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File: 39 KB, 624x624, alfred-north-whitehead-2yufds5midvbavdcl8o2rk-624x624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13754723 No.13754723 [Reply] [Original]

>“permanence can be snatched only out of flux; and the passing moment can find its adequate intensity only by its submission to permanence. Those who would disjoin the two elements can find no interpretation of patent facts”

Is this a BTFOing of Guenon and Parmenides?

>> No.13754813

When he writes "permanence can be snatched only out of flux" he is making a typical Anglo brainlet appeal to epistemic knowledge, not understanding that metaphysically speaking, no change or experiences whatsoever are possible without the beginningless and endless abiding permanence of the Absolute; in comparision to which all change is conditional, ephemeral, what the Indians call paratantra. So no, this is not a btfoing of them; Whitehead was retroactively refuted by Parmenides and Guenon, he simply couldnt contend with the Eleatic doctrine.

>> No.13754869

i'm honestly worried for you

>> No.13754887

Whitehead seeks (lije Nietzsche, Bergson, and Deleuze) to reject the Platonic separation between eternity and time, the binary opposition that sets a higher world of permanence and perfection against an imperfect lower world of flux.. The two instead must continually interpenetrate. For “permanence can be snatched only out of flux; and the passing moment can find its adequate intensity only by its submission to permanence. Those who would disjoin the two elements can find no interpretation of patent facts." Actual entities continually perish; but the relations between them, or the patterns that they make, tend to recur, or endure. Thus it is not ‘substance’ which is permanent, but form. And even forms do not subsist absolutely, but continually suffer changing relations. In asserting this, Whitehead converts Plato from idealism to empiricism, just as he similarly converts Spinoza, Leibniz, Hume, and Kant

>> No.13754906

I hate to break it to you, but this is just a woowoo new age iteration Peirceian categories.

>> No.13754969

sounds like baby's first metaphysics

>> No.13755014

>And even forms do not subsist absolutely, but continually suffer changing relations
What a retard. If I take some mathematical object, how can it change relations? All possible relations are already exist.

>> No.13755019

mathematics is a projection onto the world

>> No.13755050

Meanwhile he "disjoins" experience from intellectual processes. There's a reason why he obstinately REFUSED to address the Eleatic observation of the coincidence of thought and Being, and there's a reason why everyone says he was retroactively debunked by Parmenides.

>> No.13755090

I literally dont know what you are talking about. Experience is the main criterion of his system.

>> No.13755108

Maybe you should read Whitehead then? Parmenides too. Basically in taking experience as his first principle Whitehead creates an artificial antinomy between it and intellection. It's the source of a lot of the contradictions in his system.

>> No.13755114

>reject the Platonic

>> No.13755129

I have. You obviously haven't.

>> No.13755139

>anyone but Hegel being a proper opponent to Whitehead

>> No.13755140

I've read both Whitehead and Parmenides. You evidently have not, judging by the lack of content in your replies.

>> No.13755147

It blows my mind time and time again that philosophers somehow manage to trick the general population into giving them a living wage. The only difference between a philosopher and a drunk man rambling on the street is not in content but in rhetorical ability.

>> No.13755161

My mum's clairvoyant is big into Whitehead lmao. He's really popular in newage circles

>> No.13755207

>*blocks your path*

>> No.13755217

Isn’t this that guy that got retroactively BTFO by Guenon and Parmenides?

>> No.13755265
File: 143 KB, 624x576, 20190904_083115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, he ain't looking too good.

>> No.13755270

No, you're thinking of Whitehead. This is a Stefan Molyneux thread

>> No.13755306

I mean, that's the usual 70-year-old lookalike figure. He looks greatly fine

>> No.13755334
File: 162 KB, 624x576, 20190904_084410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His attempt at contending with the Eleatic doctrine is subjecting his body to immense physical stress

>> No.13755415
File: 186 KB, 748x1766, 1567455088229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're responding to guenonfag. He's trying to force this as a meme over the past couple days.

He's sort of like a tripfag. You learn to spot him after a while, he only ever makes posts like "BTFO'D LMAO." Also samefags a lot and posts about himself, trying to force his own posts as memes like I said. Just ignore it.

