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File: 838 KB, 480x600, 1564347512823.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13752768 No.13752768 [Reply] [Original]

“Enclosed within his artificial creation, man finds that there is "no exit"; that he cannot pierce the shell of technology again to find the ancient milieu to which he was adapted for hundreds of thousands of years. . . . In our cities there is no more day or night or heat or cold. But there is overpopulation, thralldom to press and television, total absence of purpose. All men are constrained by means external to them to ends equally external. The further the technical mechanism develops that allows us to escape natural necessity, the more we are subjected to artificial technical necessities.”

>“Technique has penetrated the deepest recesses of the human being. The machine tends not only to create a new human environment, but also to modify man's very essence. The milieu in which he lives is no longer his. He must adapt himself, as though the world were new, to a universe for which he was not created. He was made to go six kilometers an hour, and he goes a thousand. He was made to eat when he was hungry and to sleep when he was sleepy; instead, he obeys a clock. He was made to have contact with living things, and he lives in a world of stone. He was created with a certain essential unity, and he is fragmented by all the forces of the modern world.”

- Theodore "Ted" Kaczynski

>> No.13752852



>> No.13752866


>> No.13752871

Post more

>> No.13752889

I second this

>> No.13752896
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>> No.13752918


>> No.13752934


>> No.13752942

i feel like purposefully not jacking it to this chick out of pure spite

bitch knows exactly how much power she holds over men

>> No.13752967

Damn, man....

>> No.13752968

WHY?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO WITH THESE JEZEBELS? My one single wish is to be left to my own asexual devices, free from the thorned grip of perverse tempation, unclouded or swayed in my noble search for intellectual playthings of the mind, yet by your hand I am endlessly titillated by these vixens with their prodigious hips and provocative figures. Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the touch of a woman and enter between her loins? Will these hands ever feel a woman's swaying weight in their open palms? Will I ever know a plump, ruby pair of lips perched betwixt my shoulder and my ear, whispering "I want you, I want you now" in that chocolatey croon I know so well from dreamtime? Will my seed ever drip from her moistened hole, indicating the completed unity of our unhinged sexual impulses?

Life is a constant hell. Day in and out the tired red eyes glaze in some attempt to shield me from these images. I am floating in the blistering heat of my id's vacuum, castrated and blinded by my wretched libido. No wonder I resent women so.

>> No.13752975
File: 154 KB, 707x1000, 1566773237128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the serpent. Come feast your eyes on this sweet fruit.

>> No.13752997


>tfw you look at this thot and feel nothing

what have i become

>> No.13753004

not today mfer im going for a walk

>> No.13753015

For Chad only

>> No.13753025

>bitch knows exactly how much power she holds over men
weak men

>> No.13753026

Nigga did you achieve Nirvana or you're just a homo?

>> No.13753032

ARRGGGHH now I want to fuck her fucking pussy off out of pure spite

>> No.13753059

>he is still burdened by the yoke of carnal desires
you earthlings amuse me

>> No.13753068
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>> No.13753074


>> No.13753104

bich im a dog woof grrrrrr
beat the ho walls loose hey
hop inda frog woo skrrrrr

-Kiari Kendrell Cephus

>> No.13753132
File: 1.91 MB, 161x153, 1567180897017.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, thatll show her.

>> No.13753156


>> No.13753180

Why didn't he just have sex??? sounds like a frustrated man

>> No.13753183

Nice pasta

>> No.13753190

god i wish this were me

>> No.13753229
File: 2.63 MB, 360x360, fcY3ytZ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OVER for nofap niggaz
do you guys think Ted tugs his willy to smuggled pics of thots in prison?

>> No.13753237

Am i supposed to feel attracted to this?
It is literally the part of the body which expels feces

>> No.13753254
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>> No.13753262

based paracarnal anon

>> No.13753273
File: 2.75 MB, 2700x1800, 1470669799236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have the urge to put your face into these butts before going to town on them?

>> No.13753275
File: 117 KB, 750x422, 1567536585932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13753281

t. cumbrain

>> No.13753286

based 8 year old

>> No.13753297
File: 118 KB, 1300x866, 113042482-sexy-girl-reading-a-book-while-lying-in-an-embrace-with-a-pillow-on-the-bed-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is folly to resist your God given sexual urges. Everywhere I go, I must crave jezebels.

>> No.13753304

No anon, a nice but is just a sign of fertility.

>> No.13753312

If you managed to satisfy your need to breed frequently you wouldn't obsess over human body parts.

>> No.13753314

This is an Ellul quote.

>> No.13753316

...which in turn should make you want to caress and breed it.

>> No.13753318

I cant believe you would take Ellul's words and pass them off as a KAczynski meme. Ted got all his ideas about technology from Ellul but because he wrote a manifesto for simpletons and killed some people he gets all the attention.

>> No.13753331

only during the mating season and for procreational purposes

>> No.13753339
File: 2.91 MB, 1280x720, whore.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did nature only make women perfect for a few years? Why do they start declining so quickly? I feel like they should last until 30 at least, then slowly decline to 45~. Instead they start hitting the wall at 25 and they're all cat ladies by 30. Doesn't make sense.

>> No.13753343

>All the people talking about some bullshit instead of based Ted
Fucking cumbrains
All we can hope for is nuclear war/solar flare/epidemic or some other disaster. AI will not be able to operate without humans to generate value at first. And since military is relatively distinct from economics (relatively) nuclear war can be a great hope. Sure full scale war in the 21st century is highly irrational so all we can hope for is human irrationality

>> No.13753345

i don't get it, you go asexual after breeding frequently?

>> No.13753367

Yeah you have less of a sexual urge and stop acting like a cumbrain if you actually have sex.

>> No.13753383

To encourage you to settle down with a hottie and procreate while you're young enough to have the energy to keep up with your kids and healthy enough to live to see your kids procreate.
If you waited till you're going to be an old man hobbling to your kids' wedding celebration on a cane, that's nobody's fault but your own.

>> No.13753388

cringe and retardpilled

>> No.13753389

not true
I've had sex many times and I'm a massive cumbrain

>> No.13753408
File: 26 KB, 400x325, A78FDA09-2463-435B-BA65-025CB2EFA429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13753410

Thats gay

>> No.13753414
File: 168 KB, 751x533, 1543132235905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does that have to do with roasties aging like fruit?