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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 59 KB, 299x450, 9780143133148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13754353 No.13754353 [Reply] [Original]

How dark is this and how deep is gonna fuck me up? Should I just stay away from it since I'm already half foot into existential crisis?

>> No.13754384

I already bought it and dunno if I feel like starting it coz wanna keep depression at bay but at the same time the hunger for truths about the human conditon is always lurking in me

>> No.13754438

There was one ray of hope in that book regarding people who he mentions have undergone a change in brain states, and relief from anxiety, such as John Wren-Lewis, UG Krishnamurti, etc., although it happened by accident, but there are a number of people who report these experiences after having attended satsangs and actually 'seeking' enlightenment.

>> No.13754441

Do you honestly think that senile boomer could conjure up a more depressive word view than the average delude internet autist?

>> No.13754474

I dont know about JWL, but UG was a Zen master more than anything, really. He was a spiritual practitioner for most of his life and when he stopped searching he found 'it'. When you listen closely to what he says, him saying it was completely unrelated to anything he did before, him saying it was a freak accident and nothing else, is just a radical way to express the counterproductiveness of attachment of any sort, especially to awakening itself. I like him a lot but I think his teachings are only for a few select group of people who come from a particular background.

>> No.13754621


>I think his teachings are only for a few select group of people who come from a particular background
You mean materialists?

>> No.13754753

Ultimately it's a mental model even if it's fairly convincing. If your mind is in a good place it shouldn't harm you. If your mind is in a bad place I reckon it could drive you to suicide.

"We're all biological automatons and our consciousness is basically just a side-effect of an evolutionary arms race. Any notion of meaning is you imposing your feel-good chemical rose-tinted glasses on the world. The world doesn't care and it's all ultimately meaningless. Anyone trying to convince you otherwise is just high on their own supply, trying to fulfill their duty as a biological replicating machine, trying to recruit you to their cause"

I believe that's the gist of it

>> No.13754766

Buy the ticket, take the ride.

>> No.13754809

It didn't fuck me up at all. Just another book filled with nihilistic ramblings by a depressed academic so typical of our age.

>> No.13754824

The only thing I took out from it was a somewhat special way to look at the genre of horror.

>> No.13755338

Indeed. Just more ramblings by some godless lunatic. Heed them not and carry on if you so wish

>> No.13755359

Read Cioran. Go all the way.

>> No.13755361

If that's all this book is, I can take it off my list, been taking that shit as part n parcel since highschool.

>> No.13755379

Comments like this make me feel like the demiurge is harassing me personally. I was just looking around online earlier today to maybe buy something to read from him, but couldn't decide what to get.

>> No.13755918

He is actually mildly funny and self aware. I read him while having pretty intense depressive episodes and he made me feel mildly better.

>> No.13755950

enlightenment is an accident. the idea of a practice making you more "accident prone" has been argued ad nauseam

>> No.13755976

Below Reddit-tier

>> No.13755981

>"We're all biological automatons and our consciousness is basically just a side-effect of an evolutionary arms race. Any notion of meaning is you imposing your feel-good chemical rose-tinted glasses on the world. The world doesn't care and it's all ultimately meaningless. Anyone trying to convince you otherwise is just high on their own supply, trying to fulfill their duty as a biological replicating machine, trying to recruit you to their cause"
In short, baby's first venture into nihilism? Seems like it'd impress normies, but I reckon most of /lit/ is already through and beyond this.

>> No.13755987

These practices don't disagree. People just seem to misunderstand that a state of equanimity, and a practice of exhausting the mind and thinking are nevertheless conducive towards awakening. Kensho is not rare in Zen for these reasons.

>> No.13756028

even normies should know better. its just the materialist worldview , what most people already believe whether they can express it well or not

>> No.13756049

>even normies should know better. its just the materialist worldview
Fair point. The real step upward is acknowledging and overcoming the materialist worldview.

>> No.13756292

look at this meat puppet

>> No.13756314
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so Camus?

>> No.13756723
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Id be pretty butthurt if i looked like this too

>> No.13756759
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>> No.13756865
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that's one of the better pictures of him too

>> No.13756868

looks like a heifer

>> No.13756889

>franklin the turtle can't get some good ol in and out because he's ugly as shit and tries to overcompensate by writing pseudo philosophical drivel on how akshually sex is bad ok

>> No.13756897

you hit the proverbial nail on the fucking head, anon.

