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13721575 No.13721575 [Reply] [Original]

*destroys the Western civilization*

>> No.13721583
File: 328 KB, 572x572, Dutch_van_der_Linde_-_Redemption_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing civil about civilization.

>> No.13721589

Why is Whitehead there

>> No.13721594

Guy in the middle on the top looks a lot like stefan molyneux

>> No.13721596

*destroys butterflys sexuality with my dick*

I can't wait for her to completely swallow my dick and tongue my balls all day. I just feel like she would do it. :3

>> No.13721601

A bunch of retards that nobody reads destroyed Western civilization?

Or was it the resulting hedonism of capitalist abundance?

>> No.13721602

He is named Sartre

>> No.13721614

She is grinning at my post. The sheer absurdity of it most likely :3

But who knows she might have something in mind

>> No.13721627


>> No.13721633

wat did he mean by this :?

>> No.13721641

Baudrillard was actually based and known for his transphobic views.

>> No.13721646

Very funny, good comedy.

>> No.13721709

Who the hell are these old faggots? I swear all white people look the same. I recognize foucault, marx, derrida but that's it.

>> No.13721723

ok also identified baudrillard, adorno, benjamin.
spoonfeed me the last three, homos.

>> No.13721728

wait, whitehead? the fuck is he doing with the rest of these?
still need two more.

>> No.13721736

Stop talking to yourself

>> No.13721738

top: deleuze, whitehead, foucault
middle: santa claus, adorno, benjamin
bottom: derrida, baudrillard, debord

>> No.13721750

ok i'm a faggot for not knowing what deleuze looked like. never would have gotten debord though. why isn't guattari on there?

make me.

>> No.13721782
File: 8 KB, 258x195, AVT_Felix-Guattari_784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why isn't guattari on there?
it's cheating to put them both in a 3x3. also because he may in fact have been Joaquin Phoenix all along

>> No.13721791

I fail to see how these thinkers “destroyed” Western civilization. On the contrary, they seem to be very much embodiments of that civilization.

>> No.13721796

>A bunch of retards that nobody reads destroyed Western civilization?
>Or was it the resulting hedonism of capitalist abundance?
I blame liberalism (not in the American sense)

>> No.13721804

Society Must Be Defended

>> No.13721813

Reminder that marxism is still a deeply eurocentric ideology.

marxism is just an escape hatch for white guys who are a little too smart to be open all out nazis but really want to avoid a serious moral confrontation with their whiteness.

>> No.13722171

at first I misread that as "Defunded", which I think I like better.

>but really want to avoid a serious moral confrontation with their whiteness.
whoa, explosive take there. what ideology do you prescribe to remedy this?
there are plenty of Black marxists by the way.

>> No.13722194

it's not about ideology, it's about empathy, moral courage and radical honesty. The attempt to reduce racism to economics is not only wrong but also deeply offensive.

>> No.13722200

Society Must Be Defended is also a great book that compiles a series of Foucault lectures.

>> No.13722203

>analyzing societies self-destruction == destroying it
okay peepeeson

>> No.13722240

this. brainlets don’t understand that critical philosophy is quintessentially western. it’s not the end-all be-all, you also need a constructive philosophy, but it also serves an important role

>> No.13722282

also philosophy is sterile and can't destroy shit

>> No.13722297
File: 186 KB, 620x350, 8A4EB1CE-D122-4AC6-AAF9-F401742AB5ED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure bout that?

>> No.13722364

they're more symptoms than causes desu

>> No.13722438

i'd say existentialism, obsession with capitalism as an abstraction can be and often is a means of running of one's ontological whiteness, which is always already implicated in the oppression of black and brown bodies. Can mere economic change heal what are really metaphysical and ontological wounds? Black and Brown people(and queer people) are less likely to advocate for this sort of naive utopian universalism, specially when universalism and humanism have been so often used to dehumanise them. Marxism is colonialist in it's universalist and developmental model, why should white marxist academics know more than indigenous people?

>> No.13722462

existentialism is just angry white guy navel gazing, we /afropessimism/ now.

>> No.13722468

Is afropessism relevant to people that aren't African? Is it like a geographical thing, like Continental philosophy?

Recc. me afro pessimists.

>> No.13722472

well why don’t you afrokillyourself then

>> No.13722494

Is "whiteness" just a meme word for imperialism?

