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/lit/ - Literature

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13748080 No.13748080 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ support the censorship of Harry Potter?

>> No.13748085

damn right, whatever can get that trash off the shelves

>> No.13748089

if that helps stop the speed of onions manchildren circlejerking about children's books than idc what means are taken to prevent it

>> No.13748100

This is just like when Voldemort did that bad thing that one time
You guys are just like Mafloyus Himpernickel from book five

>> No.13748104 [DELETED] 

>risks conjuring evil spirits

this is what I'm going to refer all of those tards who claim catholicism is "intellectually rigorous". any time some scholastic cuck starts sperging about how Aquinas is a philosopher god I'll just redirect them to this article and remind them their whole position literally believes in fucking evil spirits, exactly like fucking cavemen did.

this is why it is so important the secularism does not lose the struggle with these absolutely retards. they will have us back in the Dark Ages in a blink of an eye.

>> No.13748106

secularism is not incompatible with a belief in evil spirits

>> No.13748111

have you ever done psychedelics?

>> No.13748113

I fully support manchildren btfoing actual children from entertainment made for them. I cheered them on for MLP, as I do for Harry Potter and what ever will come next

>> No.13748114

absolutely. censorship is a good thing and i don't blame the powers that be for doing it to reactionaries. i don't give a damn about free speech in any way. censorship is a valuable means to an end, and though i may disagree with the ends that the modern progressives are working towards, i don't disagree with all of their means inherently. that would be like me saying that walking was bad because muh liberals walk places sometimes. in short, fuck free speech. if you blaspheme, you should face physical consequences even apart from censorship.

>> No.13748115


>> No.13748117

Weird considering how Harry Potter is the most spiritually barren piece of supernatural fiction ever created.

>> No.13748122

>the powers that be

>> No.13748125
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>> No.13748157

agreed, and if it was up to me you'd burn at the stake

>> No.13748179

>because every christian believes the same exact thing
you are a stupid person

>> No.13748180


>> No.13748198

>christ literally cast devils out of people
>not all christians believe in evil spirits
this is your brain on heresy

>> No.13748201

I love how the freakin' literature board on the free speech forum is advocating for censorship. What happened to this site?

>> No.13748210

/lit/ started reading books, surprisingly enough

>> No.13748229
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>in an environment that promotes free speech, the people within found out what it was that the elite were actually censoring and have consequentially adopted a worldview that desires to limit the elite's influence
gee, i wonder how that could've happened.

>> No.13748234

I support the total destruciton of Harry Potter and the public execution of JK Rowling.

>> No.13748240

>the more books you read, the more you want to ban books that you don't like
that doesn't make sense

>> No.13748245

>The more i read Harry Potter, the more i want to ban Harry Potter
that makes total sense

>> No.13748251

it's a harmless kid's book. what's next, banning captain underpants? there's always going to be bad pop literature. look at all the highest-selling books from the 19th century. 90% of them were trash that you've never heard of.

>> No.13748259


>> No.13748261

Anon look at what it has done to people who are now adults. I'd rather give my kids vodka than Harry Potter

>> No.13748268

It's fine when the god wills it. Christfag boomers happened.

>> No.13748272

like I said, there are always going to be tasteless plebs. doesn't mean we should ban the literature/media they enjoy and force them to exclusively watch Tarkovsky or read Dostoevsky.

>> No.13748295

Memes like this are pretty much the reason why Christianity died out in the West. You get into the fedora phase because Catholics are such brainlets and if you're smart, you advance to idealism or risk become a boring analytic.

>> No.13748308

>the free speech forum

>> No.13748309

its not merely tasteless, its evil. it makes kids want to cast spells and shit, which angers God. they should be praying for things they want or need, not trying to use magic like a voodoo nigger.

>> No.13748338

so should Moby Dick be banned too?

>> No.13748358


>> No.13748378

So let's ban Halloween too? You Christfags are no fun.

>> No.13748399

by this logic, any work of fiction that features "good" wizards or witches or magical creaturse is verboten. Kids love Gandalf, so let's ban LOTR, an explicitly Catholic work!

>> No.13748412

I haven't read it myself but I wouldn't let my kids read it because I know the author is a feminist and I really don't like the sort of people who are fans of the series. As far as the representation of magic and curses and all that, I don't really have an opinion on it simply because I haven't read it although I do lean towards including it as a reason not to let kids read it because there is a right way and a wrong way to represent magic and sorcery in a story. I get the impressions from fans of the series that it encourages people to get into the occult or paganism.

>> No.13748431


>> No.13748454

I'm betting this is in a nonCatholic country. Usually Catholic schools encourage reading a lot of heretical stuff in Catholic countries because they aren't trying to be memes of themselves.

>> No.13748465

If you want to be that puritan about it, then why is it even okay to have "good" characters who use magic to aid the protagonist in their quest? Doesn't that legitimize magic as something that can be used for anything other than evil? Won't children feel compelled to seek out and trust in "magical" elders?

>> No.13748473

No, it's a Catholic school. American Catholics have long been big on book burning.