>> No.13756905

>Don't talk to me or my nightmare of being ever again

>> No.13756927

>"We're all biological automatons and our consciousness is basically just a side-effect of an evolutionary arms race. Any notion of meaning is you imposing your feel-good chemical rose-tinted glasses on the world. The world doesn't care and it's all ultimately meaningless. Anyone trying to convince you otherwise is just high on their own supply, trying to fulfill their duty as a biological replicating machine, trying to recruit you to their cause"

The amount of unverifiable beliefs and assumptions implicit in this worldview is tremendous. What's funny is how it pretends to be theory-neutral or unbiased and accuses anyone with a contrary view point of having rose-colored glasses.

Le Low-Test Face.

Why do atheists see suffering as a problem or somehow cosmically unfair and worse than pleasure? If the world is meaningless then suffering is value neutral, it's like complaining that there's more Purple flowers than Red Flowers...Atheists and Nihilists have no grounds to judge anything or make statements about the meaning of things, they have lobotomized themselves.

>> No.13756967

How does someone learn to recognize something like this?

>> No.13756993

Eh, he just aged badly. Might have been quite a qt in his youth, before putting on all that lard. Those eyes are really expressive.

>> No.13756994

mad chinlet?

>> No.13757127

So you're saying his worldview is born ultimately from his terrible particular cirmustances that he tried to generalize to the whole human condition?

>> No.13757279
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it's a woman
acknowledging, yes, overcoming? no
>If the world is meaningless then suffering is value neutral
From a philosophical non-human perspective maybe, from a human perspective (one you can't escape) suffering is not value neutral.

>> No.13757324

If you find Ligotti depressive you ain't going to go far in life; it's babby tier nihilism.

>> No.13757355

ok, what are some deeper down the rabbit hole authors?

>> No.13757667 [DELETED] 

It isn't meant to be taken seriously at all. It's just supposed to be a wall of noise of bleakness, the ultimate horror story.

>> No.13757695

It isn't meant to be taken seriously at all. Ligotti was just attempting to create the ultimate horror story, a wall of noise of bleakness with references to more serious philosophy sprinkled in to spook you even more.

>> No.13757702

>it's babby tier nihilism.

as opposed to nihilism for mature grown-ups?

>> No.13757960

Liggotti tier antinatalism is what you read when you run out of Rick and Morty merchandise to spend your neetbux on

>> No.13758019

I think this works pretty well as a summarized source of pessimistic philosophy up to the current year from a weird fiction author that is known for being an antinatal and nihilistic hardliner. Unless I’m mistaken, TL was one of the first to introduce Zapffe as another major source for English readers.

I’m a pretty big TL fan, but when I read this again (on audiobook) I was kinda over it. It’s so relentless that I kept saying to myself, “Alright dude, I fucking get it, life sucks.”

My buddies and I have started to refer to Ligotti as the Morrissey of weird fiction.

>> No.13758039

>"We're all biological automatons and our consciousness is basically just a side-effect of an evolutionary arms race. Any notion of meaning is you imposing your feel-good chemical rose-tinted glasses on the world. The world doesn't care and it's all ultimately meaningless. Anyone trying to convince you otherwise is just high on their own supply, trying to fulfill their duty as a biological replicating machine, trying to recruit you to their cause"

>> No.13758221

You know what hurts the most? The lack of a definitive answer on the great themes of life. Today it seems like every perspective is equally valid and/or relative. Nihilism? Ok. Antinatalism? Ok. Theism? Ok. Atheism? Ok. Gnosticism? Ok. God isn't real? Checkmate you cant prove it. God is real? Checkmate you can't either.
The individual is left alone in finding HIS answers.. And this is both a blessing and a curse, the former because each has their repsonsbility, the latter because no one seem superior or definitive over another. I'm not the kind to resolve this uncertainty by taking refuge in an ideology or another, so I stagger in this endless panorama of perspectives, reading everyone and trusting no one.
There is no institution or authority that cares about the individual's search for answer because we live in a society far removed from our ancient environment, whose main objective is turning people into consumer and whose economic values permeate every corner. So i drift from book to book, philosophy to philosophy, like a bird nesting in a different place every season, as the crude flow of time continues and i finally drop as clueless as when I started.

>inb4 cringe

>> No.13758288

I enjoy Ligotti's fiction, but I thought TCATHR was shit.

