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13751439 No.13751439 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on based Yanis Varoufakis and his books?

He bluepilled me away from being a /pol/tard.

>> No.13751449

why don't you start by sharing your own

>> No.13751456

idk. i liked his adults in the room book. but that was when it was released. It strengthened my autonomi

>> No.13751851

Don’t use pol memes like that. They are the most “blue pilled” people on earth.

>> No.13752425

His Game Theory, a critical introduction is really really good and engaging but it's a technical book.

Also his Foundation of Economics, again quite technical but reads like a novel. You can tell the guy is smart.

>> No.13752440

leftists are more interested in controlling and homogenising culture than in changing the economic structure of society. If you are a non elite straight white male there is no reason to support the left except out of masochism.

>> No.13752447

There is fanatical Varoufakis hate cult here in Greece that blames him for everything, but I really look up to him. He is the last noncucked leftist and a charismatic leader personality type.

>> No.13752457

Not real leftists like Varoufakis. His main point is that capitalism creates it's own crisis and that it is too full of contradictions to offer a sustainable future. He calls out the Banks on their BS.

Like seriously, how many people know Goldman Sachs was directly involved in Greece concealing it's debt? A private kike US bank had a hand in almost destroying the EU.

>> No.13752490

>There is fanatical Varoufakis hate cult here in Greece that blames him for everything
That's interesting.

>> No.13752540

From the picture, this guy seems to shine with quiet confidence. I see "last noncucked leftist" in the thread as well. He looks like the rare kind that really knows , but hasn't turned bitter, cynical or unconscious

t. Can't decide to read him or not

>> No.13752546

he looks like a guy who sells gyros

>> No.13752576

Leaf through his foundation of economics, it's really well written, gives you a historic and philosophical context and the math is nice.

>> No.13752586

He used to do work in EVE online, studying the adhoc economic system.

>> No.13752594

He worked for Valve as well, based.

(By being a successful person he is immune to being labelled a person with "resentment" like Peterstein does it to some leftists)

>> No.13752666

> Greeks doesn't understand how to maintain a stable economy, a third of the country are analphabet peasants
> Obviously the EU, and thus capitalism, is at fault
> We must dismantle the EU

Typical third world retard. Western Europe is by lightyears the most stable and peaceful place in the entire world, the only mistake was inviting non-Western Europe, thinking they could handle the responsibility of being a real country, rather than the domain of corrupt warlords and communist bureaucrats.

Now if only all Americans ever could finally die of heart disease, the world could finally move forward.

>> No.13752674

That isn't exactly something to brag about considering how broken the economy is in EVE and hat simulator.

>> No.13752683

If he's so based why did he launch a 'Progressive International' with social fascists like Bernie Sanders and Naomi Klein. I mean um sweetie if you're not jumpstarting a revolution, don't do anything at all.

>> No.13752936

This is exactly what Marx said. What does Varoufakis add? What is his solution?

>> No.13752983

Retard leftist who has had a political carreer Because the apparatick did everything possible on This Earth and more not to let Golden Dawn win.
100% cuck.

>> No.13753221

>"dont use pol memes like that"
>uses pol memes like that but with quotations

>> No.13753225

>He bluepilled me away from being a /pol/tard.

>> No.13753299

Fed him a narrative which doesn't (exclusively) involve jews controlling the planet

>> No.13753415

He truly is based. I was kind of a /pol/ tard but really the board and its toxic useless hate turned me away. You realise they dont create anything, and you just become a miserable loser by spending time there.

>> No.13753422

>muh economy

fitting trips

>> No.13753431

The guy tries to show you that the very system that we live under, is what will eventually kill us. /pol/ is just a bunch of angry larpers with an overinflated hivemind ego. They misrepresent history so that their fragile ideology can be protected, they are intellectually dishonest and not even good at it.
Its hard to believe in that shit beyond your 20th birthday, and arent a shut in coping incel.

>> No.13753748

>actually having a hard time figuring it out
Go back

>> No.13753997

retard faggot.

>> No.13754155

ive never been on pol

>> No.13754686

I bought my dad some of his books and Piketty's tome, and my dad took a hard left turn. So, yeah, I think he is good at inspiring people.

(Ps. my dad has a graduate degree in economics.)

>> No.13755103

>real country

Au contraire. Greece is one of the few real countries left in Europe. What exactly is "real" about living in a frozen fucking giant forest like Sweden? You've got nothing to do except inventing simplistic ways to assemble wooden furniture while eating stale, tasteless meatballs and drinking moosepiss. There is literally no alternative.

Now, have you ever been to Greece? Edible food actually grows there. Olive oil. Wine. There is a long culinary tradition. Have you seen the islands or the beaches? Or the nature? The thing is fucking absolutely beautiful, with liveable temperatures and cozy small houses. Not to mention it is invaded by prime teen Scandinavian pussy every summer. Would you rather do a little work, spend your days enjoying perfect nature, eat like a God, and fuck the most beautiful women on Earth or assemble chairs in -40 degrees celsius so you can pay your vacations to get the fuck out of there every summer? I can't imagine any idiot would actually want to live in a hellhole like Sweden or UK, unless he makes enough money to retire in 10 years and move to an actual liveable location.

>> No.13755143

>There is literally no alternative.

