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13763624 No.13763624 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for the discussion of texts related to Hermetism, Neoplatonism (in its mystic manifestations), Gnosticism, Kabbalah, Cabala, Angel Magic, Alchemy, Paracelsianism, Boehmeian Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, Illuminism, Swedenborgianism, Mesmerism, as well as the more recent branches of the esoteric tree (Golden Dawn, Traditionalism, Blavatskian Theosophy, e.t.c.).

Recommend books, ask for recommendations, post nice excerpts, ask burning questions, e.t.c.

>> No.13763626

Recommended Reading List [WIP]:
Corpus Hermetica -- Copenhaver
Hermetica II -- Litwa
The Egyptian Hermes -- Fowden
The Eternal Hermes -- Faivre
Thrice-Greatest Hermes -- Mead
>Neoplatonism (in its mystic manifestations)
The Shape of Ancient Thought -- McEvilley
The First Philosophers -- Waterfield
The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library -- Guthrie
Complete Works -- Plato
Complete Works -- Aristotle
Enneads -- Plotinus
Elements of Theology -- Proclus
De mysteriis -- Iamblichus
Commentary on the Dream of Scipio -- Macrobius
Chaldean Oracles - Majercik
The Orphic Hymns -- Athanassakis
Theurgy and the Soul -- Shaw
Philosophy and Theurgy in Late Antiquity -- Uzdavinys
Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth -- Uzdavinys
Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism -- Uzdavinys
>Occult Philosophy:
Western Esotericism -- Hanegraaf
Secret Teaching of All Ages -- Hall
Ancient Philosophy, Mystery, and Magic -- Kingsley
The Occult Philosophy -- Agrippa
Transcendental Magic -- Levi
History of Magic -- Levi
Prometheus and Atlas -- Jorjani
Seven Sermons to the Dead -- Jung
Nag hammadi library
The Gnostic World
Inner Space -- Kaplan
Jewish Meditation -- Kaplan
Meditation and Kabbalah -- Kaplan
Sefer Yetzirah
Etz Chayim
Platonic Theology -- Ficino
Nova de Universis Philosophia -- Patrizi
900 Theses -- Mirandola
Oedipus Aegyptiacus -- Kircher
>Angel Magic:
The Essential Enochian Grimoire -- Leitch
Five Books of Magic -- John Dee
>Grimoire tradition
Techniques of Graeco-Egyptian(/Solomonic) Magic -- Skinner
Encyclopedia Goetica -- Stratton-Kent
PGM -- Betz
Psychology and Alchemy -- Jung
The Hermetic Tradition -- Evola
Alchemical Traditions -- Cheak
The Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus
>Boehmeian Theosophy:
Aurora -- Boehme
The Rosicrucian Enlightenment -- Yates
Rosicrucian Trilogy -- Godwin
Morals and Dogma of etc... -- Pike
The Secret School of Wisdom -- Wages
Heaven and Hell -- Swedenborg
>Blavatskian Theosophy:
Isis Unveiled -- Blavatsky
The Secret Doctrine -- Blavatsky
The Mystic Qabalah -- Fortune
>Golden Dawn:
The Golden Dawn -- Regardie
Magick: Book 4, Liber ABA -- Crowley
The Magickal Revival -- Grant
The Nightside of Eden -- Grant
The Crisis of the Modern World -- Guenon
The Reign of Quantity and Sign of Times -- Guenon

>> No.13763631

deleted previous thread because i forgot the subject, sorry

>> No.13763866

Totally neophyte in this field.
What should I start with?

More interested in alchemy, neoplatonism but go easy on the math, I'm a brainlet, and general hermetism.

>> No.13763889

what do the esoterics think of trannies?
not joking

>> No.13763941
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Stop Being Gnostic, theo-SOPHIST, generic magic and alchemy ain't real, Swedenborg was retarded,
>mesmerism >I
>paracelsism >SHIGGY
>blaaahhhvatsky >DIGGY

>doesn't include Sufism, Illuminationism (as in Suhrawardi), General Mysticism, Pythagoreanism, Orphism (but uses the fucking late Orphic graph that I posted a few months ago), or Egyptian and Chaldean mysteries, or even Giordano Bruno.

>> No.13763946
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Depends on the path you are in. Left hand path and Right hand path are different but both are one and the same in the end, either Truth is your path or you twist Truth for your own benefit. Double edged sword.

