatever his example was,

>> No.13764439

You seem dead set on seeing a racist ghost that isn't there. I didn't mention genes. Or culture or fucking religion. If you put your dick away for a moment and actually read my post I agreed with you on geography's primacy when explaining the development of European imperialism etc. But saying 'geography accounts for Europe's success' is NOT the same as saying Europe [solely] succeeded 'due to its proximity to the ancient world'. 'geography' refers to more than just your fucking position on the map. I was just adding to your posts, not disagreeing with the fundamentals. Why are you having such trouble with that? I'm not sure you know what self-flagellation means either.

>> No.13764440

What a dumb turd you are.
Obviously modern Egypt is overrun with Arabic people. I suppose next you’ll tell me Gobekli Tepe was constructed by blond and blue eyed whites

>> No.13764444
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>> No.13764451

I see Anonymous. You want to stand out from the racists ITT, get a name.
>geography' refers to more than just your fucking position on the map.
Of course not. It’s resources, flora and fauna, climate even.
Hey, no hard feelings.

>> No.13764462


Not an argument

>> No.13764463

just answer this: do you think that pure blacks have the same intellectual capabilities as either meds, nordics, arabs or asians?

>> No.13764483


What the fuck is a pure black?

>> No.13764494

>Gobekli Tepe was constructed by blond and blue eyed whites
Given that we don't know the exact date of construction and therefore what the environment was at the time, that's really not absurd to think - glaciers once extended very far to the south so it's very possible. Certainly we see ancient depictions of blond haired blue eyed whites in southern non-white areas of the world all over

>> No.13764496

Unmixed black people (ex. those from Kenya, Botswana, Congo, etc.)

>> No.13764497

>muh racism
Your god has no power here

>> No.13764499

All I know is some of them "pure blacks" do have musical superpowers.


>> No.13764511



>> No.13764514

>musical superpowers
try the art of fugue faggot

>> No.13764515

you responded to it so your argument is due first unless you mean to say you're better than everyone else, imagine the surprise, from a LEFTIST??? snowflake really???

>> No.13764517

Cool, let me know when they can feed themselves

>> No.13764519

not just that geography is the sole influence on genes except extraterrestrial effects like moon gravity and sun light

>> No.13764521

no they don't, they affect gene expression.

>> No.13764522

Though everyone of us has certain advantages and disadvantages, we are also quite malleable, but mostly in our youth.
And then there’s the highly subjective categories of worth. What is adequate or above average “intellectual capability”? Is it to be a stock broker hedge fund manager who brains an island nation of its cash, a presidential candidate who can slick talk his way into getting a library with his name on it? Oprah?

>> No.13764526

>no they don't
Ok retard

>> No.13764530

no it doesn't*

>> No.13764538

Thanks for your invitation to the Tripfag International, but no thanks. If you know your audience is anonymous, you should be making less assumptions, not more. Either way, you once again seem to be agreeing with me. Note:
>geography' refers to more than just your fucking position on the map
>It’s resources, flora and fauna, climate even
That's exactly what I fucking meant? As in none of those things can be reduced to 'proximity to the ancient world?? How could it be be construed otherwise. You're repeating my point. Jesus. I'm not interested in your reddit tier no-hard feelings-sweaty faggotry either.

>> No.13764539

any proof as to how the wind blowing and the cold in the winter affect a completely random process?

>> No.13764544

>Dude like what even is intellect lmao? Like how is using voodoo magic to rape infants to cure aids not equivalent to western medicine

>> No.13764555

Yes, it's super fucking simple. The process by which mutations occur is random, but those random mutations are not equally compatible with any given environment - some environments will favor certain mutations over others and then those genes are more likely to pass on than others and then the process repeats compounding the difference.

>> No.13764556

This is the right answer, everything else here is tranny bickering.

>> No.13764562

Intellectual capability means capability in areas such as math, physics, biology, classical-style polyphonic music, logic, ethics, etc. When you think about the word 'intelligence', do stock brokers really pop into your mind AFTER scientists?

>> No.13764563

you realize that's a nigger and you're giving him knowledge and support helping him to kill you and your homeland right?