>> No.13759739

this obviously isn't ligotti
it's interesting that antinatalists all look like this though

>> No.13759955
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>The amount of unverifiable beliefs and assumptions implicit in this worldview is tremendous.
Not really. Those are fairly reasonable assumptions; at the very least they're much more reasonable and empirically grounded than Christian dogmas or any other form of theism. That humans are basically biological machines has been clear ever since anatomy became a thing. We have plenty of empirical evidence of the fact that our bodies work like machines, and yet there is very little evidence (if any) of the existence of some immaterial soul as upheld by the theists. That the world is meaningless is another reasonable assumption; the burden of proof is on those who claim there actually is a meaning, and judging from the very diverse attempts at finding meaning that occurred throughout human history (and how they all ultimately failed) it seems very reasonable to assume there might be no meaning after all.

>What's funny is how it pretends to be theory-neutral or unbiased and accuses anyone with a contrary view point of having rose-colored glasses.
If you had actually read the book you would have noticed that Ligotti himself points out how he is not trying to proselytize and convert people to antinatalism. He believes books like his own are in demand only among a restricted circle of people with pessimistic tendencies. He does realize some people have a pessimist bias, and he himself is not unbiased. The fact taht to his eyes any optimist is wearing rose-colored glasses is an inevitable result of his bias, just as all optimists believe that pessimists are wearing gray-colored glasses.

>Why do atheists see suffering as a problem or somehow cosmically unfair and worse than pleasure?
Because avoiding pain and seeking pleasure seems to be part of our programming as biological machines. No matter how self-aware we become, we still seem to obey our basic programming, just as all stones obey gravity and never refuse to fall to the ground.

>> No.13760050
File: 150 KB, 198x328, 1481323359682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God isn't real? Checkmate you cant prove it. God is real? Checkmate you can't either
Do you feel the need to prove that fairies do NOT exist? I do not understand why people say things like "You can't prove that God doesn't exist!" No shit, Sherlock: is there anything that we can prove to be non-existent? The only reasonable way to go about it is to assume that something does not exist until proven otherwise, just as we assume that a suspect is innocent until proven guilty. The juvenile attempt by theists to turn the tables on the atheist by reversing the burden of proof is ludicrous. If we applied to everything these absurd standards for asserting non-existence then we would never be able to deny the existence of anything and we would be reduced to an awkward form of scepticism in which we would always wonder whether or not there is a fairy or a unicorn hiding in a bush over there. Yet theists usually don't suspend judgement on the existence of such fantastical creatures, they pick and choose and they only apply to God these stringent standards of proving non-existence.

>> No.13760215


>> No.13760411

>empirically grounded
>empirical evidence
>very little evidence

yeah, do you think it is a coincidence that when all humanity's endeavor was directed to understand reality all modern aberrations were basically non-existent?

>> No.13760432
File: 12 KB, 281x425, 9781138876309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related was in a way even scarier, because it's in an academic format, but says roughly the same thing; if you want to be a normally functioning person you have to constantly delude yourself and believe in things to cope with life.

>> No.13760439

>we're all biological automatons

stopped there, its stuff like this that makes me wonder if this book isnt just some elaborate form of horror philosophy. That is, the idea of determinism is itself terrifying and perfect as a subject of a horror writer. But is itself so self-contradictory and nonsensical that it cant be believed seriously.

>> No.13760441

It's not as heavy a book as people make it seem. It makes a strong case about the curse of consciousness and antinatalism, but isn't as soul-crushing or depressing as, say, Journey to the End of the Night or other doomer literature. It actually has moments of absurd humour, believe it or not.

>> No.13760459

>>empirically grounded
>I don't care for empirical evidence and only believe in fairy tales

>> No.13760466

>But is itself so self-contradictory and nonsensical that it cant be believed seriously.
What makes it self-contradictory in your opinion?

>> No.13760474

empiricist retard

>> No.13760483

It's been over a 100 years since Nietzsche now and people still haven't grasped it. We are biological automatons, machines, but there is nothing deterministic about it. Biology just is. Nature is spontaneous, and only as a truly natural being can you create your own freedom, and overcome the determination which lies not in nature, but your own thought.

>> No.13760525
File: 70 KB, 480x608, 103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're all biological automatons and our consciousness is basically just a side-effect of an evolutionary arms race.

I think its a contradictory viewpoint that relies mostly on (ironically) wishful thinking to be believed. A determinist has no basis to even think they have a self or that they can think in any meaningful way. Nobody can really make any forceful argument for determinism, its just radical skepticism.

>> No.13760526

>I'll call him names and that will prove my point!
You sure showed me.