>> No.13755421

>past couple days.
look at that image again, it goes all the way back to june lmao

>> No.13755437
File: 120 KB, 682x1023, 1531574179079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl f
>3 results

>> No.13755438

Can you talk more about this

>> No.13755441

Damn, I didn't even look at that when I saved it. You're right. Sadly I can't find the other image some anon made of him being a total schizo and samefagging. The worst part is he doesn't even know philosophy very well. At least if he knew his stuff his shitposts could be interesting.

>> No.13755477

Seething schizo Whiteheadfags. Just admit that this board is sick of you spamming Whitehead all-day everyday. Parmenides posting is just the board's immune system kicking in

>> No.13755495

Based and checkedpilled

>> No.13755498

>SEETHING based epic cringe LMAO BTFO

Your attempts to fit in on 4chan always sound boomerish. I wonder what your actual deal is, Guenonfag. I hope you aren't just aging alone and posting here. Nobody even fucking notices you or your shitposting except me and probably two other people.

No one is implying that the guy spamming Whitehead wasn't retarded. You're just a double retard for trying to counter it by pamming the same unfunny gimmick in response to any mention of Whitehead whatsoever, and then pulling an "I was just pretending to be retarded!" and dialing it up by 10x after someone noticed what you were doing and embarrassed you. Also, it's rich that you accuse others of spamming when you used to literally post threads and carry on whole conversations with yourself.

I do really hope you get some help eventually.

>> No.13755503

>guenonfag samefags before I can even fucking finish calling him a samefag

>> No.13755504

>respond to discussion with spam
>"this board is sick"
Hey everybody, look! It's a garden variety narcissist!

>> No.13755507

I swear to God this is guenonfag lol

>> No.13755525

A. Someone calling out Guenonfag
B. Guenonfag recording his mom and typing exactly that to avoid callout of Guenonfag himself
Either way Guenonfag is fag

>> No.13755536
File: 76 KB, 1360x656, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13755569

Jesus fucking crist i think i never saw so much pseudary and dumb posting in one post. Dont you have any more big brain words to throw at your post?
>muh absolute
>Eastern Philosophy
Lmao, the reason the west didnt bother with eastern philosophy is that by the time it was being more translated and present in europe it was already btfo'd.

>What a retard. If I take some mathematical object, how can it change relations? All possible relations are already exist.
Maths is just the realm of concepts nigga, and concepts are used to better understand the percieved world around us, and even that cant be proved to be a "truth". If you went to highschool and know about Descartes you'd also know that we cant be sure that things like math or logical connections are true 100% confirmed.

>> No.13755771

I bet this guy thinks that one single person is posting all the pepe and wojak images too

>> No.13755820

'Western thought' is just the aborted step-child of the Indo-European wisdom traditions and Atlantid-Egyptian knowledge, it is only in eastern thought that the primordial tradition survived intact. Western philosohy is 99% garbage and is the main reason why everyone in the west is depressed, on drugs, hedonistic, nihilistic, killing themsleves etc. Only a few of the more mystically inclined Greeks and some Neoplatonists are equal to Easterners everyone else in western philosophy is literal mouth-breather. It's so hilarious to me to watch faggots like you throw a fit because it hits you like a freight train that all the time you spent reading retards like Nietzsche and Hegel was wasted, you will never know the ambrosia of the Supreme Bliss, that's reserved only for brilliant autodidacts who had the foresight to seriously study eastern thought. Enjoy wasting more time on dead ends.

>> No.13756808

>West is bad and wrong because it makes people depressed, on drugs, hedonistic, nihilistic, killing themsleves etc
You supposed to tell me that buddhism isnt a religion of nihilism that even sees all life as suffering?
>Enjoy wasting more time on dead ends.
What a fucking hilarious post, it has become obvious that the only reason you desdain Western thought is because you suppose they tell you to be hedonistic or nihilistic while proving you dont know the slightest about Hegel and Nietzsche. And no Nietzsche is neither hedonistic or nihilistic. Go take your "absolute" knowledge elsewhere you bimbo.

>> No.13756812


>> No.13756876


>> No.13756901

AHH the classic everything is chaos but you can find order there. Than that is not chaos

>> No.13757281

That's not what is being said

>> No.13757380