>> No.13764568

I'm not worried about a nigger using its understanding of evolutionary theory to harm me - a glawk fawty maybe, but not that

>> No.13764577

>The process by which mutations occur is random, but those random mutations are not equally compatible with any given environment - some environments will favor certain mutations over others and then those genes are more likely to pass on than others and then the process repeats compounding the difference.
Exactly, I agree. That's the EFFECT of genes or gene expression. Do you even know what the word random means?

>> No.13764593

Gene expression is not evolution and not what I'm talking about

>> No.13764594

A thief believes everyone else steals

>> No.13764607

but are you worried about wasting time on a nigger you could actually use to help a real person?

>> No.13764608

Is that how black people justify their behavior?

>> No.13764612

Niggers say random cliches out of context because they think it makes them intelligent

>> No.13764613

10000, give or take a few hundred as I understand it. This is before the so thought of races. To say they had Neanderthal genes isn’t even to say they were “whites”

More, the flora and fauna, the dietary supplies.

Seems to me the anonymous hoard needs to be a lot less thin skinned about their self inflicted handicap
...those aren’t questions. I’m not from reddit.

>Intellectual capability means
Your criteria is fine. But some would these areas have done much harm to the world. All I was driving at. Some people value money making sociopaths above simple minded but loyal fathers

>> No.13764617

The argument is for the audience. The reason I engage in this stuff is to discredit the idea in the minds of everyone who sees the argument. I doubt that evidence would sway the person I'm talking to because I believe they are motivated by ethnic competition or a pseudoreligious leftist dogma

>> No.13764620

you have literally no idea what anything you're saying means you dumb fucking nigger animal

>> No.13764627

>This is before the so thought of races
Evidence please

>More, the flora and fauna, the dietary supplies.

>> No.13764636

>Some people value money making sociopaths above simple minded but loyal fathers

>> No.13764640

Biological organisms don't intrinsically strive to become more intelligent/stronger/faster. What you call evolution is the RESULT of gene randomization followed by the selection of the more 'suited' genes by the environment (via reproduction or natural selection as it's called). You can have all the hardships of an environment (say extreme weather, natural predation, competitiveness for food, etc.). Those don't mean shit for the 'evolution' of your intellect via natural selection IF you don't have the gene which came RANDOMLY in the first place.

>> No.13764647

Las venas abiertas de latinoamerica

>> No.13764653

I don't even know what the fuck you're arguing for.

Mutation is random, but a given mutation being fit to a given environment is not.

>> No.13764654

I'm literally stating the theory of evolution you dumb faggot

>> No.13764658

you said:
I've explained why this is a false statement,and you've just agreed that it was. Do you have a piss-poor English or can't understand basic logic?

>> No.13764662

that makes no sense. How could geographic location possibly affect quality of genes in any way?

>> No.13764664

plus, it's affects, not effects

>> No.13764665

>Annales historiography in 2019
Is there a meme ideology you don't espouse butterfly?
Have you considered posadism?

>> No.13764671

No, you're just retarded and don't understand the implications.

The environment determines which genes are fit to it and therefore which will propogate. If you want to make the argument that this isn't the environment's doing because the mutation occurring is random then I think you're just trying to avoid the point with an unimportant distinction.

>> No.13764674

exactly the opposite, shithole regions should thank imperialism and the white race. Basically all of the infrastructure of these places was created by them, without whites they would still be shitholes.

>> No.13764675

The Bell Curve

>> No.13764678

Not all genes are equally fit for all environments
Cope harder

>> No.13764681

What the fuck do loyal fathers and sociopaths have to do with intrinsic mathematical capability. Just answer the question again based on these criteria I've given you. Are blacks just as well suited - cognitively speaking - for maths, biology, chemistry and so on?

>> No.13764698

Again, you've said that an external factor AFFECTS (you literally don't know what this word means; to affect a gene means to INTRINSICALLY affect it) a RANDOM process. Environment deals only with the selection of better suited genes, not the CREATION of better genes. Can you understand these few sentences?

>> No.13764710

How is AEffecting the selection of genes removed from the creation of them?

>> No.13764712
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>Evidence please
I’m shitting on your modern categorizations
What are you not getting here, sperge?

No, just capitalists. Lot of jews in that business of course.
Have you considered suicide? Annales, materialism, whatever you want to call it, it’s history in as full a scope as you can get it.
You espouse the old Great Man historiography?