>> No.13760550

>i can apprehend non-empirical knowledge through empirical methodology

it is like trying to explain to a dog that what he perceives is but a small portion of a still lesser reality

>> No.13760567

Because its tiresome, you literally presume empiricism to be true and then go on a spiel about what is "reasonable". Of course there isn't going to be empirical evidence of the soul, the soul is an immaterial concept.

>> No.13760568

I'm riddled with ennui and it made me laugh when I read it, I think people overrate how "dangerous" this book is. It's mostly just a popular explication of Schopenhauer, Zaffe, Metzinger and some others with a bit of lit crit thrown in.

>> No.13760572

>A determinist has no basis to even think they have a self or that they can think in any meaningful way.
Why? Computers can work in a deterministic universe, so we might just as well be able to think. And if you think we can't have a self under determinism, then under what circumstances we could have it?

>Nobody can really make any forceful argument for determinism, its just radical skepticism.
I don't think it is skepticism. A determinist believes in the uniformity of nature and in the possibility of empirical induction. Those are positive statements and a genuine skeptic would doubt them, whereas determinists accept them as true, even if some of them may accept them only with some qualifications and reservations. Also, can we make any forceful argumen in favor of indeterminism?

>> No.13760582


>> No.13760589

>Of course there isn't going to be empirical evidence of the soul, the soul is an immaterial concept.
But what other intersubjective ground do we have for knowledge besides empirical evidence? Any rationalistic or spirtitualist attempt at "proving" some proposition through non-empirical methods always comes off as solipsism. And even though it is a meme, it is still a fact that empirical science just "works", whereas when it comes to non-empirical doctrines there are dozens of them but none of them seem to produce anything worthwhile besides a pretension of "understanding" alleged "higher truths" far removed from empiricism.

>> No.13760724

>computers can work in a deterministic universe
thats just begging the question because you believe humans are merely biological computers. How would you know computers can work in a deterministic universe when you might not actually be in one?

We can have a self in a universe where there are really existing immaterial concepts. If mind or intellect is something that is real, like the radio signal to a radio then we have a basis for consciousness and free will.

>A determinist believes in the uniformity of nature and the possibility of empirical induction

I agree they do tend to believe that, my point is that if they were really honest about it they would admit they have no basis to say they "believe" anything. How can a computer believe something?

It doesn't have to be either-or. We rely on empirical evidence to know a lot of things. But to say that it is the only ground for knowledge doesn't work. Did you come to know that through empirical evidence? You actually rely on a whole bunch of unjustified beliefs about what "works" and what is good or bad evidence for things that are all non-empirical.

>> No.13760947

>kind of a cool fiction book
>shitty philosophical arguments

>hurr durr existential solipsism but also everything is determined by the cosmos
It doesn't resist a serious philosophical analysis, beyond performative wankery.

>> No.13760966

Why do so many find this materialism/nihilism/determinism yada yada more "existentially terrifying" than solipsism? Solipsism is my demon. There is no way out of one's own head. Whatever the self actually is, or if it exists, all I know is what I experience personally and every single day I have instances of synchronicity that force me to believe that this experience I'm going through, life, is tailored to be my own deeply personal hell. Layers upon layers of doubt and cosmic mockery constantly shaming me for my paranoia and weakness but so damn convincing that I can't fight it off. Claustrophobic inside myself. I feel like I'm being waterboarded. Talking to other people is unbearable for the questions it raises in me, and even while knowing what "delusions of reference" are I cannot defeat them. At the same time, I am filled with the urge to grab people and shake them and scream in their faces and demand to know if they are real or not. Is this all their is? When I die, will the veil be lifted? I imagine a scene like the ending of the Wizard of Oz, where the true forms of all the people from my life will gather around me and maybe the nature and purpose of this nightmare will be made clear.

How do other people deal with this... feeling like a "biological automaton" sounds so nice. I feel like I am the universe torturing itself.

>> No.13761265

No philosopher has ever shown indeterminism is needed for epistemic justification. Brainlets love to make the argument that determinism undermines knowledge, but the truth is that a cognitive apparatus that is unreliable won’t produce justified beliefs just because you add indeterminism into the mix, and a cognitive apparatus that reliably produces justified true beliefs doesn’t need “free will”, whatever the fuck that means, to be justified in trusting its cognition.

>> No.13761355

They wouldn't want me telling you this, but you're right, they put you in here for a reason, and it pisses them off somewhat that you know it, it affects the whole experiment. Either way, they're not going to let you out. You know what you have to do.

