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/lit/ - Literature

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13751638 No.13751638[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Rate my book collection /lit/

>> No.13751643

You should be in prison/10

>> No.13751716
File: 63 KB, 525x809, 5F580F15-1262-4602-968F-BEF79553F5BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> hey guys check out my red pilled books and cool guns I’m not obsessed with appearing masculine

>> No.13751728

So you needed a book to tell you how to trim your bush?

>> No.13751732

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.13751744

Based closeted faggot

>> No.13751758

learn to chill at bit

>> No.13751770

Paranoid paintball player/10

>> No.13751780

Wow, an operator AND a reader. I’m so impressed anon. Such depth, intellectual yet masculine!

>> No.13751781

if not a joke, embarrassing

>> No.13751783

that's such painfully obvious projection i'm amazed anyone could say, let alone type this without realizing

>> No.13751784

Contrived, kind of embarrassing, kind of boring, and not enough fiction.

>> No.13751806

Are you kidding? Look at that shit. Do you think those guns weren't ever-so-carefully placed there for the photo? That the photo wasn't posted here specifically to give that impression? It's a carefully-stacked display by a terrifyingly immature mind desperate to give a "wise, educated, redpilled, and dangerous" impression--and OP (or whoever actually owns the shit) bought them with just as much self-consciousness about image. This isn't some random stack shot.

>> No.13751816

you're just elaborating your projection

>> No.13751821

Are those two Clint Emerson books worth reading?
The Survival Edition looks much better than the other one imo.

>> No.13751866

I didn't make the first observation, but I'm also not in denial about what I'm looking at. I've known a few libertarian/survivalist-wannabe types in my time.

>> No.13751897

so what constitutes me is memes about things i enjoy gotcha

>> No.13751912

How often are internet accusations of projection accurate? I'm guessing somewhere above 0% and below 3%.

>> No.13751922

i'm getting the vibe you haven't finished a single one of those books

>> No.13751925

thanks for the guess very cool

>> No.13751987


>> No.13752007

Well you have Crime and Punishment, that saves you from 0/100. 1/100.

>> No.13752023 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13752065
File: 350 KB, 2048x1536, pol_reads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not going to read most of it so just go with the lite version, like pic related.

>> No.13752067

The person who took this shot wants to appear dangerous, hence the guns. and Intellectual, hence the books.
You know that this was intentionally set up because the gun is in front of the door, and also it's leaning on the books. if you actually read those books then you'll have to move the gun.

basically just another young white male, probably a virgin, ready to roleplay as the next mass shooter.

He's using objects to represent himself as someone who is intelligent and capable, the desire of most men.
He's using objects I assume because he's not social or charismatic enough to make people think he's smart in day to day conversation, and he is likely overweight or skinnyfat and not very physically intimidating.
It would be amusing to know if he actually READ most of those books or if he had half of them on an indefinite backlog.

if he wanted to be more honest to his true reading habits I bet the stack would be full of manga and popular fiction like harry potter and lord of the rings.

>> No.13752082

>Halo books

Somehow worse than the OP

>> No.13752085

How the fuck is it possible to buy that? The handguns I can understand but holy shit. America is such a dumb country.

>> No.13752094

>being well read
>still supports trump
you have absolutely no grasp on any of the issues and are completely insane, trump has done absolutely nothing but lubricate hyper-left agenda with ZERO concessions to conservative goals.

>demographic decline of european peoples
>central bank economic planning
>corporate monopolies backed by government
>affirmative action / diversity industry
>mass surveillance
>big tech media
>uncontrolled immigration
>judicial overreach / family courts

point to me to ANY progress, let alone MEANINGFUL progress.
but then you're just a hacked subhuman husk, stimulation is progress to you, just as long as SOMETHING is going on you don't give a fuck, because you're a god damn abominable machine made of flesh

>> No.13752105

>has absolutely no concept of warfare or human history
>has zero experience with anyone he knows actually having agency over his surroundings
you'll either starve, burn, or eat one of those big bullets

>> No.13752107

>thinking a corporate billionaire will be the champion of the working class

only Trumptards

>> No.13752114

>hey guys check out my ironic comment I'm not obsessed with deluding myself of being the wise regulator of all, no matter how small, that goes on around me

>> No.13752116

America is founded upon sending thousands of pushy redcoats to roast in eternal hellfire

>> No.13752127

Bro, can you calm down a bit? Jesus...

>> No.13752142
File: 1.97 MB, 380x285, giphy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13752148

>post2016 /lit/core


>> No.13752222

read a real book faggot

>> No.13752226

It's more honest. I'm giving OP recommendations for things he'd enjoy.

>> No.13752228

Pretty cringe and pretty bait

>> No.13752235

>lauren southern's book
my god
this is truly the absolute state of /lit
aren't you ashamed of yourself? going around posting pics of that crap?