>> No.13748493

>Won't children feel compelled to seek out and trust in "magical" elders?
you mean like... priests?

>> No.13748498

America is not a Catholic country. I mean countries with privilege de blanc or constitutions which confirm the precedence of Catholicism.

>> No.13748505

Wait, so Gandalf and Merlin are Catholic priests and not pagan wizards?

>> No.13748506

theres already a harry potter thread

>> No.13748515

this thread was first and has more replies, fuck off

>> No.13748520

Kill yourself.

>> No.13748525

but anon, suicide is a sin!

>> No.13748527

they were side characters who weren't going around teaching magic to children. also those are complete fantasy, harry potter takes place in our universe. the whole concept of harry potter is to make a bunch of children sin by using magic. you really can't say the two are the same.

>> No.13748531

Halloween should be banned because it promotes extreme degeneracy, not because people dress up as spooky creatures

>> No.13748537

have sex

>> No.13748539

So is reading or owning HArry PoOOper

>> No.13748542

Yes. I fucking hate that childrens book

>> No.13748545

I have.

>> No.13748552

>The US is a Catholic country
lel some next level trolling here

>> No.13748557
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>> No.13748561

10-year-olds reading LOTR consider middle-earth to be just as real as parallel-universe Harry Potter-world. Every kid who reads LOTR comes out of it thinking "magic and wizards are cool"...a takeaway from literally any fantasy fiction.

>> No.13748563

just making the point that censorship and capitol punishment is a nice idea until the crazy guy becomes king

>> No.13748568

1 Corinthians 7:38

>> No.13748570

It is for the greater good.

>> No.13748571

I advocate censorship and destruction of books. Bad books cause social and individual harm and should be destroyed. It's that simple.

>> No.13748574
File: 3.31 MB, 3000x4200, neo_pol_reddit_colony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13748579

This. Halloween used to be a nice holiday for children. Now man children and harlots have ruined it with their vileness and debauchery.

>> No.13748583

Should 4channel be banned? This site undoubtedly causes social and individual harm.

>> No.13748587

These are the kind of people who accept pornography, "agree to disagree" and have boomer opinions. They are clearly not who you are dealing with.

>> No.13748589
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>> No.13748594

Tu quoque.

>> No.13748598

>Most of us came from there...
That deeply disturbs me. Am I surrounded by redditors?

>> No.13748599

Yes it should.

>> No.13748604

Should 4channel be banned? This site undoubtedly causes social and individual harm.

>> No.13748606

/pol/ is shit. what's your point?

>> No.13748613

at least you're consistent. 99% of the people saying Harry Potter should be banned were crying when 2x4chan got shoah'd

>> No.13748617

Oh shut up already, you LARPing piece of shit. A solid third of the boards on this website are dedicated to "degeneracy".
Absolutely. Also zoomer Christian LARPers who watch Jordan Peterson.

>> No.13748616

the real redditorwas the friends we made along the way

>> No.13748625

That these people discovered that there are other boards on this website. They're here right now.

>> No.13748629

Tu quoque.

>> No.13748637
File: 23 KB, 450x440, 1433280243557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're years behind. you should have seen /tv/ pre and post flood.

>> No.13748640

this isn't debate club, nerd. You believe that bad books that cause social and individual harm should be destroyed. Does this principle only apply to literature? Does it also apply to things you read online, or only in print?

>> No.13748644

i don't even care. do you think posting here would be any less of a waste of time if they were gone? i shouldn't even be here myself. it's completely fruitless.

>> No.13748660

It should be banned because it’ll turn kids into faggots. Also fuck Hufflepuff.

>> No.13748666
File: 350 KB, 2048x1536, pol_reads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regular reddit shitheads are not really the problem - well, they are, but not a major one. Not when compared to the "redpilled" crowd. These cunts come here because someone posted some chart on /pol/ and so they come here to discuss political philosophy on the "smart" board because the only things /pol/ cares about are black cocks and how to stop them. The problem is that these people don't know or care about political philosophy so they just end up spewing the same nonsense the do on /pol/.

>> No.13748685

The catholic larpers that end up here need to go. The worst part is they don't even know anything about the religion they're supposedly so into.

>> No.13748700

This is a pro-censorship board.

>> No.13748711

>These people were always here and grew up while I stayed a child

>> No.13748714

I don't care for the edgy "I'm going to nuke you for trespassing on muh property" Libertarians, the insecure incels who harp on about niggers and brown people, or the capitalist apologist boomer types, but the Christian LARPers I simply can't stand. They're shallow, soulless, scum, who adorn themselves with something that can be genuinely sacred and beautiful all because they think it's "based" for having killed muslims in the past, or that it will net them a "cute trad conservative gf" or some other stupid, superficial nonsense they've been fed by some YouTuber worm. I fucking hate them.

>> No.13748726

do not even begin to try to flatter yourself you braindead obsequious homonculus

>> No.13748728

The Catho-LARPers have moved on from the "gib me cute trad conservative gf" phase because they still couldn't get laid, so now they're in the cope "actually, it's sinful to even have sex. St. Paul says celibacy is the best path for man" phase.