Shut up liberal

I already said yes. Why are you so dense?

>> No.13764726

it changed rapidly before because of the constant wars and takeovers, which isn't the case any longer. So I don't think anything big is going happen anymore to change the current dynamics.

>> No.13764727

>How is AEffecting the selection of genes removed from the creation of them?
because the creation of genes is literally fucking RANDOM.
>made, done, or happening without method or conscious decision.
if you could give me theory of how the environment affects the creation of a gene, then the creation wouldn't be random anymore

>> No.13764729

>I’m shitting on your modern categorizations
No, you're just shitting the bed
>What are you not getting here, sperge?
You talked about how flora fauna and dietary supplies are separate from the things which evolved in a given environment. Fucking retarded

>> No.13764740

>I already said yes. Why are you so dense?
So how do you explain the fact that blacks (not mutts with part black parents) have historically 0 contribution to any of the topics I mentioned?
Let me guess:
>muh oppression and slavery

>> No.13764741

>That thing doesn't create another thing, it just leads to the set of circumstances in which that thing is more probable to manifest

>> No.13764746

>are separate from the things which evolved in a given
No, I just included them as reason why *geography* plays such a large role in why one culture dominated for the time it did.

>> No.13764750

While ignoring the role of evolution and genetics

>> No.13764757
File: 100 KB, 480x640, 35A439E9-B6A9-4408-8BD7-66FBCA0A2BEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can’t you learn?
Explain that to us.

>> No.13764763

That necklace is retarded

>> No.13764766

You too. Why are you unable to learn things?

>> No.13764769

What are you even asking? And why are you avoiding the question?

>> No.13764777

>Why don't you repeat my dogma?

>> No.13764778

I've been interested in this for a while and the best books I've found are The Victory of Reason by Rodney Stark, The Closing the Muslim Mind by Robert Reilly, After the Natural Law by John Lawrence Hill, and Aristotle's Revenge by Edward Feser.

The Victory of Reason and the Closing of the Muslim Mind make very similar arguments, that the dominant form of Christianity encourages a curiosity about the world born from the belief that we can know God through nature. Closing the Muslim Mind contrasts this with Islam which used to have this same sort of curiosity but lost it when ideas about revelation being the only source of true wisdom came to be dominant.

After the Natural Law and Aristotle's Revenge focus more on the role of Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas with their philosophy of nature and ethics and how that set the stage for the sort of scientific revolution that we haven't really seen in other parts of the world. I think these books compliment the first two. It's also worth checking out After Virtue by Alasdair MacIntyre.

>> No.13764782

>Great man theory
Why would I? A city isn't comprised of 1 man, I thought we had this down since Antigone. But, just to be clear.
Marxist historiography was btfo by Peter Brown
The Annales school was btfo by Christopher Clark
The only sort of narrative akin to what you believe is Victor Lieberman's take on the second millennia of southeast Asian history and its mirrors in Eurasia.
The problem with Annales and especially braudel is that he really and I mean REALLY overstated his case. It was fun to think about in the 20th century but historiography has moved past such exremes ever since ReOrient proved that any kind of centrism is actually retarded

>> No.13764794

Explain this Clarke and Brown stuff

>> No.13764798

Lol at everyone debating a pseudo intellectual leftist AKA a huge waste of time. All of “her” arguments are just post hoc rationalizations to support “her” preconceived ideas. I’m not a racist pol-tard but I have no problems admitting that there is some degree of difference in ability across the broad racial groups. The ONLY way you can deny this is if you have a selection bias because you want to hide from the truth, this is what pseudo intellectuals excel at (lying to themselves). And I am not arguing racial differences are the only reason, its just that they are indeed a factor.

>> No.13764800

Do trannies experience menopause?

>> No.13764844

The Bible

>> No.13764854

You’re retarded

>> No.13764861

Women experience it sometimes as late as their 50s.

