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/lit/ - Literature

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13751825 No.13751825 [Reply] [Original]

Why are men so bad at writing science fiction?

>> No.13751827

Unironic autism.

>> No.13751834
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>> No.13751845

You're not wrong. A lot of classic male dominated sci-fi is all about concepts and setting, with very weak characters. That style of writing has fallen out of favour.

>> No.13751860

It's because feminism is a science, and brown people are fiction.

>> No.13751869

this is going to be a good thread about literature

>> No.13751873

Sounds like when I played ping pong against a girl at the uni.

>Ah! Got you again.
>Hehe yeah good shot.
>You're not bad, sometimes you do well
>Lucky shots I guess

Break with a dude, going near the pingpong table
>Can you play seriously?
>What do you mean?
>You know what I mean. I saw you play against X
>Hehe. Ok but quick.
>11-2, you let me win
>You're not the fanny I want.

Maybe just maybe they're not that good and men stopped playing.
I hear Alain Damassio wrote a new one but it's a bit against the neuromarketing and mocks the gender thing so noway he's going to win a prize with that one.

I'm sure the winning books are quite progressive.

>> No.13751890


>> No.13751893

this is actual trash, though. psychohistory defeats its own logic, the characters are boring af and it's not even particularly creative
> huhuhuh it was written in the 1940s, it's creative for its time
no, sweetie, it's not. H. G. Wells was in action decades before Asimov was shitting out the foundation trilogy and his work is on another level of creative/speculative genius. Mary Shelley was writing before even Wells and she totally revolutionised the genre.
Asimov is an overrated hack and, overall, women are better science fiction writers than men are.

>> No.13751948

it really isn't a "welcome trend" for either women or men to dominate an award.
also, with only one exception, those are all white american women. hardly "diverse"

>> No.13752013


>> No.13752035

Because nobody reads it any more.

>> No.13752432

Mary Shelley had nothing to do with science fiction; she merely explored an interesting idea and placed it in the context of a story. The fathers (note: fathers, not mothers) of science fiction are individuals like Jules Verne (who wrote before the inferior Shelley did), Asimov, Welles, and so on. Women have never been underrepresented in literature; most women just never had anything of much worth to say. They are vapid and if you were to spend at least 10 minutes with any college-age female student/aspiring author you will find that they all like the same cocktail of YA/feminist/new age literature, and it shows in their writings.

>> No.13752476
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>that entire post

>> No.13752480

>who wrote before the inferior Shelley did

>> No.13752489

Is the way males now say "i want to fuckkkk you jesus" and it works.

>> No.13752804
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>Jules Verne (who wrote before the inferior Shelley did)

>> No.13752819

The Hugo what now?
OOH i know! That shitty plagiarism of the Dragon Awards!

>> No.13752833

>inb4 someone posts the content that won the Hugo awards and lefties look like brain damaged idiots as per usual

>> No.13752874

Zen Cho doesn't sound White and American

>> No.13752914

>Elma York will play a central role in this grand project. Not only is she an experienced pilot, she is a talented physicist and calculator, all skills desperately needed by the world space program. Elma has a major strike against her, one for which neither experience nor mere genius can compensate. She is a woman and in the world of the 1950s, women were relegated to support roles.

>This is the story of how she broke the glass ceiling.

>Elma is a woman, a major strike against her in the 1950s, and the fact she’s Jewish (in an era when the Jewish Quota was still in force) does not help her social standing. Never mind that she was a WASP (a female pilot) in the European Theatre in WWII, an exemplary physicist, and an exceptional mathematician. Girls don’t get to fly rockets.

>Kowal doesn’t just go to bat for women and Jews. Her protagonist also gets woke by her post-disaster African-American hosts. She is forced to pay attention to the plight of America’s black population in the immediate aftermath of the impact. America being America, only white Americans were given government assistance in escaping the devastated zone. African-Americans had to engineer their own salvation. Elma realizes that the Mars program will also be white-only unless she and her allies insist that the non-white populations of the world should not be left behind to die.

>> No.13752929
File: 838 KB, 1674x2048, female writers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Page one of the best science fiction book of the year. Women can write, get over it.

>> No.13752947

It’s painful to know that scifi just means “space lol” to the people who unironically give awards for exemplary scifi
How will people remember this era? Will we ever reclaim enough integrity and wisdom to see our times as one big mistake, or does the vaginocracy completely remake our thought complexes?

>> No.13752958

yeah, I think a meteor hit is the only cure for this degenerated upside down world

>> No.13752980

I really didn't think I would hate it this much

>> No.13752984


>> No.13753003

Get rid of the sex part and its fine.

>> No.13753016

This is literally shit

>> No.13753037

>Long March Through the Institutions

Awards are a shit.

>> No.13753136

Only good female sci-fi writer is Le Guin

>> No.13753142

She turned man-hating legbeard at some point
Her early stuff was good though

>> No.13753172
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>> No.13753196

>*record scratch* jep thats me. Makes you wonder how I ended up like this right?
What a sad attempt.

>> No.13753218

I've tried reading Tiptree, I can't get past the prose, it reads like a fucking outline at times.

>> No.13753533

He said with one exception you fucking retard