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File: 14 KB, 220x309, 220px-Jordan_Peterson_June_2018 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13741305 No.13741305[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is his problem

>> No.13741329
File: 88 KB, 800x685, h5788C4A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obsession with
>Life, the meaning of
caused by his neurotic character

>> No.13741328


>> No.13741337

He has dreams about his grandma's furburger

>> No.13741379
File: 470 KB, 821x661, 1566145976105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Peterson a closet Jew? His curly hair makes me wonder about that.

>> No.13741413
File: 1003 KB, 1295x720, jbp2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, he's just a shabbos through and through. there's even a video where he says most of his friends are jews, because jews inherently are more intellectual than white people, so he gravitates towards them.

>> No.13741434

Then why does he have curly hair if he's not a Jew

>> No.13741473

idk, he might be a jew, who knows

>> No.13741491
File: 251 KB, 960x525, 1566577116272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Zizek absolutely blew him the fuck out.

>> No.13741510
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>Jordan Peterson

>> No.13741532
File: 167 KB, 960x960, EA48E2C5-89CA-4934-A205-441294AD2494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His wife is jewish, and so is everyone other member of the “intellectual dark web”. Each person in this picture aside from peterstein is a j*w

>> No.13741554

damn, imagine how much influence that group of retarded jews has over young white men. what the fuck are we doing wasting our time shitposting instead of building our own platforms? it wouldn't even be that hard, its just psychologically daunting.

>> No.13741556

Zizek is based but he did no such thing. Their debate didn't reach any conclusion and by the end of it they were still in the early stages of defining and agreeing upon terms. There would need to be another debate, where both of them are - before the fucking debate - agreed what they're discussing and where they plan to reach, for zizek to achieve a 'victory'.

>> No.13741562

Did you miss the part where Zizek was yelling at Peterson to show him the Marxists and Peterson just bowed his head in defeat

>> No.13741571

>what the fuck are we doing wasting our time shitposting instead of building our own platforms
This is why you should look into accelerationism and Lands philosophy. Centralized power will always depend on centralized systems of command. The laws of relativity put hard limits on how fast and how far those systems can operate.

According to Land’s formulation, power will try to use its mastery of relativistic physics to mask this weakness, but it is extremely vulnerable to being overtaken by more decentralized, chaotic processes. Building our own platforms only makes it easier for us to be disrupted and disorganized. Better off working as we do now, an ambiguous spiritual entity slowly infecting contemporary culture

>> No.13741572

If that one quip is what you consider getting 'blown the fuck out', then we don't agree on our terms yet either.

>> No.13741577

thats the most jewish thing i've ever read.

>> No.13741590

It’s time us goyim developed jew-ops. We must out jew the jew.

>> No.13741625

>us goyim
shut the fuck up kike. i'm not your fucking goy.

>> No.13741653

If you’ve never ironically called yourself a goy, you’re a try hard right wing sperg. As a German, I shouldn’t have to tell you to not be so literal in your interpretations of language.

>> No.13741714

He cares too much... but is that a crime?

>> No.13741722

Small penis

>> No.13741780

have a look around. the media monster is shitting itself censoring and scrambling for faster and faster meme strawman stereotypes to discredit opposition.

>> No.13741792
File: 64 KB, 1200x507, C6ucuB5WwAAcWr0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's doing great.


Check this based shit out.

>> No.13741938

Holy fucking based

>> No.13742006

go away reddit

>> No.13742067

where is this from? I'd like to read more of it

>> No.13742070

He tried to save everyone, but he could only save those who listened.

>> No.13742071

imagine having strong emotions/opinions on jordan peterson

>> No.13742150

he's a kike puppet

>> No.13742203

imagine having emotions about anything

>> No.13742249

wow, no servile fanboys rushing to the defense of memerson, the dane cook of public intellectuals. Is /lit/ entering a new age?

>> No.13742273

they're out and about getting things done after successfully appllying the 12 rules and washing their penises so zizek trannies are free to snark about peterson on their own without running into resistance.

>> No.13742278

2019...he´s gone!

>> No.13742279

he caught the eyes of babby right wing teenagers-20 somethings for being anti trans, and then went with it and grifted them out of millions on patreon and with self-help drivel.

>> No.13742283

i feel like if people held on to him more than ben jewpiro, the right would be 100x more popular than it is

doubt it

>> No.13742290

You can have curly hair and not be a Jew, just like you can have straight blond hair with blue eyes while being a Jew. It's a matter of statistics, Jews have a high percentage of curly black hair with brown eyes, so it's assumed those are necessarily Jewish traits.

>> No.13742306

This, in combination with what is at best average intelligence.

>> No.13742340

Did you miss when Peterson explained himself and Zizek replied: "totally agree with you"?

>> No.13742426

I have never known another nationality handle spicy food as hot as some Yugoslavs like it. They'll just down chilis. The runners up are probably the Brits, there is a serious hot curry culture in most urban areas.

>> No.13742438

You're being ridiculous.

That is one of the ways that Zizek won.

Peterson is not a philosopher. Philosophy isn't so much about writing flowery books about pretty ideas, but winning dick swinging contests. Zizek showed himself to be a far better dick swinger than Peterson, he may even be one of the best so there's no shame there although this was a low level contest.

