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13727884 No.13727884 [Reply] [Original]

Considering the imminent worldwide collapse that is to come, what kind of literature would you recommend to promote sustainable living and survival?

Practical books such as those regarding agriculture, but also regarding manual labor, how to build sheds, how to survive in bleak environments, how to produce/store energy et cetera.

Philosophy is welcome if under the veil of ecology or related subjects.

Also, let us discuss, ITT, our feelings of optimism and doom as the Titanic sinks.

>> No.13727915

thats nice and all but can somebody recommend me some books about the whole world collapsing like piece by piece where at the end, nothing exists

>> No.13727931
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>> No.13727953

>worldwide collapse
Stop believing in globalist lies

>> No.13728102

The only relevant book I've found in this regard is the SAS survival guide. It's pretty much a survival encyclopedia, containing everything from survival kits, to mental attitude, to finding food etc

>> No.13729108

louis cachet's twitter feed

>> No.13729969


>> No.13730040

>Practical books such as those regarding agriculture, but also regarding manual labor, how to build sheds, how to survive in bleak environments, how to produce/store energy et cetera.
you literally answered your own question. get off the internet and get to reading.

>> No.13730672
File: 656 KB, 1003x2078, federal debt screen shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gardening books, infrastructure books, first aid books, tactics books.
>I'm visiting from /k/
>I have a thread up with (most of) my book collection
Specifically Encyclopedia of Country Living, The Survival Medicine Handbook, Bushcraft 101, the Fox Fire books, and a bunch of other ones.

>> No.13730721

if you took a single economics course and found out what debt really is suddenly this entire stupid image falls apart. Approaching 0 debt would mean lenders don't trust debtors to repay their debt which is ACTUALLY the worst case scenario and a predictor of an economic collapse. Lenders trusting debtors is a sign of stability.

>> No.13730769
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Not only have I taken a single econ class, I've taken multiple.
Kinda fuck off and go worship at the idol of your short sighted, hedonistic, gay pedophile's grave.

>> No.13730775

>imminent worldwide collapse
Where do you guys get this from?

>> No.13730780
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>> No.13731020
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Not OP, but thanks for sharing

>> No.13731171
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Well, I have, and I've found dozens of books, but if I create such a thread in an online forum it is with the intention of sharing resources with strangers from around the world, for some may know things that others don't, and vice-versa. Pleb.

Very good, thanks. The interesting bit is that it is not only practical knowledge there, but there's also books on the whole attitude surrounding this matter.

I don't get it.

>> No.13731231
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Millenarianism is escapism. You are trying to avoid your real problems by saying the sky is falling.

>> No.13731233


>> No.13731274

millenarianism is the belief a better world is coming, on the contrary we claim the ecosystem is under severe pressure and we don't know what we're fucking doing
>Humanity has wiped out 60% of animal populations since 1970
>Over 40 percent of insect species face extinction in coming decades

>> No.13731289

>stop panicking everyone, it's just that a vast majority of scientists are bribed by an evil, worldwide conspiracy to install a totalitarian regime
that's kinda bleak too tho

>> No.13731314
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>I got a college degree, house, and car from working an entry level job and I told an entire generation to because debt slaves and can't imagine why that would do to anything bad to the economy
Debt cycles happen every 7-9 years.
They also happen every 100-120 years.
In 1820 we had our first depression which was as bad as anything the British put on us.
In 1929 we had the great depression.

Both cycles are due.
See >>13730672 for additional information as to the current economic factors that are at play.

>> No.13731319

Good books and journal articles on these cycles and other general cycles/trends?

>> No.13731332

i've read this book a while back, called something like "the world without us". it assumes that humans just suddenly vanish and it shows what would happen to all the infrastructures, cities, animals, forests... pretty interesting and well written.

>> No.13731360

If you’re unironically an eco-nationalist than my only advice for you is that you should kill yourself.

