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/lit/ - Literature

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13727722 No.13727722 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a thread on contemporary literature, i.e. works of lit that best exemplify and touch on what living in the 21st century, in the "post-end of history" world, is like. Pic related.

>> No.13727782

On the Edge by Rafael Chirbes is probably my favorite contemp work. A Little Life by Yanigahara is the biggest mindfuck. Ishiguro is my favorite insofar as consistancy.

>> No.13727812

>2000 years of writing that has been studied and lauded in universities and general society and culture for centuries

>Willfully choosing to read anything released in the last 30 years

>> No.13727833

I happen to live in those last 30 years, brainlet.

>> No.13727949

t. coward who only reads off lists

>> No.13727979

just wtf is "burger punk"? Jonathan Fagzen's The Corrections??

>> No.13727986

>reading off a list of the best literature ever written

Yeah, terrible idea fren

>> No.13727999

The absolute state of /lit/.

>> No.13728026

>I-i have to have gatekeepers


>> No.13728076

>I don't have due respect for authority and tradition


>> No.13728093

>literary reviewers and professors

such a fucking pleb its embarrassing. I guess you can revel in being a follower and not experiencing others lives through literature. "please mommy tell me what i should read!"

>> No.13728101

>entry level trip


>> No.13728169
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A meme we made up a few weeks ago. Cyberpunk, steampunk, sandalpunk and now burgerpunk. An postironic appreciation of late capitalism, typically set in the era of post-soviet american hyperpower but before the economic collapse of 2008.

>> No.13728176

My diary tbh_.

>> No.13728181

Choke on a cock then set yourself on fire tripfaggot.

>> No.13728186

Cool but where is Animal Money?? Should be put instead of Jonathan Fagzen's The Corrections

>> No.13728257

I didn't make any of these charts, or read any of the books, or am even OP. I was in the burgerpunk threads though, because it was funny.

>> No.13728271

The only author to produce quality work in the past 10 years is Knausgaard

>> No.13729905

Nice Japanese author in there. More Burgerpunk threads please.

>> No.13730093
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Burgerpunk isn't strictly American. But also, >>13728257

Here is the archive of the first of six threads before it burned out. >>/lit/thread/S13274166#p13274166

>> No.13731061
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>No The Art of the Deal

>> No.13731070

I thought this was a modern lit thread not some ''burgerpunk'' bullshit.

>> No.13731081

>Implying there is much difference

>> No.13731084

Can someone post the original image without the books?

>> No.13731665
File: 192 KB, 1150x720, ShrekYikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/his/ guide

>> No.13732119
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Eh, I wanted something American.

Hey i do have a picrel

>> No.13732343

I'd like to see /lit/ make better versions of their lists.

>> No.13732459

This thread reeks of /mu/faggotry, i.e. >i consume obscure memeshit, means I think for myself

>> No.13732469

By “contemporary” I assume you mean “from the last two hundred years.” Hawthorne may be the best, then Faulkner. Hemingway is usually a wonderful read, especially Islands in the Stream and For Whom the Bell Tolls—that is to say, the grandly suicidal narratives. Tadeusz Konwicki’s A Dreambook for Our Time is beautiful. I also love everything I’ve read by Mir Lagerkvist, Sigrid Undset’s trilogy Kristin Lavransdatter. Multatuli’s Max Havalaar, or the Coffee Auctions of the Dutch Trading Company, Kundera’s Laughable Loves, Andrea Freud Lowenstein’s This Place (which deserves more recognition than it has received), Jane Smiley’s The Greenlanders (which I had the wonderful experience of finding and reading a few months after completing my own book about Greenlanders, The Ice-Shirt). Evans and Agee’s Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, Farley Mowat’s The People of the Deer, the first three books of Mishima’s Sea of Fertility tetralogy (how could I have forgotten that?), random bits of Proust, Zola’s L’Assommoir. Shusaku Endo’s The Samurai, the first two books of Mervyn Peake’s Gormenghast trilogy, William Hope Hodgson’s The Night Land, Poe’s stories about love, everything by Malraux (especially his Anti-Memoirs), Nabokov’s Glory and Transparent Things and Ada, Melville’s Pierre, Thomas Bernhard’s Correction, David Lindsay’s Voyage to Acturus, Philip K. Dick’s A Scanner Darkly, a few of Boll’s short novels (Wo warst du, Adam? and The Train Was on Time), Elsa Morante’s History: A Novel, Maria Dermout’s The Ten Thousand Things, Walter M. Miller’s A Canticle for Leibowitz, James Blish’s Cities in Flight tetralogy (which is just plane fun); the first three volumes of Lawrence Durrell’s Alexandria Quartet, and I don’t know what all. There’s lots more. I am sorry not to be able to put down less contemporary things such as Tale of Genji, which is one of my all-time favorites.

>> No.13733341

I had forgotten this was Vollmeme.
>Mir Lagerkvist
so like, Barabbas In Space?

>> No.13734446
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>> No.13734608

When the US is nothing more than a bunch of different ethnic principalities, what few assimilated people are left will look fondly at this time known as "burgerpunk"

>> No.13735504

A Little Life was absolute garbage

>> No.13735566

The Vegetarian by Han Kang

>> No.13735591
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Moldbug's patchwork doesn't sound to bad desu.