>> No.13763959

so trannies have the potential for truth or not by virtue of them being a juxtaposition in themselves

>> No.13763965
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Bruno was the real deal, very few "occultists" will ever achieve his level.

>> No.13763970
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it likely means (discounting 95% of trannys who are just delusional) that their soulmate is a tranny too, but of the other sex

>> No.13763982
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This book is essential if you want to understand the transgender agenda.

>> No.13763991
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>> No.13763999

so the esoterics don't say anything positive about them? i don't understand how is the 'transgender agenda' relevant here

>> No.13764004
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Male and Female being the most divine incarnations of the highest governing order of reality - for our own existence - duality. We are born limited and so we must overcome that limit as all great religions and religious traditions have taught and espoused. The unity of all duality's creates a wholeness, specifically that of the feminine and masculine considering these two principles to be the all encompassing (for humans and most animals and even plants to some degree from memory) when intermingled have this creative effect. Often why artists are shy men, or more effeminate in that area of life. "An artistic man". It is why Jung typed the anima (the feminine within a man) as the archetype of the creative. However that is within the psyche, not the biochemical construction which is our body. For the duality's cannot be unified within that of the physic - being the most immutable of things unlike the psyche - for God hath set man and woman apart and that difference is most present physically. For the body of man to become effeminate will only degenerate himself. He does not gain the boons of both man and woman but instead loses his own. That is why being a trap is gay as told down by the ancients. Any physical succumbing to the other gender is degenerate. Though psychologically and spiritually it is a natural process that everyone goes throughout life. Women become wiser and more rational with age, men become more emotional and giving in to the irrational of life. Among the other duality's. It is just individuation is the making conscious of such process and overextending it to the many other areas of life.

Satanists misunderstand this and so embrace degeneracy in the name of some sort of supposed sexual enlightenment. Though it only really degrades them, it acts as more so an excuse for their sins.

Sorry for explaining this badly today anon I am quite tired.

>> No.13764018
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Sufism in the West is a forced meme created by that fraud Idris Shah... Gotta look to actual Sufis to understand it, but why bother? It is a relatively late way of coping with the brainlessness of Islam.

>> No.13764023

What's with the eyes?

>> No.13764043
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"Esoterics" are just humans too, and you should know good and bad people exist. Androgyny is heavily linked with Satanism, destroying the balance of masculine and feminine principles is part of that agenda. The "trans" agenda.

>> No.13764071

i was talking about natural trans only not androgyny or agendas

>He does not gain the boons of both man and woman but instead loses his own.
true they just move into a third position
>That is why being a trap is gay as told down by the ancients. Any physical succumbing to the other gender is degenerate
that's the best they could do?

>> No.13764076

Sufists are just the descendants of the Neoplatonists who went east after the closing of the academy, they learned their lesson and put on the clothes of Islam to preserve the true tradition.

>> No.13764077

>natural trans

What you mean? Hermaphroditism?

>> No.13764107

maybe but also trans from birth who don't become trans as a result of any environmental conditions

>> No.13764108

>Incel: The Thread

>> No.13764150

That is physically anon, you cannot become more effeminate physically as a man in any positive way, and you cannot become more masculine physically as a woman in any positive way. Psychologically - and therefore spiritually - if a man incorporates his feminine principle (anima) without sacrificing his own masculinity and then that is a positive thing, actually a fantastical action. He is achieving a higher level of enlightenment by transcending his previous existence. There is almost always an Androgynous figure in the many origin story's of religion. The following pattern is an amazing revelation when understood. I shall use two examples Ymir in Norse mythology and Adam in Christianity and Judaism. Midgaurd is created by the destruction of Ymir, by the separation of him by Odin. His various body parts makeup the clouds, the rivers, the land, the sea. This duality is split in creation into male and female and reality, time, made. Adam on the other hand was split into Adam and Eve, and so was the fall of grace, sin and desire became possible, actual necessity's. And so our own existence came into being, came into duality. The eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge is the epitome of all the connotations of this creation as well as of the act itself. The eating of the fruit is the creation, desire, the representation of the potential of sin as well as the sin itself. Eve (being the separation) is the one who gives Adam the fruit, it was creation that did so.

I am not arguing creation was a sin or Evil I am simply espousing these basic truths of religion.

>> No.13764157

>that's the best they could do?
What do you mean?

If you mean what I think you do let me say that there's many more writings on such a topic just that I'm giving a brief explanation from what there beliefs natural conclusions would be. Not expressing their direct views - would take too long.