>> No.13731365

Nah, I'm not. I'm very eco-friendly, but not to the point of ecofascism. Just posted this chart because I'm interestered in some of these books.

>> No.13731373


>> No.13731391
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The Everything Bubble. Road To Serfdom.
Big Debt Crises by Ray Dalio and Jim Rickards' The Road to Ruin, Aftermath, and The Death of Money have been recommended to me, but I haven't gotten a chance to read them.
>Rickards wrote a 4th book and they make a sort of economic timeline for how a financial collapse would be set up.
Also Ron Paul has written a few books about market manipulation and financial crisis. End The Fed comes to mind.
>I should probably pick it up for myself

>> No.13731812

God, human extinction can't come soon enough.
All I ask is to live long enough to witness the irreversible downfall of our species.

>> No.13732038
File: 130 KB, 1050x1350, leanlogic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recommending 'Lean Logic' as a great directory for other resources - one that's accessible to almost anyone in terms of its requisite background reading. Honestly, we just have to dig in where we are, become familiar with the community/bioregion, and try to weather the storm. There are so many facets to the recovery of human agency and biosphere health that it can become pretty overwhelming, but I've found that dedicating oneself to a particular tangible space aids in the scrabbling for meaning. Once you understand the energy flows in your area, you can tap into them for your own purposes; to build resilience in yourself and your people. In a funny way, reading 'Dune' helped me with thinking through my place in history. We're all drops in the river of human experience - our role determined by our time and place - we've got to focus on paving the way just as much as individual living. We need to return to a mosaic of existence on the land.

>> No.13732044

Technological Slavery and Anti-Tech Revolution by Kaczynski

The Collapse of Complex Civilizations by Joseph Tainter

The works of John Michael Greer and James Howard Kunstler

Being and Oil by Chad Haag

Jacques Ellul

John Glubb - The Fate of Empires & Search for Survival

>> No.13732049

What do you think of Tom Woods?

>> No.13732195

None of those seem very practical. Need something like "12 rules for running a farm without electricity"

>> No.13732267
File: 34 KB, 343x265, NickLandTed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By Uncle Ted and Peterson

>> No.13732278

To be honest I don't see a worldwide global collapse unless electricity is suddenly cut forever or some 10000 nukes are all launched at the same time. The entire world is simply too intricate to die out and humans are worse than roaches when it comes to survival. Thinking about some isolated towns even right here in my country, if all the rest if the world would suddenly disappear, they wouldn't even notice it. How the fuck do you exterminate something like this?
You're looking at the world through a way American point of view, and that's sad. Yeah, you guys are royally fucked and to be honest continental fall is not impossible. But to say the whole worse would collapse is plainly ignorant (an American trait)

>> No.13732607

I don't believe that humanity will end. Not through what we're doing and that which is imminent. But I do believe that most of western society will undergo an unprecedented economical and ecological crisis. Europe, the Unitaded States, Africa, parts of Latin America and Asia... All will suffer.

The further you are from the coast, the better you are, though.

>> No.13732647

>I don't believe that humanity will end
are you fucking serious? you think we're the eternal substance or endpoint of all reality or what?

>> No.13732786

True but at least you know what's the real treat

>> No.13732818

No, but I don't think it will end in the long term.

Perhaps in the long, long term.

What we're seeing is simply another civilization fall, and there have been many other falls in the past. The twist is that previous falls haven't been accompanied by environmental crisis.

If we don't put effort into turning our situation around we can very well experience extinction. I don't think we'll get to this point through our current course of action, though.

>> No.13733388
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>I don't get it.
that's the future. if you listen carefully, you can hear the gods laughing

>> No.13733462

What parts of the United States will be best off? I’ll be out of college soon, and I want to position myself to acquire as many tangible assets as possible in as safe of a location as possible with my lucrative white collar job before shit hits the fan. What factors should I consider?

