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13734257 No.13734257[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which one is right?

>> No.13734268


>> No.13734271

Humans have no access to things-in-themselves. If any religions happened to be right, it would be by sheer coincidence.

>> No.13734281


>> No.13734285

Buddhism is selfishness incarnate.

>> No.13734291

Depends which branch

>> No.13734345

We're all agreed that Taoism is a complete and utter fucking joke, right?

>> No.13734401


>> No.13734413
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All of them

>> No.13734444

Taoism is just Zen for pussies

>> No.13734472

Whichever manifests the most characteristics of perennial wisdom, which is none of them anymore.

>> No.13734478

Chaos magick

>> No.13734501
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The dao. All the rest is dogma.

>> No.13734505


>> No.13734535
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You only find pure Tawheed in one religion, and it just so happens to be the fastest growing one as well.

>> No.13734542



>> No.13734552

The one that has no connection to the jews or chinese

>> No.13734563


>> No.13734578
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All you need is Christ, and everything else will be revealed and given to you.

>> No.13734585

Depends on where you're from.
All religion and spirituality in their core, derived from men's connection with his environment.
For example, the Greeks had rituals where they would honor the sea. You can't do that if you don't live by the sea, can you?
So choose the religion that fits your environment.

>> No.13734589

Cross-worshippers out of my board! /lit/ is an Athari Caliphate

>> No.13734592

The Truth they're pointing towards

>> No.13734619

Then what sort of religion do we embrace in a technoscientific globalized world?

>> No.13734627

I think Soto Zen is the most correct IMO. I also think very highly of Quakerism and Philosophical Taoism. There are kernels of insight in Socinianism, Bektashi and Mevlevi Sufism, and Sikhism. I don't believe Tengriism or Celtic Paganism at all, but they're beautiful religions.

>> No.13734630
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Ironically determinism is the most correct religion that hasn’t been realized yet. All other religions presuppose two ideals:
>man is free and must not be controlled
>man is free and must be controlled
Determinism separates from the latter in that
>man is controlled and must be guided
Here we have arise a new theory of life which in itself brings about a more true and pure interpretation of man, life, and existence in general. Many will argue that “if man isn’t free, than he will either become insane and act in psychosis, or he will become depressed perform the act of suicide.” In reality, man is already stuck between those two ideals. Determinism sets man truly free in that he does not hear the burden of responsibility for that which is outside of his immediate understanding. Instead, man is allowed to contingency of being free within parameters that if noticed, he is able to change with his primordial and existential desire for completeness.

>> No.13734634

They literally don't believe in the self. The key focus is empathy. Are you retarded?

>> No.13734638

Lemurian time sorcery

>> No.13734639


>> No.13734644

Buddy, determinism isn't a religion. It's a philosophical perspective. Obviously Calvinists are determinists, but so are lots of atheists. Also, we're better off acting as if things aren't deterministic. and if the Christian god was true, the Calvinistic god would be an evil piece of shit for creating people he knew would be damned.

>> No.13734646

That would be a retrogression wouldn't it? Wasn't he anti-tech? You can't close Pandora's Box. It's too late bro. Anyway, that's not really a religion.

>> No.13734650



>> No.13734653

a technoscientific globalized world has no soul/spirituality, so there's no religion you can practice.
You need to either physicall leave it behind or separate your mind from the hive-mind of civilization.

>The man that lives among the nature that brought him here is closer to the Gods than any scholar will be.

>> No.13734657

I don't know what that is, but it sounds based. How do I into Lemurian time sorcery?

>> No.13734660

CCRU Writings 1997-2003

>> No.13734661

Technology was made by humans, who are natural, and thus technology is natural. It's arbitrary to make a division.

>> No.13734662

No but you can close yourself in it, retard

>> No.13734673
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>Athari Caliphate
I want to help you to grow as beautiful as God meant you to be when He thought of you first.