>> No.13752242

you know this picture is bait right

>> No.13752245

Did you read the post? It's clearly meant to mock OP by tying him to that sort of behaviour.

>> No.13752262

i didn't

>> No.13752271

Maps of meaning is a good book

>> No.13752276

I'll fucking kill you and all your people, and I'm not alone

>> No.13752421


>> No.13752436


>> No.13752456


>> No.13752470

Why are men like this? Some men in this society are full bestial, animal

>> No.13752471

tits or gtfo

>> No.13752496

Fucking Halo books
Wrestling games
Alt-right self help

Sad and funny. A literal retard.

>> No.13752498
File: 62 KB, 645x773, wojack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the trump paraphernalia
>the complete pantheon of philosophers misunderstood by edgy teens
>the jp and jp recommended books including three (3) different copies of the gulag archipelago
>those how to be an epic guerrilla warrior books
>all those right wing brainlet books
peak seething brainlet stuff

>> No.13752500

Based closeted retard

>> No.13752506

The Halo books are the least awful thing in there.
He also has two copies of Plato's Republic and Anna Karenina for some reason.

>> No.13752529

Ah yes, I keep my gun next to my reading material in case I need to shoot the text because highlighters are for casuals

>> No.13752534


"projection" is the new "no u"

just ignore and move on

>> No.13752541

Another stack thread preemptively turned into a garbage fire, thank fuck.

>> No.13752549


>I buy used books so it looks like I've actually read them

>> No.13752552
File: 107 KB, 900x900, 1486609730729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based mass replying retard
Have tits

>> No.13752560

Why three (maybe 4?) copies of gulag?

>> No.13752736

What's wrong with wanting to appear masculine?

>> No.13752745

Who there is alt right?

>> No.13752757

cringe but nice copy of Liber Novus, is that the illuminated edition

>> No.13752759

Because everyone who tries to appear masculine isn’t. If you’re truly masculine you just are

>> No.13752823

I hope you found that shit on reddit.
Because otherwise I'd advise you take the rope and end it.

>> No.13753128

This is a joke right?

>> No.13753153

based and redpilled

>> No.13753184

how the fuck did he help the left?
>tax cuts
>anti tranny laws
>normalized racism
>normalized nationalism

>> No.13753187

>no timestamp

This is obviously bait but whoever it belongs to is a cold war boomer that thinks Tom Clancy novels are real life or the abused child of one.

>> No.13754540

>Orange man bad!!!

>> No.13754566
File: 540 KB, 2000x800, MIGApede.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Orange man good!!!

>> No.13754576

obsessing with le orange man is retarded regardless of what side of the political spectrum you are on

>> No.13754581

yep being 4chan is as cringe as being reddit

>> No.13754597

Jordan Peterson fag /10

>> No.13754678
File: 2.44 MB, 1512x1968, bookz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be worse, but I'm afraid your taste in firearms is irredeemable.

More people are killed by knives than by rifles in America. In fact, more people are killed by fists and feet than by rifles.

>> No.13754693

its so easy to tell when someone hasn't read a penguins classic.

>> No.13754711


>redundant copies of the Timaeus, Republic
>b-but d-different t-translations
>the Plato omnibus is unread
>the presence of even a single volume of manga

>> No.13754713


I’m guessing you’re American, what did you think of it? I’m from the UK and loved it but wondering how an American found the dialect

>> No.13754756

Based AK poster

>> No.13754757

Can I get a booklist for everything you've got?

>> No.13754771
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>> No.13754784


Consider reading a book-length work of non-fiction sometime, anon. A serious suggestion.

>> No.13754855

>redundant copies of the Timaeus, Republic
I share books with my family and friends so I don't mind having extra copies.
>b-but d-different t-translations
Try reading a shitty translation of Parmenides, Theaetetus, or Timaeus.
>the Plato omnibus is unread
I've read a good deal of Plato's corpus but I rarely read from that particular edition as I do a good deal of my reading away from home and it is obviously impractical compared to the cheap Hackett paperbacks.
>the presence of even a single volume of manga
I have no excuse.

A friend lent it to me recently wanting to know what I thought of it, I've only read the first hundred pages. The dialect is surprisingly difficult to get through as an American but there is a serviceable glossary and I've found that sub-vocalizing the characters with stereotypical accents makes the dialogue flow smoothly for the most part. I do like it so far; It has a very brutally honest narrative style and does a good job of making you feel like you need a shower. Seems to be a very accurate portrayal of the ways of junkies so far.

>> No.13754880

t.retard with a small dick. I bet you don't even know how to use those guns.

>> No.13754911

American here, and I didn't think the dialect was too confusing. Spelling tripped me up a bit, and I certainly read slower, but I never had to look anything up.