>> No.13742527
File: 1.77 MB, 4000x3000, jordan b peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its from the intro to his book 12 rules for life, said intro being written by a literal jew btw.

>> No.13742538

philosophy proper isn't about dick swinging or flowery books and pretty ideas
perhaps the celebrity of philosophers is, but the ideas you are ascribing are to be ascribed to "celebrity" not "philosophy"

philosophy proper is about other stuff whose value is qualified differently in each new instantiation while addressing the same set(s) of problem(s)

>> No.13742543

>philosophy proper is about other stuff whose value is qualified differently in each new instantiation while addressing the same set(s) of problem(s)
Blah blah blah, fuck off with your shit opinion before I club you to death with my hammer of a dong.

>> No.13742547

why does literally everything have to relate to jews and the fucking holoroast in some way?

>> No.13742555

He can't do it.

>> No.13742561
File: 673 KB, 786x818, jbp3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats just the world we live in. if something's fishy, it's probably the jews behind it.

>> No.13742568

if this were a dick swinging contest... i'd still win with my post sorry see ya later

>> No.13742575

>sorry see ya later
Last member standing, my penis wins again.

>> No.13742692


>> No.13742750
File: 256 KB, 1286x1600, 1567021780999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are all Canadians colossal fucking faggots or is it just Jordan Peterson

>> No.13742796

What's so bad about Peterson /lit/?

>> No.13742818

He supports capitalism, he encourages the use of SSRIs, he acts like he's an authoritative source on philosophy even though he's just a glorified psychologist, and his friends are all Jews.

>> No.13742824

literally me

>> No.13742833

He's also an Israel supporter and he's a hypocrite who talks about the importance of being a strong alpha male when he's a wimpy dork

>> No.13742837

he's factually wrong.

>> No.13742849

about what

>> No.13742866

Name one good reason to be against Israel. I'm anti-semitic but also zionist.

>> No.13742870

People who question the system instead of acquiring money and status.

>> No.13742881

Fuckers are major source of inflamation in the mid east, which wouldn´t be that bad if mutts weren´t so keen on intervening there.

>> No.13742893

I think all jews should go live in israel and those who choose to stay in the diaspora should be forced to wear yellow stars and live in jewish ghettos.

>> No.13742908
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 1566576688499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is he such a milquetoast coward?
>N-no you can't make me use transgender pronouns because it's like a violation of my individual liberty man
Why won't he just come right out and say that transgender people are disgusting?

>> No.13742915

probably because you get 20 years for that in canada.

>> No.13742945
File: 53 KB, 465x750, 1566146408011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't really articulate why I dislike Peterson. Maybe it's because he tries to capture everything into his own rigid personal Philosophy of "order, chaos, and embodying the Logos". Maybe it's because I can listen to his lectures for hours but not really pull anything of substance away. Maybe it's because he over simplifies 20th century politics or has "neo-marxists" as an all evil boogey man. But it's probably just because he seems so fucking smug about being nothing more than a glorified self help guru despite being depressed himself.

>> No.13742953

Is it agreed here now that Peterson is a gatekeeper to stop young men from going too far to the right

>> No.13742981

Is he? I don't think Peterson is too far right but here's what he does that I have problems with. He often implies things but keeps his beliefs as implicit so as to have a certain degree of deniability. He seems to associate his boogey man of neo marxists with not just the far left but the left as a whole. Not only this but he seems unable to define what a neo-Marxist is and acts though he and his fellows (Dave Ruben and Ben Shapiro) are on undoubtedly a force for order and morality. I think he leads people into that echo chamber of psudeo-intellectual conservatives. His dramatic do-or-die manner of delivering speeches and lectures certainly is not helpful either

>> No.13742984

Jordan Peterson is the king of boomers.

>> No.13743023

I don't agree with him, but honestly I like him simply because a lot of his crazy stuff manages to circle around and become entertaining. He's the mentally ill uncle my parents don't let me be with I never had.

Also I like his voice.

>> No.13743032

yes, its been proven he's controlled op and has ties to the UN. i don't have the screencap, but i could probably find it in the archives.

>> No.13743075

Why does he cry so much

>> No.13743076


>According to Land’s formulation, power will try to use its mastery of relativistic physics to mask this weakness, but it is extremely vulnerable to being overtaken by more decentralized, chaotic processes. Building our own platforms only makes it easier for us to be disrupted and disorganized. Better off working as we do now, an ambiguous spiritual entity slowly infecting contemporary culture

That is fundamentally just Hegel, is this really what he is famous for?

>> No.13743083
File: 121 KB, 1242x1434, bestseller JBP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he calling Jordan Peterson the Jewish Messiah?

>> No.13743090

>he encourages the use of SSRIs
what's wrong with this?

>> No.13743104

The number of people with and the severity of side effects are vastly under reported. They're horrendous.

>> No.13743537

>you'd get deplatformed because jews own the platforms
>if you somehow evolved into a major ideological threat regardless you'd get character/assassinated

>> No.13744550

The diet purely consists of beef.

>> No.13744558


>> No.13744586

This image disgusts me

>> No.13744723

Says he reads really fast but hasn't read anything past 2 years to amend his self-proclaimed vast ignorance of mamy topics. That's his fucking problem. Like in his debate with Zizek, he said he was going to read all his books and Marx, but ALL he did was read the Manifesto.