>> No.13764866

I remember reading that Roman Church greed accidentally caused Western nations to get that sweet couple IQ points above neighbours due to larger genetic variance provoked by extremely strict laws on consanguinity. There were like over 400 years in the West, before the High Middle Ages, where you were basically guaranteed not to find a spouse in your own village and hardly in the neighbouring ones. Specifically you had to pay clerics who could actually read books of baptisms and weddings to guarantee your spouse was more than SEVEN generations removed from you.
> Initially, canon law followed Roman civil law until the early 9th century, when the Western Church increased the number of prohibited degrees from four to seven.
That is A LOT for a world that has nothing faster than mule cart going on the ruins of an extremely old and unrepaired Roman road, if even at that - Germany east of the Rhine used to be barely populated hillbillie land, and Scandinavia, always warmer than Eastern Europe, would randomly expunge male surplus everywhere once in couple generations of real shit winters, so a depopulated shithole most of the time too. There were peasant riots against the Church when suddenly they found out everyone in your village was less than seven generations removed from you, so your marriage with a local could be nullified at a local cleric's whim or not allowed in the first place.
>The Fourth Lateran Council of 1215 decreed a change from seven prohibited degrees back to four (but retaining the same method of calculating; counting back to the common ancestor)
So eventually they dialed it back, but not before the results were set. More genetic variance, less inbreeding, more lines to choose smart guys from - in 400 years or 20 generations, is is quite enough for dem smart guys to appear and set 3-5 IQ points above their ancestors.
This made France, Britain and Germany, otherwise a dull outskirt of Graeco-Roman world, suddenly become important places populated by people, not by savage monkey-haired barbarians the Chinese used to call the Indo-Aryan nomads of Western China - now on the level of Italy proper, as well as maritime Greek settlements. Scandinavia had a big population influx during the Middle Ages, as Slavic and then German traders moved in and stayed. The very word for "", is Slavic in origin. So while Scandinavia lacked Roman Church enforced genetic variability - it got barely Christianised 200 years later - it was like a magnet for more prominent Slavs and Germans to move in and take advantage of the newly Christianized land.
The Orthodox realms stayed the same, with 4 generations rule unchanged.

A blond man in Rome was synonymous with a recently enslaved savage idiot from Gallia or Germania or wherever, after all. One and a half millenia pass, now the slaves' children think "the darkies" are dum-dum.

>> No.13764875

>The Victory of Reason: How Christianity Led to Freedom, Capitalism, and Western Success

>The Closing of the Muslim Mind: How intellectual Suicide Created The Modern Islamist

Titles are off-putting. Religion is the worse to explain this issue.

>> No.13764897

Peter Brown's analysis of the late antiquity (and of many other scholars but he is the Pioneer of the entire field really) debunked the very concept of feudalism as something we can confidently say existed throughout Europe. Nowadays, feudalism is considered the "f word" of medievalism.
Clarke simply put into words something we had been seeing for a while in historiography. If you notice in the title of his magisterial work "Sleepwalkers: how Europe went to war in 1914", he doesn't say "why", he says "how". Here he unfolds a narrative that makes the first world war almost seem unlikely if not for the many accidents of personality. What this showcases indirectly is that even though geography, environment, geology etc all play a vital role in how our world was created (and braudel is an incredibly important writer, he revolutionised historiography in his own write unleashing a new wave of history writers but since it's been over fifty years, we've able to look back and examine things a little more critically), creating a narrative of materialist history that ignores its own actors leads to underwhelming books by even good authors like Timothy brooks who in trying to put environment and geography at the forefront, oversimplified the Ming empire.
If you want something close to your materialist conception of history that looks at the matter more critically, I'll shill for victor Lieberman's strange parallels again, it weaves all factors from the environment and geography, to how the kings and queens of Burma interacted with the Buddhist monasteries to present us a sprawling narrative that uses a long forgotten region of the world that everyone always thinks of as merely a receiver of foreign influence, mainland SeAsia, to talk about the entirety of Eurasia and he somehow does it without being polemical and taking into full account all historiographic tradition.
Reading again what I just wrote I realize that I might have been very rude in shrugging off Annales so easily while reading an Annales book right now, so for once in my life, I apologize to you butterfly

>> No.13764912

Why is religion the worst way to explain differences throughout the world? Don't you think beliefs affect behavior?

>> No.13764934

The bell curve

>> No.13764935


>> No.13764947


>> No.13764953

Do you have a PhD in any of those subjects anon?