I was thinking New Hampshire, Indiana? Tennessee, and Nebraska (Omaha). What do you think?

>> No.13733520

>previous falls haven't been accompanied by environmental crisis.
Heh, what exactly do you think caused their collapse exactly? Bad thoughts? Most of them are caused by an environmental crisis that got exploited by neighbors better prepared for it. Even three plagues in a row might be considered as caused by environmental changes.

>> No.13733522
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I love him to death but his podcasts are so dry.

Read (or listen) to One Second After. The author is some expert on the grid and energy infrastructure and he was having a conversation with Newt Gingrich and he told him he should write a book about it.
So he did.
And it was REALLY good.

>> No.13733527

Is the amazon on fire?

>> No.13733557

Plagues were more because of large populations. They were growing pains, as we grew so did the opportunity for disease and we’ve had to go through and become resistant to those disease, like connecting the whole world by road. The Black Plague culled 75% of europe not even that long ago and could very well be why white people are so genetically superior, only the top 25% whites of that time exist today.

>> No.13733573

>could very well be why white people are so genetically superior
retarded way to look at genetics and selection in general. survival means you’re fit for the circumstances. it has nothing to do with your overall value. for all we know, the plague killed indiscriminately between the healthy and the deformed. perhaps plague resistance was conferred by an allele that also lowered IQ in most contexts.

>> No.13733574


>> No.13733600

Genetic viability is almost entirely surviving microbes, there are animals that mate by stabbing the female with the penis and cumming, if she survives the wound she will give good viable young.

>> No.13733607

>for all we know, the plague killed indiscriminately between the healthy and the deformed.
This is your brain on left wing

>> No.13733608
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>Tim Pool
Why would you honestly believe a charlatan like him?

Yes, the president of Brazil has stated many times he wishes to develop the land for agricultural purposes and drive out the Indigenous

>> No.13733620

>primary and secondary sources
>ad hominem
Ok, retard.

>> No.13733626

If only the British had colonized South America and it didn’t become a failed den of criminals like every non British colony. We might have white people and state parks down there.

>> No.13733634
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>scientists can't be wrong

>> No.13733661
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>> No.13733681

intelligence and surviving pandemics often has little correlation, except maybe indirectly since intelligent people may be wealthier, and thus have better diets and be socially isolated from the infected masses. biologically, there is no relationship.
that’s exactly what happened during the Spanish flu pandemic, millions of healthy young people died when their immune systems ravaged their own body in an attempt to rid themselves of the flu. this has nothing to do with left-wing thought—learning about population genetics and molecular biology refutes most left-wing assumptions about reality.

>> No.13733693

>I'm an activist
>titles her video as a direct ad hominem against a political opponent
Tell me, before I waste my time watching this video, how does an activist negate thermal satellite imaging that proves these fires are about average and happen every year and direct reports from farmers and Brazilians reporting that most (if not all) are set on purpose for crop rotation and slash and burn to prevent actual wild fires?

>> No.13733702

>HURR any counter to my argument is ad homenien
>Has to point out she's an activist in order to discredit her

Congrats you played yourself

>> No.13733711

>one guy vs decades of consensus
oh fuck off the oil companies knew about it in the 1980's
and climate isn't the only problem

>> No.13733725

Millennialism is saying the current system is fucked and in order to have a chance at a future we should at least try and solve the issues before they get too great

>> No.13733726
File: 9 KB, 281x180, that post gave me progeria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She literally said she was an activist within the first 10 seconds.
And "Bolsonaro's environmental mess" is not an argument...it's an ad hominem.

Stop replying. You are ruining this thread.

>> No.13733730

Do lefties actually think they’re fighting a meme war and others can’t see they’re the trash of these threads?

>> No.13733747

It's not as hominem when it's a fucking fact. There are plenty of resources and word from his very mouth of how he detests environmentalists.