>> No.13734675

Returning to a state where people actually had social skills is regressing
fucking loon

>> No.13734679

I strongly prefer Zen to Taoism because so much of Taoism is based on superstitious magical nonsense, but philosophical Taoism is really valuable and insightful, and it had a huge influence on Zen.

I think the major difference between Zen practice and Taoist practice is really the mindset, and both are valuable and important. The key to Zen thought is basically clearing the mind of distractions (emotions, preconceptions, habits, etc.) to see how things really are, so one can act in the most effective way possible. I think this is really valuable, but the Taoist mindset has its own uses, because it's sort of more nimble. The idea is following the Tao, or the truth, and what that means in practice is really following your gut about what the best thing to do is. You're basically training yourself to take the best action reflexively.

>> No.13734681

>we're better off acting as if things aren't deterministic
Right, and we should continue letting humans believe that they are acting in “free will”, that their environment and exposure to stimuli bears little effect on the immediate possibility of their future existence.
>Christian god was true
Do not take any religious interpretation of god as more than a metaphor for living a “good” and “just” life. The supernatural is nothing more than mathematical processes that are more
complex than our finite ability to calculate.
>the Calvinistic god
There is no specific god except the original force which set our universe in motion and maintains or perceived reality. Those who understand this receive eternal salvation in the peace knowing existence is eternal suffering, and salvation is possible only through the sacrifice of bodily desire.

>> No.13734707

That's not the implication of free will. The implication is that people are responsible for their own actions, so they need to take responsibility.

I agree that when people talk about God, they're really talking about how the universe works as a system. However, your definition of the supernatural is silly because you're literally buying into the god of the gaps fallacy, that anything we can't explain is supernatural. That's silly. It's also frankly cringey to call everything "mathematical processes" because while mathematics can describe the universe, well, it's kind of a pseudo-intellectual point.

"Calvinistic God" is just another way of saying "deterministic God." I hoped that would've been obvious.

>> No.13734772

>"Calvinistic God" is just another way of saying "deterministic God." I hoped that would've been obvious.
That was understood, but I feel making distinctions in my argument makes things more clear, especially when referencing multiple angles/people/philosophy’s.
>The implication is that people are responsible for their own actions, so they need to take responsibility
The idea of a non-determined universe keeps people lulled by the muse of possibility; if they only possessed some deeply moving will they can thereby make change of their life. Determinism eliminates procrastination as a conscious process and instead flips it on its proverbial head so that procrastination is a reflexive action of prior forces. People believe they change if they REALLY want to, when instead they should believe that change only occurs when the realization of a future built on the past is the only real possibility.
>that anything we can't explain is supernatural
I’m saying nothing is supernatural. What we do not understand we attribute to autonomous forces, which is idiocy.
>It's also frankly cringey to call everything "mathematical processes" because while mathematics can describe the universe, well, it's kind of a pseudo-intellectual point.
The fact that we can interpret and predict chaos (to a certain degree) nulls the point of belief that mathematics can’t reduce the universe into something calculable.

>> No.13734821
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Isiah 43:11
>I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour.

Isaiah 44
>6 Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.

>7 And who, as I, shall call, and shall declare it, and set it in order for me, since I appointed the ancient people? and the things that are coming, and shall come, let them shew unto them.

>8 Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any.

Isaiah 45
>5 I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:

>6 That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the Lord, and there is none else.

>> No.13734824

>copy pasting scripture quotes
is there a more advanced form of discourse?

>> No.13734826

Jesus is no different from Socrates, Lao Tze, Zoroaster, the Buddha. Quit quoting him as if he was some principally unique character and archetype to emerge out of social chaos.

>> No.13734830

most based & underrated post ITT

>> No.13734840

The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Repent ye and believe the gospel.
The lion of the tribe of Judah is coming and the clouds to judge the quick and the dead.

>> No.13734845

These are all fair points, and you make a really interesting point about determinism, I'll think about that. Good post!

>> No.13734849
File: 480 KB, 800x600, F1BB932A-4B3E-4891-9CBD-199E7162ED1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he takes the bible as literal work instead of metaphor
I shiggy diggy

>> No.13734876

Why post pictures of people teaching false gospels?