>> No.13764979
File: 53 KB, 602x425, main-qimg-735921e966b5fac465ef790ab6d3306e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As for the climate, well, the Greeks and the Romans would have been utter idiots, Germans and Scandinavians living on pleasant land (remember Sweden is Poland-tier or warmer, lands of Lithuania, Belarus and the rest to the north-east were basically frigid hell for Scandinavians - all the more interesting why some preferred to go there, instead of warm sweet Normandy, England or even Sicily), the Eastern Slavs would have been extremely bright and some Saami-Nenets moose fuckers the utter genii of Europe. Which isn't so.
Even among the Finno-Ugric peoples, the Finns and Estonians are considered smarter, while the Volgaic peoples of Mari and Mordva are among the stupidest nations of Russia, barely above the Caucasian niggers, as tested - yet Finns and Estonians have very little genetic variability, especially Finns which descend from like only 2 male clans from 4000 years ago, so they, like the Jews, have specific genetic illnesses.

Which leads to the situation where harsh climate can select for smarts - or not. The Finns got selected for, practically every other Finno-Ugric people got only selected into Russian humor about North Asian idiots and their escapades in the civilized lands.
The Hungarians aren't counted as they are genetically barely distinguishable from Slovaks, basically a Slavic-Germanic mix with a hip language attached.

Still, the enlarged genetic variability of Western Europe probably allowed for smart lineages to appear and be selected in the first place. The Finns might have as well descended from two hillbillies. Muslim multiple wives' problem and harem culture did the reverse - just look at the map right there. Inbreeding with Sub-Saharan Africans in Egypt, Yemen and Iraq didn't make anyone smarter still.
What was the Sub-Saharan admixture in Egyptian Muslims - 20%? They are more Kangz now than they ever were, but I don't see ain't flying Pyramid spaceships to Wakanda Prime.

>> No.13764983

>not just that geography is the sole influence on genes except extraterrestrial effects like moon gravity and sun light
>that makes no sense. How could geographic location possibly affect quality of genes in any way?
because geography decides the weather patterns and climate and the possibilities for moving around...you know, basically everything.
The selective pressure on an organism is simply a function of the land.

you REALLY don't understand evolution yet.

>> No.13764984

Its unironically true though

>> No.13764993
File: 60 KB, 498x658, 2354A7B1-C742-48B8-ACCF-5681A4676CBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it took time for feudalism as we knew it in its collapse to for since late antiquity. Is this all pre or post Le Goff? Just wondering.
Thank you for your input. I’ll be looking into these
WWI may have been shaped by personalities and played out differently had you removed one or two, but it was inevitably coming in one way shape or form. Yes, I think Braudel overstates his case at times (Arkhipov always comes to mind)
>The perfect match, you and me I adapt, contagious You open up, say welcome Like a flame that seeks explosives As gunpowder needs a war I feast inside you, my host is you
—Björk, Virus

Thank you for the kindness

>> No.13765003

what is with this fucking thing
its so fucking retarded
it never says anything it only makes pot shot comments with smugness
zero arguments
zero reasoning

>> No.13765004


The Origins of Political Order by Francis Fukuyama

Why Nations Fail by Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson

>> No.13765007

>to for
*to form

>> No.13765014

do you literally have any friends IRL? all you do is post retarded pictures and overly smug and pretentious posts while it's obvious you have the mental capacity of a wet sock

>> No.13765022

>More, the flora and fauna, the dietary supplies.
and how did those things GET THERE TO BEGIN WITH you fucking absolute nigger retard

this is an extremely feminine minded person with zero rationality or really any good characteristic at all. i think its a bio female

>> No.13765025

>zero arguments
You are unable to process arguments. I’m sorry but I can’t fix you. You have to make the repairs

>> No.13765026

I’m not going to spend another hour proving that The Bell Curve is shit. There is already tons of criticism that you can look up yourself about that pseudoscientific garbage. The fact that you already believe that it’s true proves you know nothing about basic biology and even elementary concepts like context.

>> No.13765044

where are the KANGZ of mathematics, biology, medicine?

>> No.13765052

the persians are the true kangz of math, medicine and poetry

>> No.13765098

poetry does not require much cognitive ability

>> No.13765100

Where is your contribution to mathematics, biology and medicine?