>> No.13722502


>> No.13722509

They were all more intelligent and interesting than you

>> No.13722523

the call to seize the means of production still opperates fully within the framework of production, which is the framework of capitalism and european settler colonialism. It is far more radical to advocate for the full restitution of all stolen land to native sovereignty.

>> No.13722535

It is more radical still to return all stolen land to nature and exterminate humanity as a whole.

>> No.13722541

It means alleles supporting individualism.

>> No.13722546

A position so radical it is entirely politically impotent is, in fact, not so radical at all anon.

>> No.13722610

imperialism and capitalism are mere symptoms of whiteness, it's not the other way around

>> No.13722626

What a great man, shame he lost.

>> No.13722645

i think this is ultimately the problem with marxists, they want to reduce everything to capitalism, as if that absolves them of their complicity

>> No.13722660

this is so fucked i cant even be pissed about it

>> No.13722732

it's whiteness that is fucked and you'd better be pissed off at whiteness.

>> No.13722786

define whiteness

>> No.13722829

the ontological condition of being benefited, -economically, psychologically, or existentially- from the structures of white supremacy, among them capitalism, patriarchy and imperialism. Your anticapitalism is meaningless if it is not coupled with a thorough comittment to decolonisation

>> No.13722850

antiwhiteness is an astroturfed dysgenics program.

>> No.13722862

Spotted the black incels. Enjoy your ghettos.

Also have sex (without getting herpes).

>> No.13722890
File: 124 KB, 886x661, D85f4qrXoAAoyVm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is definitely a problem with ''leftists'' who complain about ''political correctness'' and generally ape cultural right wing ideas which points to a flaw in all purely materialist thought. If anything we need more ''political correctness'' not less. It is not the revolution's work to comfort the privileged, the revolution is transgressive and breaks down the patterns of normalcy. As the maoists say, we need to bombard the reactionary headquarters by adopting always the most confrontational position not only in economics but in social and cultural matters. Anything else is capitulation in the face of atrocity.

>> No.13722903

dont you mean eastern?

>> No.13722907

cry more pussy

>> No.13722919

Whiny condescension reinforces self-interest

>> No.13722927

I'd rather promote oligarchy out of spite

>> No.13722929

funny because the original PC brigade found inspiration in Mao's little book too. He wrote "not to have a correct political point of view is like having no soul"

>> No.13722990

if being asked to comply to a minimum fucking standard of human decency is enough to make you into a nazi, then you were probably a shitty person to begin with and we shouldn't risk having you around anyways.

>> No.13722996

modernists destroyed the western civilization
postmodernists did a good riddance with them so they are semi based

>> No.13723010

>PC is just the minimum fucking standard of human decency
then explain its creepy cult-like mind control aspects

>> No.13723034

you are simply not used to feeling uncomfortable. the discomfort you feel at ''pc culture'' is not even one millionth of what marginalised people go through every instant of their conscious existence.

>> No.13723063
File: 27 KB, 320x258, zh10xncpnq831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is being nice to other people creepy? to queer folks disabled folks or people of color ''political correctness'' means there is finally an expectation that they have to be considered as actual human beings.

>> No.13723072

>they want to reduce everything to capitalism,
to the mode of production and reproduction of material reality you absolute doof, pointing out that its capitalism right now isn't reductive.

>> No.13723075

Can't tell if troll but your insane hyperbole speaks to your lack of genuine empathy. PC is a kingdom of lies as evidenced by its chief exponents presenting as high empaths when they're usually quite reptillian opportunists with a childish at best understanding of other people.

>> No.13723081

Its not his fault you cant tell the difference between not being a dick and liberal propaganda to sell you rainbow hats.

>> No.13723104

and besides, it is our duty as communists to defend progressive bourgeoisie culture against fascism and to support all movements of liberation taking a bold stand against all oppressive and established hierarchies. Instead of cynically complaining about ''woke capitalism''and playing along with reactionary propaganda we should be the ones exposing capitalism as not woke enough we should be the ones taking every chance to demand more justice in every aspect of our lives, from work, to school, to personal relationships. the personal is political and the political is personal.

>> No.13723108

Microaggressions is one example. Constantly monitoring others for the tiniest perceived slight is a way of breaking them down psychologically. You're either an all in cultist or a troll so my breath is wasted on this crash course on why it's a cult.

>> No.13723115

you got it exactly backwards displaying an astonishing sense of entitlement and a total lack of self awareness, microaggressions are very real and have an empirically demonstrable impact on marginalised people, who believe me, are used to being 'constantly monitored', and who have withstood more than you without even coming close to breaking down psychologically.