>> No.13761382

weirdly enough, this doesn't phase me very much beyond the fact that no one will explain to me how they manage to not feel the way i do

>> No.13761390 [DELETED] 

These experiences of synchronicity are fabricated delusions by your own perception of reality. They're part of many schizo disorders and constitute not phil

>> No.13761399


>> No.13761400

These experiences of synchronicity are fabricated delusions by your own perception of reality. They're part of many schizo disorders and constitute not philosophical insights but psycho-pathological symptoms. You are the universe torturing itself, because you are YOUR universe torturing itself. This does not mean solipsism is correct, but only that you are your own frame of reference. Seek psychological and/or spiritual help. I'm serious.

>> No.13761424

look at these dubs and tell me some more how i'm supposed to just be fine with this experience. i have been to therapy and the hospital in several contexts and heard it all before, but nothing helps, and i still feel mocked by the inanity of people telling me over and over to just be fine when my experience tells me otherwise.

>> No.13761434

didn't even see my own dubs, wow.

>> No.13761441

You're not just fine, obviously. Are you not medicated? If yes and that still doesn't help, honestly, go seek some spiritual guidance from a wise yogi or Buddhist meditation master. I've heard of cases like yours before that were resolved through intense practice.

>> No.13761443

And just for reference, you don't see any of us losing our minds over dubs in a 4chan thread. That should point you to the ridiculousness of your own mind's operations and how it malfunctions at assigning meaning.

>> No.13761445

lmao maybe you're right

>> No.13761458

if this is ligotti it's insanely brainlet to care what other people look like

>> No.13761473

This. I've been thinking about this lately. The loneliness of human condition is dreadful. I feel like a worm writhing at the bottom of a pit. How can I ever connect with any other being? How is that everybody carry their lifes without meditating about this? Reading Pessoa is making me going insane.

>> No.13761497

it's because other people don't get lost in their own self created neurotic delusions but instead open up to the world and experience it freely

>> No.13761504

im aware that im not the first "schizoposter" to say shit like this about dubs, i know that i'm a living meme, which in itself feels like a cheeky little cosmic wink-wink-nudge-nudge. it is just enough of a pinch to be infuriatingly in-my-face. i want an answer that isn't drugs or just refusal to participate in worldly life. tried taoism and some hindu stuff, various attempts at syncretic neopagan practices. the rare occasions when i can calm down enough and have free, alone time to lose myself in playing guitar or reading beautiful things are the only moments when the spiritual sensation changes from "in flames" to "falling from the building but hey its kinda like im flying"... for any of you DFW fans.

Cioran and Yeats are soothing.

>> No.13761505

Well, I was thinking more along Nietzsche, but sure. Camus is good as well.

>> No.13761519

anons need some of that Gay Science

>> No.13761711
File: 60 KB, 934x625, doublesguy10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think that was crazy? check these puppies out

>> No.13761851


>> No.13761861

Very bland materialism

>> No.13761919

the dubs that rocked the very foundations of my beliefs


>> No.13761954

>thats just begging the question because you believe humans are merely biological computers. How would you know computers can work in a deterministic universe when you might not actually be in one?
You're being disingenuous. If you understand what determinism means and how computers work, it is safe to assume that computers can work in a deterministic universe, even if we weren't in one. If you're willing to question even such a basic assumption, then you're the radical skeptic, even though you accused determinists of that.

>We can have a self in a universe where there are really existing immaterial concepts.
How would you go about proving the existence of an immaterial "concept"? Also, what's your definition of "concept"? Concepts are things that exist within the mind, yet you somehow think that the mind itself is an immaterial concept? How does that work?

>I agree they do tend to believe that, my point is that if they were really honest about it they would admit they have no basis to say they "believe" anything. How can a computer believe something?
What better basis do you have to believe anything? Or do you concede that you're just a skeptic and you don't really believe anything?

>But to say that it is the only ground for knowledge doesn't work. Did you come to know that through empirical evidence?
Of course it isn't the only ground for knowledge. As I said, unless you believe in the uniformity of Nature you can't even begin the process of empirical induction. But why do we believe in the uniformity of Nature? We are exposed to regular phenomena and we come to see patterns in those phenomena. This is something that even AIs can learn to do. In the last instance it is a matter of identifying structures so you could say that our belief in the uniformity of Nature is due to our innate aptitude for logic and mathematics. This does not imply the existence of immaterial souls since even AIs can do this and nearly nobody seems to believe AIs have souls: it's more plausible to assume we're just biological machines.

