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File: 8 KB, 192x262, Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13762542 No.13762542 [Reply] [Original]

>Christianity conquered the entire planet and established a global world order?
>no it's weak and it made us weak
>just believe in yourself and be strong bro
How did such a brainlet ever become this hyped?

>> No.13762551

Masterful rhetoric desu

>> No.13762555

That's rather an oversimplification and mischaracterization of his position

>> No.13762575

>Christianity conquered the entire planet
But it didn't.
>established a global world order
But there already was one.

>> No.13762587

He is right is his conclusion about nihilism, and the fact that the refection of Truth leads to it.
And he is right is some of his critique of the psedo Christianity he had there.

>> No.13762592
File: 24 KB, 592x329, 18HANNIBAL3-tmagArticle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why Nietzsche said it was a slave revolt of the weak against the strong. In the classical era the world was ruled by groups of strong men who dominated over the weaker masses. Those weaker masses and slaves developed cunning and intelligence to defeate the strong by developing their inverted morality which they pushed on the strong by way of guilt and theology. Now the strong are subjugated under the masses and anyone who attempts to assert strength is labeled as evil and repressed.

So yes, the collective intelligence of the weak masses eventually after many centuries dethroned the reign of the solitary strong. Of course the final outcome of the morality the weak used to destroy the strong only leads to nihilism and antinatalism.

>> No.13762601

>How did such a brainlet ever become this hyped?
Unironically by mistaking poetry for philosophy.

>> No.13762631

random computer-christian insecure about the use of the word weak

>> No.13762846

Christianity and its morals are not a person or people, anon. The weak are also subjugated by their own system, they simply wield it to bring others down to their level.

>> No.13762970

it's kinda of
>you do you, just be yourself
what's so hard to understand?

>> No.13762973

Christianity does make people weak in more ways than one. It makes them morally, spiritually, intellectually, and physically weak. They can't defend christianity using reasonable arguments and they're all about turning the other cheek, which makes them apathetic toward evil, and evil themselves.

>> No.13763004

>established a global world order?
I thought it was the Jews who did that?

>> No.13763008

>bedbugs have spread globally
>cockroaches have spread globally
>therefore, bedbugs and cockroaches GOOD

How are you such a brainlet.

>> No.13763014


It literally did

>> No.13763019

a cosmology that puts value on forgiveness is always going to be more effective at spreading
newsflash: we aren't super heroes. even the best of us make mistakes. this idea that you're some integrated whole "thing" is obviously false and individualists are more deluded than christians in this way

allowing for forgiveness will make you see things as they are: fractured. it will allow you to fracture and rebuild from destruction. a non-forgiving actor will eventually explode like dynamite with nothing to rebuild from

>> No.13763048

>Analogy with food

>> No.13763062

>If it's popular it's good

He even said he admires how much influence it's had, maybe if you dig a little deeper than a school of life video you'll answer your own questions

>> No.13763077

>power is good
>christian civilization the strongest in human history
>"christianity is so weak!!"

Netizchetards just keep coping and spiraling. Gaygans and Nietzcucks will never be able to explain this

>> No.13763078


>> No.13763101

Attributing too much to Christianity. Also ambiguous meaning of 'power' in this context.

>> No.13763103
File: 246 KB, 1200x1200, napoleon-i-9420291-2-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Of course the final outcome of the morality the weak used to destroy the strong only leads to nihilism and antinatalism.

The triumph of the weak or average man is actually a racial progress. Humanity will become a mass mind capable of works far greater than any free individual could hope to achieve. The mass mind will move humanity off of this earth, perhaps into another dimension.

This does not mean there is no reason to lament the end of the age of the free individual, the bold but archaic leaders. For in their own time they felt the privilege and freedom of Gods, which no future form of humankind will ever know again.

>> No.13763112

Many bad things are popular.

>> No.13763118

So Xtians are commies. Gotcha.

>> No.13763128

>not eating cockroaches

>> No.13763146

Nietzsche was a retarded edgefag. If the weak man is able to triumph over the strong, then he is no longer weak. He's all about the will to power and amorality but then only advocates the will to power of a specific group.

>> No.13763168

>advocates will to power and the ubermensch creating a new morality
>Christians literally occupying the world's highest positions for centuries
>it's weak!!!!!

>> No.13763172


And do they still today?

>> No.13763187

>If the weak man is able to triumph over the strong, then he is no longer weak.

The weak do not triumph over the strong by more fully exercising their power, but by using their power combined to alienate the strong from the fulfillment of their power and reducing them to the level of the weak. It is the triumph of a lower type of power through the sabotage of a higher type.

If the enslaved are to actually raise themselves beyond the level of the master and more fully exercise their will to power it is not a triumph of the slave but a becoming, an overcoming, and the birth of new masters.

>> No.13763189

My god christfags are retarded. Christianty "being on top of the world" wasnt because of the christian mans elevation to power, but rather the decline of others. Christians spread their morality by virtue of infecting others with guilt and the need for salvation from their suffering, not through conquest by force. That and their tendency to operate as a collective herd is why N hates them.