This is ad hominem>>13733730

>> No.13733760

I’m just saying I get the impression that you think you just need to make a good memey post to make a good rebuttal rather than actually say anything. Maybe instead of doing this weird whackamole fight for your kingdom you try actually arguing left beliefs and trying to convince people to them through normal discussion without just selling people humanistic narcissism? Oh wait, you can’t do that.

>> No.13733763
File: 1.02 MB, 300x228, go away.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insults aren't insults when I agree with them!

Holy shit.
Kill yourself.

>> No.13733766

Where's the insult you absolute sperg holy shit

>> No.13733782

Claiming that what is happening is "Bolsonaro's environmental mess".
It in no way proves that Bolsonaro created a mess, or that it is his fault.
Nor does it dispute the actual facts.

>> No.13733849
File: 30 KB, 296x317, 1AD0C382-D8FE-4B6D-B2F0-A9F083A935ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Considering the imminent worldwide collapse
Never going to happen. Everyone in the ages of 16-30 believe in the ideas if disaster climate and economics, they all collectively wish to go to be and never wake up. Too bad though, because the wealthy in the world won’t let things ever get that bad, and we all know it. The world has get zero problems with anything right now. Realistically, what would be a bad case scenario is if we ever ran out of the precious natural resources to sustain our society. That doesn’t ever seem likely with the advent of economical fracking and soon asteroid mining. Our civilization is never going to end save for a catastrophic (but highly unlikely) disease outbreak like chronic wasting disease spreading from deer to humans. Just accept the fact that the world is going to chug along like it always has.

None of you can even give a good reason for this whole reality existing anyway. Why do you care that if things either stay the same or the world goes to shit? None of it matters. Really.

>> No.13733884

>Humanity has wiped out 60% of animal populations since 1970
You're deranged. Even a 10% reduction would have destroyed the ecosystem decades ago. Where do You Even get your numbers, "Mangina Illustrated, the only scientific journal made of pure S O I?"

>> No.13733894

Actually we stopped fighting emissions in 2015 and they skyrocketed even though we had curbed them for like 12 years

>> No.13733904

Based Bolsonaro.

>> No.13733908

Decades of consensus based on What exactly?

>> No.13733909

So, who is the real "conservative"? The greens/lefts that actually want to preserve nature and the structures we have now, or the "conservatives" and "rightwingers" who, through doing nothing, are heading into radical change in some decades?
Really makes you think.

>> No.13733911
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>Imminent collapse.
These events are black swans; the more likely prediction is that people will stupify to a degree unsustainable regarding the living standards and technological innovation of the western world.

Gen z is roughly as stupid as the boomers, with neuroses and pathologies constituting the majority of the behavioral map.

Any normal man can become a youtube influencer and control millions of individuals. Some will become influencers, the rest will be sheep.


>> No.13733921


>> No.13733935

>The greens/lefts that actually want to preserve nature
Do They now?
The Green party in my city fought tooth and mail against a program to build heolic generators on a barren hill nearby which would have reduced the whole city's energy expenses and reduce the city's environmental impact.
They said it was to preserve the ecosystem But It's litteraly a rock with little to no grass and trees.

>> No.13733938

>Living Planet Index
Oh wow those people are Of course unbiased and i can take their data at face value despite it being litteraly physically impossible.

>> No.13733952

>litteraly physically impossible

>> No.13733968

I counted each and every animal I know myself, and all the roaches are still in my kitchen.

>> No.13733986

The ecosistem is the definition of a complex system. How much damage can a complex system take before it loses It's emergent propierties?
If You answer anything But "less than 10% of It's state of integrity" never go to wall street

>> No.13734009

>we stopped fighting emissions
And? Winters are still cold and long as fuck, and they’ve been getting steadily colder since the solar cycle peak in 2012. It’d be a god send if global warming had any hint of truth. A warmer earth would be impossibly better for us tbqhwy familia

>> No.13734018

Why do you capitalize random words? Also you don't even read, you're just here to cry about Marxists.