>> No.13755994

Every time I come to /lit/ I see the board changing. Maybe just in the heraclitian sense, you know, one can never step in the same river twice, but it seems more substantial. The intellect is changing, the memes are changing, the slang, etc. One month many posts are about Deleuze, the next Land, and the next Wallace, or whoever. But there is one thing that I can count on to remind me that /lit/ is a comfortable and familiar place, like my sweet ol' grandmother's den. This structure is eternal:

1. Butter says something dumb.
2. Someone calls out Butter and shows that it is obviously wrong.
3. Butter says something even more retarded in response.

So, for that I commend thee, Butter. I commend thee for reminding us that some things truly never change.

>> No.13756350

What do you not get about >>13751851 ?
>”...but with quotation marks...”

>> No.13756380

I read a short sort of summary of his books about the economic crisis, and even though I loved the guy when he was doing his thing in the news, his writing to me felt incredibly self-centered and pretentious. He would spend a long time showing us how he was talking to this important person or invited to certain places as if this is the source of his status.
Maybe the bigger books are better, but at least it threw me off the idea of buying them.

>> No.13756385

you don't understand the use mention distinction.
' " ' Are not used to mark sarcasm or whatever you were trying to do. ' " ' are used to distinguish when you are mentioning a term instead of using it. See how I am offsetting " with ' '. That's how you do it. Now I anticipate you probably think you were using scarequotes, but that's for people who don't know how to write well (you) or people who don't understand the use mention distinction also (you).

>> No.13756970

they're also used to quote

>> No.13756991
File: 30 KB, 393x309, 28395498673961112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yanis Varoufakis
>On 13 September, Varoufakis penned an op-ed piece in The Guardian about the need for an international progressive movement,[54] alongside a similar piece by fellow progressive U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders
> But, in truth, Karl Marx was responsible for framing my perspective of the world we live in, from my childhood to this day.

>> No.13757033
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>> No.13757073

What's wrong with that

>> No.13757079

>why did he launch a 'Progressive International' with social fascists
because he's not a 17 yo incel larping as a stalinist in 2019?

>> No.13757086

>dude just start the race war like us /pol/tards
>did I ever mention that we elected Trumpy single handedly ;^)
>yes indeed, we are wicked geniuses

whats your point? The guy is realistic about what a single person can do, and he tries to connect with people that have the ability to change our little anglo controlled shithole to the better.

>> No.13757110


>> No.13757119

This is not how I used the quotation marks there

>> No.13757124

> /thread

>> No.13757130

>Now a motion picture!

>> No.13757154

> He thinks a country is weather

Greece is barely even a civilization, it's a muddy pit filled with farmers who all exploit shitty tax policies by barely educated politicians who larp at realpolitik because they saw a guy in a suit once.

Consider this: The only defence Greeks are able to muster up as to why they even deserve to survive is "at least the weather is good".

>> No.13757569

I can tell you are a tasteless germanic or anglosaxon automaton. Sorry bro, you just dont understand mediteranean or what a civilization actually is. Its got nothing to do with producing machinery or banking.

>> No.13757726

>a charismatic leader personality type
Which is all that leftists ever want. Never mind actual competence, integrity etc.

>> No.13757766
File: 215 KB, 1192x670, cindy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He'd be best described as market idealist. Commie who thinks markets can be controlled to such an extent to do commie things.

The notion is ridiculous, he has to be some sort of schlomo plant.

>> No.13757819
File: 34 KB, 980x654, Ha-Joon Chang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone also into the thought of this economist?

>> No.13757834

Commie this commie that, the post is more ridiculous than anything with the sprinkle of generalization.

>> No.13757853

>He'd be best described as market idealist. Commie who thinks markets can be controlled to such an extent to do commie things.
That is an awfully retarded take. It's not "using the market for commie things" any more that Marx thought the german state or british colonial policies could be "used for commie things", it's just understanding the historical development of institutions and playing them accordingly.

>> No.13757883

>t's just understanding the historical development of institutions and playing them accordingly.
What does this even mean? Historically, market control was possible because countries had much tighter grip on capital. But we're long past mercentalism, even keynesianism. Now if some rando comes and says "hohoho, you can't do that with your capital", the money simply moves somewhere else. Even the fucking chinese are finding the hard way, and they have some of the most totalitarian capital controls in the world. This is a recurrent problem of anti-neoliberals. While their criticism of neoliberalism is correct, it's also kinda "well, duh". They don't offer viable solution to global capital liquidity inherent to global supply chains - you know, those things which allows for ruthless, uncontrolled markets and polarization between haves/havenots in the first place.

Worse, there are solutions, but those would be supremely unpalatable to the left. Such as turning global markets into a level playing field, instead of letting only the multinational big boys play. Imagine if a lefty populist proposing something constructive like that.

>> No.13758119

It preceded /pol/ and is purely a reference to The Matrix (and in turn a reference to Total Recall). I would say the /pol/ red pill is in the style of Total Recall (only true film nerds will understand haha).

>> No.13758143


>> No.13758156

>Capitalism creates crises
>Banks bad
I couldn't come up with more midwittish statements if I tried.

>> No.13758157


>> No.13758167

>Crises aren't systemic to capitalism

>> No.13758171

Yes, I did indeed use a word that accurately describes what the OP is.

>> No.13758184

a very fashionable one!

>> No.13758186

Crises are systemic to many types of repeated multi-agent interactions. He should know that.

>> No.13758197

Quotation marks dude
For quoting
Learn English

>> No.13758204

That anon is probably american, be merciful dude

>> No.13758778

It has been several millenia since Greece was anything but Christian Turkey. It's a third world shithole, you guys got more in common with Libya than Western Europe.