>> No.13723133

>empirically demonstrable
Your depiction of pre-PC society as this totalitarian dungeon is ahistorical bullshit. And I find your rhetoric around entitlement is simple projection in many cases.

>> No.13723276

What’d Baudrillard ever do?

>> No.13723278

Stefan Molyneux is a postmodern neomarxist?

>> No.13723282

What’s your race, sex, and socioeconomic background?

>> No.13723381

how dare you derail this GREAT thread anon?
please be more graphic

>> No.13723393
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>> No.13723416

As a white guy, I believe society isn't nearly hard enough on us white guys as it should be. And I grew up in a struggling household with a working single mother, I got ahead in great part due to my privilege and that is why I feel a commitment a pledge and a responsibility to use that privilege for good.

>> No.13723463

Lmao, got baited, I’m a goober.

>> No.13723507

i blame our selvs

>> No.13723517

Those people *are* western civilization. What will destroy western civilization will be the upcoming Joint-dictatorship of the proletariat of oppressed nations.

>> No.13723525

so thats why all the edgy 14 year olds are maost and Marxists, they basically say just be an asshole and try to be different to subvert progression.

>> No.13723621

you mean Stefan Molyneux?

>> No.13723654

I see what you're saying but I struggle to accept that literally any good will come from whites embracing existentialism of all things
see>>13722462 which I really fuck with, personally.

>see, the problem with genocide was that they didn't kill everybody
yikes, anon. maybe lead by example and swallow a cabinet full of pills to start us off.

>> No.13723660

it really wouldnt be 'dysgenics' if people like yourselves got killed off, now would it

>> No.13723669

shaun is so based.

>> No.13723674

what a dangerously immature pile of garbage.

>> No.13723681

you're palpably uncomfortable at getting called out because you know that other anon was right in doing so.
entitled as fuck and you can't even realize.

>> No.13723689

And that's a good thing

>> No.13723717
File: 21 KB, 400x272, 6000481913_db992a2703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You busybody cunts simply must come and ruin the last sanctuary away from you. You'll never stop will you?

>> No.13723825

the ''white working class'' does not exist under global white supremacy.

>> No.13723831

It's funny becuase neither are these people white, nor they wanted to harm any civilization

>> No.13723846

to be moral is to go against your self interest.Thsi is why pure economism will always fail as an analysis and willl always enable white supremacy. Real change requires a moral reckoning and a never ending process of personal growth.

>> No.13724371

This is a bit, right

>> No.13724437

I dont understand leftiststs, its easier to regard them as outright enemies with which no dialogue is really possible, they have nothing to offer me except taking away my freedom and its not like they can reward or punish me in the afterlife.

>> No.13724439

>You'll never stop will you?
They explicitly say itt that they won't.
They'll continue until the last nice thing is torn down and the queer brown-ish communism has become utterly hegemonic over the entire globe.

>> No.13724481

>This Christmas carol is too brutal for me to handle!
>That painting is fucking metal!
>These gardens are the gateways to hell
Only a sith deals in absolutes.

>> No.13724570

What if there is no difference?

>> No.13724578

This is not about self interest, under a just world order you'd be objectively worse off but it is still the moral thing to support

>> No.13724641
File: 152 KB, 640x480, 1480457608170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be "Western civilization"
>gets destroyed by some nerds with pen and paper


>> No.13724649

>Why yes I do drugs and kill turning police with k-tactics, how did you know?

>> No.13724689

>justice is when your self-interest is morally bad and mine is morally good
lol ok see you in the corporate cyberpunk dystopia if we're really gonna poison the well on collectivism like this. Protip, I'll still be a Nazi there

>> No.13724696

Stop being a pants-on-head mentally challenged retard.

>> No.13724698

>corporate cyberpunk dystopia
Stop reading comics for 12 year olds.

>> No.13724713

>Shaun and Jen
An intellectual titan

>> No.13725037

Look out your window

>> No.13725057

Cuckservatives are specialists at inverting cause and effects.
For them, the world is only ideology, never materialistic conditions.
No wonder they can't see clearly at all.

Their complicity of what exactly?

>> No.13725085


>> No.13725234

>not a picture of capitalism
>*destroys the Western civilization*
cringe and bluepilled

>> No.13725895

God bless them all.