>> No.13765117
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The only book you need

>> No.13765122

To be clear, Brown merely started what we consider as the turning of feudalism into the f word of medievalism, he wrote around the same time as Goff and was inspired by him to an extent. Feudalism as we understand it and Marx understood only existed in specific parts of France, everything else that we call feudalism, the very act of calling it as such is seen as an oversimplification.
You really should read Clark though if you find the time. He makes a really convincing arguement for how unlikely world war 1 actually was. As he says himself, at times it seems like it would be an inevitability but there were so many points starting from the death of Bismarck all the way to the end of the July crisis where the war could have started off completely differently (France and Russia Vs England and Germany being the original teams) that to say it was inevitable would like saying that we're all going to die one day. Sure, conflict and crisis happen all the time, but the apocalyptic war which shaped and defined the world as know it today in every field from politics and technology all the way to literature was far from likely. By the same logic we claim that that ww1 was inevitable because of polarisation, warring over colonial possessions, Balkan control etc, the world should have ended somewhen between 1945-1991 due to nuclear war but no, every crisis that could have led to absolute destruction eventually cooled down. The July crisis was yet another instance like that but it didn't cool down, changing world history.

>> No.13765140

Certain populations evolved to excel at different things. That’s not pseudoscience

>> No.13765188

That’s called an oversimplification, a predominant trait of pseudoscience garbage.

>> No.13765206

>>More, the flora and fauna, the dietary supplies.
>and how did those things GET THERE TO BEGIN WITH you fucking absolute nigger retard
>this is an extremely feminine minded person with zero rationality or really any good characteristic at all. i think its a bio female

>> No.13765238
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resources, interglacial period, trade, lack of geographic barriers, etc.
>muh ideas
lmao ideas come from the material lol bro read marx. the conclusion that pyramid is the best geometrical shape to build high -without underground support- has been reached in nubia, egypt and mesoamerica despite those being completely isolated from each other. same thing with the basic functions of society that are universal -to a certain degree- wherever you go

>> No.13765257

This doesn't really match up with reality. Greece and Britain are relatively barren and South America, Africa, and Russia are plentiful.

>> No.13765273

Not to the extent that you're speaking. There are a lot of poor Christian countries. Also, most core values of Islam matches with Christianity

>> No.13765299

Greece and UK are barren now because all their resources were used up lol. Besides, there's other factors that make a country develop the way it does besides just having resources. It's not hard to imagine how even having less resources might force a nation to compete more intelligently/aggressively anyway.

>> No.13765308
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I see your posts constantly throughout this board and you have an explicit egalitarian Marxist-centric world view, I’m surprised you didn’t reference Guns Germs and Steel.

You believe that Marx is legitimately trying to restore family relationships and capitalism was a primary reason for the dissolution of family bonds.

You have serious bias.

>> No.13765315

That one explains a lot of factors involved (and yes, there's more to it than just guns germs and steel)

>> No.13765318

Athens had always been a barren shithole, even Thucydides points out how terrible the geography of Greece and especially Attica is.

>> No.13765331

Germany and Britain combined are over 50 times smaller than Africa anon. Not really a valid comparison

>> No.13765341

Fuck you said Greece. Even then not a valid comparison

>> No.13765348

I'm completely unfamiliar with Greece historically and geographically, but my understanding had been that ancient Greece had suffered a serious desertification due to overexploitation of resources. No idea about that though.

>> No.13765372
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>my geography is really hard! i can't cross 10km of water, a 100m hill?!! that's too hard.
>while mesoamericans have to cross the fucking Atlantic to trade and africans have to go through 1000s of kilometers of dead wasteland
just a reminder that the sahara didn't exist during the glacial period and it began slowly deserting overtime, that's probably why Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt were a thing back then.
also all societies were started by agriculture

>> No.13765486

Greece is 80% mountain, like it's always been a shitty place to live in, that's probably why they had so many colonies

>> No.13766193

One important thing that the jews saw to making everyone not learn apparently is that colonies of britian generally came out okay while other european colonies went to shit. This is because britian used common law which was a more effective system for sustaining colonies than civil law which the spanish and french used.

>> No.13766212

imagine being this retarded lmao

>> No.13766374


>> No.13766384
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>> No.13767080

plus we wuz kangz n shiet

>> No.13767619

under rated post

>> No.13768938

Understanding Human History by Hart

>> No.13768954

This. It seems too in the relatively near future that the power centre of the world is shifting back east, towards China.