Galatians 1
>6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:

>7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.

>8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

>9 As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

>> No.13734879

Modern Christianity is a joke in the west. The only 3 people who seriously adhere to it are bluepilled shitlibs like you see in >>13734849, retarded backwoods rednecks in America, and cringy larpers on 4chan and twitter who become Christian because of shitty crusader memes.

>> No.13734891
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>> No.13734894
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>> No.13734898

i legitimately thought i was the only one on this site who has heard of him

>> No.13734902

Asymptotes prove that true singularity can’t be achieved by primordial form. You can only became infinitesimally closer.

>> No.13734911

It is the separating of the wheat from chaff. The Lord Jesus Christ is gathering the wheat into his garner and he will burn the chaff with fire unquenchable. Alleluia.

>> No.13734914

the two wings of Buddhism are wisdom (prajna) and compassion (karuna)
the only reason Buddhists continue to act and do things in the world after fully realizing Nirvana instead of just sitting in a cave all day, is compassion for other living beings. They no longer have self-interest. The highest values in Buddhism are wisdom and compassion.

>> No.13734934

he is one of the few modern Theravada monks that actually understands dependent arising (unlike much of traditional Theravada which falls for a sort of naive realism because of Abhidhamma + commentaries)

>> No.13734975

Thank you. Determinism shouldn’t be depressing and sad. Conversely, determinism should be the most liberating as it finally reveals the ultimate illusion wrought by the human ego, and that change is possible only if it becomes realized that the future is precedental. Happy Saturday internet stranger. Go make some life changes you’ve been neglecting

>> No.13735103

>God is all merciful, loving, and forgiving
>But he won't forgive you if you don't believe in him and will send you to burn in eternal hellfire

>> No.13735119

>will send you to burn in eternal hellfire
You are doing that yourself. Repent.

>> No.13735125

But I thought God controls our fates? So God intentionally hardens certain people's hearts to reject him and then sends them to hell for it?

>> No.13735126

>Then what sort of religion do we embrace in a technoscientific globalized world?
Worship of nature, as type of satanism against all that. or maybe esoteric consumerism maybe only other option.

>> No.13735128


>> No.13735166

You could repent right now. Why don't you? Your life has been nothing but one long rebellion against the Lord Jesus Christ. Repent now and put your trust in him to take you go heaven.

>> No.13735209


>> No.13735222

Because it would be a hollow repentance since I don't believe that Jesus was God incarnate.

I guess God just likes being a dick.

>> No.13735238


>> No.13735244

Nice meme, but it's literally such a pointless religion. No reason to do anything because you're entirely helpless in terms of your own destiny. We may as well all kill ourselves. Sure, it's a sin, but if you're predestined for salvation it doesn't matter how much you sin.

>> No.13735285


>> No.13735437

What's the best thing to read regarding philosophical Taoism

>> No.13735538
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>> No.13735578

Wrong question.

>> No.13735584

Buddhism isn't a religion.

Also Hinduism.

>> No.13735610

Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu) is the key text for philosophical Taoism, but it's definitely important to seek out good commentaries on it because it's an ancient Chinese text and it's not exactly straightforward

>> No.13735693

the final redpill of religion is that it doesnt matter if it's true, only that we believe it

>> No.13735779
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All contain religious truth to some degree
All contain errors to some degree
All contain wisdom to some degree

Best to be syncretic and take the best and highest of all and reject the lowest and meanest of all

>> No.13735885

The Cathars were correct.

>> No.13735892

Tao te ching (its a classic for a reason
I ching (Taoist I ching translated by Clearly is great, the Buddhist one is good also)
Tai Chi classics

>> No.13736142

The Tao Te Ching is the core Taoist text, but he's asking about specifically philosophical Taoism, as opposed to the magical variety... which basically means he's specifically NOT asking for stuff like the I Ching

>> No.13736166

Christianity is the endgame of religion.

>> No.13736192