>> No.13734062

Lol cope.

>> No.13734066

How so? His shit didn't even make sense.

>> No.13734067

I hope the collapse happens after my lifetime.

>> No.13734082
File: 131 KB, 950x887, quei1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your half-lie, comrade! Really showing what the party is made off!
The deal is that the media wants political instability in the country so they can put another socialist in the house, and with it, get allowance and power. Amazon is burning, like forests always burn, but in fact the fires are LOWER THAN USUAL(see the gaphic). I couldn't care less about modern politics after corporate asbsorption but yes, Bolsonaro wants SOME of the land for development and the indigenous out, like everyone even themselves. The Índio doesn't want to rot in a tent, smoke some shitty herb with a fucky hangover all day then fish for dinner, he want a TV, a car and smoke some fine cigarettes like a normal human, he wants to be one of us, but the ONGs brainwash them to keep living like shit so they gan get índiobux on them, the Índio is a human, not a pet to keep fed and safe. An the forest consumes the same oxygen it produces so the whole "Earth's Lung" shit is a lie by the globalist media and some french faggots who should look over the muslims muggling and raping in thier country. A AMAZÔNIA É NOSSA! SELVA!

>> No.13734094

I dont see you arguing against it in any way except by pointing out irrelevant shit like words capitalized at random.
I don't know where you live But where I'm from this is cope, a reaction such as to not having to admit that you have no argument.
This is common from environmentalists.
Seethe more.

>> No.13734096
File: 96 KB, 570x743, Catastrophe Ur-Myth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book should be at your level anon.

>> No.13734101

I knew it without even needing to see the data. Leftists are fucking monotonous and completely prevedible in each and every one of their actions and thoughts.

>> No.13734121
File: 35 KB, 366x499, 51gMilMWxhL._SX364_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book should be at your level anon.

>> No.13734202
File: 84 KB, 1024x717, 1552154087061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You anons like graphs? I have a graph I need explained.

>> No.13734254

The Ant and The Grasshopper is about economics. The seasons represent the cyclical nature of the economy.
Not climate.

>> No.13734286

What is it that you don't understand of this graph? It's pretty self explanatory.

>> No.13734516

Well right. But none of that is new. Those pictures are from Wikipedia. If it is this obvious why do people keep saying otherwise?

>> No.13734537
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They don't actually care about the environment they care about ruling a world in their image.

>> No.13734803

Dunno, man. Go after the forecasts. There are studies regarding what scientists, according to certain evidence, believe will be the world's surface in the coming decades. I've read that places like Florida, the coast of Rio de Janeiro and of Greenland will probably be underwater before the end of the century.

>> No.13734951

Yes, the Amazon Forest is ours, but you're missing the point. There are many Europeans interested in taking it away from us, as there are north Americans. And we should protect it.

But we shouldn't protect it from them and destroy it ourselves! Of course many parties are interested in the Amazon, mainly because of the astonishing biodiversity within it. This is not a reason to destroy it, but to preserve it! If we want to benefit from the jungle, we cannot destroy it!

Furthermore, the fires are not in an ATH, but consider that these graphs all show year-long deforestation, and we're just past the midpoint of the year. The months to come are those with the highest rates of forest fires. And add to that that we now have LESS forest to burn, but we are still burning at the same pace.

There are lies from both sides. The leftists want to make it look like a huge deal, while the right wingers want to make it seem like it's nothing. It IS something.

>> No.13735008

This is retarded, but wanting to preserve the environment shouldn't be a privilege of the left. We're all on the same boat, you know.

>the rich will save us
Sure thing, keep believing that goy.
>we don't know what reality is, so we shouldn't care
You're like the macrocosmic version of Cancer.

He didn't create it, but he did encourage it. The ruler never does any thing. It is the order-followers who, acting like sheep, devoid themselves of responsibility as it was the leader who came up with the idea. It is the order-following sheep who carry it out, though.