>> No.13763192

>The weak do not triumph over the strong by more fully exercising their power, but by using their power combined to alienate the strong from the fulfillment of their power and reducing them to the level of the weak. It is the triumph of a lower type of power through the sabotage of a higher type.
This is retarded. If they are able to fool the strong into making mistakes, than that is totally legitimate.
It's like saying that in war deception is wrong. In war everything is legit. The only thing that matters is victory, no matter how it is achieved.
>Nietzsche: Morality is a spook yo! Good and evil don't exist.
>Also Nietzsche: Let me tell you what constitutes the "higher type".

>> No.13763195

You're retarded. It's like saying: "You only won because the other lost!" Well, no shit Sherlock, that's how it goes.

>> No.13763204

Most of the world was literally converted by force you drooling retard

>T-they didn’t win!.... the others just lost!!
The mental illness of gaygans and nietzcucks

>> No.13763210
File: 364 KB, 601x635, 3E3218F6-CCB5-4EF0-9CB0-3BD14D030ED1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13763234

There is a difference between winning a fight by beating another person through force, and winning a fight by convincing another person to surrender.

>> No.13763242

The only difference in both cases is whether you're right or wrong.

>> No.13763244

m8 you're the one who came here asking to be argued with

>> No.13763249

Think of the world as a forest. Which is the best plant? The one who is the tallest? The one who has the most mass? The one with the deepest roots? The one that survives the longest? The one who has the prettiest colors?
It's a silly question because you can see the forest for what it is: a whole ecosystem with plants, some emerging, some disappearing, some flourishing and some atrophying. The winners and losers are only of importance to some kind of nebbish bookkeeper, the real miracle is happening in the striving itself and the "victory" of some plants is just a fleeting moment of a kind of state, a snapshot of an ecosystem

>> No.13763250

Eat your bugs, bro!

>> No.13763257
File: 486 KB, 1186x889, Germans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13763271

Rome destroyed itself
The catholic church is evil and corrupt
Marx was a jew
WW1 wasn't caused by Germany
and look where losing WW2 brought us.

>> No.13763275

I think you are looking at power wrong. You see only a balance of power. To cause the powerful to err is a strategic victory for the weak, but it is not the overcoming of the strong, but the exploiting vulnerabilities of the strong. There is a loss of net power. Of course this is often the weak's only means of self-assertion, it may well be a dignified act to destroy the strong in such a way. But on a mass scale it is a mass limiting and degeneration of individual power, it is the sublimation of the volatile strong into the equilibrium of the mass mind, mass morality, average man.

I could go on, but not only is it clear you have failed to follow the argument thus far you're now making recourse to judgements of right and wrong so you are actually taking us backwards.

>> No.13763288
File: 88 KB, 853x480, 1475267542958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not including Merkel

>> No.13763290

The intitial spread of christianity happened through the apostles teaching as they traveled, it wasnt conquest by force but the teaching and conversion of people.
The spread of christianity in rome wasnt through force either, christians were an oppressed group early on and had to hold meetings in secrecy. Of course everything changed with the conversion of constantine. But the point is that christianitys early spread happened mainly through conversion or the hijacking of already existing empires, in contrast to say genghis khans conquest which was entirely through force.

>> No.13763293

I stand corrected. At last I see.

>> No.13763294


>> No.13763296

What does my example have anything to do with right or wrong ?

>> No.13763303

Christianity lost its grip on the world order just like pagan societies once did. It is just weakness now as far as the modern man is concerned.

>> No.13763304

There is no difference. Victory is victory, defeat is defeat. There's nothing else.

>> No.13763312

The reason why we have Christianity is because of the mad Roman emperor Tiberius. What if Rome had a sensible emperor succeeding Augustus?

>> No.13763315

A strong player would simply use his heroic brain and upgrade a parasitic relationship into a mutualistic one.

>> No.13763350

Thats a retarded oversimplification. Sure both can scenarios have a victor and a loser, but the means through which that came to be is different. If you wanna ignore nuance and look at the results only then go ahead, but i believe that taking into considerations the cause for why such a state of affairs came to be is important as well.

>> No.13763923
File: 101 KB, 785x731, 1554645348243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's rather an oversimplification and mischaracterization of his position

>> No.13764814

Do you honestly think he never thought of this? read his books retard

>> No.13764851

This very much. I like how you put it.

>> No.13764862

project, seethe, cringe, etc

>> No.13764949

Art and culture in general have declined into almost total destitution. Our modern cities are ugly and modeled for efficiency everything around us is ugly. For the first time in human history children are making up the majority of our suicide cases and the number keeps rising. Mass industry creates machines to sustain the masses but the only purpose any of them can find is to attend the machines. The global western consciousness has slipped into an endless nihilism. All our society yearns for is it's own destruction.