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13744837 No.13744837 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever met an author whom you admire?

>> No.13744843
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>> No.13744860

>I better dress like a waiter to go meet my favourite author!

>> No.13744876

you are not welcome here, go back

>> No.13744881

I met Nabokov in a dream once. We did the old ultra-violence in J.K Rowling's mansion.
Good guy.

>> No.13745188

he looked old and his teeth were brown, made me really conscious of mortality

>> No.13745201
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>they don't pay me enough for this shit

>> No.13745519

Had the pleasure of meeting Thomas Pynchon at a charity do once. He was surprisingly down to earth, and VERY funny.

>> No.13745546

i used to date a reasonably well-known author
i still admire her work even though she turned me into a bad guy character in one of her books

>> No.13745549

He looks happy. I'm happy for him.

>> No.13745624


>> No.13746171

I missed my chance to meet Harlan Ellison by one day. He was going to attend a panel at a sci-fi convention I went to. Couldn't afford to get a hotel room for the night, so I had to go home. It was one of his last panel appearances, too. Shit sucked.

I have met Michael Gira twice, though. Surprisingly soft-spoken and personable when he's not on stage.

>> No.13746254

I met a drinking buddy of Richard Brautigan once.

>> No.13746271

Sanderkeg a heg

>> No.13746276

sanderbased a cute

>> No.13747316
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I met William Gibson at a signing. He was pleasant and easily spoke of how he and the other supposed godfathers of cyberpunk didn’t know what the fuck they were doing. I shook his hand and told him how much his writing meant to me and the smile he gave was worth it’s weight in gold

>> No.13747378

I met David Morrell, author of “First Blood.”

>> No.13747385

Although I didn’t formally meet him I’m almost positive he showed up at my nyc bookclub meeting discussing col49.

He sat away from the maintable waiting for takeout in a worn cap, windbreaker, and get this, a totebag filled with newspapers, magazines, books etc. he was looking at our table over a newspaper and had the crankiest look on his face, I looked him dead on and he just fluffed his newspaper, grumbled and shook his head. Next time I looked over Tommy was gone.

>> No.13748445

No, nor do I want to. Speaking as a writer, writers are terrible people and should be kept separate from the rest of the population and studied for all of our safety.
Imagine WANTING to be around someone as insufferable as all writers are.

>> No.13748514

Yeah, he seems like such a cool guy.

>> No.13748890

I once met David Sedaris and he gave me a tiny, hyper-realistic rubber hand that goes on your finger and proceeded to tell me that I should wear it to job interviews because it might help if people thought I was crippled and that if you hold your dick with it it makes it look huge. Then he signed my blood donor ID card because it was one of the only things I had on me at the time and now I've still got my blood card signed by David Sedaris in my wallet 9/10 experience overall

>> No.13749122

>if only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.13749285

Lemony Snicket once hit on my infant daughter. To be fair, she was totally flirting with him.

>> No.13749518

>Then he signed my blood donor ID card because it was one of the only things I had on me at the time
That means he owns your blood now.

>> No.13749546

What kind of smiles are these? Why do they both look dead inside?

>> No.13749552

None of them are alive.

>> No.13749559

he says, on /lit/

>> No.13749571

They don't know how to fake smile. You have to move certain muscles in your face (not just show your teeth like Fedora guy or smirk like Sanderson) in order for it to look natural.

>> No.13749594

Damn he is eating like no tomorrow

>> No.13749627

Why does Sanderson look like he could be interviewed in Mindhunter?

>> No.13749749

i met Kim Stanley Robinson. hes an interesting guy who is very knowledgeable. he lives in my small town but ive never seen him outside of a scheduled appearance

>> No.13749779

Go to bed thomas

>> No.13749791

Did you ask him if the consumer is autobiographical

>> No.13749809

I met Thomas Pynchon once outside of a gas station in western Kentucky. He had just got done beating up a faggot and he walked over to me with blood still on his knuckles and said “h-hey old s-s-sport-t, w-an-n-na s-moke-e?” At first, I didn’t realize it was Pynchon, then he took out a pack of lucky strikes from the 40s from the pocket of his 80s windbreaker and lit me one. He then proceeded to complain about his son and wife and how his publishing company forced him to write Vineland and I instantly knew it was him. I said “wow, Thomas Pynchon, THE Thomas Pynchon? I’m a huge fan sir!” Upon hearing this his face darkened and he got on all fours like an ape and started to shamble around making various howling noises. He said “ME NOT PYNCHON ME APE” several times and beat up the faggot a little more. Then he stopped, walked back to me, put his hand on my shoulder, and said “I’ll b-be s-seein ya ‘r-r-round-d son-n” and walked behind a semi. I went around the back of the semi and he was gone, all that was left was a bottle of anal lube and a bic lighter that smelled like weed

>> No.13749856

brian jacques twice. friendly, charismatic, and amazing voice.

>> No.13749869

Yah, the one thing i like to see in a person, if i want to connect to them on a deeper level, is modality of thought, being able to contimplate things from multiple perspectives and mindsets.

>> No.13750110
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>William Gibson
That man totally predicted Hatsune Miku light-years (in compressed digital time) before it happened. Big ups.

>> No.13750806

Classic Tommeh