>> No.13748732

seriously, go kill yourselves
you were NEVER the majority never even close

you are just so self absorbed and self righteous you got distracted with yourself and its only after the media horn is blaring nonstop about 'nazis' that you even look up


>> No.13748737

>you were NEVER the majority never even close
Not even two years ago a majority on this board were atheist Stirner devotees.

>> No.13748743

>What happened to this site?
they got raped in debates against nazis now they want the government to make it illegal for their feelings to be hurt

this is not hyperbole, this is literally true

>> No.13748745

not having a book in a library is not censorship
i'm guessing they don't have porn magazines in their library either, is that censorship too?

>> No.13748752

>they got raped in debates against liberals now they want the government to make it illegal for their feelings to be hurt
I think you just described the feelings of every conservative/alt-right/nazi/right-of-center American ever since liberals resoundingly won the culture war during the Bush-Obama years.

>> No.13748753

shut the fuck up
you are just remembering your echo chamber

>> No.13748759

t. newfag

>> No.13748761

>culture war
>implying culture is a monolith now or has ever been
okay, I guess this is why you're so retarded, you just play with the toys right out of the box

>> No.13748766


>> No.13748773

>we made some stirner memes that are still around so therefore we must have been the majority

if you mean crashed the economy and totally ruined every institution's credibility irreversably and used the opportunity to frontline a bunch of hyperactive activists before anyone realize you did it, then yeah i guess thats what happened

>> No.13748776

there's really not that many catholics here, you're just butthurt.

>> No.13748794

>we won the culture war
>4 years of hysterical insane screeching about a president who hasn't done a single thing against extreme left agenda
you should try telling that to the rest of your personalities

>> No.13748803
File: 477 KB, 856x503, lgbt white house.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, that is what happened.
No one on any point of the political spectrum denies that liberalism was ascendent in the culture during the Bush/Obama years. Why do you?

>> No.13748815

>>8 years of hysterical insane screeching about a president who legalizes gay marriage, forces christian-run business to pay for birth control and abortions and bake that cake, is black, has a muslim-sounding name, is a liberal (not even a leftist/socialist, like he was accused of being), etc.

>> No.13748868

>the culture
there you go again with that monolithic culture theory


>> No.13748870

>everyone falling for this obvious b8

>> No.13748876

Millions of aggrieved evangelicals think differently. They subscribe wholesale to the dominant culture theory.

>> No.13748889

you said 'we', not me, so you can't turn it around on me the same way, and anyway what you said doesn't apply you fucking bankrupt lying sack of jewish shit

all the screeching was justified because your sort were actually doing these things that actually destroy society

nevermind, we are going to kill you all

>> No.13748903

imagine caring what other people read, and imagine people being scandalized by reading harry potter

>> No.13748954

No, I don't support it, I'd much prefer the genpop to realize how shitty it is and throw it aside without any obligation. Bloomposting was doing well for a while but looking at how many "tfw no Hermione gf" and "Is Rick and Morty /lit/?" threads we see on here, I'm guessing reddit is winning for now.

>> No.13749006

>christfaggots hate hairy porter for being about "witches" when it's literally a bible rewrite and the main character is jeebus
holy god damn smallbrains, batman

>> No.13749048

ITT: a bunch of morons debating a literal underageb& kid who just learned what slippery slope fallacy is.

>> No.13749062

subtle, not sure if joke
>chanting magic words to get shit you want is magic
>chanting magic words to get shit you want is good wholesome piousness
>every female character in the series is fucking useless
>2/3 of golden trio are male
>previous generation are all male except the walking pussy the men fight over possession of
>all the most powerful wizards are male
>all the previous possessors of the hollows are male
>the women's ultimate role is always to pump out babies and nothing else

>> No.13749089

Both sides of this issue are corrupt and deserve no benefit of the doubt. The best conclusion is the catholics and JK Rowling fans destroy eachother. Pirates will take care of book preservation for us.

>> No.13749093
File: 84 KB, 572x590, No thank you, no founding fathers or enlightment bullshit for me..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It applies to thinks I find good and bad and I think my opinions and beliefs are better than yours. Your opinions (i.e. refutation of the notion of degeneracy and relativism) disqualify you from even being taken seriously. Moreover, your ineptitude was on full display by your inability to sustain a line of argument by switching to a fallacious "what about this" tier argument. You got it backwards. That is what would fly in a debate club. Not here. Please go back to www.reddit.com and do not return. They can decide on things democratically there. You'll like that.

>> No.13749204

>It applies to thinks I find good and bad
>but I'm not a relativist though!

>> No.13749843

Haha damn dude next they'll be claiming they're gender is attack helicopter am I right xD

>> No.13749852

I thought it was because she offended the gays

>> No.13749921

this isnt censorship, it's a private institution removing something that isnt in their guidelines. Dont see you rallying against schools not carrying smut in their libraries.

>> No.13751104

I'm not reading this shit. If you can't express yourself without greentexting then don't bother.

>> No.13751204

>the free speech forum
You talking about 4chan? If so I suggest immediate suicide.