>> No.13764162

this thread sounds like a bunch of retarded gobbledy gook to me

>> No.13764169

It's pronounced gobble you uncultured swine.

>> No.13764188
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Is known the human genome has over 4000 genetic disorders. For that kind people I can only feel but sympathy, if anything, is those people who should be the spotlight on this issue but they aren't, is the artificial androgynous people view who is becoming dominant and rampant today.
As for an opinion of "esotericists" on "natural trans", I've never come across such thing, a good person will try healing with balance, a bad one will use these disorders for their own selfish gain.

>> No.13764214

So that one may achieve equilibrium, both male and female are necessary. But how is this done? By separating male and female in the beginning, and later joining them at the middle.

When you try to make a woman out of a man, or a man out of a woman, they are, instead of integrating their polar opposite, rejecting their initial configuration. Equilibrium will never be achieved, as these people are literally crippling themselves psychologically, for inasmuch as they deprive themselves of their natural gender they shall only be able to mimic their desired gender.

What happens, then? Since one cannot castrate one's own mind without consequence, the silenced pole will actually strongly will to scream. Whilst one tries to suffocate their original gender, they are actually going against nature. The tendencies of that gender will be pushed away from waking consciousness and will manifest itself violently in dreams... and in events of great emotionality. They will lose control of their own tendencies, and will be actually dominated by them.

This isn't to say that they are incapable of achieving a good material life, but they will live a life of great psychological torment. All planes of existence must be symmetric if we wish to find equilibrium. The without must be like the within, and vice-versa. Going trans is destroying this possibility.

This isn't to say that we should kill trans people. Would you kill the sick? No, you wouldn't. You would treat them. However, our current political scenario caters to the ideology that we should accept trans as "healthy".

We may someday accept it as normal, as we have with many things dreadful, but it will never be healthy, just as obesity isn't healthy, or diabetes, or eating cheetos for breakfast.

>> No.13764218
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I'm aware balance should be that which everyone seeks. And now that you brough Genesis, the battle between Cain and Abel was about achieving and keeping balance on the brain but Cain killed Abel and gave rise to a brain imbalance.
Also when Thor fights the Frost Giants, it's about fighting because you Care, the Frost Giants represent Coldness and Carelessness and Thor fights them to bring back Care and Balance.

>> No.13764220

the "late orphic graph" is work from a theosophist you dabbler

>> No.13764226

I recommend a historical overview. Hall's Secret Teachings is decent but a bit dry and dated. Hanegraaf's Western Esotericism has really good historiography but has a few blindspots. Both of these works should explicate the basics of mystical philosophy and its spread in the west.

For neoplatonism, Uzdavinys has a decent intro volume of excerpts called The Golden Chain, provides some pythagoreans stuff too. Remes and Wallis also have books on the subject, called Neoplatonism both, providing broad overviews of the neoplatonic system, the latter more in depth. Dillon has a series of reading that goes a bit more in depth than Uzdavinys but eventually you just have to hunker down and read the primary sources.

For alchemy, the hermetica is of course important. Also, in addition to the three books in the list above under alchemy, analytic studies really, Taschen's Alchemy and Mysticism is a nifty volume with a good deal of illustrations and authentic texts.

Bruno would be good to put under occult philosophy.

I think science is more important for answering that question. But hey do what thou wilt. If you wanna be a trap then go for it. Ain't nothing wrong with being gay. Just don't hide it and repress it.

>> No.13764242

>We may someday accept it as normal, as we have with many things dreadful, but it will never be healthy, just as obesity isn't healthy, or diabetes, or eating cheetos for breakfast.
Just as the diabetic must take insulin, or the insane must take antipsychotics, the trans seem to feel helped by hormones. Who are we to deny them? They are not normal but the medicine does treat partially.

>> No.13764276

Yeah, I don't know jack shit. I'm just LARPing.

However, I do really think that indulging transexuality may not always be the best idea.

>> No.13764281

I would like to know of resources to learn astrology. I considered reading Max Heindel, but after reading Guenon I see that he too fell to the spiritist meme and I sorta lost my respect

>> No.13764315

Try Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos if you want the primary source of western astrology.

>> No.13764353

From birth to adulthood everyone experience this same religious fall from grace, the ego consciousness develops forth from the unconscious structures, from the collective unconscious. The boy is born wise and of balance and becomes less wise and one sided throughout life. He also becomes more masculine. Psychologically it can be done, and has to be done for spiritual enlightenment however if done by degeneracy it will fail.