>> No.13761980

wow sure am glad i came back to check this thread. an hero 5 real.

but seriously guys don't worry about me. i am very determined, just frustrated. i promise i will live at least long enough to write something i'm happy with.

>> No.13762020

>Why do so many find this materialism/nihilism/determinism yada yada more "existentially terrifying" than solipsism?
In a practical sense, there is no point in discussing solipsism since you would just be talking to yourself if you seriously believed it. Solipsism is an impenetrable and powerless fortress: nobody can prove it, nobody can disprove it. It is eminently unfalsifiable since everything falsifiable relies on intersubjectivity of experience but solipsism denies the very existence of other subjects and thus it can never be put to the test. If you genuinely believed in solipsism, you would just shut up or you would keep talking as if nothing were, accepting that you're just talking to yourself. Determinism is more interesting as a topic of conversation because we're all involved in it, whereas solipsism is a one-man party.

>> No.13762028

Yes, but he didn't. He mostly just mouthed Akutagawa's hatred of heredity but through the mouthpiece of a 50's bubblegum-chewing kid with an attitude. The best part of the book is the bibliography (which is phenomenal)

>> No.13762051

which is the better path;
>try "spirituality" again and decide to view my experience as divine and deal with solipsism by believing in the "beautiful interconnectedness and grand design of god" etc etc
>go to a psychiatrist and ask for drugs, fight against my experiences as delusional products of something wrong in my nature/nurture

>> No.13762066

> tried taoism and some hindu stuff, various attempts at syncretic neopagan practices
Try harder and preferably a Buddhist tradition as you need a radical no-self therapy

>> No.13762079

something about buddhism has always turned me off. but that probly means you're right and dubs decides my religion, cool

>> No.13762084

zen buddhism seems the best, should i trust this impulse?

>> No.13762157

>So you're saying his worldview is born ultimately from his terrible particular cirmustances that he tried to generalize to the whole human condition?
This is 100% my take on it. His worldview makes sense if you were born with pain nerves constantly firing or something.

>> No.13762280

I have bipolar disorder and this anon >>13761400
is spot on.

>> No.13762372

Fuck Cioran, he is a cheeky edgy chad motherfucker who writes just for shit and giggles.

>> No.13762481
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No brainlet. He just side steps the problems.
Do it.
Seethe. Its the only reason worth writing.
Not an atheist. The world is the meaning and there is more suffering than pleasure. Basic pessimism.
This is why skepticism.
>radical skepticism.
Crito what have I been telling you this whole time? I know nothing.
Stupid schizo cope.

This thread got boring fast. I want coffee and sandwich. Cope lords aren't as entertaining as filling my belly.

>> No.13762583


>> No.13762741

How do you disprove determinism without disproving causation as a concept?

>> No.13763770
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>> No.13763853

If you're the only one that's real how come you're so limited and powerless? And you can explain that away by saying the universe is torturing you, but that implies there is something other torturing you. I don't consider solipsism very seriously because it's logically inconsistent, one has to keep coming up with possible explanations that conform to the world around oneself.

>> No.13763887

Ligotti is based and hilarious.

>“One cringes to hear scientists cooing over the universe or any part thereof like schoolgirls over-heated by their first crush. From the studies of Krafft-Ebbing onward, we know that it is possible to become excited about anything—from shins to shoehorns. But it would be nice if just one of these gushing eggheads would step back and, as a concession to objectivity, speak the truth: THERE IS NOTHING INNATELY IMPRESSIVE ABOUT THE UNIVERSE OR ANYTHING IN IT.”

>> No.13765240


>> No.13765605
File: 30 KB, 588x528, scaredcumguzzlingscienceworshiper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure that's that anti-natalist woman (though I'm stretching the limits of the word "woman") on YouTube. She asked her viewers to make videos on how they became anti-natalists and in the playlist with these individuals you will find the most laughable, absurd collection of soulless chinks, satanic druggies, and depressed morons you will ever find on the internet (aside from 4chan). I implore you to watch these videos, it really opened my eyes on the nature of these anti-natalist freakazoids.

An unsightly appearance seems to draws people to atheism, anti-natalism, nihilism, and misanthropy. Their mind has cracked from all the stress of being around people they suppose hates them and they start delusionally believing in all sorts of chimeras that their favorite depressed authors

>> No.13765621
File: 35 KB, 997x517, MeltingJew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no