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/lit/ - Literature

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13722721 No.13722721 [Reply] [Original]

Who do you write for /lit/?

>> No.13722746

Literally so I don't kill myself

The vast majority of what I write is just quotations from other people's work and my response to it (whether I agree or disagree). The rest is really bad poetry. I will never publish any of it but If i didn't write it I would blow my head off because keeping it inside makes me feel insane

>> No.13722749

the world

>> No.13722754

People with the same fetish as me.

>> No.13722969

so after im dead people can know who i was.

>> No.13722979

Currently, an insurance company that needs to document their internal APIs
It’s only a short contract though

>> No.13722981
File: 118 KB, 1265x890, 1549364430276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Myself and anyone who cares to read my work. Also for the reasons listed by >>13722746 and >>13722754

>> No.13723015

My future wife. My only hope of ever finding a faithful woman is to become a niche but respected novelist such that one of my most obsessive readers will eventually track me down to my place of residence and jump my bones.

>> No.13723020

I try to contribute to truth.

>> No.13723026

for anons, to make them laugh.

>> No.13723031
File: 27 KB, 480x240, 54f6004e86561_-_01-women-book-club-lgn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the ladies; am I right, fellas?

>> No.13723032
File: 75 KB, 1024x683, Descent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My descendents, as my ancestors have done for generations. Mostly it is just regular thoughts and lives, though the story of my great... great grandfather who saw the Lincoln assassination was exciting.

>> No.13723114

>my great... great grandfather who saw the Lincoln assassination was exciting.
did his leg heal?

>> No.13723118


>> No.13723123

Haha just kidding. I don’t write.

>> No.13723159


>> No.13723196
File: 251 KB, 858x952, A2397E41-EC92-4DD3-A5EE-6E7E097024B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true tru’th!

>> No.13723240
File: 30 KB, 600x582, 1553526777269.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ggrandfather suffered nor saw any broken leg. But then he was in the union army.

>> No.13724095

Nobody, not even myself. I don't even know why I write.

>> No.13724113
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, skeleton chorus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to save the creepypasta community from anime-fangirls and give big spooks to the people.

>> No.13724256

Same, but I started a diary for that two years ago (not joking). Contains pieces of short stories, memories, fee fees, poetry, random thoughts and book/movie reviews. Some notes are just a sentence while others could as well be a short story of 5-10 pages.

>> No.13725140

absolutely based. the hero we need, but don't deserve

>> No.13725268

Beautiful post.

>> No.13725605

Because it's literally my job
t. copywriter

>> No.13725612

For the nigga that calls himself GOD

>> No.13727861

Keep writing anon ;)

>> No.13727878

Mostly this one guy in Serbia who reads almost everything I write, but there are a handful of other guys relatively spread out across the world who also check in regularly to see what I'm up to

>> No.13728046

Im trying to write for various reasons that developed at different stages of my life
The oldest and most common one amongst everyone that has a hobby is that I wanted to create something that I enjoyed consuming, be it books, movies, paintings, etc.
But I didn't have anything worth writing about
Then I started writing stuff just for the fuck of it, not trying to uphold myself to any standard, just grinding out the papers
And then, when I started to see things I really didn't like about the world I set to write stories pointing them out
The problem with the last reason is that I'm too scared to have my opinions out there. I'm scared I'm gonna end up making a fool of myself, that I'm gonna write something to be intellectually discarded as quick as an alrtright youtuber book, something that only magapedes would care to buy, not read, just buy, to virtue signal
At one point I should stop caring about that and get to writing, just so I can know if I'm worth the ink on the paper, but as of now I can't bring myself to it

>> No.13728136

have to. it’s the most effective, and perhaps only, medium i can take to to sublimate the contradictory anguish of my existence.

>> No.13729099

me mum

>> No.13730382

How do I write?

>> No.13730442

Nervous system(S).