Cring and bluepilled anon, hah just joking with ya. Would you further explain your neurological understanding of the Genesis story of Cane and Abel? I am aware of the many biological representations in the Bible but I did not know it was present within this story. Though your view on what the Ice Giants represents seems a bit normy, and don't tale offence to that we're men we debate. I mean I don't see anything in Thor - in what you'r saying - that can be understood better than him as the heroic. And your understanding of what Frost Giants represents seems more so just like their emotional connotation to man as cold and evil and harsh rather than just that simply being the form of the evil beings to further determine something else. Some more about their innate nature in relation to the Origin story and in juxtaposition to the Gods. Which does not have to extrapolate their meaning as anything greater than just simply the age old "monster" without meaning beyond a very basic instinctive understanding of fear.

>> No.13764379

well then what about a celibate tranny

>> No.13764427

both esotericism and trannies have a high correlation with Autism

>> No.13764434
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> Would you further explain your neurological understanding of the Genesis story of Cane and Abel?
Is Manly P Hall understanding.
>Though your view on what the Ice Giants represents seems a bit normy
Occultist allegories are so simple yet so complex and mystified that's why it's called "occultism" because of its obscurantism nature in the way they are delivered.

>> No.13764469

Just because they don't engage in sexual acts doesn't mean they aren't physically degenerate/further degenerating themselves. But first define a tranny, do they have to have an operation? Want to be a female? Identify already as a female? Willing to have homosexual intercourse while dressed as a woman? Or just dress as one?

>Is Manly P Hall understanding.
Haven't read him yet but am not entirely trusting of him either, it's like after all these years why do Freemasons just let this one jew spill the beans? Funny how Elvis was big into the Occult and figures like Hall as well as Christian. I guess it's how he somewhat is said to have cast a spell over his audience, just one of those powerful and spiritually magnificent figures. But back on Hall I have only read a bit of the basic ideas of Kabbalah, haven't touched Freemasonry almost at all. Currently reading a fair big of philosophy and religion and various texts so it will be difficult to to start that anytime soon could you give me a quick rundown of Halls understanding of it.

>Occultist allegories are so simple yet so complex and mystified that's why it's called "occultism" because of its obscurantism nature in the way they are delivered.

I agree with you in partiality however I do also think you are missing the point, this isn't one of those masterfully simple things such as Hegel's dialectic nature of history or Plato's world of ideas. It's just a basic understanding of "le monsty represents harshness" when really they 'are' that harshness so to speak and so it isn't really adding anything. As I said before at best it more so seems to supply a meaning of where they are placed, not actually who they are since they are ultimately no different from a typical monster or giant myth. And when I say the identity of where they are I mean in juxtaposition to the Gods as well as their cosmological location.

And do you ever feel like everything's spinning? Suddenly reality just turns its camera view. Currently happening now and it has happened since I was a child most often when I was laying in bed still the bed would start spinning. I would further engage in it because I found it fun as a kid but no clue what it is.

>> No.13764480

Thanks, I'll start with your recommendation and see from there.

>> No.13764486

Genesis P. Orridge is an occult tranny

>> No.13764523

a born male with an inclination of varying levels towards feminine and i guess vice versa
sure they biologically want to have some kinda sex but so does a monk and they intentionally supress it

by the degeneration argument would a female to male trans be seen as a improving themselves?

>> No.13764542

You're welcome. Start with Hanegraaf over Hall, IMO. Feel free to skim and skip around if you do read Hall. I am skeptical of masons like >>13764469 also says but it is an important text.

>> No.13764604

>a born male with an inclination of varying levels towards feminine and i guess vice versa
Kek that's not a trap anon, that's just an effeminate guy and a masculine woman. Which doesn't mean they will necessarily be biologically effeminate and masculine in each's respective.

>by the degeneration argument would a female to male trans be seen as a improving themselves?
Doesn't the belief that man is superior to woman destroy any attempt at duality anon? They are equal through difference. Just as the great philosopher and artist are equal by a difference.

>> No.13764643

i said varying levels to include everyone
also weather or not they identify as females and go through with some surgical societal transformation depends upon environmental conditions

>> No.13765075

>also weather or not they identify as females and go through with some surgical societal transformation depends upon environmental conditions
But isn't it necessary for them to dress up as female to be a trap at the very least? If there's just an effeminate guy you can't just say "you'r a fag" because there are differences. Besides you'd be excluding most of 4chin considering most are effeminate.