Yes. Look it up. It has been so for three weeks. There are many denialists, but looking the other way doesn't change facts.

So the thread is only good if everyone agrees with you? Do you want a safe space too? Faggot.

>> No.13735029


>> No.13735054

Is it from some game?

>> No.13735088

can someone explain this meme

>> No.13735114
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>> No.13735134

I don't know the speciphics of how they plan to make some areas in the amazon useful and i couldn't care less. The forest is huge, Nature won't mind cutting down some trees to build roofs our heads, the only logging companies that overcut are the illegal ones and the allowed ones(see the logging company of the "ABIENTALIST" Marina Silva, what they did in Acre, all she did to regulate the cutting was in her own benefit, like all her kin.
>There are lies from both sides. The leftists want to make it look like a huge deal, while the right wingers want to make it seem like it's nothing. It IS something.
i have never see such an outdated coment on the political affairs in my life, are you +80? There ain't no right, the Corporations OWN the state, DIRECTLY. The Panne et Circus they show is that the UN, the Global Estate, is trying to control our very lives and the other side the corporations are trying to sell us our own air. Bullshit, they are all in one, the corps., the estate, the ONGs, the UN, Bolsonaro, Macron, Trump, Kim, The Fabian Society, the Freemasons, Rochild, Rockefelleers, Morgans, the banks every system, every superstructure, every "legal" authority.
May God have mercy on our souls.
Ok, comrade, now GTFO before i remind the Party that they kill homosexuals and retards like you.

>> No.13735220

Olavo de Carvalho much?

>> No.13735241

Fuck you and fuck that CIA hack.

>> No.13735370

At least you're aware that he's shit.

>> No.13735724

Do you realize that this graphic is comparing the eight months of 2019 with full years?
Also, it was not bolsonaro who fired a guy from the institute responsible for monitoring deforestation in the amazon forest because he doesnt like the results?

>> No.13736324

>Do you realize that this graphic is comparing the eight months of 2019 with full years?
Yes,i know, thank you for noticing. It shows that the whole bustle the media and first-worlders with little to do in the consumer society is making isn't out of worry for the cute little monkeys whose trees burned down. It is to create even more unrest in my country, so the corporations and local opoosition parties can profit out of it togheter.
>Also, it was not bolsonaro who-
I don't know about the matter, i didn't search about it nor do i want and i couldn't care less about the political gaem. What Bolsonaro does it's his problem, even if it's with my stolen money. I don't trust the estate, not because "Bolovo" is the president. I don't trust the estate because it is the fucking estate, and the estate is in engaged in an everlasting war against the population, no matter how many trees burn.
What i am defending is that there are people producing false facts to excuse harming my society and, in the grand scheme of things, your twitter discussions and celebriteies posting about in not even knowing if amazon is in Brazil or Argentina is not only validating this harm, but is fucking with the mental of our society, creating a cognitive dissociation from what is real to the fabrication. Fuck you first-worlders, stop trusting big media, stop trusting corps., stop trusting the estate. You NAIVE midwits cannot have an objective point of viem on third-world current affairs by retweeting some whore painted with giraffes and burning trees.
Hope i answered all your questions, have a good night >:)

>> No.13736361

The last good C&C

>> No.13738125

If life gets really bad, I'll just kill myself.

If it doesn't, I won't.

Simple as that.

>> No.13738237
File: 29 KB, 400x400, dc567y2-c5236632-994d-471b-9436-754e288f1f13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's just say every humans die.
Will the world get colder or warmer ?

>> No.13738271

Why do you need the Gold Standard?
Hitler and Schacht fixed Germany's economy with 0 oz of gold.

>> No.13738449

>This is retarded, but wanting to preserve the environment shouldn't be a privilege of the left. We're all on the same boat, you know.
The only privilege of the left is being able to use the Pretension of caring about the environment for political capital.