>> No.13768961

>The non-white regions became shit-holes because of imperialism.
Citation needed.

>> No.13768973

Its kind of a half truth to say that other places are shitholes because of imperialism but Butterfly is right when she talks about eastern wisdom was carried to European barbarians.
Persians ride out from Iran and dominate much of the known world. They set up a system of provinical government to then deal with managing the world they conquered, along with a historically novel policy of tolerance towards other peoples and customs.
Eventually Persia recedes in power and the Romans come along and take the old Persian provinicial government structure and improve upon it in various ways.
Rome is very practically minded but is kind of shit when it comes to religion, philosophy, mysticism, etc. so they take a lot from other regions - Persian wisdom, Jewish wisdom, Christianity, Greek wisdom, even Egyptian, they become enraptured with it all.
As Rome collapses, in large part due to European barbarians migrating into it, the Church in Rome begins educating the Europeans and bringing them up into their Christian traditions. This gives the Europeans access to the wealth of the traditions of the East. Christianizing them allowed them to eventually band together in larger numbers - just like Islam united the Muslims, Christianity more or less unites the Europeans. Out of the Church also emanates the beginnings of scientism - Europe's other favorite ideology.

>> No.13768977 [DELETED] 

And this is where Butterfly unfortunately goes full retard. There are demonstratable differences in racial intelligence.

>> No.13769096

keep reading koch brothers propaganda

>> No.13769173

I haven't come across any that's worth a shit. This is a sensitive topic that attracts a lot of pseuds who are interested in skewing the narrative as much as possible.

I'm not sure smaller third world countries housing millions of people today all consider themselves to be shitholes though. How can you when you lack context? Surely not everyone is connected to the internet and exposed to first world life. In other words, the view that they became more shithole over time is just a first world's perspective. As I constantly say on this board: as above, so below—by improving the quality of life somewhere in the world you simultaneously reduce it somewhere else.

>> No.13769358

Not an argument

>> No.13769744
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>Darker skinned people’s inventions leaked out to the “barbarians” of thickly forested Europe.

>> No.13769865
File: 107 KB, 1080x1349, 76B3CC3D-3C18-43BC-B130-2B3441B76F4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He’s never heard of Ancient Mesopotamia or Egypt

>muh capitalism brings love and peace to all!
You’re the one who needs a citation

>> No.13769947

>>More, the flora and fauna, the dietary supplies.
>and how did those things GET THERE TO BEGIN WITH you fucking absolute nigger retard
>this is an extremely feminine minded person with zero rationality or really any good characteristic at all. i think its a bio female

>> No.13769978

>How did whites conquer native Americans so easily?
>They brought them horses and everything

>> No.13770751
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>> No.13770763

>they think ancient Mesopotamians were closer to blacks than whites

>> No.13771084
File: 178 KB, 1280x816, 473561321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in case you didn't know Assyrians rarely bred with non Assyrians for historical reasons, nonetheless they are still really close to other levantine populations.
would you accept these guys as a well cultured men that started civilizations? or are they just some "shitskins"?

>> No.13771358

A lot of it has to do with the fact that european countries got a head start with the invention of guns.
This allowed them to conquer other countries.
Does that necesarily mean that european culture as a whole was superior in every way?
not really.
it just means that one person figured out to put the chinese gun powder in a tube and have it problem lethal lead pebbles.
If that wasnt the case the romans would have colonized asia and africa.

>> No.13771362

My words were “darker skinned” not black.
Upper Nilemen were black and ruled Egypt for a time, but the point is that they were not what the supremacists call white.

>> No.13771928

plus Chinese inventions.

>> No.13772177

This is a good summary

>> No.13773355

unironically Christianity

>> No.13773365

There has been a renaissance period for every race

>> No.13773381

if "dark skin people" had all the knowledge 2000 years ago why didn't they invent modernity 2000 year ago? progressivism, invention, and modernity are ageless shouldn't they be able to create it in the past? why did hey have to wait until whitey gave sense to all those concepts?

>> No.13773405
File: 47 KB, 450x403, Sumo bus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to read some history books.

>> No.13773659
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