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/lit/ - Literature

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13740710 No.13740710 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything sadder than a book signing where nobody wants your book or autograph?

>> No.13740719

This woman is acutely aware that her photograph is being taken.

>> No.13740726

Being homeless and poor. Why should I care if the rabble likes or dislikes my works? I only want one thing from the rabble: MONEY.
Anyways, it feels so good to be elitist and look down on the rabble.

>> No.13740737

I mean yeah, stuff like nobody coming to a kid's birthday party or being told by your mother that she in fact never loved you or something. But those are just variations of the same theme.
I guess the literary equivalent would indeed be what you said.

>> No.13740742

Who cares? Money and time heal all wounds.

>> No.13740743

that's not a book signing anon. those are t shirts

>> No.13740750

Why is she in an empty hall? Don't book signers (or whatever she is) either go to stores or conventions?

>> No.13740757

>nobody coming to a kid's birthday party

This never happens unless they deliberately tell no one. Kids love parties, even if the biggest loser invites them.

>> No.13740760

it honestly just looks like whatever convention she was working at has just about ended and she's bored as fucking waiting to clean up and go home.

>> No.13740766

why would that be the saddest thing by any stretch?
if you go through all the steps of realizing an ambition and at the end of the process youre that girl, lets suppose it is one, at her booksigning and it's empty do you actually think that person would care?

>> No.13740802
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Being raped to death by a nearsighted walrus.

>> No.13740808

I love girls' feet in sandals

>> No.13740820

Based and Randpilled

>> No.13740839
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I was in a shop yesterday that specializes in sci-fi/fantasy books, and are one of the main sponsors for the local Comic Con. The clerk was discussing how they had William Shatner a few years ago and just how irritating it was to handle him and his management. That they demanded something like 75$ for an autograph, or you bought Bills book for 40 and he would sign it for you, but you mustn't speak to him. His management also had a clause that if the line was deemed "too short" that Shatner would then be allowed to leave because a short line reflects poorly on him. Which by mid-day happened and Shatner left because he was bored, despite the fact those in line either paid for his autograph, or the book was left empty-handed.

>> No.13740842

Fuck Ayn Rand.

>> No.13740856

he had some baneposting to do.

>> No.13740870

Can tell you from experience that this is wrong

>> No.13740886

Little kids, sure. older kids, no. They're heartless socially-obsessed vermin. The safest thing is to just have family birthday parties after Grade 4 (cheaper and easier, too).

>> No.13740891

>socially obsessed vermin
and why do you care again if someone rocks up to your party?

>> No.13740899

Signed t-shirts.

>> No.13741015

As I get older I appreciate the people who organize parties and events since I now realize doing it successfully is way more difficult than it seems.

>> No.13741060

still not books

>> No.13741093

You can read a t-shirt if it has text, like a funny joke, on it

>> No.13741100

I'd bring her home.

>> No.13741225

based, all my birthday parties since like middle school have just been immediate family members

>> No.13741233


>> No.13741347

>tfw never had a birthday party with friends, and when as a kid I suggested it to my mom she laughed at me and said no

>> No.13741480

I'm pretty sure it's one of those stands where people attending a concert can get a band t-shirt. The photo is taken before the concert is over so obviously there's nobody there yet.

>> No.13741487

what's the most literary t shirt?

>> No.13741502
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>> No.13741781

that's just biz garbage, try harder board tourist

>> No.13741793

Do people who only browse one board actually exist? If so, how?

>> No.13741798

I did a reverse image search, she's selling merch for some wrestler and no one gave a shit, he came back the next day and did a signing booth and no one showed up again.

>> No.13741851

>he's a browser

ok then stop posting

>> No.13741856

I was self conscious that there was a risk nobody would come to my parties way before it actually happened. So no parties, no deception. Last year i almost forgot it was my birthday.

It reminds me of the movie the wrestler, with Mickey Rourke. They were (wrestlers) all waiting like her, trying to sell t-shirts, and barely a few people came.

>> No.13741884

I, a crossposter from /tv/, will do my very best to lower the quality of this board even further
Go read a book and cry about it, fag

>> No.13741890


You are not real /tv/, you are reddi/tv/. No one cares what you swear you'll do, because you've only been on the site for a year or two and you'll be gone within the year. Tourists never stay. They're just the background white noise, like the surf of reddit hitting the beach, or the wind rustling in the autumn leaves.

>> No.13741908

ok buddy just try and not shoot up your school ok

>> No.13741915

ugh you mental midgets always ruin everything
should have known this board was finished after the trump shit, we lost only normalfag filter: how left leaning and snobby everything seemed to outsiders

now the average midwit wants to be trad, religious and cultured, because politics
time to move on again, there are cooler secret areas of quality than lit, places you will NEVER know about

>> No.13741922

Under the age of 13 sure, but the idea of a 10 year old with no one at his party like you see on TV is a complete myth.

>> No.13741939

10 is less than 13

>> No.13741953

Boy... what

>> No.13742129


>> No.13742172
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>> No.13742275


>> No.13742317

You're naïve and should be shot

>> No.13742417

i miss O&A, imagine the world we'd live in if jim and ant had formed their own show back when the nigger assault happened, and opie had just retired or something

instead we got 7 years of anthony fucking trannies and jim pathetically talking to SAM for hours on end, i can't imagine a worse hell

>> No.13742695

"I'm with stupid"

>> No.13742745

my grandmother once got me some science book signed by the author because she happened to be in the bookshop while he was doing a signing and nobody was there.

i never read it, gave it to charity and dont remember the book or author.

>> No.13743224

>it's not politics until I say so
>phone spacing

>> No.13743394

It's due to hubris. How is it not possible to assess the popularity of one's own works?

>> No.13743406

Well it’s an honest mistake, she forgot to gather social media orbiters first