>> No.13754925

>have to stand on the bed to reach the top shelves

>> No.13754930

He obviously hasn’t read any of those books except maybe The Bell Curve

>> No.13754942
File: 3.03 MB, 4032x3024, 81ED61C5-6333-469C-B40B-D3267228A0A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is shit bait.
Regardless I’ll post my collection. It’s about 3/4 of everything I got

>> No.13754960
File: 2.10 MB, 750x1334, A2165A9F-4E58-4A93-AD02-5E87302F915A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll admit that collecting antique books is one of my main hobbies

>> No.13754966
File: 2.27 MB, 750x1334, 04485FD2-6500-434D-9976-78A12A88317B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you guys enjoy collecting books?

>> No.13755016

Part of it is that the thought of having something to pass on to children or whoever is satisfying. If your books help to build who you are, leaving behind a small library is liking leaving behind part of yourself. I'm always reluctant to collect older books because it feels like taking on the responsibility of preserving a piece of history, but I have respect for those who do it.

>> No.13755035
File: 2.40 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7/10, don’t see much use in carrying that much ammunition considering i prefer shooting at distances. rate mine

>> No.13755040

Makes sense. Some of my books have left an impact on me but others i wanted for other reasons.
Call me a faggot if you want but there is something romantic in the idea that my books meant something to someone at some point. I love finding old signatures or notes left over. The old owner left part of their soul in this book and now it’s mine. My most valuable books (to me personally) are subjects or stories I will never fully read

>> No.13755142
File: 96 KB, 900x675, 1504126818496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Bible
>Oxford Classics Edition
Wow you're retarded but otherwise your stack is much better

>> No.13755176
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't read non-fiction

>> No.13755186

Who on earth unironically reads jordan peterson, enjoy studying your way into schizophrenia

>> No.13755208

One copy of The Turner Diaries, 12 Rules for Life, and 1 AR-15 please

>> No.13755221

damn, you spent a lot of money financing a bait thread...

>> No.13755226

yes you retard

>> No.13755234

Never been in a fight/10

>> No.13755236

why do guns make this board seethe so hard

>> No.13755237

Masculine men don't not try to appear masculine. You'd make a passive aggressive ironic comment about any masculine man, you're not fooling anybody with your sophistry

>> No.13755445

heyyyyyy, thats pretty good. You should study aesthetics, only thing you're missing. Art is essential especially if you want God. God is Beautiful, learn the order of His causes. You'll see it all at once, if you don't already....

>> No.13755462

christ you have to be a huge fag to have a politician's merch

>> No.13755528
File: 25 KB, 480x480, images - 2019-07-08T084459.540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Bell Curve

Fucking pathetic

>> No.13755543

why are these threads always americans showing off their debunked anti-communist books with some classics to appear valid and then their mass produced walmart guns that no one gives a shit about

>> No.13755545

yeah it's not the retard-tier collection of books, right

>> No.13755548


You are unable to provide a specific example of a "debunked" anti-communist book.

>> No.13755553

the gulag archipelago has been proven to be fictional bullshit

>> No.13755595

I'm in brooklyn and see so many feel the bern shirts. Hella cringe

>> No.13755710
File: 16 KB, 326x326, 1516172167689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legitimately curious, are there no other /k/ cross posters here? Notwithstanding their aesthetic value as beautiful pieces of machinery, surely you all can see the merit of the inherent right of every individual to self-defense, and whether left or right on the political spectrum surely you can see the benefit of an armed populace. I'm legitimately curious as to why there's such an overwhelming hate of the OP.

>> No.13755848

>surely you all can see the merit of the inherent right of every individual to self-defense
Learn martial arts. Gun nuts are a menace to society.

>> No.13755900
File: 57 KB, 449x491, marx_gun_control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't have to post your guns everywhere like an ameritard posturing manliness

>> No.13755914


>> No.13756017

There are a lot of factors at work here. One is the tendency of members of groups to instinctively oppose anything that the "other" group values highly. I'm sure there is a term for this, but I don't know what it is. It's not exactly a well kept secret that /lit/ has a large population of leftists. Even though an armed working class aligns with leftist ideology, they would rather act against their own self-interest than admit that the "others" are correct about something. This is the same principle that (ironically enough) makes conservatives oppose the conservation of our environment.

Another factor is that people who study the humanities are much more likely to be city-dwellers; they have developed in an environment that has little connection with nature. They never hunt for their food, have no need to defend livestock/crops, etc. They are accustomed to always being surrounded by large numbers of citizens and government officials and therefore have a sense of security and power as part of the herd. The modern American leftist seeks power as part of a collective so it's not very surprising that the idea of an individual having actual power makes them fearful and uncomfortable.

>> No.13756038


>> No.13756041

This doesn't make any sense. The Bell Curve in the same group as The Bhagavad Gita?? Voltaire and Jordy Memerson? Jung and Trump?

>> No.13756232

Ultra cringe